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RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:44 am

Knuckles Shi

The airship slowly descended, allowing Knuckles to get a bird's eye view of the country below. It had been quite some time since he had seen the city from such a height, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as he gazed down at the familiar landscape. As the ship landed, Knuckles couldn't help but wonder about the whereabouts of his dear friend Fang.

With no leads or clues to go on, Knuckles decided to start his search in Bosco, which seemed like a logical place to begin. He waited patiently until the airship had fully landed before disembarking. The cool breeze hit his face, and he felt invigorated. He was confident and ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. After all, he had both his mighty hammer and its mirror image hanging from his belt, along with his Pagan armor, which he affectionately called The Clown Clout Armor.

The white clown mask-like helm that covered his face was both a symbol of his faith and a weapon against his enemies. He trusted in his gods and believed that he was worthy of their blessings, having been awarded two versions of the hammer of Thor, the god of thunder: MJOLNIR and the Shattered version of MJOLNIR.

As he descended from the ship, Knuckles felt a sense of power and strength that he had never experienced before. He felt god-like, and he knew that he was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. He decided to start his search by visiting the old war grounds to see how the country had changed since he had been gone.

As he walked through the streets, Knuckles felt a deep appreciation for the culture of the country. He marveled at the way everything had been rebuilt after the war, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the people who had worked so hard to bring the country back to life. The streets were bustling with people, and he noticed that everyone seemed to be going about their business with a sense of purpose and determination.

Knuckles took his time as he walked through the city, taking in the sights and sounds around him. He was determined to find his friend Fang, but he knew that he needed to be patient and persistent if he was going to be successful. With his hammer at his side and his faith in his gods, Knuckles felt confident that he would be able to overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.


"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:09 pm


Reclining in his position, Kon listened absently in self-thought while various officials around him barked back and forth at each other over local affairs with the same passion of a life-or-death situation. These drawn-out conversations were just another element of what he had signed up for, yet despite all of the political power he had gained, he still longed for the days when he could directly influence the tide of a conflict with his boots firmly on the ground fighting the enemy. Drumming his sheathed arsenal upon his belt concealed beneath the midnight black cloak that draped over his body, Kon grew increasingly anxious before finally raising a single hand to bring all attention to him immediately. Speaking his natively spoken Boscoi, he addressed everyone in the room with a formal, authoritative tone. “Thank you for coming to this meeting, I believe it would be best if we continued this conversation later in the week when matters have become clearer. For now, I bid you all a farewell and a good afternoon.”

Raising from his elevated chair, Kon continued to dominate his subordinates with his height intimidating anyone who wished to talk with him thus preventing him from leaving. Weaving through his colleagues who mingled around with one another, Kon departed the meeting halls towards the building’s exit. Embraced by the warmth of the sun, Kon took a metaphorical deep breath owing to the lack of lungs or a need to breathe at all. Resting the palms of his hands on his gun and sword on their respective sides, Kon scanned his surroundings with the one thing that was still organic on his body, the transplanted Hawken’s Eye, it was ironically really the only part of him that wasn’t robotic wasn’t even his, to begin with. Despite leaving the country having sought asylum in Fiore from his family more than a decade ago, Kon could still appreciate the culture of his heritage. Observing the affairs of the common folk of Bosco from afar, he did little more than smile while enjoying the simple nature of it all.

Given a wide berth, he walked through the main streets with his terrifying appearance creating a great divide between him and the general public, considering his dark, almost sinister attire, he perhaps resembled something closer to a villain rather than a hero of the people. And to say Kon’s track record was complicated would be putting it lightly especially given his actions in North Fiore as the Sentinel Syndicate’s Guild Master. While he was responsible for many deeds that saved countless lives, his actions also led to the crippling and enslaving of many others. Looking to start anew with self-flagellation becoming a lingering fixture in his psyche, he felt that he held an unsurmountable debt to the community at large. A debt he would work off as General of the Rune Knights addressing problems both big and small. Ultimately though it was one which he had placed upon himself and knew would never be resolved.

His entertainment would be short-lived, however, with the advent of a vast airship coming into view, a mode of transport which he once used albeit despite better left to nobility and those with more money than sense, Kon could do little as he watched the vehicle tarnish the surrounds before touching down unloading a single figure. They were a strangely dressed individual whose clothing clashed with everything around them. Initially, he mistook them for an obscure entertainer who had come from afar in the hopes of becoming a court jester but through further observation, it quickly became clear that they were no performer, imitator or comedian but rather a powerful character who was concealing their true identity behind that of a clown. Just who they were was still a mystery to him, however, his armament did hold some familiarity to him. A Weapon held by a man whom he had fought maybe only a year ago.

