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Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna]

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Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:15 am


WORDS: 250 | TOTAL: #### | Moons Out Swoons Out

it looks… Pretty girly huh? Running her palms down a frame which was clad in something entirely out of the ordinary, Nikki Marcello eyed something which was scant and ruffly and so far from her wardrobe it seemed practically alien, and could have sworn had she still a functioning pulmonary system might just have blushed at either seeing herself in some cute piece of beachwear or the effect that it had upon her cavernous cleavage.
She better not laugh…! Instead left only with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as she contemplated the notion of stepping out of the curtained changing room and finding a blonde cackling at how out of place she looked, the vampy vixen could frankly not recall the last time she had opportunity let alone reason to slip into some swimwear and perhaps felt a bit on edge because of that fact, and yet beneath all that ran an undercurrent of excitement that threatened her with a fit of the giggles as well.

“Hey girlfriend! You ready~?” Perhaps this the reason that she seemed to be taken by a fit of goofiness as she poked her head out of the curtain which concealed her and spoke up to the goddess with the green gaze on whom one another waited upon, once more was the daring duo who found themselves most at home in barroom brawls and back alleys trying something new, and in doing so felt thankful for the twinkling stars and shining moon which hovered overhead. This bloodsucking bombshell especially…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:02 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki

"Hell... Now that I think about it... Been a hot minute since we did somethin romantic huh~...?", Kanna all but blushed as she thought back to their time in Stella when Nikki just... Up and proposed to her~... Fucking hell it still left her heart fluttering just thinking about it.

Much like Nikki, Kanna had gone all out today~... She'd bought a new bikini, and a pair of tight black shorts to go with it, an outfit dripping with a retro futuristic vibe the type put shame even on the people of Talaz Lagaar... She'd been fussing over her outfit for a while now... Tightening her top around her neck, in a way that hefted up her generous bust... Nah, too slutty, not that kind of date. Then she loosened it a bit... Uncomfortable, tighten it back, then shift the shorts around the shapely flare of her hip. Eventually, she adjusted the cups of her bra and gave one final tug on the knot holding a her ponytail as she heard Nikki call out to her:

"Comiiiin'... Just a sec babe~...!", and true to her words, Kanna slid the pair of sunglasses over her forehead, knowing they'd likely go unused around this time of day but not thinking much of it as she simply strode back out with a spring in her step, only to come out and immediately be greeted with a goddess... Her jaw dropped immediately as Kanna stood still. Nikki might have worried her choice of outfit looked innocent or girly but... In the eyes of her wife to be. She just looked stunning, "Whoa~... S-Shit... Ya went that far for little old me...~?"

Kanna bit her lip hard as her her eyes washed over those generous curves, then back up to meet those gorgeous rubies, chewing that supple bottom lip the whole time, her cheeks red even as her lips drew into a smile, cocking her hip to the side and giving Nikki a chance to take in her own outfit in turn.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:59 pm


WORDS: 290 | TOTAL: 530 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Whoa…!” It seeming that it wasn't just the stare of the siren which was scarlet in colour when those eyes settled upon the belle in blue and black, while it was true that the garb of the girl with the green gaze was a whole lot more street than that which Nikki had chosen it was no less sexy for that fact, or no less capable of leaving her speechless either as she surveyed the blend of azure colour and flesh that seemed all the paler and more delicious in this midnight moonlight. Seemed they had both gone all out today, hm?

