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Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline]

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Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:24 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress


I really hope that I’m making more of this than it is… The colour of her cheeks carrying no small degree of pinkness as she crossed the ground with every ounce of speed that she could squeeze out of her heels, while the charging run which she indulged was certainly one which would leave her ragged if she continued it for all too long, there was something all the more important that Sung Lo Mei was currently focusing on. Drifting through the land of Fiore when she had caught the sound of a large and loud bell chiming away in the distance, while at first the girl had been a little bit puzzled by what she had heard some force of paranoia had compelled the young woman to follow the noise, and so with the sight of a village looming in the distance she had forced herself onward with all the haste and pace that her well-practiced body could command.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:25 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

With any luck, I’m just going to arrive at a wedding or something? A frown upon the face of the usually gentle face of the sinese siren as she took the sound that echoed around the plains and hills to be one that spoke of danger, while the crow of a church bell could be heard for a variety of reasons, the rushing runner aired on the side of disappointment rather than optimism on this occasion. Still new to this land and yet still feeling a rather strident obligation to intervene in the problems which plagued it, folk tales and study of chivalric code had seemed to galvanize a girl who had always had a rather strong sentiment toward overarching morality, and prompt her to act even if many would not have saw her as ready. After all, she was a mere fledgling when it came to using the magic which the White Empress had imparted, but even on her own she was not so callous as to ignore the cries of those who needed help, was she…?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:25 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Though… It wouldn't be the first time terror and tragedy have preyed on those without to defend them, would it? Not about to let these obvious facts hold her back when she had a cold and hard feeling in her belly, though the girl was young she had wandered her homeland writing wrongs in the spirit of the folk stories she had been told way back when, and then she had to consider the matter of her mother as well.
I hope I make it in time! Unlikely to ever forget both the sadness and the generosity which had seemed to see her raised into the woman she was now, Mei could only too clearly remember the image of her weary matriarch trying to get her somewhere safe and the sacrifice she had made in that, and with that memory could see the confused but kindly monks who had taken her in and raised her when the woman had passed. Both things creating a whirlwind of emotion within her, sufficed to say she wasn't about to let some other unfortunately soul be left without someone to show them a generous spirit, and charged onward because of that…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:25 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

In the meantime it seeming to only take a single shot from a crossbow for the loud wailing of the church bell to be silenced, despite the hopes of the dashing damsel that everything was quiet and peaceful in the village which she galloped toward, the unfortunate fact was that it wasn’t. Figures seeming to be huddled in the protection of the church and the town hall with the doors boarded and barricaded as best they could, the one brave soul who called for help sadly fell from the bell tower thanks to the brutality of a bandit’s bolt as a half dozen or so figures littered the streets and threw food and shiny objects into the saddlebags of their steeds, whilst one among them stood tall and clapped a hand on his shooter with a gap toothed grin upon his face as he congratulated his agent on the act of callousness he had performed.

“Fetch this man a medal, that noise was doing my head in…”

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:25 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Looks like we got a hell of a haul, boys!
And people say crime doesn't pay? Zehahahahaa!”

The ‘man’ that led the marauders seeming to be happy that the sound of protest and alarm had been ceased by such a ruthless deed, with one hand slapping the back of his slimly built and rat-like bowman and the other one wrapped around the waist of a girl who looked around the age of our lady lead he gave a loud chuckle and then rapped the flaxen femme’s rump hard enough to knock her into the ground, seemed only more amused when the deed made her sob. Fear plain in the eyes of the young woman that the large brute had snared as he stroked hair that seemed somewhere between stubble and a full beard, while she might have wanted to make a break for things now that the clamping grip of the chief brigand had been released from her, unfortunately the presence of his men prevented that.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:26 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Striking out for some country living was a bit of a gamble, but it looks as if our luck was in boys! No Runeys for miles in places like this!
Food, gold, and Miss Beauty Queen here should fetch us a good price as well!
We'll winter like kings this year, I reckon!
Who knew a backwater shithole like this one could have such potential, eh?”

