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Body Gatherer [Q]

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Body Gatherer [Q] Empty Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:39 pm

Nuala was out on a nightly stroll. Today was rather special, as the demon had been sent out on a mission by a rather strange individual. During one of her visits at a bar that was much different from all the other locations she had been to this week, Nuala had met Auron. Auron was a scientist, who very much enjoyed experimenting with and on all sorts of things – including people. Nuala wasn’t at all interested in science, but the madman had a few interesting stories to tell, and a lot of gold to spent apparently, as he immediately requested her assistance after he found out what she was doing. A recent experiment that he was planning on doing required human specimen to be a part of it, but he himself wasn’t able of committing such a crime. Well, Auron was certainly capable of comitting all sorts of crimes, but he wasn’t very physically capable, if you know what I mean. Because of this, he had hired Nuala to do the dirty work and she was happy to help! In fact, this was sort of for herself as well as the weapon she had been carrying for some time now demanded victims.



Body Gatherer [Q] Empty Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:40 pm

Jack’s Ripper was unlike any other she had ever wielded and it was almost as if the dagger’s influence on her became overwhelming at times. And because of this, she now found herself out in the middle of the night, stalking poor, innocent victims that didn’t expect to die tonight, but were completely defenseless. The night stalker simply couldn’t help herself, this was just perfect for her. She slit the throat of one young woman, and one middle aged man. The middle aged man wasn’t on the menue, since he was a lonesome rune knight who had come her way as she was dragging the female corpse along, but he too was quickly taken care of and Nuala carried their bodies into the laboratory of auron, who was thrilled to have not one, but two specimen to work with. She helped him place both bodies on his tables in his little lab and then decided that she didn’t want to be here for what was going to happen next. Auron rewarded her properly, quick and easy money for two quick and easy kills, and Nuala went on her merry way after this. Who knows, maybe those two would work together again in the future.


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