“Heehee, you like it~?” The vampy vixen proving just as happy to receive that awed attention as well as she was to dish it out when next it seemed Kanna's turn to gape at her, that stunned surprise was something that made her feel both embarrassed and excited by, with perhaps an emphasis on the latter with the way in which Miss Marcello's confidence seemed to bloom because of that.
“Not too girly for a tough gal like me, I hope~?” Always one who tended to air toward the side of tomboy but for just this once never feeling happier to look so feminine, some force of impulse seemed to compel the bloody bombshell to pull her arms behind her back and push her shoulders forward to really show off the number she was wearing, and for one reason or another felt some kinda burden being lifted from her shoulders by the whole occasion. I mean, it was only natural, really. For once, she could show off like this, and needed only to worry about the opinion of the one person in the world that actually mattered to her…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:01 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

Kanna had to admit... It felt damn good being oggled like that by her beloved, and she couldn't help but nibble her bottom lip as she caught that wanting gaze that rivalled her own, though it didn't stop her from admiring the sight before her in turn:

"Mmmmm, like it~...? Babe, I fucking love it~", at the same time, she could sense just a tinge of insecurity in her lover's words, alongside that redness on her cheeks... And her heart raced immediately~... She felt her spine tingle as her woman showed off for her, arching her back as she proudly presented that full figured frame... And Kanna couldn't help but sashay over to her, those hips swaying left and right as she walked up to her, "If ya ask me... It's just the right amount of girly~?"

This was a side of Nikki she rarely got the pleasure of witnessing, and she wasn't about to miss it for the world, still chewing that bottom lip as she sashayed over to her, hands on her hips, brushing those frills adorning her bikini as she leaned in for a slow, sultry little smooch... Surprisingly chaste for the two of them but... Nikki had spent a good while getting that bikini ready... Kanna was trying not to yank it out of her that quickly~? She just wanted to enjoy their little romantic evening tonight.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:37 am


WORDS: 290 | TOTAL: 820 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Wow, keep that up and you might just get me in a dress on our big day~?” Certainly feeling like her cheeks were glowing even if the lack of circulation meant that they may not grow quite as pink and rosy as a regular girl when her comely companion complimented the flourish of femininity which she had chosen for her garb, it was strange for the scarlet eyed strumpet to feel so vulnerable and insecure in her image but by the same token all the more exciting to feel the approval of her mate, which prompted a smirk from Nikki and the start of a promise as well given the smile she wore. I mean, go big or go home, right?

“Probably not a white one though?” Not that their union would be a typical one in any way or fashion and the fox feeling that she would even then be more comfortable in black or a bloody shade of red rather than the tone of purity, she snickered at the image of herself in some fancy gown and a veil, then shook her head as she seemed to shuffle around to the side of her lover in a fashion which seemed just as playful and girlish as her garb to sweep her mitt into her own.
“A maiden, I ain’t!” Grinning all the while as she looked to that green gaze and then pulling upon that grasp to usher her toward the sand and sea beyond them, all too quickly did she break into a rather distracting bound thanks to the combination of swell and swimwear, and giggled all the while as she beckoned her blonde to follow with her with the broadest beam she had probably ever worn…!

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:02 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Well shit... Now that ya mention it... I'd kill to see ya in a wedding dress~...?"

The mere suggestion made Kanna's eyes flare, after all, it was something she never imagined she'd see in a million years... Hell, the thought never even crossed her mind with how utterly outlandish it seemed, but once the suggestion was made, the blonde could no longer keep it from her thoughts:

"Oh you're right, if ya ask me...", Kanna added, nodding sagely as she peeled away just enough to let her gaze wash over the fine frame of her beloved belle, and she couldn't resist letting her gaze linger on that plush, eye catching cleavage before drawing her eyes right back up to Nikki's as she nibbled her bottom lip, and finally smiled as Nikki took Kanna's hand in her own, "Red's more your colour ain't it...~? Even though you look stunning in that white bikini"

Almost immediately, Kanna interlaced her fingers with her beloved, holding her gaze and finally giggling as Nikki tugged her towards the sea, feeling the grains of sand sifting between her toes as she strode along the shore, wasting no time picking up those damn near useless sunglasses and leaving them haphazardly on her towel as she walked past it and chased after her red hot woman... Already feeling her heartrate quicken just from watching her~...


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:35 am


WORDS: 250 | TOTAL: 1070 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Wow, you trying to make me blush?” Smiling as the strumpet at her side continued to swoon and tease her over the topic of her more feminine expression through her fashion, though the idea of decking herself out in a silky gown and seeing the face of the fair fox was enough to make her heart leap into the air and backflip at least a couple of times, Nikki still arched her brow and showed the sardonic wit to which she was so prone. Though, it seemed on this occasion, a hint of sadness seemed to linger beneath it.

