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A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.)

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A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:58 am

It was just about that she hopefully let it off of to be."My sister loves and care for me even with my flaws and error, she only has ever wanted to look out for how I would like life to be while guiding a few things at me to see if it would work out for me."She mentioned because she did actually think well still of her sister even if the flaws where apparent form never meeting her.

But she did have some suggestions for Kaito if he really did care to find her."My sister prefers warmer places and if anything finds it more comfortable to exist in. If you hear of some medical problem existing long term and it's something Disease related you are likely to find her."Was it anything Kaito was going to do anything with? she was unsure but it was a way to find this woman if he ever wanted too.


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:56 pm


Kaito listened to the necromancer ramble on about her sister and he wonders if this is like a need to be accepted or if she was worried that Kaito would just discount her sister without taking the time to get to know her, but Kaito had no interest in discounting the woman before she got to say her own peace as it would be very unfair of himself to just judge some one before he had given them a chance. "I am not going to judge her if I meet her I will talk to her and get to know her. I have many stupid questions in my brain that are just stupid blood line survival ones." he was wondering if people from different places have like a minimum children they as a culture usually aim to get as she said something about having siblings so he wonders if that was a planned set number or if it was just where they stopped


A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jan 21, 2023 5:08 am

Averie realizing she might have been going on a bit too much she then said."Well...sorry if i went on too long, I am sure it was a bit tiring and draining to hear of."But Averie almost seemed like she felt a bit better about letting it off of her chest so to say, Even if she still loved and cared about her sister it was nice to let out "But I thank you for listen."Averie let it at that she started to finish up her things and finish her drinks. Maybe Averie was just socially spend or maybe it was getting late for some reason in her mind.

Then she just simply said."I do not know when..."She stopped for a moment because she was unsure mentally how she wanted to say it."But I hope aside from here some time in the future we will meet again. Maybe I will have more interesting things to talk about."She left it at that after departing and waving good bye with a bit of a good feeling with in her mind.



A Snow's Day Peace.(Social/Open.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:47 pm


Kaito wonders why she was talking like she had been some kind of burden on him and Revy when really he was glad for the company even if she is a bit awkward and she needs to find that stride in her step still he sees a lot of protentional in her and what she might soon be able to do if she keeps to the road ahead of her. "You are fine you didn't take too long I enjoy our meetings and I find you very interesting actually so no need to worry about it and I Hope we meet again soon miss Averie." Kaito waves as she heads out and he lets Revy finish up what she was still eating and drinking then he stood up and he goes over and he pays for the stuff they had eaten and drank during their time there and he collects Revy and he puts her in his hood then he makes a portal and he walks through it to the other people in the place staring at him as he went through on to the other side for what ever new adventure he seemed to find himself on.

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