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The Magic Council

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The Magic Council Empty Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:24 pm


The Magic Council

Description: The Magic Council is a unique neutral organization that was formed by the joint efforts of the countries spread across the continent of Ishgar in order to combat the magical crimes and catastrophes that ran rampant in the past: Devastating Guild wars, attacks from intercontinental, or even extradimensional enemies.

The Magic Council consists of powerful and influential individuals from all over the continent representing the different Countries. The Council is responsible for managing the various Guilds, Mages, and Adventurers spread throughout the continent as well as minimizing the magical threats. They're the highest authority on Magic for every member country, and it's said that the color white will become black the moment the Council says it is black.

Politics: Branches of The Council have been established in each of the countries where representatives of the council work alongside the various governments. The Council distributes quests and bounties among the Legal, Neutral, and Independent guilds through their various branches and outposts.

Bounties issued by the Magic Council are valid in every member country, and their holders can be arrested and extradited to their home country for trial. Among their other responsibilities, the magic council also manages the various dangerous artifacts and ruins spread across the continent in order to prevent catastrophic incidents related to magic.

At times, The Council even fulfills the role of mediator between the various countries: Should a war break out between any of the Countries, The Council’s role during that situation is minimizing the damages done by magical warfare and preventing the activation of any weapons of mass destruction. If the scope of a war or the threat to the general population exceeds a certain level, the Rune Knights would be deployed as peacekeepers in order to bring an end to the conflict.

Location: The Magic Council is Headquartered in Era, close to the Capital of Fiore, with branch councils near the decision making centers of every country, and Rune Knight bases scattered across every member country. Spread out across most of the country of Ishgar, it includes Fiore, Bosco, Minstrel, Caelum, Seven, Iceberg, Joya, Bellum, Sin, Desierto and Perengrande Kingdom, with various degrees of integration.

The Council's Headquarters in Fiore is often a point of contention between nations, but the council has long proved its impartial standing. That said, it has a strong investment in the stability of Fiore, as any threat to this country will invariably threaten its own Headquarters.

Military: The Rune Knights are the exclusive military force of the council stationed throughout the continent. They execute the direct orders of The Magic Council, and fill the gaps left by the guilds spread throughout the continent. While their exact dynamic and responsibilities vary from country to country, the ranks among the Rune Knights are equal regardless of branch.

The Magic Council has multiple weapons of mass destruction at its disposal, starting with the Etherion Cannon (Stolen by Grimoire Heart and later destroyed by Icarus in a suicide attack against the demonic invasions), and even bombs said to be capable of killing only mages. They use these weapons as a deterrent against stronger magical-using world powers or Dark Guilds who grow too powerful to be suppressed.


  • The Chairman: The Chairman of the Magic Council is the de facto leader of the Organization. They're elected by the members of the High Council with votes from the different Branch Councils. Despite this authority, their main role is to act as a tiebreaker in situations where a swift, unanimous decision proves impossible to reach.

  • The High Council: The High Council is formed of the various representatives from each country and superpower throughout Ishgar. Each member can be described as influential and powerful leaders who convene regularly to discuss and report on the state of the world in an effort to maintain the balance. The High Council consists of twenty one individuals, who make frequent use of Thought Projection Magic to appear in multiple places at once.

  • The Branch Council: A Branch Council is formed in each country or superpower that generally manages the less significant disturbances. The Branch Council works closely with the governing force of each country in order to ensure the peace and safety of the populace. They are managed directly by the representative(s) of The High Council and serve as a sub-council regarding decisions that don’t exceed a certain scale. The Branch Council consists of seven members with their leader and tiebreaker being a member of The High Council.

  • Agents: Agents of The Magic Council are Mages and Adventurers who are uniquely skilled or powerful. They attempt to uncover new ruins, investigate magical crimes, apprehend exceptionally powerful criminals, hunt dangerous magical beasts, etc. There are Agents exclusive to both The High Council and the various Branch Councils with their own unique hierarchy and purposes.

  • Rune Knights: The Rune Knights are the formal military of The Magic Council spread throughout the continent between the various branches and outposts. They primarily deal with magical crimes and incidents, but can also be seen assisting with the general safety and protection of the populace. In order to ensure the neutral nature of the Rune Knights, members are generally deployed to different countries when possible in order to avoid any bias among the members. The Knights are frequently recruited from Guards and officers from their respective countries, and though they answer to the Council first and foremost, they also have their own position in that country's chain of command.

  • Light Guilds: Though not technically a part of the Magic Council in the truest sense of the word, they are expected to join forces with the Rune Knights when called to action, to help defend Earthland and their country from dire threats, even if they are rarely obligated to do so. To be considered a Light Guild, they must be sanctioned as such by the magic council, and allowed to operate as such by the ruler of that country.

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