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Isolated Plague 5

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was still in the campsite in Talaz Lagaar. It would seem like the client didn’t want him to leave. It would seem like they had a lot of work to do, which meant that he was going to take care of more people. He didn’t care as it would make him more jewels in the process. Still, he wished he could do something else. On the other hand, he would rather do this then go patrolling for some stupid group that would die every time he would bump into them.

He would look at the client and he would accept to continue with his work and the client would be happy. When he heard those words, he would ask Drakkon to follow him. The Dragon Slayer would do so without hesitating and he would follow behind. It wouldn’t take long for him to be presented with a new tent to go into.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:07 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would sigh as he couldn’t believe that he was doing this, but he needed a lot of jewels for the future. What he planned on doing would weigh in on what he was making currently. The Dragon Slayer would enter the tent to see the people that were on the bed, they were moaning and groaning in pain and they were in need of attention. The Dragon Slayer was fine with this and he would make his way to the first patient and he would take their vitals and write them all down on the chart. When he was finished with that he would look at the desk and he would see that they had drugs they wanted them to take.

The Devourer would take the drugs and he would force them to take it as it wasn’t a simple thing to do. He would make sure that everything was done with this patient before he moved on to the second one.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:10 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would move on to the second person and this person looked fine. They were probably the only person who wasn’t moaning and groaning like the others. He had to make sure that they weren’t dead. When they checked the vitals, he would sigh with relief as they were just fine. The young man would continue making sure everything was fine and he would give them the drugs that they needed to intake. Once that was done, Drakkon would move on to the next person.

He would continue moving around the tent as he was taking care of the crying patients. They were going through so much pain and it would seem like it was his job to give them their drugs, so they could relax in peace. The Demi-God wished there was something he could do on a grander scale. He wished he could snap his fingers, but his godly power was something that couldn’t be used in that manner.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:28 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would move around the room as he was tending to the care of everyone in the tent. It was a huge long tent and he was making sure that everything was in order. He had to make sure that he had gotten all their charts down and written. The nurse was waiting for him to finish everything, so they could go check and make sure that everything was right. It was a simple job for them, but they had a lot of work to do throughout the place.

It was a process, but he would finish with that portion of the job. When he had finished that, he remembered that he had changed the bags for them. It was something that he couldn’t believe he forgot to do. He would start with the first patient and he would continue to move around the tent. He had to make sure that it was done right because he could kill someone if he messed up.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:34 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would do everything perfectly on that task and now everyone’s bag was brand new and full. That was good and he would look at everyone to make sure that was the case. Once he was done with that he would move on to the next step of his job. He would start cleaning them up. That wasn’t hard to do as they were mostly unconscious, so taking care of this wouldn’t be weird or a problem. He would go to the first person next to him and he would use the clean towels that were provided to him. He would soak them up and he would start wiping them down. It was a simple task and not one that he needed to work hard for. He would move on to the next patient soon after and he would repeat the process. Of course, when he finished cleaning them up, he would also change their bedsheets as it was necessary for them to have clean sheets to match their clean self.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 5  Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would continue to clean the clients and at the same time, he would make sure that their bedsheets were cleaned. This was the process that took the most time to do. He had to make sure he didn’t miss a patient when he cleaned them, and changing the bedsheets on his own was not an easy thing to do. The Dragon Slayer would do it though, he didn’t need anybody’s help and he didn’t care to ask. When he was done with the work though he would look at everyone and he would smile at them.

They were taken care of and they were no longer moaning and groaning. The drugs were taking effect on them, which was a good thing. The Dragon Slayer would walk away from them all and he would come out of the tent. Once he was done with that he would look for his client. The nurses would go check on the patients to make sure everything was fine, and do anything he missed. When he got to his client the man would hand Drakkon his reward for his work hoping he would be staying to do one more job.

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