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Barrang (Quest)

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Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:37 pm

Kishin, a young-aged lich with a twisted fascination for danger, found himself drawn to the haunting whispers that filled the air of Astera. Tales of a fearsome beast known as Barrang had captivated the inhabitants of the city. The creature was said to be an abomination, standing tall at five meters, with a dark purple hue, luminescent red eyes, and a ferocious appetite for human flesh. While many dismissed the rumors as mere figments of an overactive imagination, Gallard, the eccentric merchant, saw an opportunity. Known for his obsession with collecting trophies from exotic creatures, Gallard saw Barrang as the ultimate prize. He sought to put an end to the terrifying stories that circulated and gain a measure of glory for himself.

Kishin, intrigued by Gallard's quest, saw an opportunity to test his own limits and prove his worth in the face of such a formidable adversary. Clad in a tattered cloak and donning a mask to conceal his undead visage, he approached Gallard in his shop. The merchant's eyes widened at the sight of Kishin, the young lich's presence radiating an eerie aura. Without hesitation, Kishin offered his services, his voice devoid of emotion. "I shall undertake the task of finding and defeating Barrang, bringing you a trophy to lay these rumors to rest."

215 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:37 pm

Gallard studied Kishin for a moment, a mix of curiosity and trepidation crossing his face. After a brief silence, he finally nodded in agreement. "Very well, lich. If you manage to slay the beast and bring me a tangible proof of your victory, I shall reward you handsomely." With an almost imperceptible nod, Kishin turned and left Gallard's shop, his mind already working on a strategy to locate Barrang. The young lich had no use for material wealth or glory; his motivation lay in the pursuit of the macabre and the satisfaction of pushing himself to the limits of his undead existence.

For days, Kishin delved into the dark underbelly of Astera, where the tales of Barrang were whispered among the locals. He sought out those who claimed to have encountered the creature or had witnessed its destructive path. Kishin listened intently, his bony fingers drumming rhythmically on the table as the tales unfolded. The descriptions varied, but certain details remained consistent. Barrang was said to dwell in the frigid wastelands to the north of Astera, lurking near the outskirts of civilization. Its victims were devoured whole, never to be seen again, leaving behind only whispers and fear.

198 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:38 pm

Armed with this knowledge, Kishin prepared himself for the journey into the cold and inhospitable wilderness. He gathered provisions, making sure to pack light yet essential supplies: a map, a compass, and his trusty gun. As he stood at the city gates, ready to embark on his quest, Kishin glanced back at the bustling streets of Astera, momentarily pausing to take in the sights and sounds of the city that had become his temporary refuge. He felt no eagerness, no burning desire for adventure, but rather a cold determination to face the unknown.

With that, Kishin set foot beyond the safety of the city walls, venturing into the uncharted territories where the chilling wind whispered secrets of Barrang's lair. His journey had just begun, and the path ahead promised treacherous terrain and a formidable foe. The lich pressed on, knowing that the true test of his abilities lay in the confrontation with the monstrous creature that awaited him in the frozen wilderness.

The frigid winds cut through Kishin's tattered cloak as he ventured further into the cold wastelands created by the creature. The barren landscape stretched out before him, a desolate canvas of snow and ice. Every step he took sent a shiver down his spine, a reminder of his undead existence. Kishin navigated the treacherous terrain with a cautious yet purposeful stride. He knew that Barrang's lair lay hidden somewhere in this icy expanse, waiting to be discovered. The lich scanned the surroundings, his keen eyes searching for any signs of the creature's presence.

255 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:39 pm

As he pressed forward, Kishin came across remnants of previous adventurers who had ventured into these lands, their fate sealed by Barrang's insatiable hunger. Broken weapons and torn clothing littered the snow, grim reminders of the danger that awaited those who dared to challenge the beast.

The lich noticed a trail of fresh footprints leading deeper into the wilderness. Intrigued, he followed the tracks, his undead heart devoid of fear but fueled by a morbid curiosity. The footprints grew larger and deeper, a clear indication that he was drawing closer to Barrang's territory. Hours turned into what felt like days as Kishin continued his solitary journey, the chilling winds howling in his ears. His steps were methodical, each one calculated to avoid hidden crevices that might serve as Barrang's underground lair. The lich had learned that the creature had a peculiar ability to burrow itself into the ground, ambushing its unsuspecting prey from beneath.

The landscape grew harsher, the biting cold seeping into Kishin's bones. Yet, he persisted, undeterred by the harsh conditions. The young lich knew that his lack of warmth or sensation was an advantage in this unforgiving environment. As he trekked deeper into the wastelands, Kishin caught glimpses of movement in the distance. His sharp eyes focused on a massive silhouette, its hulking form barely visible through the blizzard. Could it be Barrang?