“Not that I… You know?” The softness which she had cultivated with this coquette something that had seemed to finally allow her to feel comfortable expressing her feelings that bit better, Miss Marcello looked almost meek as the absence of activity in her circulatory system weighed heavily upon her, and she let out a sorrow tainted sigh because of it.
“Sorta envy you for your um, restoration, sometimes?” Glancing up toward the moon a moment later and the twinkling sky that surrounded it, even with that the vixen couldn’t help but voice a note of regret for the fact that they had to do things like this at such a late hour. I mean, how she might want to show off the blonde bombshell she had bagged and perhaps herself as well in the daylight, hm? Felt almost a tragedy that they might be denied it when they were looking this good…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:15 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Damn right I am babe~", Kanna purred, blowing her woman a sultry, loving little kiss as she leaned in, throwing her a teasing wink for good measure too... But that cheeky smile faded into an empathetic look, "Yknow... Sometimes you can? Even bein a vampire, I've seen your cheeks get a little red every now and then~?"

Kanna's words might have sounded like wishful thinking and the blonde knew it all too well... She ran her hand over to her hair, combing that loose blonde lock away from her eyes to gaze into her woman's ruby red hues, a soft smile on her face as she simply shrugged and shook her head:

"Maybe I'm just imagining things but... You look hella cute still~...?", Kanna followed Nikki all the way to the edge of the ocean, the waves crashing around their ankles in an incessant ebb and flow... The sun had only just set now, the sky a vibrant, dusky shade of twilight, the one time of the day when nightwalkers and daywalkers could meet each other half way... A perfect expression of their love now that Kanna had lost the gift of vampirism, "Mmmm... Honestly? I wish I hadn't been restored? I know our bond is still there but... Just knowing we were one and the same made me feel even closer to you?"

Kanna glanced off towards the ocean, and took initiative now, pulling Nikki further into the waters, feeling that cool climbing higher and higher along her shapely legs until it reached halfway across her thighs:

"But y'know babe... No amount of difference will ever pull us apart.", she said at last, pulling Nikki into her arms, wrapping them around her waist, squeezing her luscious lover tight enough that she could feel how her heart hammered in her chest as she leaned in for a slow, loving kiss.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:36 am


WORDS: 280 | TOTAL: 1350 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“You…? Wow, teasing me, jerk~?” The scarlet eyed siren stunned for a moment when Kanna observed how she still seemed to show a bit of blush now and then, while it was true she felt her cheeks burn Miss Marcello had never quite believed that wasn't just something in her head, and wasn’t sure what to make of it. So, for lack of a better idea, she reverted to classic form and rapped the bicep of the blonde in a playful and pouty fashion for the comment.

“I don’t know if it's about being different or just… Being reminded of what I'm missing?” The smile she wore fading however as she began to speak of certain envious feelings she had ever since the emerald eyed enchantress had regained her mortal status, while it was true that there were plenty of perks to being undead at the same time the sable stunner couldn't help but feel like not only she was missing out, but rather the both of them as well.
“It's like… This beach! I'd love to walk around showing my sexy girl off in the daylight? Or… Hold your hands and say forever more in sun…?” Spreading an arm across herself as she gestured to their sandy surroundings and admitting that for all the privacy and majesty of the evening she felt a little bad for making the minx miss out on things that were more common and cliché, sure they weren't a normal couple but there were times even she might long for the option of being one every once in a while, rather than be forced to linger in the dim dusk and drag the woman she loved along for the ride…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:49 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Nahhhh, cross my heart babe~... I'm totally serious. I mean I am teasin ya, but I'm also dead serious~", Kanna couldn't help but giggle as her woman nudged her arm and blushed, and the blonde couldn't help but lean in and kiss those pouty cheeks, running a hand under her cheek, expressing her never ending love for her woman as she kept a firm hold on her hand, "Y-Yeah... I getcha...? I didn't think too much of it when I was a Vamp, honestly... I was just thrilled about being the same as you... But now... I-I really just wish I was still a Vamp?"

