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Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:10 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke walks the castle grounds late in the evening, futilely looking around for everyone. He, to the surprise of no one, had overslept and missed the big alert that was announced earlier in the day. One of the residents of the Dark Universe, a twisted parallel universe with a desire to consume Earthland, had made their way close to Era in an attempt to take over. An all-hands-on deck alert was issued and everyone from Captains to Pages were dispatched to combat the threat. Daisuke, despite the efforts of his two roommates, remained asleep and unresponsive. Seeing no other alternative, the two went to join the rest and left Daisuke to sleep. “I’m so screwed…” Daisuke says as he places his hands on the side of his head. After searching the entire castle grounds and not finding a single soul, Daisuke decides to see if there are any quests on the local quest board.

WC: 154
TWC: 154 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:14 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Upon arriving at the at the board, Daisuke scans around in hopes of finding something that would suit him. He figured, if he was doing something helpful, it would likely lessen the reaming he was positive he would receive once everyone returned. As he thumbed through the requests, one finally caught his eye. “A Wyvern?” Daisuke says with an amused look on his face. He had never seen a Wyvern before, only heard the stories his father and his old teammates told. This would present a challenge he knew he’d be up for. “Misora will be pissed she missed this one.” Daisuke snickers as he heads towards the door. Per the instructions on the request, he was to meet up with the one who issued the request at the local tavern. The youth heads to his room and gathers his things before placing his gaze on the sword given to him by his parents, Galantine. Since obtaining it, he never had the opportunity to use it. Seeing this is the perfect time, he sheathes the weapon on his back and heads out.

WC: 182
TWC: 336 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:15 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke walks throughout the streets of Era with a sense of pride as his badge was tied tightly around his right arm and shone brightly in the moonlight. Citizens greeted him warmly and smiled as he walked by. He wondered if this was how his father felt during his heyday when he went out wearing his badge and uniform. Letting his mind drift, Daisuke makes it to the meeting place faster than expected. A very inquisitive glances shoot in his direction as he enters before he spots the one who issued the request. His name was Daragast, a dragon-like creature who had been around for as long as anyone could remember. Daragast was an ally to the Magic Council and often contracted individuals who could perform some jobs for him. Daisuke and Misora had encountered him a couple of times during their younger years as their father would someone that he trusted. Taking a brief sigh, Daisuke moved towards Daragast.

WC: 160
TWC: 496 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:18 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Mr. Daragast?” Daisuke inquires as he sees Daragast take another swig of the alcohol at the bar counter. “Whose asking?” he says, without looking back. “Still a hardass…” Daisuke thinks to himself as he takes a seat beside him. “My name is Daisuke Sato. You met my sister and I a couple of years ago when you came to visit my father for a contract.” Daragast places his alcoholic beverage down and takes a good look at Daisuke, his memories of the encounter flooding back. “Oh yeah! You’re Jun’s boy, one of the twins. I’ve heard the two of you joined the Knights as pages. Following in his footsteps I see.” He says as he spots both the uniform and the badge. “It is something we’ve always wanted to do.” The two of them exchange pleasantries for a moment before Daragast looks around. “So, you’ve convinced one of the higher-ups to let you join them as they take on my request? Where are they?” Daragast asks. “About that…” Daisuke says sheepishly.

WC: 171
TWC: 667 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:20 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
So, because you overslept, you are the only person available? And you thought that taking a quest would lessen the blow?” Daragast exclaims as he takes a long swig of the drink in front of him. Daisuke’s cheeks flushed as Daragast stared at him in both annoyance and exasperation. “It’s not the soundest idea but I genuinely want to help. I would have attempted to take a quest at some point anyway. Figured that this would be as good a time as any to start.” “This ain’t a game, kid!” Daragast shouts as he slams the liquor on the counter, startling the patrons in the area. “This is a serious and dangerous mission, definitely not something a simple page can do.” “I’m not a simple page. I can handle this.” Daisuke retorts, a determined gleam in his eyes. Daragast stares at Daisuke intently, briefly glancing at the handle of Galantine sheathed behind his back. His eyes momentarily widen for a moment, remembering the previous user of that weapon and knowing that it would not be something Jun would give without reason. He takes a brief sigh and places some money on the bar counter before getting down and heading towards the door. “Come with me, kid.”

WC: 206
TWC: 873 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:22 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The two of them walk in silence with Daragast's frequent sighing. He seemed conflicted as to whether he was doing the right thing or not. Finally resolving himself, Daragast begins to speak. “Have you heard about the recent uptick in cultists in Crocus?” Daisuke nods in disagreement as he glances down towards Daragast, noticing that he continued to look in front of them. “I’m not surprised. They tend to keep these things away from pages until later. With how things have been progressing lately, those who are dark aligned have become more and more brazen. A group of these idiots found a wyvern and decided to bring it under their sway. The only thing it did, unfortunately, was drive it berserk. It killed them soon after their curse took affect and has taken residence up on the peak of the Era Dungeon.” He pauses for a moment as he lets Daisuke absorb all of this information. Tonight would be a round of firsts for him, the first time seeing a wyvern and the first time he would visit the Era Dungeon. Due to the criminals inside, Daisuke and Misora were never allowed to venture there. To the surprise of no one, the youth was getting excited.