Curiosity truly peeked at this point, Kon shifted his left hand towards one of the two balls by his side before throwing it to the ground releasing his powerful Silisa and turning the road into molten rock beneath the magical beast. Hoisting his heavy frame onto the gracious steed, Kon willed the animal towards the fig ure leaving a distinct fiery trail behind them. Typically he’d prefer to remain on foot with the Silisa normally dealing far too much damage but he had a sneaking suspicion that he might need them in the time to come.

Stats & Stuff:

#3Knuckles Shi 

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:34 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles soon entered the main walking strip after some time of travel the sound of a 4 leg creature routing along the stone walkways echoed through the buildings.  Upon the large steed was a man, or at least he thought it was. The skull of some type of ram or bull rested on their head which had a commanding presence to it much like his hammers.  Knuckles stopped before the beast and tilted his head. Something was saying he knew this person, but he had never known someone with this style of gear.

Whoever they were they had to either be from money or be a powerful warrior to acquire such items of power that were made of good quality.   "By Odin's beard, you must have killed many things to get your hands on those.  I cannot help but give you praise for their quality and upkeep. "

Knuckles instantly reached for both hammers on his waist and held them upward to the sky.  Whoever this person was, they looked strong and he was going to test just how strong.  His lips moved from within the mask as he called out "Tempest Rage"  Upon doing so Knuckles would find himself enhanced by the power of his Shattered Mjohnir, gaining 100 points in his strength, speed, constitution, and endurance. Now that he was feeling the power of his new hammer, Knuckles would not say anything else as he unleashed the power of his contract with his patron.   Within his head, he sent a prayer to Odin to welcome him as a warrior as he fought with honor.

Knuckles would begin to unleash his daemon blessings as dark energy wrapped around his arms and torso and even parts of his mask. Black Wings of daemon energy formed and flapped slightly as they came to their full length.   This full transformation would bolster his base stats, allowing him to generate even more strength, speed, constitution, and endurance for 50% of their base amount.

With all his buffs that he could use now active, he could feel it in his bones, this was a righteous person, one not capable of the malice Knuckles was able to do.  Feeling this further empowered his stats by another 20%.  He had never felt so strong in his life than in this moment.  With a step, Knuckles pushed off the ground with a lunge traveling for 17.5 meters as his wings pushed off the air under him allowing him to hover off the ground as his body propelled him forward.

Once he was in striking distance of the well-armored figure Knuckles would swing his hammers, and his main hand would come down low as his off-hand reached backward keeping himself balanced as he did so. Swinging his main hand upwards he attempted to land a blow to the lower ribs of the man on the steed while using his wings to turn his body so his off-hand could rotate freely and attempt to hit the collar bone area of the same side his main hand had attacked.  Each Hammer dealt a powerful 3xs of Damage. If either would hit Kon would also find himself met with a Thunderous deafening sound, and if the off-hand hit a bit worse for wear in his mana pool.


TWC 968

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Fri Oct 13, 2023 5:59 am


As he trowled further closer towards the unusual individual further information swiftly became revealed to him, most importantly the identity of the man through a series of educated guesses revealed through his weaponry alongside the various attributes that he alone could perceive. Understanding the man to have been a threat with it unlikely to have changed since then considering they had departed from one another on difficult terms to put it lightly he narrowed his sights upon them. Behind his darkened helm resting within his artificial frame, Kon willed his eye’s powers into actions he had received so many years ago supplying it with mana from his vast pool. It was a powerful augmentation from another time that had long since been forgotten. Only preserved through strange and unusual means by the man whom he had bought it from. Glowing a fearsome yellow peering out through the mask which concealed his face, He began to track the man who was starting to approach him with an intense focus only seen by those who considered others as their prey.

Unperturbed about the potential for conflict that was undoubtedly about to ensue Kon relaxed his grips upon the reins of his steed trusting them to lead the remainder of the distance. Silisa were incredibly intelligent creatures after all and to assume that they weren’t fiercely loyal would be doing them a disservice though Hespa had been somewhat of a handful compared to the others. Recognizing that this figure before him would be no easy feat to confront much less defeat, Kon refrained from using the firearm he had received through the Rune Knight reforms nor the lightsaber that rested upon his other hip, a gift from the Talaz Lagaarian people. Instead, he would have to rely upon his talents with his own two hands. Perhaps somewhat of a contradiction for someone who lacked magic, but he had a strange feeling that the abilities he had acquired on that island would be able to assist him far more than some laser sword.

