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North to East [Erebus]

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North to East [Erebus] Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:02 am


Erebus sat on a pile of shiny metal trinkets drinking from a large goblet mug. Surrounded around him were a few hands lifting logs, carrying them and assorting them aboard wagons. A few merchant cabins were currently parked, with the inhabitants tied up and gagged.

Erebus only worked as long as one could pay, otherwise he collected his tenure by different means. Unbothered by now how it made others see or perceive him. He was a survivalist, and beyond that, knew how to get to riches. It didn’t involve letting the capitalists be the boss. Erebus simply positioned himself to raid the bands on his exit.

A raven landed on a metal cbrestplate stacked around Ere, the gear needed to be loaded and hauled, it was now contraband. Slapping the metal, and shooing his hand, Erebus crowed at the creature. “Hey.. that’s mine. Fuck off.” He mumbled. “Go away bird.— wait, what is this.” Erebus noticed the bird had a carrier tube attached to its legs and rather hopped around in a circle. Allowing the Dark One to take what was attached to its foot.

Written in blood red ink across sleek beige parchment was a proposition for the mercenary that spurred the very deepest interests of his being. He clapped a hand across his thigh and sprang to his feet. “Seems I got some new action heh. Nonetheless— I’ll be forced to depart now, take everything and spare nothing! We’re leaving.”

Erebus whistled, calling forth his Dhuilian Pegasi mount. Erebus left his goons to their affairs, and sailed up against the canyon’s side, to fly through the air overhead. The blue sky, and thrusting winds sent the pink hair in his face back, and the flurry of pressure that moved across his clothes exacerbated the racing adrenaline coursing his veins. He must of have been like, thirty thousand feet over Fiore— sailing at high altitude. When the sky began to dim, and sun at his back first began to kiss the horizon. He had to hurry to beat nightfall, or else he may run into trouble on the air waves. Erebus has long heard that the Sieghardt Mountains was invested with Wyvern and Harpies. Seeing Harpies wasn’t so much the case at this great height, but the prior was surely to be expected.

Steering his way through the air, Erebus heard a thunderous screech, from a distant storm cloud in the West. It seems he wouldn’t be having an easy venture this sunset. Kicking his spurs, his horse raced through the air, hopping and galloping away, as the cloud seemed to pick up superhuman movement and target them— heading in fast, from the crevice of the inside, a large neck cranes and burst from thick yellow electricity.

It was a draconian of some sort, just an overgrown thunder lizard— Erebus thought. But faster than he could get away as it closed in, the creature snapped its fanged mouth on the back of the Mount. Erebus had quickly jumped, landing on the monster’s snout. “NOOOOO! AGGHH!?!!??”  Erebus felt his heart, cold as it was already sink. He became aggravated on a deep, deep level, the pink wisps of mana around his fiber erupted as wing boots ripped the pants covering the feathers at his ankles. His arms flash a spark of red light and he is holding the Spear of Destiny as well as Zabimaru.

Erebus rams the spiked end of his Spear into to surface he stands, pushing it all the way down to kebob at his gripped fist. He then began his run across the monster’s back. Making it shake violently feeling that Erebus is going to rip the top of its flesh in a straight line of pure brute strength. The creature bites at its own neck but to avail, Erebus blurs as he moves just before attacks, manipulating his powers of dash and lunge interchangeable to be untouched by the target, and thus whips the face of the beast with Zabimaru’s thread wire blades.

Lunging against the surface of the Air as he moves Zabimaru, the creatures begins to undergo its own transformation, coiling around as an equally huge monster. Un prying the Spear Erebus dashes backwards to create some space as he squeezes his target. Then finally, he narrows the tip of his spear, as it flows with magical arcane. He flies forward at invisible speeds to puncture the body of the Wyvern, and completely kill it. After such, he drops the body into the ocean.

Erebus grieved the loss of an old friend, as he pursued his next venture. His Boots allowed him to find the Earth later, where he made his way in by foot.

What awaits him lies in the unknown.  


North to East [Erebus] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

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