Certainly any soul sure to feel a strong sense of intimidation when they found a half dozen men leering at them and eyeing up every red cent they could make from you, even if the frightened femme had managed to get her legs underneath herself then she would have found any route away from the town centre blocked by bodies all too happy to lay their hand on her. And so all she could do was quiver, and hope that she could find some fortune coming her way. Thank the maker for those who ran toward danger rather than away from it, eh?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:26 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Knaves! I knew it! Perhaps not fortune blowing the way of the maiden but something more fierce and fiery, with heels like thunder a certain rushing raven roared along the main street that made up most of the village with her eyes on the proverbial prize, or rather in this case the group of villains toward whom she felt an instant sense of revulsion toward. The fire of the fox seeming to surge through her body as her blood boiled at the sight of what they had done here but the way in which they threw her fellow femme being the last straw, had the bounce and sway of her sprinting not overwhelmed it one could have easily noticed how agitated the girl was by how her body seemed to be shaking with rage, and one which almost seemed to make the air ripple around her, such was the ferocity which she felt as these thugs. And she was only too happy to vent it as well…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:27 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“You…!!!” Wasting no time in tackling the challenge before her the moment it was in range either, while the gang of bandits might have seen her coming from the loud sound of her feet seeming to beat against the cobblestones like that of a horse’s hooves, the girl used that energy and adrenaline that her anger seemed to provide for greater height and success as she flung herself into a fury-fuelled lunge and lurched toward the brutes with everything that she had.
“Stop right there!!!” Vaulting from the ground in a surge of righteous rage and unleashing her weapon from the band which held her ponytail because of that, Miss Sung lunged into through the air and aimed for the space next to the poor girl with her jaw clenched and sword in the air, and let loose her strength both in one sharp-edged and spectacular fashion to announce her entrance into this little encounter, and what an introduction it was..!

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:27 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Hrrraaahhhh!!!!” Perhaps showing a far more ferocious temper beneath the beauty of her almost black hair and dark and doe-like eyes as she let that razor sharp edge fall down upon the nearest fool to the fair femme, Mei might have liked to have said that this was the first time she had seen claret fill the air as a result of such anger-fuelled action, but she would have been lying in that regard. All too clearly envisioning some righteous hero carving a path through body after body in some grand act of valiantness and aiming to emulate that aiming, she showed she was far faster on the draw than a fool armed with the heavy head of an axe as she felt that blade pass through his body, and felt herself shiver as a result. Though, whether that was because of satisfaction at the deed, or terror at knowing how easily she done it, was something she could only speculate upon later.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:28 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Attacking a defenceless villagers, the fiends…! Not even realizing there was a girl in the middle of the group when the vehement vixen had vaulted from her valiant mount, the fact that Mei had found a helpless girl in the middle of this marauder mob only served to make her temper rise even more, and fuel her attack further.
It will be the last mistake they ever make! Turning her weapon over in a manner she had practiced more times than she could remember and honestly glad for the reflex, she could see that the brutes seemed slower than her from the offset in how she could wheel around and avoid the cruel head of a maul a moment later, and before long she was driving the tip of her weapon into the shoulder of yet another attacker to make him howl, before swiping again with a blade which seemed to show the same callous disregard for flesh that a warm knife would do butter.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:28 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Unfortunately, it seemed however that speed and the element of surprise would only carry her so far against a gang like this one.
“Tsssst!” The second fool she felled barely having time to collapse into the earth before his buddies set to work making sure that this little interruption did not last by sending a shot which surely would have skewered his friend if he had not, because of this it was only some force of reflex that meant that she didn’t lose an eye only a moment later as the rat-like bowman set to work on his new target; her.