Kanna replied, and her cheeks reddened a bit at the admission, and she couldn't help but squeeze Nikki's hand tighter. Her woman had just poured her heart out for her, and even Kanna couldn't help but return the favor even if it made her cheeks flood with colour:

"Mmm, back then I kinda loved just... Havin a whole world that was just yours and mine? Just strollin in the moonlight with my woman.", Kanna pulled Nikki a bit further into the water, until it had reached as high as their midriffs, the waves rising and falling as they lapped along the band of her bikini...

Turning around and walking with her back to the horizon, holding her woman's gaze as she guided her deeper into the water, the beach behind her as little more than a backdrop the further they went:

"Guess the grass is always greener ain't it~? Ooof though... Just imagine if we could take turns~?"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 7:05 am


WORDS: 370 | TOTAL: 1720 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Ahahaha, I loved it~? But… I'm glad you're not anymore?” The black belle unable to deny that she had relished their common status as members of their little brood, the connection which had been provided had seemed to only draw the two closer together and that was probably evidenced by the unexpected depth their relationship had reached, and yet at the same time she felt a sense of relief in how Kanna had been freed from the curse all the same.
“Wow, when you put it like that…?” Not that she hated the status she had or at least not when it was framed in the way the fair fox seemed to now, there was something sweet about imagining the two of them with a world all their own like they did now, and Miss Marcello did indeed feel a sense of guilt for having a part of herself which wanted to defy and deny such significant status they could share.

“Don't get me wrong, I love having the gifts and the eternal youth, just… When I saw May again in Stella, I started to remember some stuff…? The woman I was before this? The woman… I wanted to be?” The way that she had been feeling of late certainly something which had been cooking for a while and even before she had been looking enough to become engaged to the emerald eyed enchantress, Nikki could remember the chance she had to meet the one person in her life who had made her want to be better than she had all her life, and felt a notion of shame for the fact that she had seemed to give up on that after becoming a vampire.
“I wanted to be better than some thug in a dark guild…?” Some part of her regretting how she had lost herself to the ravaging revelry of being a bloodsucker, while she had always tried to comfort herself by going after people she felt deserved it all the same she still felt she could do better than she was, and though it brought redness to her cheeks and wetness to her eyes to admit it she could not deny that she felt disappointed with what she had become as well…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 12:59 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Yeah... just made me feel closer to ya, y'know?", Kanna nodded, knowing fully well she felt close to Nikki no matter what race they were, but earlier on...

She treasured that bond more than anything else in the world. And now, they had a much stronger, deeper bond than that Vampiric connection which bound them at first. Kanna had heard about Nikki's adventures in Stella but... This was the first time she'd expressed how it made her feel, and Kanna scratched her head, her brow furrowing:

"Mmm, I getcha... This ain't what I thought I'd grow into either? To me it was always about freedom. And god, it felt good just butchering fuckers who fancied themselves predators. Maybe a little too good? Hell, even now it still does.", she confessed, shaking her head as she thought of the side of herself that her predatory nature had brought up when she first became a Vampire.

A few months ago, Kanna might have said she never had a single figure in her life that made her want to be a better woman. But now she did and she was staring at her. Waist deep in water, Kanna turned around and reached out, taking both of Nikki's hands in her own:

"I know ya can't really have a society where everyone behaves like I do. Still, even now that I aint' a Vampire anymore... Don't think I could ever live within the confines of the law.", she confessed, shaking a head and sighing, before looking deeply into those vibrant ruby eyes, "But know that, whatever you wanna be babe... I'm with you 100%?"

