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I need an Adult! [Short]

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I need an Adult! [Short] Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:51 pm

Name: I need an adult!

Difficulty: Short

Participants: Kana

Story: After the short period she spent with Phantom Lord, Kana started to wander from Oak and somehow got so lost she arrived in Hargeon! To make matters even more confusing she soon found herself in the care of an Orphanage that mistook her for a stray child. With Silas oddly missing she soon found herself trapped in said orphanage trying to figure out just what the hell is going on!

- A: After she settled down in the orphanage attempt to figure out just what the hell is going on! Despite the warm reception of the majority of the orphans who are quick to consider her one of their own Kana ends up becoming targeted by one of the older kids. Unfortunately for her she didn't read the note about not poking slumbering beasts.

- A: After she ended up getting into a fight with the bully as mentioned earlier, which leads to the kid to be severely maimed, Kana unfortunately finds herself on the receiving end of a reputation backlash! With the other children frightened and the orphanage caretakers panicking over what is going on attempt to calm down and explain what happened.

- S: Shit, seems someone forgot the memo about not calling Kana a monster. Seems the little werewolf child went full savagery on the orphanage and left a literal bloodbath! Not only that but her being the only surviver in a building full of gore doesn't help her chances when a patrolling Rune Knight catches the scent and goes to investigate! Should she try to escape? Try to explain the situation to the knight? SOMEONE SEND HELP!!!!

Name: Kana's daycare trip

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Kana

Summary: After she settled down in the orphanage attempt to figure out just what the hell is going on! Despite the warm reception of the majority of the orphans who are quick to consider her one of their own Kana ends up becoming targeted by one of the older kids. Unfortunately for her she didn't read the note about not poking slumbering beasts.

-Orphanage children yay~
-Orphanage caretakers


Bully: Your typical bully, one of the oldest children at the orphanage, and also self-proclaimed top of the food hierarchy there. Clearly didn't realize what she was getting into.

-Catch your bearing in your new home?
- Deal with the bully.

Name: There is no laughter in slaughter--- wait?

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Kana

Summary: After she ended up getting into a fight with the bully as mentioned earlier, which leads to the kid to be severely maimed, Kana unfortunately finds herself on the receiving end of a reputation backlash! With the other children frightened and the orphanage caretakers panicking over what is going on attempt to calm down and explain what happened.

-Orphanage children yay~
-Orphanage caretakers


Bully: Your typical bully, one of the oldest children at the orphanage, and also self-proclaimed top of the food hierarchy there. Clearly didn't realize what she was getting into.

-Try to explain why exactly you beat up the Bully who by the way is in quite a beaten up state
-Upon failed attempts to rationalize, being called a monster repeatedly Kana will break down and fully transform into her werewolf form, rampaging around the orphanage.
- Slaughter everyone!

Name: I need an adult?

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Kana

Summary: Shit, seems someone forgot the memo about not calling Kana a monster. Seems the little werewolf child went full savagery on the orphanage and left a literal bloodbath! Not only that but her being the only survival in a building full of gore doesn't help her chances when a patrolling Rune Knight catches the scent and goes to investigate! Should she try to escape? Try to explain the situation to the knight? SOMEONE SEND HELP!!!!



-Well, now you're stuck in quite a messy situation, quite literally. Upon regaining your senses attempt to figure out just what the hell went wrong.
-A patrolling Rune Knight is approaching upon hearing the commotion! Figure out how to deal with them.

#2Alaric Holloway 

I need an Adult! [Short] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 7:44 am

Alaric Holloway
These are approved to be taken, so long as that Rune Knight's face gets eaten

I need an Adult! [Short] 1ttePXg
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