An archer? Damn! The sharp tip of an arrow sent by their resident bowman whizzing toward her pretty face, it was only the way that the light caught that gleaming steel head that made Miss Sung duck out of the way instinctively, and she was spared the horror of having one of those deep and dark irises lost forever and probably worse because of it.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:29 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Humph!” Instead left with a thin red line along her cheekbone that began to ooze blood but a moment later, the sable siren spared only a second to stare at the archer before she spied him lining up a second shot, and so was sent sprawling over her shoulder in a something heavy fashion which perhaps revealed her in experience in battle, but ultimately also spared her significant injury as well. However, as she regained her feet afterward, she realized there was a loose end here that really needed tying sooner rather than later.

“Take the horse, and run!” The first concern of the would be warrior resting with the fair femme that seemed to cower nearby, as another arrow whizzed past her ear Miss Sung called to the floored girl and ordered her to leave and take one of the horses which these brutes had brought along with her when she did so, her voice unintentionally sounding a little sharp as she barked defiantly against these menaces in favour of protection.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:29 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Get help, I'll hold them back!” Expecting that her fight would be that much harder if she was protecting another person in addition to herself, it was with no shortage of relief that the black beauty noticed the girl nodding at her and then made a run past the bodies that had already been knocked down and toward the mount who lingered nearby, leaving our lady lead alone against a mob of angry, armed and alert adversaries.

I'm hardly used to duels, let alone what this even is… The focus of the femme not splitting too much, as she looked toward the group she was to do battle with, the one that lingered at the back of them seemed the first issue to address to the eyes of Mei.
Looks like I better bring my best then? Up against a mob on her own but carrying a sharp mind and plenty of enthusiasm, while it might have been a little reckless for a novice like her to challenge a group like this, she was left with little choice given the situation, and at least felt her confidence bolstered by how quickly she had seemed to fell her foes when she had the chance to close on them. Their clubs and axes seemed little challenge to the gift of training and experience which Xaio minks offered, did they?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:29 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“You think…” The seeds of her confidence planted long ago and nurtured by perhaps the most skilled and apt warriors which the world might have to offer, the battling brunette rushed toward the cover of a nearby wall in order to limit the strikes of the crook with a crossbow, and didn't even lament the fact that such a deed seemed to mean she allowed herself to become surrounded by not one or two but more enemies, all at once and looking to vent their own fury upon her hide. However, on their own they were no match for her training or her sword, and together she would prove they were little challenge as well.

“…Numbers are your advantage?” Flicking the weapon which she held in hand to turn it about and draw it into more of a backward stance similar to those seen by the shinibi in comic books, Miss Sung drew in a breath and even let the lids fall over her eyes as she watched her enemies lift their own armaments, and then let loose a little skill she had spent the past few years honing, and was only enhanced by her edge all the more.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:29 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

What followed a series of grunts and groans as a wheel of what looked like curving sunbeams seemed to assert itself over her surroundings as the swift sword of the siren cut through her enemies, bodies seemed to stumble and drop as the beauty with the blade steadied herself after her act, and honestly found herself admiring the result of her training.

That should teach you. Perhaps some sense of satisfaction seeming to be sourced from seeing the results of one's hard work and sustained effort come into fruition, not to mention the feeling of justice in her act, Mei couldn't help but gloat on what she had done in a silent fashion, and in spite of the grand amount of training she had endured perhaps showed the absence of her experience in that fact. It was all well and good to be proud of one's effort, after all, but concentration was a must in a fight like this and a slip was costly, especially when outnumbered.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:30 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“Unnnffff!” Perhaps letting her attention linger just a little bit too long because of the gratification she gained from her deed, someone with a little more discretion could easily exploit such a situation, as Miss Sung found as she allowed herself to get blindsided by something she had neither the reflexes nor armour to defend against when attempting to round the bend she had just ducked behind.
Caught me… By surprise! The butt of a sword slamming into the top of her ear and even more importantly the sound of her skull without any warning, the disadvantage that the dark damsel had in battling a bunch like this was demonstrated all too clearly, and she was left stumbling while her head pulsed with pain from the blow she had suffered.