Kanna despised a form of authority that never protected her when she was weak and powerless, essentially forced her on the run and to embrace a life of crime in order to survive. She realized that no matter how you look at it, the strong prey on the weak, opress them, force them to conform to their world view. So there only way to attain that absolute freedom she craved... Was to be strong. But there's more than one way to be strong.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 2:11 pm


WORDS: 370| TOTAL: 2090 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“I know babe…” Certainly not misunderstanding the note about how their common status as undead had seemed to provide them with that bit deeper a connection, perhaps the fact that they now they were once more not on the same page in that area was something that further bothered her about her current status, and especially so after having to watch this woman die before. Even if she had wanted to give that 'gift' again, Nikki could not see that a second time, that was for sure.

“Ahahaha, laws are just some dumb shit laid down by a bunch of idiots who never have to live by 'em? But… I'd kinda like to think that I can do some more good with the bad we do~?” The lass left to chuckle however when Kanna noted how she would prefer to flout matters of legislation and the sort and shaking her head soon after, Miss Marcello grinned as she noted a similarly scathing view upon the rules which governed the land, and affirmed that she would like to pursue a path that offered her own kind of redemption. Fighting however she could for what really mattered.

“I guess we'll see huh? Might be a way I can find a nice middle ground between beauty and the beast, like you have~?” Smiling however when the blonde said that she would support her no matter what the decision was, the scarlet eyed siren let loose a sigh and then wrapped her arms around her woman tightly and with a level of affection which had been a recent development between them, and then leaned in closer to her lover with a gentle and appreciative smile.
“Girl enough to feel good about myself, and animal enough… For the right moments~?” Confirming that she would never be quite free of the wildness she felt no matter her form but sure that there was probably a better balance between that and the person she wanted to be than what sucking blood offered them, Nikki snickered softly as she revealed her desire to grow rather than lose something, and then found herself drawn to the plump pout of her lover with no power to resist the urge to taste her…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#14Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:34 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"That's pretty much it... They have their own laws to live by and lock everyone else a little cage. Only the truly powerful can break free of the cage.", a nihilistic view, but Kanna wasn't necessarily an anarchist. She didn't really believe an anarchist state would last long, as some form of order would inevitably appear, and that too would find some way to oppress those too weak to stand up for themselves. In that case, there was only one solution... But Nikki was right too. Being strong didn't mean you had to exploit others too, "Mmm, yeah... There's something more to life than beating crooks to a pulp huh? At some point even that starts to lose its luster~"

Kanna let out an awkward chuckle as though she too had already starting to feel it... She'd grown much stronger over the past few months, running after Nikki, wanting to keep up with her so she could walk side by side with her woman:

"Shit babe~... If ya offering the best of both worlds... Bet your sweet ass I'll bite~?", Kanna purred, unable to resist adding a little bit of crassness in there with a shit eating grin on her face, though that look in her eyes had nothing else but love for her woman as she pulled her closer too, meeting that plush, pillowy pout, her full bust squishing ever so softly into her woman's as her hands linked behind her waist, just feeling the waves washing over them as she nipped that plush bottom lip and purred, "I love you when you're girly... And I love you when you're an animal~... Then again... I love all sides of you, Nikki?"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 3:43 pm


WORDS: 280 | TOTAL: 2370 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Ahahaha, I mean we can still do that when we're bored, or need a workout or something~?” The scarlet eyed siren snickering and shaking her head as her stunner mentioned how it was getting a bit samey pounding thugs into the ground, though perhaps she was starting to harbour grander ambitions than that Nikki knew that on some level she would always love to throw hands at the punks on the street, and reckoned it might make for a nice palate cleanser or something in the right circumstances.

“Man, biting my ass? You trying to threaten me with a good time~?” The black belle beaming when next the colourful language of her cohort seemed to tip her imagination in an equally vibrant direction, for a moment Miss Marcello's voice seemed to lower and grow a little huskier as she tilted her head to one side and commented on the issue, remarking rather shamelessly that she rather enjoyed the directions in which her mind seemed to be cast by the vixen.

