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The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue.

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The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue. Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:59 am


The Oath of Life -

Understanding a Strange Tongue.

While Kon recognized Hirota’s sense of homesickness, he felt none of it when they went through Bosco, his own country of birth and where he was raised, he could be identified as unmistakably Boscoi through his culture and accent but other than that, Fiore had been more of a home to him then that blight of a country. Only terrible memories were held within his broken mind while even the more recent events of the country had little to interest them, more political squabblings between family members vying for power over a country. His own family once too had been involved in such affairs however never ascended beyond a lesser nobility that preferred to mess with arcane rituals that were dated even when he was a child. He was all but glad that he would be the last of his lineage, the mark that the Sokolovs had on Bosco and even Fiore was black, to say the least with the locals who lived near their old estate spitting at their name. Hoping to find some common ground sensing that there might be a way to leverage further control from Hirota, Kon attempted to begin a dialogue within her mind whilst they travelled in the dark abyss of his mind as she slept on the stead while travelling. Though machine, it seemed Hirota still felt the need to perform human routines like sleep.



The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue. Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:59 am


This dark abyss was an isolating experience resembling a plane of existence absent of substance with a fine layer of dark liquid above the ground while the sky was black, black beyond recognition of the word, it was enough to drive even the most steadfast individuals insane, and there it was Kon sat on an unassuming chair bound in chains lacking any form of colour, representing the control Hirota had over him. She meanwhile appeared before him in full display purple hues dominating his view, outrage was etched upon her face as she dominated that he give her back his own body. A feat that was beyond his control and would only occur once she rose from her sleep. “Why am I here now? How can you have so much power over me?” Questions that stabbed at Kon while she circled him, which would have been amusing if he hadn’t been diminished by her own will. Unable to respond with chains binding both limbs and senses, Kon merely let out a muffled reply before Hirota relented flicking away the bindings around his lips, still bound and blind, he replied. “I was not the one who summoned you rather you came here in your sleep I imagine.” With all the venom in the world, he continued “Why would I want to speak with you after you used my body to slaughter those people and make it your plaything to experience the world.”



The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue. Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:00 am


“If only you knew the truth, metal man, those people you speak of had done things that not even the most savage of animals would do, you just simply chose not to see the reality.” A truth bent beyond its original definition, they were, by traditional means, simple highwaymen eager for their next cheap score, but Hirota’s perception of criminals expanded to a simple thought that everyone who had committed an evil deed was destined to continue down a path of pain and suffering for all that confront them and it was best to prevent that possibility ahead of time. A truth that held little merit in reality but had only been reinforced for Hirota due to the experiences she had suffered under the hands of savages. Peppering through her response, Kon would hear her screams and glimpses of imagery that brought bile to rise from his metaphysical stomach. “I’m sorry I didn’t know…” Kon replied weakly, with her responding with a blunt sense of finality. “No, you didn’t.”



The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue. Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:00 am


Arising from her slumber, Kon could feel the weight of further restraints being placed upon him but not of his voice, it appeared she wanted to continue the dialogue but wanted full control of him regardless. Encouraged by the progress made, he would endeavour to talk with her further any time she slept, even if he were bound in place. These conversations increased in frequency with significant delays in the schedule with revolts littering Bosco causing detours and segues to become increasingly common, their visa for crossing the Joyan border expired forcing them to trek surrounding mountains. The worst of these delays were consistent with a plague that was impacting the lesser villages in Desierto which forced them to quarantine within themselves for over a month despite being a robot while ongoing conflict with the Bellum and Pergrandian peoples effectively cut off direct travel on foot to Sin. An issue that could only be addressed by organizing transport over the seas from Desierto to Sin. Always looking to gain a few extra jewels, a sleazy merchant went from port to port and accepted the king’s reward taking Kon and his steed directly to Sin forsaking any pre-existing contracts that were pending.



The Oath of Life - Understanding a Strange Tongue. Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:00 am


Drawing close to the Sinese coast, anticipation from Hirota could be felt with Kon whose restraints had been loosened substantially at this point merely being bound in place by his feet to the chair within his mind of mind. A sense of uneasiness overcame her as the reality of the situation was truly beginning to sink in, they might have returned to their home country, but there was no one still alive from her era while she was still inhabiting the body of the General of a foreign land. Something that came to the forefront when she touched down on a familiar dock, perhaps built during her time but damaged and worn from centuries of wear and tear, and by the series of diplomats who introduced themselves to the “General.” Each time was like a nail to her heart as they spoke Sinese at first before breaking Fiorian, unable to reply in their shared native tongue, she continued only reply as Kon with his limited understanding of the language or resort to Fiorian. The last of them was a squirrelly man named Qin Yong who identified themselves as their designated host that would guide him through the complicated cultural expectations found in Sin.



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