Damnit! The feet of the femme all of a sudden seeming so much clumsier than she ever remembered them being, as her mind seemed to throb and head ached from the simple but effective strike she had suffered, Mei wobbled from one side to the other as she tried to keep her legs underneath herself but could not.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:30 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Careless, Sung Lo Mei! Lopping in several directions before feeling her weight overwhelm her stability, the bushido beauty slumped down onto her knees and lifted her hand to the patch on her head that hurt the most and felt a shiver pass through her as she felt the wetness of blood there. This, however, seeming like the least of her concerns when three grinning men loomed in front of her, while the young woman wanted to continue her fight her options were looking rather bleak as her head seemed to chime like the bell from before, her eyes dating from one side to the other to try and see which of them would attack first.

“Looks like you lost us our prize, girl.
But we’d be happy to let you take her place, now won’t we boys?”

Trembling either because of the sense of shock that the blow she had been struck with had inflicted upon her or because of how much the situation she was in reminded her of the worst part of her childhood, while Miss Sung tried to push her legs underneath herself and move the sense of fatigue and dizziness overwhelmed her, and also seemed to curb any potential she had to summon her strength. Not that she was terribly intent on showing that fact.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:30 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

“I’d rather die.” The dark eyed damsel defiant to the last, she had seen enough bandits in her life to know that she would rather meet her fate with her head raised high in disobedience than lowered in submission, and spat out words of anger and resistance because of this even as their leader loomed in front of her. Perhaps a part of her afraid but not wanting to give these brutes the satisfaction of knowing this, while she expected a grisly fate was likely to wait for her right now, she didn’t give up or resign herself to it.

But on my feet, like a warrior. Instead summoning every ounce of strength she to force herself back onto her feet, Mei glared at her enemy and at least enjoyed the look of surprise in his eyes at her act, even if it did make the brute draw his fist back ready to hit her. However, the blow that fell down in front of her was not one that she expected.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:33 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress  

What?! Flinching slightly as a fist was flung her way by the dull thud of metal seeming to catch her by surprise, as the vision of the vixen returned to her after their moment of obscurity she found something long and yet strong seeming to cut off the path between herself and the rotten brigands whom she had been battling. A scarlet spear which was as she was tall and then some acting like a wall in front of her, all that Miss Sung could do was blink in surprise as something she never expected offered protection to her prettiness, and wonder who had put in in front of her.

”Well, well, well…
Here I am, out for a walk, and I walk into a bunch of bandits picking on a little girl?”

A crisp, confident and most of all collected voice breaking through the tension as well as her razor sharp weapon had torn sinew earlier on, Mei turned her head to the side to see a young man who did not look all that many years older than her sauntering up with a hand on his hip, and looking cool and assured despite the gleam of swear on his brow.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:34 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Seeming to be wearing an indigo one piece jump suit with his azure hair pulled back into a slim ponytail, the doe eyed doll could only flutter those lashes as she saw a cocksure grin turn toward her and feel a sense of intrigue from eyes which were as scarlet and colour and sharp as the spear he seemed to wield, and for a moment wasn't sure whether her legs seemed to feel wobbly on account of the blow which had been struck against her or perhaps some other, more obscure cause.

I can see… Where he gets his strength? Redness rushing to the cheeks of Miss Sung as she looked upon the image of the man who had seemingly come to her rescue, though she wasn’t ordinarily the type to be moved too readily by the image of another, in this case even she couldn't fail to notice such good looks. Certainly his sharp and chiselled features only enhanced by the lopsided and perhaps smug grin which he wore, these facts along with a radiant set of ruby red irises and a smirk that offered so much were certainly enough to catch the eye of the right woman or man, and our lady lead was no exception to this.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:34 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

G-Gosh… The head of our heroine still throbbing and her knees still feeling rather weak, despite this she couldn’t help but feel distracted and drawn to this stunning stranger as he moved closer to her, and admire the firm tone of the arm that reached toward the blade that blocked off the bandits. Every inch of this figure seeming like it was sculpted with the intention of putting a smile on the face of a goddess, Mei pulse quickened when he wrapped his hand around the hilt of that huge sword and only became more prominent when their gaze met, with the floral femme feeling as if everything but those blue eyes disappeared from her world for a moment as she fell into the ocean they provided, and frankly, felt lost within for at least a second or two.

