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A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.)

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A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:20 am


Kaito watched as her summons seemed to be doing good at blocking and it seemed that Averie was indeed enjoying herself then he sees her get hit and seem to remember that she needed to move them to block with them, then he sees her do something he had not expected and she her self bent over and made a snowball her self and threw it at him.

Kaito thought about dodging the snowball and making a joke about it, but instead he takes the hit from the snowball then falls backwards holding the spot of where she had hit him with it and he makes a snow angel then fakes to be dead.

Revy just blinks as she was unsure how to handle this or even where to start with it as this was all so strange to her to see. "So do you feel like this is helping you to better understand how to handle your summons miss Averie?" Revy asked cause she had no other ideas on what to say or do in that moment.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Dec 23, 2022 5:42 pm

Something about it did feel nice, Even if Averie knew she was not that strong with throwing things. It showed something maybe Averie was unsure if something could happen. Even if she was not going to remark about it at this time."It does, I seems the alterations where pretty simple...not that I am ever expecting anyone else to ever learn this trade..."She mention about sluggish about it after making sure it was known she had learned what she needed too.

But she should not really need to do much else but remember how to do what she just did."I will just need to record the changes in my notebooks later to study." After all in theory it is just changing a few words around and keepy a few details added into it just to make sure.

"Then I will just simply store that info until I need recall for when it is needed."
That was her plan anyway, could easily change.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:06 pm


Hearing them talking Kaito kips up to his feet being finished playing dead on the ground and he looks around and he sees people staring at him and he wonders what he had done wrong or if he had some how offended them but they moved on after he had stopped looking at them and back to Averie. "How is the cloak holding up? It keep you warm and protected from the cold like it should?" He walked closer to Averie to make sure that she was unharmed and that he hadn't over done it and harmed her in the mix up of them throwing snow at the other.

Kaito thinks he might of taken a bit of a bad bump when he did the fake dying on the ground when he fell back in the snow. His back feels a bit stiff and he wonders if maybe he is just going old and that he needs to be more careful of how he does these things and what he needed to make sure that he kept himself in better shape if his body is aching like that. He gently patted Averie's head.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:43 pm

It might just be Averie and how she thought of things, even if everyone had been staring, herself being some what guilty about it with a bit of a smile on her face. It was silly yes but she enjoyed they silliness over all. It brought some of a relaxing thoughts with her mind about the situation around them, It was nice to realize that these things could be normal when it almost seemed different in a wonderful world of fiction."Yes it seems to be working fine." Averie even in a test of good measure dropped into the snow herself and made a snow angel to just kind of show how it worked.

Then got up herself and spun around as if nothing else had feel been affecting her."See all good."Weather or not this was a good thing or not she did not know it was just how she chose to show it in expression at this time.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 2:05 pm


"Good to see that you are in the good spirits now. Anything else you would like to do like maybe a round two of warm drinks to make sure that your soul is also filled with warmth as well as happiness?" He looked at her with a smile. He wonders if she is really okay or not as she seemed almost a completely different person than the woman he had seen before maybe something had happened to her that made her change but Kaito has no idea what that could have been.

Revy looked up at Kaito and she points at him. "If she wants a second round of warm drinks I am going to have what I had the first time please remember that." Kaito laughs softly at Revy demanding that she get another hot cocoa with a peppermint stick and whipped cream as they had got when they had first come here before trying the apple tea that Averie had got them and he wonders if Revy is okay or not as lately she had been acting off.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:19 pm

The world and it's ever changing ways showed Averie in some manner she would be okay, or upon reflection she was setting out to see if she could manage things a bit better."I would not say no to a second round of warm things to drink."She mentioned because it was just maybe the kind of a thing she still wanted to do."I may personally just something different, unsure in which what it will be however."She also admitted because Averie seemed to be exploring things she might not be sure what exactly that would be in the end so thus she was at the point she was at."But I am sure I can figure out when I get there."That was unintentionally a lie. She would entirely forget to think up of something she wanted.

But even then she seemed no matter what, happy and okay."At least there will be one of us who knows what they want in the end."Averie's mood to seem to not have changed at least badly."But since I have little experiences with Exceeds, I did have to wonder what things you prefer at times."Averie was taking a fair amount of things as lessons as she went on with her life.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:20 pm


Kaito nods and he gently takes Averie's hand and he walks back in with her and to a table and he pulls out the chair for her so she can sit and he released her hand and took his own seat and helps Revy up into her seat and he re-asked for menus so that he and Averie could look back over the menu and see if there was something else on the menu that he and her could try and see if they like or if it was just going to be them reordering what they had ordered before. "Anything jumping out at you Averie that you would like to try?" He looked up at her and he wondered if she was okay.