226 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:40 pm

With a mixture of caution and anticipation, Kishin approached the figure. The winds howled around him, swirling snowflakes obscuring his vision. He strained his senses, trying to discern the truth from the veil of white. Finally, as the snow subsided for a moment, Kishin caught sight of Barrang. The rumors had not done justice to the creature's monstrous appearance. Towering at a height of five meters, Barrang's dark purple scales glinted under the pale sunlight. Its claws were like daggers, and its maw revealed rows of jagged teeth that could shred through steel.

The lich watched in awe and horror as Barrang burrowed itself into the ground, disappearing beneath the snow. Kishin's heart raced, adrenaline surging through his undead mind. He knew that a direct confrontation with the beast would be perilous, but he had no intention of backing down.

With that, Kishin readied his gun and prepared to face Barrang, the fearsome creature that had claimed the lives of countless adventurers. The stage was set for an epic battle of wits and strength, as the lich braced himself for the imminent clash with the monstrous beast. As Barrang disappeared beneath the snow, Kishin remained undeterred. He knew he had to seize this opportunity to engage the creature before it resurfaced. The lich surveyed his surroundings, his mind racing to formulate a plan.

223 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:40 pm

Suddenly, the ground beneath Kishin's feet trembled. With a thunderous roar, Barrang burst from the snow, its massive form lunging toward the lich. Kishin's instincts kicked in, his undead reflexes allowing him to narrowly dodge the creature's powerful claws.

The battle had begun.

Kishin danced around Barrang, his movements swift and agile. He fired shots from his gun, aiming for vulnerable spots on the creature's scales. Barrang retaliated with ferocious swipes, its claws leaving deep gouges in the frozen ground. The lich, though lacking in the highest physical strength, possessed an uncanny resilience. He endured the pain inflicted upon him, using it to fuel his determination. Every wound he received only served to heighten his resolve, a twisted pleasure derived from his masochistic nature.

Despite his calculated attacks, Kishin soon realized that defeating Barrang with conventional means would be a daunting task. The creature's scales seemed impenetrable, and its sheer size granted it an overwhelming advantage. Thinking quickly, Kishin sought an alternative approach. He lured Barrang into a narrow crevice, taking advantage of its size and limited mobility. The lich maneuvered with precision, using his agility to his advantage. He fired his gun at the walls, triggering a small avalanche that trapped Barrang momentarily.

204 wc


Barrang (Quest) Empty Tue May 23, 2023 3:42 pm

Seizing the opportunity, Kishin closed in, driving his clawed hand into Barrang's vulnerable underbelly. The creature let out a thunderous bellow of pain, thrashing in a desperate attempt to break free. The lich fought against the tremendous force, determined to land a decisive blow, before backing away.

As the battle raged on, Kishin noticed an unusual pattern in Barrang's behavior. The creature seemed to be drawn to the energy emanating from his undead essence. It was as if his very existence enticed the creature, momentarily distracting it from its instinctual bloodlust. An idea sparked in Kishin's mind, a risky strategy that could turn the tide of the battle. With calculated precision, he intentionally exposed himself to Barrang, allowing the beast to close in once more. The towering creature's luminescent red eyes fixated on Kishin, momentarily distracted from its primal instincts.

Seizing the opportunity, Kishin fired a shot directly at one of Barrang's eyes, temporarily blinding it. The creature let out a deafening roar, disoriented and vulnerable. Sensing victory within reach, the lich pressed on, determined to land the final blow, and like many monsters he struck with one punch. With Barrang momentarily incapacitated, Kishin swiftly retrieved a vial from his cloak. He carefully extracted one of the creature's teeth, a formidable trophy to present to Gallard. The wounded beast thrashed in pain, its roars echoing through the wastelands, it's death throes too risky. Ignoring the agony that radiated through his undead body, Kishin made his way back to Astera, carrying the proof of his triumph.

Upon returning to the city, Kishin sought out Gallard and presented him with the tooth of Barrang. The merchant's eyes widened with astonishment as he gazed upon the formidable trophy. Gallard, true to his word, rewarded Kishin handsomely for his achievement. However, the young lich remained stoic, his masochistic tendencies driving him to seek further challenges rather than bask in the glory of his victory. Though the tale of Barrang's terror had come to an end, Kishin's hunger for danger and adventure remained insatiable. He would soon set his sights on new quests, driven by his unyielding desire to prove himself and push the limits of his undead existence.

361 wc exit 1682 total

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