”About time someone took care of this fools, wouldn't you say, Babycakes~?”

That lingering gaze that the stranger gave to her only quickening the pulse of our would-be pugilist, and the fact that he could lift that mighty blade with one hand not helping either, as cool words were cast her way Miss Sung could only feel her cheeks burn and even forgot some of the throbbing in her skull as well as she looked into those brilliant blue eyes.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:34 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

Almost embarrassed to be struggling so much in the face of such a fine looking figure of a fellow, though her legs still felt weak the doe eyed damsel tried to straighten herself up as best as she could and put on a stronger image than she had, feeling as if she was letting herself down or something in the face of this handsome man as she wobbled in a woozy fashion.

B-Babycakes? A little bit puzzled by his choice of wording though this down to the station in which she came from, not only was Mei a little lacking when it came to experience in a romantic sense she was also new to the language of the land in which she now lived, and so seemed to struggle both with both the words themselves and the implication which lay behind them as well. Perhaps woefully lacking when it came to the not so fair sex in fact, spending her first eighteen years of life in a monastery had hardly been conducive to one's understanding of romantic parlance, and this fact suddenly seemed rather painfully obvious…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:34 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

”Not that you've been doing half bad yourself, mind.
Certainly thinned the herd…
Nice work there, little lady~”

“T-Thanks…” Suddenly feeling like a little girl again though even by that measure not much like the youngster she had been way back when, even though she wanted to say so much, all that Miss Sung could do was mumble and feel the urge to giggle as she found herself being winked at by this ravishing rescuer.

“I, um, did my best?” Totally forgetting about the situation she was in and melting more and more by the moment, the raven haired rider felt gooey inside and almost wanted to swoon at the situation she found herself in, as even a girl as assertive as she tended to be didn’t mind being liberated by a handsome stranger like this. Gods how he seemed to remind her of the raven haired madam who had taken her under wing when she had arrived, and that was something she wasn't sure how to feel about…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:35 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

”Coming from you, that sounds like plenty~”

He seems… Rather the charmer? Still somewhat stunned both by the blow that she had received and perhaps so much more so the sudden appearance of this ravishing rescuer, and this perhaps explaining the slight daze she found herself in, all the same Miss Sung was blissful because of it and also seemed rather indulgent of that joy as well.
I wonder… What his name is? Right now in this moment of attraction happy to simply enjoy the little wink she was given by the man and savour it even if she would be left to wonder just what it meant as he turned around to face enemies she had half forgotten about, right now the doe eyed doll could have let everything but the world melt away from her and simply enjoy the rippling sight if the man in front of her, but unfortunately, it seemed not everyone was keen on that idea.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Away With The Fairies [Solo - Storyline] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:35 am


WORDS: ### |Emerald Enchantress

”Coming from you, that sounds like plenty~”

He seems… Rather the charmer? Still somewhat stunned both by the blow that she had received and perhaps so much more so the sudden appearance of this ravishing rescuer, and this perhaps explaining the slight daze she found herself in, all the same Miss Sung was blissful because of it and also seemed rather indulgent of that joy as well.
I wonder… What his name is? Right now in this moment of attraction happy to simply enjoy the little wink she was given by the man and savour it even if she would be left to wonder just what it meant as he turned around to face enemies she had half forgotten about, right now the doe eyed doll could have let everything but the world melt away from her and simply enjoy the rippling sight if the man in front of her, but unfortunately, it seemed not everyone was keen on that idea.

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Mei on Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:53 am; edited 2 times in total

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