WC: 206
TWC: 1,079 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:24 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
What do you mean I have to climb the rest of the dungeon from the outside?!” Daisuke exclaims to Daragast. The two were a little more than half way up the dungeon as they stared at the peak at the top. Daragast sighs as he shakes his head. “You have a hard time listening, don’t you? I’ll repeat it again. Because of the wyvern’s threat, the council decided to close off the upper part of the dungeon completely. No prisoners, no power. So, to get up there and avoid the wyvern from charring you before you can even attack, you’ll have to climb the last ten meters. This is why I wanted to use one of the mages that has access to flight spells.” Daisuke grumbles to himself, knowing that he has put himself in that position. Resigning to his fate, he slumps his shoulders and heads out of the room to continue the rest of his journey from the outside. “Here’s hoping you weren’t just hyping your kids up, Jun.” Daragast says as he watches the youth leave.

WC: 179
TWC: 1,258 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:25 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Shit…” Daisuke mutters as he uses the lasts of his strength to pull himself up towards the peak. Finally on horizontal footing, Daisuke lays on his back and exhales deeply. The climb was arduous, taking about one full hour to finish it. He was out of breath and exhausted but he knew that the real task was just beginning. As if on call, he hears it. The piercing screech in the night sky that stirs him from his thoughts and sends shivers down his spine. Daisuke quickly stands up and sees the winged behemoth circle around the peak; his hand instinctively clutches the standard issue sword given to all members of the Rune Knights. The creature lands a good distance in front of him, allowing its full majestic form to be seen. The creature was massive in size though not as large as the dragon that chased him in his dreams but still menacing enough to put the fear of the unknown into him.

WC: 164
TWC: 1,422 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:26 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke, starting to regret taking this request once more, draws the Rune Knight sword and prepares himself. Taking a deep breath, he sprints towards the beast, ready to plunge his sword deep into its chest. With an earth shattering roar, the wyvern takes a swipe at Daisuke with its tail. The youth barely has time to react as the tail collides with his body, sending him careening across the peak. His body feels heavy as he lays on the ground, hearing the booming footsteps of his attacker coming closer. His hand tightens around the standard issue blade as he picks himself off the ground. With vision slightly blurred, he glances towards the weapon and sees that the force of the blow actually broke the blade. “Fuck... Guess I’ll have to use it.” Daisuke says as he tosses the useless weapon to the side. His heartbeat quickens as he reaches behind him and tightly grips the handle of Galantine. Slowly, he removes the legendary sword from its sheath as the night sky suddenly turns to daylight.

WC: 175
TWC: 1,597 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:28 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Both Daisuke and the Wyvern stare in awe at the sudden change before returning their attention to each other. The wyvern takes flight straight into the sky before beginning a divebomb towards Daisuke. “Only have one shot at this…” Daisuke says as he holds the sword horizontal. He runs his hand over the blade before it is coated in bright flames. Though he could tell the flames emitted intense heat, he did not feel any from it. With sword alit in flames, Daisuke tightens his grip and readies himself. As the wyvern comes within five meters of the youth, he swings his sword as a wave of flames spread out towards him. The flames engulf the wyvern entirely as it plummets to the ground, deceased on impact. Breathing heavily, Daisuke falls on his back and stares at the bright sky, exhausted by the turn of events. He sees darkness slowly overtake the sunlight as he slowly begins to lose consciousness.

WC: 160
TWC: 1,757 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

Corrupted Wyvern [A-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:30 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
With a quick shout, Daisuke awakens, finding himself on a bed in a well-lit room. He sees Galantine sheathed up against the wall. “You’re awake.” A voice rings out. He looks around to see Daragast sitting in the corner reading the paper. “Where am I?” Daisuke says as he gets out of the bed and moves towards his sword. “You’re still at the Era Dungeon, just at the base. After your little fire show, we realized that you killed the wyvern. Some of the Rune Knights came back and we went up to retrieve you and its corpse. I believe they are taking it back to your headquarters. I was skeptical of you but impressive work kid.” Daragast tosses a hefty sack of jewels towards Daisuke who barely catches it. He peeks inside and his eyes widen at the amount. It was his first completed quest and the first amount of money he earned on his own. He couldn’t help but feel an immense amount of pride in himself. That pride, however, quickly turned to intense worry. “You might want to hurry back though. I believe they were looking for you.” “Oh…shit.

WC: 192
TWC: 1,949 / 1,700 [15% WC due to Great Warrior Shield]
Quest Completed

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