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Troublesome Transactions [RANK -D SOLO]

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Troublesome Transactions [RANK -D SOLO] Empty Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:28 am

"Remember we are doing this to build trust with Gaud having someone like him keeping an ear out for info on our clansmen will be very helpful to finding them" Nensh said with a smug look on her face. Even if she was right Kazz still didn't like the idea of this job. Making a buy for Gaud was already irritating to him but doing it because Gaud didn't trust the seller really rubbed Kazz the wrong way. Ya, there was a chance that Kazz could finally see some action but doing it under such sketchy circumstances was not his style.

Kazz and Nensh slowly but surely make their way to the meeting spot that Gaud and the seller agreed upon which didn't make this look any more legit meeting at night in an alley screams sketchy. Of course like always Nensh had talked Kazz into taking the job the money was good for very little work but that was most likely because this was super dangerous Kazz stopped once he made it to the spot. Upon looking down the ally his gaze was met by a cloaked figure already waiting in the ally."Ok, even I will admit this is way beyond suspicion but that still doesn't mean anything will happen." Nensh nervously said. Kazz did nothing but roll his eyes and begin to walk toward the cloaked figure. After a few steps, the cloaked figure noticed Kazz even whiled wrapped up in all that cloth Kazz could see that the cloaked figure tensed up immediately upon seeing him.

"Gaud sent me here to buy a tooth or something like that. He gave me enough money to pay the agreed-upon price" Kazz would reach into his coat and pulled out a stack of Jewels As you can see I have the money. Do you have the tooth?" the Cloaked figure would reach into their sleeve and pull out a sizable purple satin bagh and hand it to Kazz. Kazz would open and look into the bag to find a sizable beast tooth. He spent a few moments looking over the tooth, after not finding anything Suspicious about the tooth Kazz would hand the cloaked figure the Jewels. They would immediately upon receiving the jewel run their finger along the edge of the money seemingly counting them after that was done they Shelved the money into their sleeve and go back to motion loosely standing in the ally Kazz figured this figure was just a doll or something used by the real seller to avoid trouble so Kazz took this as their transaction being complete.

Kazz and Nensh made their way back to Gaud Kazz was more than a little annoyed at how anticlimactic the whole ordeal was but it was easy money so he keep this to himself as he handed Gaud the Purple satin bag. The merchant reached into the bag and pulled out the tooth he began to smile from ear to ear with and huge toothy grin. He would quickly place the tooth back into the bag and hand Kazz his payment. and wave the Mage away as if he was in a hurry to be rid of Kazz. After basically being shooed away like an s Stray cat Kazz and Nensh took their Earning and moved on to the next job


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