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Lost Inspiration (Open)

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Lost Inspiration (Open) Empty Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:08 am

Alexandre traveled, a bit far away from the north. He went east, far east. He needed to get stronger. He took this one seemingly random quest, more of an excuse to travel abroad and he took it solo. To him, the quest he was hired for was a sidequest. His main quest was to regain his lost magic. The spells he had lost to time when he was in prison. He wanted to spell cast once more.

So he went to Bellums town which apparently had the most warriors. Seeing other people fight in a different way could perhaps inspire him with a new spell or an old one.

This culture was very foreign to him, but also interesting. He never got to travel this far and abroad, so he did cherish the opportunity. Perhaps he can make the most of this trip and carve his own way alone, without the help of those he depends on all the time. He needed to be his own man and meet new people on his own

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