Revy followed them back into the café and she already knows what she wants and she hoped that it tasted as good as it was the first time around. Revy is starry eyed and had totally missed that Kaito had taken Averie by the hand and walked her in and she is helped up into her seat and she is still very excited for the Hot cocoa with peppermint and whipped cream.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:49 pm

It was almost as if Averie either, Did not notice nor care about her hand being taken. But even if matching her still porcelain and almost in some manner pale. She was still some what cold. Averie seemed to be taking her time then again every once and a while she seemed to quint her eyes like she was trying to read it as well."I can be honest, I might not know what most of these things are due to not knowing what all things in Fiorian might be."Yes she was reading things in Fiorian and not connecting it yet to what they actually were.

But Averie simply thought about it for a moment."If anything I would over all just maybe would like some simple black tea."Black tea did come in many flavours so Averie just seemed to be only going off of the basics of what she knew. But at least this was just a rather nice moment.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:22 am


"Oh you see your menu in Fiorian? Maybe your menu is acting up." He hands her his menu so she can read it in a writing that she can read as his he knew was working as it shifted languages as he read it that he could read. The menu's were magical and swapped to languages the visiting people could read as this was no ones home country really as such this place has a special enchantment on the menus to make it easy for the customers so everyone can read them and be able to order for themselves and not worry that their language will not be supported and cause them issue in this busy café.

He looked at her as she said she wanted black tea and he nods his head to her in agreement that he will order her that if she didn't see anything else in the menu before the hostess came over to take their order and he kept thinking over what he wanted and he wondered if maybe she would like a treat as well. "Want a snack or anything the thing we did outside probably has at least made you a bit hungry."


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:43 am

It was just was maybe she also did not assume these menus were magical or her mind was playing tricks upon herself in some manner since that might not be as uncommon as she thought for menu to magically change language or it was just entirely how things worked here. But when it did change to what she could understand it seemed a bit more interesting to watch happen."Oh...that would be useful to have as an overall spell."She mentioned for a moment.

Now Averie's mind while she was reading things over on how useful that spell would be and how she could learn it herself, it might be pretty simple over all. Just no starting basis yet. So far at least it seems no matter the situation she was learning things pretty quickly."Maybe i can alter some kind of spirit to do this trick as well..."She was getting lost in her ideas for a moment.

But as he asked that the idea came to her mind."Have you ever considered trying Kroppkakor? I am sure they would be wonderful at this time." Averie mentioned but in some manner that was a bit of a typical way of her being at times she did not have it in her mind to explain what they could be with out asking but it was a suggestion.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 01, 2023 3:00 pm


"Hmmm not sure I would call it a spell. This place is just a hub for magic and holidays it seems, if I was a betting man." He raises his hand and he points to a crystal in the star in the tree in the middle of the place. "I would say that is the source of the magic that swaps the menu's for visitors to understand. As for a making a spell like that you may require a focal point, a relic or an artifact." He wasn't sure if many of those existed or how she may be able to find or make one, he knows that he has one that let him learn languages and other things but he thinks they are very rare but he knows Averie is smart so she might find a way on her own to make it happen.

He looks at Averie as he had never heard of such a thing even on his travels and he wonders what she means. "Sorry I am not sure what that is could you describe it? Cause I may also like to try that if I may and if they serve it here." He is unsure what he expects to hear from Averie if she tries to describe it to him but he will probably in the end still end up trying it.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:53 pm

Kaito might be correct about that, Nonetheless Averie could make due."I have wisps/ ghosts or spirits that can translate for me in the end."She seemed to have already came up with a back up plan, just most likely had a spell idea to do with what she was trying to learn."But that was a really insightful view of how it would work here, Thank you."She seemed also happy by the answer.

But what she was mentioned was now going to be explained in detail from the best way Averie to mention it."It is...like dumplings, But larger. made from potato and meat."She started off with that. Since it was the closest way she could figure it out with out talking about making mash potatoes, and cooking up meat and making just a massive size dumpling that was like a hamburger or a bit smaller."I make them often for when i am going to be reading a book for a long time."But it was something that made sense for Averie but a maybe different and strange offer would stem from this.

"If you are really curious enough, I can make it myself if they do not have it here as well."Averie seemed willing to offer that out because she was comfortable about it."But if they do not have it here, a simple creme of bacon soup might do me good."Even then Averie might not eat all of them she was just having simple back ups.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jan 04, 2023 5:33 am


Kaito sighs and he looks down. "I don't know why I am like that... Why I have to prove I am a know it all..." He sounds like he had lost any form of happiness he had, had in his voice before. Revy looked at Kaito as he called over a hostess and he placed the order as they had the item that she was after and Kaito doesn't look Averie in the eye as he had been an ass and a know it all so he doesn't feel like looking her in the eye.

