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Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone

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Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:22 pm


Lumikki spent the morning looking over the quest board. She was proud to take the initiative and seek out missions of her own. Uncle Brone had been busy as of late and so decided to take on things herself. She was confident she would do just fine, after all, she even ranked up since she's join.

A pest control mission caught her eye, she found it so nostalgic. It was the first quest she completed from the board with her Uncle way back. She snatched it from the board and read the slip over. Yup, she thought, even the mission was nearly exactly the same. It seems this time the location is in the Orchidia Markets. Makes sense, there would be a lot of food to attract rodents there. She laughed to herself and she finished reading the last of the details. Nearly skipping on her way out of the guild and to Orchidia.



Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:47 pm


Lumikki had flown into the Orchidia Markets. Staying in a Raven form until she found the person of note that sent the quest. A merchant by the name of Allen mans a stand selling trinkets, he was the one to request aid. It took a bit for Lumikki to find him among all the other carts and sellers. The notes posted were not quite specific on where to find him. Flying and getting a bird's view did wonders helping to narrow the choices of merchants, though when she finally did find Allen she was already tired. Lumikki didn't bother to phase form once she met with him out of her annoyance and exhaustion.

"Aye you the one to post a quest about pest control? Are you Allen?" The man was quite startled to be met with a talking raven, let alone one that knew his name.

"Aye, that's me." he finally mustered to reply when the startled feeling of his finally washed away. He was still feeling uneased when he answered, but that hardly changed the validity of what she asked. "Was hoping someone from one of the members of some nearby guild come to the call. See the rats in these parts have been getting quite ferocious as of late. They are beginning to even attack patrons. It's simply just bad for business. Though I'm not sure how a raven would fair, sorry to say, but I think they would just eat cha whole."

Lumikki scoffed at his last comment but she understood what he would think that. She still remembers how big that got last time.


Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:04 pm


Allen closed his stand for the moment, organizing his wares before he felt ready to leave. Lumikki perched on his should as he walked over to the area the rats were mostly sighted. She looked over the other stands and shops in the market as she rested on Allen. All the shiny things caught her little raven eyes. She had to fight hard not to buy out the markets.

Allen took her to the edge and carefully hiked down the ditch where the entrance of a tunnel resided. Pointing into the dark entrance he explained most of the rats had been seen running in and out, but that no one around was brave enough to search the nest for themselves. Allen looked over to Lumikki curious of what she would do next.

She looked back at him sticking out her tongue in a jest, gliding to the ground and shifting form. A flourish of feathers surrounded the raven before giving way to her Daemon form. Allen was taken aback all over again. "Ya, ya, ya a girl. Well, I suppose that changes things," he smirked as he saw her. Lumikki waved him away as she walked the path forward.


Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:25 pm


"Won't you be needing a light!" Allen called out to her. "Truth be told Allen, I see just fine in the dark." Lumikki responded just as she melted in the darkness, entirely out of Allen's range of sight.

She continues walking down the tunnel, partially following her nose for the smell she learned the first time fighting the rats, but also partially looking for any evidence that the rodents would be found. Around 13 meters deep she began to smell the rodents, not long after she saw the remains of their meals and the edges of the tunnel chewed. Lumikki scrunched her face in disgust as she kept walking, wrapping her hair around her head in hopes it would curb the smell. Sadly, it barely helped at all. With every step she took the stench only grew stronger. She could even start hearing them in the distance.
Lumikki sighed getting ready for the fight before her.


Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Nerili11

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Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:35 pm


There was fairly a lot of water in this tunnel, something like a waterway was built in there. She figured she could use it to her advantage. The noise of the rats getting louder and more insufferable. She could even start making them out in the distance.

Lumikki cocked her head back in annoyance. Sure she was the one to choose the quest she was on, but she forgot just how much the pest disgusted her. Her skin was itching more and more with every step she took further in. She pinched the bridge of her nose and paced herself. Gathering the energy she would need to get this done.

When she was a good twenty meters from her foe she began changing a spell as she walk, setting it for the moment she was in range. The rats took no time to react to an attack on their home. Some would flee further in, while the more feisty one would run toward her instead. Squeeking as they approached like some sort of battle cry. When enough came to a range she was fine with she clawed the air upward, and countless ice spikes rose from the ground impaling the rodents.


Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:47 pm


She continued walking further, looking for the other rodents that retreated. Her eyes scanned over and over the walls to make sure she didn't miss a thing. Every once and a while a rat would jump from the waters but they would freeze in mid-air before they could get close. The water clinging to their fur made them easier targets for her frost.

When she found the nest she was amused to find that it too was quite drenched. Water poured out the nooks in streams. It seems the fools layered their home over the water entering the stream above. Whatever comfort that gave will turn on them now. Blowing a kiss in their direction, the air crackled from her cold front. All the suspended moisture already freezing as her frost passed through. When it touched the nest, her frost crept along the surface.

Whatever rats attempting to flee were quickly frozen to death in her cold. For good precaution, Lumikki froze the nest over more, shards of ice breaking out and shattering the brittle structure. If a rat survived her chill, it would not survive her shards. What holes remained in the tunnel she was sure to freeze over too. Wouldn't last long sure but it would keep the rats out for the moment she thought. Leaving a chill in the tunnel to hold for a while as she walked back out. Desperate for a shower to rid herself of the stench of today's work.



Pest Control Lumikki First Time Alone Nerili11

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