“J-Jeez, I love you too babe~?” All too quickly seeming to feel as if her cheeks were burning again though when the emerald eyed enchantress seemed to call upon the sweetness which the moment had seemed to stimulate and leave her throbbing with a different kind of want momentarily, the brunette knew that she would probably always feel a little thrown off kilter by such remarks but at the same time was growing more and more used to hearing them, and so too was she craving the warmth her woman gave off as well for that matter. Even the flames her magic could produce seemed to feel cold next to the heat of Kanna Kusanagi, eh~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#16Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 8:46 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"God woman after my own heart~... You just know how to make a girl's mouth water dont'cha Nikki~...? No wonder you put a ring on me~", Kanna purred, biting her lip and smirking in approval at where her luscious lover's mind wandered, pulling her closer as she felt her heart thumping in her chest from that mere proximity to her bewitching beauty.

She was practically shivering at that husky, purring tone from her lips, and find her eyes narrowing as she sought that succulent pout with her own, suckling softly on it as nothing quite made her quiver like the feel of that softness of her own... Soon Kanna's hands were slithering around Nikki's back as she held her close, nails gliding along her smooth skin, practically dipping into it:

"Mmmmn~... Fuck, I'm lucky~...", she mumbled inbetween kisses, too preoccupied with sampling her lover's lips to even worry about breathing, or even minding the ebb and flow of the ocean all around it... A distraction that ultimately proved her undoing. With her back facing the waves, Kanna was utterly caught off guard as a sudden, larger wave swept into her back and knocked her over into Nikki, eyes wide as they fell into the swirling waters, "Whoaa...!"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 12:36 pm


WORDS: 240 | TOTAL: 2610 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Wow, what a surprise huh~?” Unsure of whether she was caught by surprise or off balance by the wave and woman which was thrust toward her or unwilling to oppose the latter, whatever the reason behind it the black haired beauty found herself toppling backward along with the force of the fair femme in her arms, and snickered shortly afterward as she had flopped into the sand and the surf with the woman she loved atop her.
“Seeing your hot ass in a bikini and then I'm dripping wet~?” Those dark locks drenched by seawater and the rest of her ever more so and yet Miss Marcello seeming to cling to a lopsided grin all the same, she couldn't help but smirk as she teased both the situation and the stunner with whom she shared it merrily, and then lifted a finger toward that dainty string bikini which the blonde was wearing in order to draw her toward her once more.

“Well, in for a penny in for a pound, eh babe~?” Bobbing her brows in the meanwhile and licking her lips as she baited the beauty she shared the beach with to indulge her, all that Nikki could do was purr as she adjusted to the situation and feel an odd sense of comfort in having been practically pounced by her partner, albeit accidentally, as she could relish nothing more right now than being ravished by the woman she loved…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#18Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 4:46 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Unnnf~... Shit babe, I'm almost thinking ya coulda warned me if ya saw that wave... But i sure as hell like where this is going~...", Kanna purred, biting her lip at her luscious lover's words as she could do nothing but rest her hands on the sand on either side as she hung atop her lover.

That long blonde hair draped down over Nikki's body as as the two fell down over the wet, welcoming sands, the ebb and flow of the waves crashing all around them, nuzzling her way to those soft, luscious lips, grinning as Nikki tugged her in, smooching her slowly and deeply as she slid her arms around her woman, squeezing her close... As the cool night air ran against her wet skin, Kanna felt a shiver as goosebumps ran all across her skin:

"Mmmm, keep talkin like that Nikki... And there's gonna be a whole lotta pounding in for you in a bit~...", she purred between her teeth for they were busy nibbling Nikki's bottom lip, tugging it teasingly as she suckled it inbetween kisses,her chest coming to rest atop her lovers as they two rolled around in the sand.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 6:48 am


WORDS: 270 | TOTAL: 2880 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Isn't much fun in that, huh~?” Mum seeming to be the word when it came to Miss Marcello's awareness of the surge from the sea which had cast them into the surf on the shore, she neither confirmed nor denied whether or not she had spied the thing in advance and simply allowed it to swallow them up, but regardless of the truth of the matter the endpoint was something that she could hardly disagree with.
“Kinda owe Mr Wave for this one, no~?” Happy to lounge in the fringe of the deep with her beautiful blonde and not in any rush to go anywhere else, the black belle beamed and flashed Kanna a little wink as she thanked the forces of nature for speeding them to the spot which they knew they were always headed to, and not a moment sooner than they needed to be there if this scarlet eyed siren had anything to say about it.