Revy wonders if he is okay as she knows that he is strange but he usually doesn't beat himself up like this at least around people and he seemed like that  he blamed himself for something that he shouldn't be attacking himself over as he had simply just tried to inform Averie of a small flaw in her plan so she didn't beat herself up if she couldn't get the spell to work like she had liked to but in the moment it didn't seem like Kaito cared to think any better of himself.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:12 am

This would not go with out notice in a change of behaviour in some manner, Averie was use to be in bit of the a dull one. Then again Averie did not think anything wrong with the situation. She did actually look at him right in the eyes for a moment. Now she kind of saw something did bother him for a moment and thus Averie would take it upon herself to actually. in some manner."Are you assuming the mood is ruined?"Averie seemed to think otherwise that it was all the same, maybe that was just a wee bit foolish of her.

But Averie before anything else did kind of assure him the way she recalled one of her older family members would. She kind of again attempted to hug Kaito in a meaningful manner."I do not consider it a horrible thing."She mentioned. This was how that family manner had done these things thus she reflected it."It was still good enough of an answer for me."Averie still seemed thankful and happy with that earlier answer. In some manner it did not feel that emotionally complex to Averie at this time. At least she assumed anyway.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:59 am


He looks at her then puts his head down on the cool table, he did in fact ruin the mood as he was clearly not as good as he seemed to be and he was not as strong as he seemed to be and he feels that it is just a sad life for him at this point as he doesn’t want to ruin any thing and make it through this day but he also knows that he is not good at this kind of thing. He needs to calm himself as he is starting to act stupid now.

When the stuff comes he sits up as he had already made a fool of himself he doesn’t make eye contact with Averie as he probably had messed up the day for her and he was still being stupid about it. Revy kicks him in the leg from her chair beside him so he stops being like he is being in that moment.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:06 pm

Averie for once in her life was gonna try and push some what a bit more. She was not going to force too much else beyond this point however. only because she was unsure how to go about it. This kind of stuff her sister was better at anyway."Think about this will you, you have been one of the most helpful people I have met since exploring as much as I have."She paid him a compliment for a reason. She just kind of hope it meant something to him. because it meant something to her.

But she did let go and see what would happen, because Averie's social brain kind of froze for a moment and kept her in a bit of a state of being unsure of what else to do at that time."Hmm.."She would ponder aloud just incase, to try and break her mind from that problem.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:03 pm


He looked at Averie and he sighs a bit. "You will have to excuse me I can get like that sometimes I try to act more confident than I really am... It is hard to be famous and people constantly watching and waiting for your world to all just fall apart so they can jump on you or jump over you. It means a lot to hear that from you even if I don't feel I deserve it." He smiles and her and he leans in closer to her and he pets her head and Revy stands up on her chair.

"You need to stop doing that she is not an animal you half-wit." Revy seems very displeased at Kaito doing that to Averie as she is not some little kid and she is not on those kind of terms with him to be doing that and frankly she thinks he is acting too much like he is a little child lost and afraid lately and she wonders if it is his own fears causing this or the fact that he misses the elf witch that took off on him and has been ignoring his letters to here for the last nearly three years of him working hard to get to where he is or maybe she is scared that he had grown too fast and she knows why he was able to grow so fast in such a small amount of time. She knows a lot of it is his work ethic and stuff but she thinks there may be something else in play here.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jan 11, 2023 3:58 pm

So it was a confidence problem? interesting to hear of, Averie in her own strange way of working almost felt like she had that, Then again to vast difference between her and her other family members, her confidence is just well pretty low and or not even able to be accounted her, Maybe that was a situation Kaito might have to deal with in the future. But if anything Averie's socially stunned way of being would mention."But I continue to socialize with you, not for the Confidence you may or may not be be trying to put out."She hoped in some manner showed Averie trying to do something at least good in nature."I continue to talk to you because I think your a good person who i want to be around, You allow me to...understand things with or with out confidence."

It seemed Averie felt like she had said a wonderful and honestly meaningful thing."So, Maybe you are charming in your own way yes?"She smiled about having a hand on her head about it. This was something at least felt better and worked out in the end."Or you can continue to show up how life in Fiore or other lands work if our paths cross....hopefully none of them have my sister intersect."She said that in passing about it. But over all Averie was trying and seemed pretty happy.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:14 am


Kaito is unsure what to think of what this woman is saying as he is not sure if she is merely saying this to try and cheer him up or if she was meaning it and he can feel his chest feel funny but he ignores it as the other things they had ordered where here and he was going to try and see how these things that Averie had wanted tasted and he was unsure what he could even say at this point to try and get anything extra out to add to the conversation and he cuts into the potato and he takes a bite and he likes this it was a bit odd of a thing but it seemed that Averie was right that this was a good thing to order and it doesn't seem like it would be a super hard thing to make or to recreate later if he wanted to.

