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A heroic return - Private Quest

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#1Alaric Holloway 

A heroic return - Private Quest Empty Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:58 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric ventured deep into the unforgiving labyrinth of Dawncliff Mine, the musty scent of earth and minerals pervading the air as he treaded through the dimly lit tunnels. His satchel, a heavy burden on his shoulder, held an assortment of gleaming gems proof of his fruitful expedition thus far. In the quiet recesses of the mine, an eerie rustling caught his attention. The muffled sounds of scurrying feet echoed off the walls. Alaric paused, his keen senses on high alert. Soon after, a band of mole-like creatures emerged, their frenzied movements signaling imminent danger. "Damn it," He muttered to himself.

Without a blade to wield, Alaric relied solely on his magical abilities. His fingers tingled with the familiar energy of his bomb magic, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice. The creatures luckily did not notice him at the start. They were too focused on a group of a few others who looked like they were backed into a corner. Their shouting was now clear. His finger twitched. On one hand, he could use the opportunity and take the gems he had and run. He turned his back to the group and started to walk but the piercing scream of a woman caused his ears to tingle. "Ugh" was all he could mutter as he slipped the bag from his shoulder and onto the ground.

WC: 233

#2Alaric Holloway 

A heroic return - Private Quest Empty Mon Nov 20, 2023 6:17 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric sprang into action, his mind quickly concocting a plan. He drew upon his magic, crouching down, and a magic circle appeared under his feet. Within a moment, he was blasted off toward the moles and the group. With swift precision, he launched himself right towards the mole closest to the rear of the monster group. He slammed right into it with his left shoulder. The creature tumbled forward smacking right into the solid wall of rock and stone. It was clearly caught off guard and dazed by the sudden blow. This did give Alaric a moment to launch his second part of the assault. With the other mole creatures, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the hero, Alaric grabbed the nearest one’s head and a magic circle appeared. A blast erupted right on the greasy head. The creature had been squealing before the blast but now it just lay on the ground, motionless.

“Move!” He yelled at the group cowering. His eyes were full of rage. The cavern was filling with the smell of dust and sulfur. He was planning on finishing this up once and for all.

WC: 196
Total WC: 429

spells used:

#3Alaric Holloway 

A heroic return - Private Quest Empty Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:13 am

Alaric Holloway
The miners, visibly shaken understood the urgency. They scurried away past the last standing mole, thanking Alaric profusely for his timely intervention. The final mole had backed itself towards the wall that the first one had slammed into. Its snout showed its discolored yellow teeth. The weird tongue flickered in and out with anxiety. Alaric smirked. The first mole who had been rendered unconscious had started to stir. “Die” Alaric clasped his hands and stopped his feet at the same time. Two magic circles appeared and the cavern gained a faint red glow throughout. The creature snarled and squealed out as it started to charge. Too late. The explosions went off in quick succession. The squealing beast was drowned out by the blasts. The red hue was replaced with a thick cloud of dirt and dust.

A green light appeared and a soft breeze blew the dust away. All that was left was a large hole in the floor beneath. The group leader, a stout man with a weathered face, stepped forward, offering a small pouch filled with radiant gems. "Please, take these. It's the least we can do to show our gratitude for saving us," the leader said, his voice tinged with relief. Alaric accepted the pouch, the weight of the gems a tangible token of the miners' appreciation. "Next time, don’t get cornered and you’ll not be in this situation" he replied, a cocky tone in his voice. He watched as the miners hurriedly made their way back towards the mine's entrance, their voices fading into the distance.

With the miners safe and on their way, Alaric's thoughts drifted to the uncharted territories of the mine, where untold riches lay hidden. Yet, his focus shifted to the prospect of uncovering precious resources that could benefit all miners without posing a threat to their safety.

WC: 315
TWC: 744

A heroic return - Private Quest 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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