“Fuuuuuck, threaten me with a good time, will ya~?” As such only purring when her peach seemed to make a promise that she was damn sure hoping that her flaxen fiancé would end up keeping, she suckled on those lips hungrily as she peeled the jacket her woman was wearing off her so that she might feel even more of that soft flesh and the warmth that came with it, and lifted her knee to wrap around the hip of the woman as well as she did so. Half in an effort to squeeze her even closer to her, but also because she was damn sure ready to ride that express right to pound town now…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#20Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:49 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Mmmm, yeeeeeah~...", kanna agreed as she reveled in the position they found themselves in, feeling her body meshing oh so sublimely with her lovers as she squeezed her close and nuzzled those soft lips, planing another slow, sultry little smooch as she couldn't help but roll around with Nikki in her arms, until Nikki ended up on top of her as the crashing waves lapped all around Kanna's body, "When the ocean itself just needs to say... Shut up and kiss already~...?"

Another giggle left her lips as she nibbled Nikki's supple bottom lip, her hands gliding up and down those mouthwatering curves, enthralled by her lover's fine, full figured frame as she bit her lip hard at what she felt:

"And you can bet I'mma live up to it too~...", Kanna purred as she drew a kissy trail from Nikki's lips to her earlobe, giving it a teasing little nibble as her wandering hand found that luscious behind, squeezing it deeply, greedily before she rolled back on top of Nikki, nails clawing at that shapely leg as she pulled it around her hip.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:53 am


WORDS: 320 | TOTAL: 3300 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Mmmmnnn, Kanna…” Happy to play 'prey' for no one other than the mate she had made and unmade and yet kept all the same, most folk who caught her eye would find Nikki Marcello like a panther seizing them and taking her fill of what they had, but for this one and only this one the girl found it so much easier to show her softer and needier side, which was demonstrated as she found not an urge to fight against her fellow femme rolling them over but rather the yield to both her whim and her touch.
“F-Fuck…!” As such left gasping when the girl with the green gaze tilted them over and began to claw at her form, all she could do was shudder and gasp at the expert attention which this experienced emerald eyed enchantress could offer to her, and for once not feel some pressure to perform or need to supress her want to be indulged.

“Still got quite the hunger even in your new life, hm~?” In fact there something deep within her which made her want to be ravished by this woman and ever more so when she saw that look of lustful avarice within that green gaze, the black belle bit into her bottom lip and found her insides knotting as she watched her woman at work, and lifted a hand to the neck and shoulder of her lover with a smile and a nod as she encouraged her in her intent.
“Make me yours…” Almost swearing she might be blushing or at the very least flushed if that were possible as she crept those fingers up into the golden mane of her girlfriend and gave her a gentle and encouraging push downward as well, the voice of the vixen became a whisper as she guided Kanna toward her bust first and parts beyond, surrendering both to her need and the woman who drove it merrily, but wantonly as well…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#22Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:47 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

And when faced with her beloved Nikki's softer, needier side, how could Kanna do anything else but cling to her, hold her tight, kiss her, give her everything she needed and then more:

"Mmmmn~... Babe, for you?", she purred, a sultry, husky little growl leaving her lips as she nibbled that luscious bottom lip and let her hands wash over those wet, generous curves, practically tugging at the strings of her bikini until she could dispose of any forms of meddlesome garments, "Hell, no amount of Vampirism can compared to that~"

The two lovers of one heart and mind, Kanna hardly needed any encouragement as she started kissing, nibbling her way down, catching that salty hint of seawater as she indulged in her lover's body, climbing up that mountainuous bust until her chin was resting between them:

"Woman after my own heart, Nikki~...", she could only bite her lip hard as she looked deeply into her woman's eyes, letting her catch that hungry, ravenous glint in her eyes as she squeezed that fullness from the side.