"I am not so sure I am charming if I am honest more like pitiable." Revy jumps up off of her chair and bonks Kaito on the head for saying such a thing the woman is being nice and he is still being an idiot even if she knows he is just being honest she will not stand for him being this dense and stupid to this point. Kaito rubs his head where he got bonked. "I feel we will cross paths again in the future, wait what, what is wrong with your sister is she rude or something?" Kaito tries to think what a sister of Averie must look like probably just taller than she is and probably not much other that that different. He remembers how different that he and Emil look like and he guesses it is best not to assume what he sister would look like.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 5:33 pm

Averie then had to think about how to answer this."No...my sister is lovely...she is....just."Then she stopped and ponder how to explain this."very expressive."It was the best way she could explain it for it to make sense."But when your also use diseases and illnesses to add into your speaking. Even if in their harmless states. they do get annoying to deal with."Maybe that was the insight for Kaito. But she had to keep in mind Kaito has not met her sister yet. But she had been spotted in various lands as she travels as often as she did.

But she would at least mention."My sister still means well...but there is a reason she makes me a bit uncomfortable at times."She also said to make sure her point was made. Her sister was a good person she was just embarrassing to Averie. But she left no examples of what she did that were a bit more in details.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:36 am


"what do you mean she uses illnesses and diseases in speaking?" Kaito looked at the woman as that statement was very confusing to him as how does one do such a thing was it that her and her sister use more rarer magics or more magics that are frowned upon by normal people that sling around fire and other elements like they are more holy or their powers don’t seem unnatural in the least to other people that do not have the ability to use magic.

He thought he had, had it hard finding out that Emil was his brother and dealing with the bundle of pain in the ass that, that gave him when Emil constantly wants to fight or spar to prove he is the alpha and stronger than he looks. "Is your sister that bad? Is she like constantly doting on you to make sure you stay good and healthy?" he keeps trying to think how this woman’s sister must be to have made her say it how she had as if she was embarrassed of her or she was embarrassed by her sister this made him wonder if he was ever going to cross paths with her sister one day.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:06 pm

It was close not what she was trying to say but close."No more as adding into her actions while she speaking...ever had some one give you a fever because you complained about being cold from being in the snow?"Fair question time. Better yet could be many questions yet to be answered here."You give you own sister a hug and she gives you a cold that last for 30 seconds? I think not."Averie was kind of going off on rant at this point but it showed that it meant something about her

But she would add in just to be sure even if she was ranting she just ended up saying as well."Even despite all of that...she actually cares about people stronger then most people.."She seemed to mention in contrast, So there was that side but she seemed still well like she knew it was all harmless to her.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:57 pm


Kaito hears her talking about this and he is wondering if she is serious about what she is saying or if this was some form of trying to spook him or scare him. "I have not had anyone do that, to me no. This just sounds like a crazy person experimenting on her own sister... You are saying she does this out of caring for you?" Kaito is totally at a loss as that does not seem like what someone that cares would say or do to someone that they care about but he can not really argue about it as he doesn't really know what that happening and being like that is like as he has never seen or ever heard of such a magic or power to do that. He wonders who has it worse him with his stubborn hard headed older brother or Averie with her sister that gives illness because she cares? This is a mystery Kaito is unsure if he really wants to find the answer too.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:56 pm

And now Averie felt as if she is insane but that is exactly how it was for her. Even if people in some manner also thought she was insane for the magic she used, If her sister was like that maybe her family where all a bit different and abnormal to most people."Well, maybe we are a bit different of a family."She would mention about it. Averie never had that dawn on her until now it was almost like she had not thought about."Calling it crazy is not far off....Anyway."Averie did have to focus on the conversation at hand after all.

That was about her sister."But yes you are correct she does it out of caring for me, She is an odd sister. But some how if you ever meet her she is bound to be harmless to you."She wanted to leave it at that but could not help but remark to herself aloud."Now if only she would listen to me when i tell her to stop..."Averie seemed to be a bit lost in her own thoughts


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:32 pm


Kaito was in a bit of a sense of what the hell is going on as he was not sure of what to even say to that as he knew his own brother was a few screws short of a full set cause he just likes to fight and fight but was always thinking of Kaito as some big thing that he had to over come instead of just seeing that he was in need to just be himself and to grow at his own pace instead of being dumb like himself and just grow way to fast for his own good and end up as some kind of wanting lightning factory for some ones twisted plan. "I guess I will have to meet her and find out some time if she is as harmless as you say." He will trust the woman as she seemed very trust worthy but he was unsure if him meeting her sister was really a good idea as that was a bit of a strange thing for him to think about.

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