Understanding a Strange Tongue.
While Kon recognized Hirota’s sense of homesickness, he felt none of it when they went through Bosco, his own country of birth and where he was raised, he could be identified as unmistakably Boscoi through his culture and accent but other than that, Fiore had been more of a home to him then that blight of a country. Only terrible memories were held within his broken mind while even the more recent events of the country had little to interest them, more political squabblings between family members vying for power over a country. His own family once too had been involved in such affairs however never ascended beyond a lesser nobility that preferred to mess with arcane rituals that were dated even when he was a child. He was all but glad that he would be the last of his lineage, the mark that the Sokolovs had on Bosco and even Fiore was black, to say the least with the locals who lived near their old estate spitting at their name. Hoping to find some common ground sensing that there might be a way to leverage further control from Hirota, Kon attempted to begin a dialogue within her mind whilst they travelled in the dark abyss of his mind as she slept on the stead while travelling. Though machine, it seemed Hirota still felt the need to perform human routines like sleep.