Slowing to a crawl towards the man whose name finally returned to him, “Knuckles..” He thought to himself, Kon entirely released the reins and rested his hands upon either of his legs waiting patiently for them to greet him, at least that’s what he hoped would take place. Fighting ultimately while not beneath him, was not something he especially relished in, remembering times in which blood and carnage had been split and created by and from Kon. His hopes would be swiftly shattered with him being both complimented and equally insulted by the claim of possibly treading on others to reach the position he held. Even going as far as saying he had killed people to attain his current position.

Rather than allowing him to refute the statement and wanting to challenge Kon attempting to gain Odin’s favour, they offered him no time to rebuke and instead immediately readied themselves for combat. A scowl grew upon Kon’s face as he witnessed Knuckles receiving the boons through his weapons both brought high up into the air. Equally annoyed with the sight of a cocky fighter before them, Hilisa released an ear-piercing screech rapidly turning the rest of the area to molten magma setting anything flammable on fire. Something this was precisely the reason why he generally tried to avoid either having them within densely populated areas or conversely only being in areas where this amount of damage was manageable.

Waiting with the patience of a saint, Kon continued to observe as Knuckles only applied further compounding enhancements to their physique massively diminishing their minute mana pool. He had practically halved it in the time the first seconds between now and when he had just encountered him. He meanwhile reflected on just what they might be planning to do most likely attempting to end it in one fell swoop. Striking down Kon with his hammer was the logical choice, he wasn’t the strongest of individuals after all instead relying upon speed and his latent mana pool. The first of which he could not rely upon due to the diminished differences between the two of them and the second needing him to create space long enough to deal some damage. A matter which knuckles seemed firmly against as he charged forward towards him with the same fervour as a barbarian of old. Wielding his two hammers, they were a fearsome target and yet Kon was as calm as a Sinese Monk raising both of his hands towards the man, his right forming a grip-like position whilst the other prepared to flick him a great distance. Both of these would be aided through the hawk’s eye, in combination they would create the space he needed whilst restraining them in place individually they would still offer Kon enough time.

Kon was not a man to simply accepted being attacked without retaliation and would follow through with his own attempted volley, a clear, simple, yet effective release of two shots one after the one from his two left fingertips. Like lightning, these shots cut through the wind at speeds not just matching that of those spells prior but practically doubling them. The first of the shots would be like molten lead against any armour piercing through steel as though it were butter before giving whoever felt its kiss a nasty case of heartburn. The second shot was perhaps more restrained though held a serious bite albeit to a lesser extent. Of these two shots both were aimed at the center target one at their heart and the other at their stomach.

Spells used:

Companion Spell used:

Stats & Stuff:

#5Knuckles Shi 

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:55 pm

Knuckles Shi

As Knuckles had been on the margins to land two clean hits, Kon lifted both hands. This is when Knuckles felt his body snap backward and upwards at the same time being pulled out of reach from Kon. However, as this force met his throat, and he started to get pushed back Knuckles had to react quickly if he wanted to escape this situation.   However, Knuckles was pushed away from Kon too fast for him to be in range to use any of his ranged attacks from his hammers.

Knuckles tried to grip at his throat with his finger to break the bind on his neck, though there was nothing there to pull at physically, so using his mana he formed a flow of mana around his neck until the spell burst and allowed Knuckles to be free. Now that he was free to move he saw two Arrows coming for him, the distance put between the two of them would actually be helpful this time around.  Now Knuckles recalled fighting someone who used these types of arrows before. Using that knowledge Knuckles  Lundged downwards using his wings to propel him downwards before the arrows could meet him.

His wings flapped hard as he started to build his speed after his lunge,  he looked over his shoulder and sure enough, the arrows had turned and started to follow him.  Knuckles stopped his flight above the ground as he waited for the arrows to come close to him again before he would Lundge once more allowing the arrows to strike the ground before they could curve to hit him.  Now he needed to close the gap between himself and Kon.

Knuckles would begin to fly towards Kon again, though he was starting to feel tired from the drain of mana that he had used to break free from that binding on his throat.  As he approached Kon Knuckles rose offhand weapon towards his shoulder and his main hand lowered towards the ground slightly.   He kept on a course toward Kon as he built up his speed as he hovered 1 meter off the paved ground and was still approximately 25 meters or more away from Kon. He doubted he would reach Kon in time to land an attack.