Enthralled by that needy, wanting grasp she had on Kanna's blonde's hair, the loving wife to be wanted nothing more than to lose herself in her, and wasted no time carrying her way down to parts beyond, gliding her own wet bust down Nikki's midriff as she climbed down her hourglass frame, before losing herself in the depths of her lover's desire~...


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:58 pm


WORDS: 180 | TOTAL: 3480 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“Shit babe… That was…” Even one who had no need of breath seeming to have lost it through the effect and experience she had shared with her beloved blonde, not only did the now exposed bust of Miss Marcello seem to heave with the effort and exertion which she had her lover had indulged but so too did her mind as well as she struggled to come up with words to describe the taste of heaven which they had been given and seemed to come up short.
“Fuck…!” As seemed to be the usual left only with a sense of coarseness and crudeness but guessing the coquette with whom she and her body shared the sands wouldn't mind that, the scarlet eyed stunner spat out a word which was always one of her more reliable go-to expressions and snickered as she did so, before guiding the lips of the lass she loved toward her own to speak with something beyond the words, which she hoped she was more skilled in. After all, she was more of a woman of action than anything else, right?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#24Kanna Kusanagi 

Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 11:02 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | BEACH DATE | @Nikki  

"Whew~...", breathless, covered in sand, but by no means exhausted even after that romp, Kanna snuggled up to her woman as she enjoyed that blissful afterglow now from the comfort of their soft, fuzzy towel, resting her head on that plush, firm bosom, slowly smooching those soft, supple lips as her heart yet hammered in her chest and her whole body trembled from sheer closeness to her beloved bride to be, "Fuckin amazing~...? Haaaah~... Damn babe~... Why is it that the more I have you, the more I want you~?"

Kanna purred as her hands slid up her lovers curves, practically worshipping her with every touch, admiring the hickeys and little love bites she'd left on her body as a shrine to their lust for one another, before well and truly sinking into her arms, melting under her sultry, sizzling touch as she draped her arms around her back and rolled Nikki atop her, her chest coming to rest atop Kanna's as she dove in for those lips and suckled that plush, luscious bottom lip with a purr:

"Mmmmmn~... My gorgeous goddess~... Can't fucking wait for our honeymoon~...", Kanna purred into the kiss, squeezing Nikki close until she could feel her heart hammering in her chest...


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


Moonlight Swoon-ata~ [Kanna] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:53 pm


WORDS: 270 | TOTAL: 3750 | Moons Out Swoons Out

“I think that's cause… You're a greedy bitch~?” Those fangs seeming to flash as the fallen fox made no effort to conceal the simple truth of her lover's apparent bottomless desire, despite the coarseness and cheek inherent in her words Nikki's manner was one of tenderness and affection as she took a moment to brush the hair of her lover away from her face, and then toyed with those gorgeous golden locks as she grinned at her mischievously.

“Riiiiiight? Hahaha, where would you wanna go, hm~?” Giggling all the more as the girl with the green gaze rolled them over and settling upon the bust of the blonde more eagerly than most might have guessed, though she hadn't said much about it, ever since Kanna had been returned to the realms of the living Miss Marcello had taken a quiet relish in listening to the sound of her heart thumping, and smiled softly as she listened to something which had proven surprisingly soothing to her all things considered.
“The world is your oyster, even if we do need to rob a bank or two to get there~?” Settling there and feeling that steady rhythm flowing through them both and trailing a digit down the shoulder and arm of the flaxen femme as she did so, the scarlet eyed stunner seemed to wrap their fingers together as she let the scent of her lover overwhelm anything that the sand and sea might offer them, then glanced gently between the face of her fiancé and the tide as she relaxed in their embrace and began to discuss the plans which she hoped would arrive only too soon…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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