WC 377
TWC 1345

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:28 pm


Like a fish pulled from the water through a line, the man charging before him in a berserker-like rage was hurdled tens of meters away from Kon by the neck. Arrows launched from his hand charging at almost twice the speed of that which had thrown the man, his shots would not, could not be rebuffed with their simple dismissal or avoidance jetting towards their target before they even came to a stop through their flick spell. Certainly, the man was strong and fast but still lacked the guile and magic fortitude required to fight someone like Kon. The latter of which was compounded by his attempts to strike down the Black-clad General in a single swing through the temporary boons offered seemingly by one of his hammers. A foolhardy play that might work against others but he had been more than able to avoid this clown’s attacks. Instead, his counterattack would deliver a terrifying bite penetrating their comical armor and leaving behind two smoldering molten holes. While he was able to escape from the binding in the nick of time, his opponent through a combination of self-inflicted excessive mana consumption and Kon’s own spells had nothing left to fight him magically. Their transformation would be cut short with wings failing reducing them to a landbound individual once more.

Amidst chaos unbridled by a binding effect of his own, without uttering a word, his Silisa took flight relishing in the hot air created from the molten rock beneath them, it let out another mighty screech. As if commanded by the fiery steed, the magma beneath them rippled and bubbled with the same enthusiasm, popping at the height of the roar. Drained of mana they were much less of a threat, as such Kon attempted to prompt a dialogue between the two of them, perhaps a futile thing to try considering their appearance but nonetheless, he began to speak. “You are injured, your armour is melting into slag, and you have a gaping wound in your chest and lack any reserves to reach me, drop your weapons and identify yourself lest I shoot you down where you stand.” A threat that was not unwarranted nor hollow with his hand steadfastly aimed at the armored man ever since he began his attack. Owing to his heft, Kon could feel Hespa straining to maintain their altitude yet he still held his position on his mount. Every moment that passed, Kon knew that his opponent would be suffering in agony as the scorching effects of his arrows left an evergrowing absence of flesh. Their armour was also substantially worse for wear with the furry layer being brought alight whilst the thick plate in front was glowing red most prominently at the two entry sides of his arrows.


Damage Dealt and Other Effects:

Companion Spell used:

Stats & Stuff:

#7Knuckles Shi 

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:19 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles, despite the adverse situation and the relentless onslaught of arrows, did not let his guard falter. He recognized his disadvantage in the range of attacks and the draining mana, which put him at a significant disadvantage against his opponent, Kon. However, Knuckles was not one to be easily deterred. With a resolute mindset, he began strategizing, drawing upon his knowledge and familiarity with arrow attacks from previous encounters.
His strategy was twofold: first, to escape the direct line of attack and minimize the arrows' effectiveness, and second, to close the gap between himself and Kon. Knuckles utilized his wings, a physical attribute that set him apart, to propel himself downwards, skillfully evading the arrows and letting them strike the ground harmlessly. His maneuvers were calculated and precise, waiting for the arrows to approach before lunging again, thereby skillfully dodging them.
Despite the growing tiredness and the drain on his mana, Knuckles remained undeterred. He persisted in flying towards Kon, keeping a certain altitude above the ground. His underlying plan was to close the distance between them, allowing him to utilize his exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills, a field where he held a significant advantage. His approach was cautious yet determined, fully aware that his speed and timing had to be perfectly synchronized to land a successful attack on Kon.
However, to his dismay, Knuckles' plan hit an unexpected roadblock. The arrows suddenly took a swift turn in their trajectory, defying all expectations, and zeroed in on Knuckles with an unerring precision. Despite his valiant attempt to dodge them, the arrows displayed an uncanny agility, matching his every move with eerie accuracy. In a split second, a sense of foreboding washed over Knuckles as he realized the imminent danger. With a deafening roar, the arrows struck him, piercing through his seemingly impervious armor as if it were made of mere paper.
The impact was both physically and mentally jarring for Knuckles. It sent him spinning off his intended course, his world momentarily blurred by the excruciating pain that seared through his body. It served as a stark reminder of the perilous situation he found himself in. The blow caused his wings to falter, the force of the strike proving too powerful for him to maintain his flight. Helplessly, he spiraled downwards, a helpless witness to his strategy's failure.
The damage inflicted on Knuckles' armor was extensive and grave. The once formidable shell, which had offered him unparalleled protection, now bore a gaping hole where the arrow had pierced through. The once smooth and polished surface was now rough and uneven, with a section of it glowing ominously red from the intense heat generated by the arrow's impact. It appeared as if the armor had been punched through by a fiery fist, the metal melting and warping around the point of impact. The interior lining of the armor was no different, bearing the scars of the encounter, charred and blackened from the searing heat.
As for Knuckles himself, the damage was no less severe. The arrows, propelled with brutal force, had punctured right through his armor, biting deep into the flesh and bone beneath. The resulting wound was a raw spectacle of carnage, a terrifying testament to the destructive power of the arrows. Blood seeped from the wound, staining his clothing and the ground beneath him, a grim reminder of the battle's intensity. The excruciating pain persisted, a constant reminder of the dire straits he now found himself in. His strength dwindled, but the determination in his eyes remained unwavering, his spirit unyielding.
The loss of mana had a profound impact on Knuckles. Mana, being the vital life force that fueled all his magical abilities, was now severely depleted, significantly hindering his combat capabilities. His movements became noticeably slower, stripped of their usual agility and grace. With each passing moment, keeping his wings aloft became an increasingly arduous task, akin to moving through thick treacle. The vibrant glow that once radiated from his body had dulled, his aura reduced to a mere flicker. His once powerful spells now felt feeble, barely able to function as intended. Knuckles could feel a bone-deep exhaustion seeping into his muscles, the fatigue gnawing at his strength like a relentless specter. The depletion of mana had also affected his healing capabilities, turning what would have been minor injuries into serious threats. Each wound, each bruise took longer to heal, taxing his already weakened state further. The constant drain of mana felt like a heavy chain around his neck, pulling him deeper into a mire of despair and helplessness.
Despite the grim circumstances and his severe injuries, Knuckles, with a mixture of determination and tranquility on his face, reached up and unfastened the ornate buckles on his clown-themed helmet. Wincing at the pain the movement caused, he slowly lifted the helmet from his head, revealing a face that displayed an unexpected mix of determination and serenity. His eyes, alight with a fierce resolve, met Kon's with a piercing gaze that defied his battered state. With a slow, deliberate motion, he discarded his helmet onto the battlefield beneath him. His fiery red hair, matted with sweat and grime, was now visible, lending a stark contrast to the pale skin of his face. Then, with a show of strength that belied his weakened state, Knuckles grinned. His lips curled into a smile that held a certain warmth and charm under the grim circumstances, a stark contrast to the battle-hardened warrior persona he had projected so far. Clearing his throat, he introduced himself to Kon, his voice rough yet steady, "Knuckles Shi, the clout chaser."
The declaration marked a turning point, a testament to Knuckles' unwavering spirit and unyielding determination, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Knuckles' emotional state in the aftermath of yet another loss was a complex tapestry woven from threads of despair, defiance, and a steely resolve. The defeat had dealt a crushing blow to his pride, leaving him grappling with a pervasive sense of desolation. The bitterness of failure was a gnawing presence in his chest, leaving a sour taste in the back of his mouth. His spirit seemed to be hanging by a thread, teetering precariously on the brink of collapse.
Yet, beneath the layers of disappointment and despair, there existed a spark of indomitable defiance. His heart, though heavy, still throbbed with the will to continue, and his eyes, though clouded with pain, glinted with an unextinguished fire of resolve. Knuckles was not one to be easily defeated. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, he would gather his strength, mend his spirit, and prepare to face the next challenge with a renewed vigor. For Knuckles, each loss was an opportunity for self-examination, a stepping stone to greater power and resilience.
His lips curled into a bitter smile as he ruminated over his defeat, his gaze hardening with newfound determination. His voice, though laced with fatigue, echoed with a grim resolve as he made a silent vow to himself - he would not let this loss define him. Defeat, to Knuckles, was not an endpoint but merely a detour on his path to victory. His journey was far from over, and he would face the future, no matter how daunting, with an unyielding spirit and unwavering resolve.

TWC 2568

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

RoboJojo vs Pennyfoolisher [Kon VS KNuckles/Green] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:54 pm


Through the gaze of his augmented vision, Kon was left almost disappointed with the outcome of the conflict that he was confronted with. The strange almost clownish figure had been defeated with little more than two strikes from his hand, which seemed comical in nature with many other foes he had fought proving to be far more of a challenge. But just who was this man was the question. His loss all but assured, upon his stead, Kon approached his adversary with the same caution as he would a fly. The man was on his last rungs without a trace of magic which was overwhelmed by both his own and even his own horse at this point. Frankly, he was surprised that they had attempted to fight Kon in the first place much less without announcing himself but that hardly mattered. Perhaps finally acknowledging Kon’s reputation and authority, the man removed their helm with the same difficulty as a dying man revealing themselves to be a person whom he had fought several years ago at this point when Kon had been cursed into a woman’s body. It was none other than Knuckle Shi, whom he was admittedly somewhat disappointed to see him in such a state. Several individuals whom he had come to know from then until now had excelled to great and new levels. Was there something restraining the Joyan warrior that he couldn’t see? Kon pondered to himself, readying to dismount from his honourable fiery mount who with a second screech dismissed the molten terrain around them.

Despite only casting two spells himself, the damage he had inflicted through the Silisa was not insignificant to put it lightly. Gossling the poor animal from his incredible heft, Kon approached the fallen Knuckles with the same caution he had while riding his horse. “Clout Chaser eh?, a title which I will have to remember but I’d still recommend reconsidering an alternative.” For the time being there was something else that did take his eye with the reveal of his identity the unmistakable presence of a bounty something which had become uncommon yet still present with many rogues and criminals within the society at large. What was he to do as the new leader of the Rune Knights, General of a grand and reformed order but to seize them into his custody and send them packing to jail? Certainly, he was a minor figure when it came to a bounty but yet he was still bound to his responsibilities. And so while Knuckles smiled foolishly in his defeat, Kon withdrew a pair of cuffs typically reserved for the more common thug and vagabond from his pocket dimension containing a litany of objects both magical and ordinary in nature.

Twirling the cuffs in his hands as he approached his fallen opponent, Kon responded with his raspy mechanical voice that betrayed his true strength. “General Konstantin Sokolov, leader of the Rune Knights, perhaps you already knew that, but you’ve got me perplexed to think you could defeat me so swiftly.” Since obtaining his position he had certainly felt different, stronger was one way to look at it, more respected another. Though his appearance had largely remained unchanged since becoming a Machia by extension being the Guild Master of the Collective Mind versus the leader of the Rune Knights there was definitely something that was growing within him that was helping him every day bring him back to what he had been, what he was supposed to be. Though he lacked any magical affinity at this point, he could feel something as if to replace this absence. Even now he was able to halt this Knuckles character with a power that he could only will into power during dire straits and yet there he was hurling them like they were skipping stones against the water.

Even in his defeat, Knuckles was still a formidable prisoner and likely would not take long to recover as a result Kon just prior to taking up one of Knuckle’s hands to start the arrest pressed his own hands together removing any magic in the surrounding area which would weaken the clownish figure further while distressing his Silisa. Those around them that were magically aligned would undoubtedly be similarly affected though despite being in a capital city there was a lack of mages nearby. Wrestling the defeated warrior’s left and then right hand into the steel cuffs, Kon shook his head in annoyance, here he was in Bosco hoping to get some R&R, and spend some time learning more about his culture but here he was fighting off random thugs and criminals. With any luck though he would be able to find a local Rune Knight station so he could get back to his “diplomatic mission” here in Bosco. He was almost tempted to just let him go but his conscience and moral compass said that just letting them go would not teach him anything perhaps a few days cooling off in a cell would instead be enough for him to recognize his days of villainy.

Hoisting up the injured Knuckles whose lifeblood continued to pour out with vigour, Kon bemoaned at the damage he had managed to inflict upon them. Shaking his head and rolling his single yellow eye beneath his own helmet, Kon began to tie Knuckles’ cuffs to his stead reins and instead lead them to a main street with a trail of crimson being left behind before being destroyed moments later by the molten floor that lingered even after the dismissal of Hespa’s spell. Annoyed with the smoky surroundings, residents of the capital began to reveal themselves in mass from every window and door it seemed. Refuse and other useless objects were thrown at the most obvious suspect, Kon’s Silisa. Disgruntled with the disrespect shown to it, they were prompt to respond in kind howling and roaring instead of screeching at their assailants causing all but the bravest of citizens to retreat back into their homes.

Face concealed by an emotionless black helm, Kon was free to express himself with an unmistakable grin from ear to ear marred scars which he had been slowly placing back upon his artificial face mimicking those which he had when he was human. Perhaps it was a vain act attempting to replicate his original body but it was something that ultimately was tying him to the real world allowing him to maintain perspective on what others were experiencing. Even now it was hard to lack sympathy for the cuffed criminal who was bleeding out before him. And yet he volunteered himself to a role that required he understood both criminal and victim. After an extended period of circling through the streets, Kon was able to find a station from which he could place Knuckles into their care and continue about his own busy returning Silisa into a companion ball in the process.


TWC: 2,551

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