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Shot To The Heart [Toga]

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Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:42 pm

Relieved from the intense flurry of the brawl, Tōga scanned the disarrayed bar, his eyes landing on a suitable spot amidst the chaos. Tables were overturned, chairs flung aside, scattered across the floor in haphazard disarray—a testament to the ferocity of their earlier confrontation. Yet, through the wreckage, the dragon slayer's grin was irrepressible as he spotted an ideal setting for what he hoped would be a more peaceful continuation of the evening.

“'Excuse me, pardon me,” Tōga repeated, his voice a polite murmur as he navigated through the maze of debris and unconscious patrons. His steps were measured and cautious, deliberately avoiding the unfortunate souls strewn across the floor—victims of the tumult he and his striking date had orchestrated. Reaching a small clearing, he righted a table that lay on its side, dusting off its surface with a few efficient swipes before setting it upright. He then fetched a couple of chairs, arranging them neatly at the table.

Care to join me?” he called over to Ursula, flashing a charming smile as he gestured invitingly toward one of the chairs. Assuming she accepted, he would wait for her to be comfortably seated before sliding her chair closer to the table. Once she was settled, he took his own seat across from her, just as the bartender arrived with their drinks. The glasses clinked softly as they were set down on the now-clean table.

Thank you!” Tōga beamed, his hand reaching for his wallet from which he extracted a few jewels, placing them generously on the table. “Sorry for all the trouble we caused,” he added, his apology sincere as he acknowledged the wild turn their date had taken. While the initial annoyance was evident in the bartender's expression, his eyes widened in astonishment at the amount of money laid before him. “S-sir, that’s way too much,” the bartender protested, his voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and surprise.

No, take it. You deserve it. And hey, just keep the drinks coming!” Tōga insisted, his tone both light-hearted and insistent. His generous tip was as much a peace offering as it was a testament to his character—acknowledging the disruption they’d caused with a grand gesture that went above and beyond the expected.

As the bartender reluctantly accepted the jewels and retreated to prepare more drinks, Tōga's attention returned to Ursula. With the clinks of fresh glasses soon to echo again, the night promised new beginnings, transforming earlier chaos into an opportunity for laughter, conversation, and perhaps, a deepening connection.

wc: 443 [3,549]


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:46 pm


WORDS: 360 | Biker Babe

“Wow, hey big spender~?” The brow of the beauty in black seeming to pique a little as the lad caught her attention with the generosity which he showed to the man behind the bar, though she knew that her fiery fella was only trying to make up for the mess they had made his method was a little different from her own, being how he took the money from his own pocket rather than the wallets of the punks they had floored. One had to guess that was the lawman in him, hm?
“If I didn't know better, I'd think you were playing for the other team like that~?” Not that she wasn't above teasing him a little on the topic of the smooth way in which he accomplished his task, there was something about it that looked that tiny bit shady like the practice of some manner of gang running godfather or something, which was a note that Ursula couldn't help but poke at the matter as she slid into the seat next to him and bobbed her brows playfully toward him.

“But nah, I really can't imagine you doing anything other than saving damsels in distress, and the like~?” Letting her hand fall onto his knee soon afterward and then shrugging once she had done so, even though it was amusing to joke around that he might be hiding some big and juicy secret behind that badge of office there was no way that Miss Wilke would have believed it, especially in light of how they had met and grown close.
“Wonder why that is, hm?” Even with him bellowing flames and the like and snarling thanks to his draconic connection this young man one who she could never not see as her knight in shining armour, a hint of pinkness seemed to show in her cheeks as she realised just how much it comforted her to know she had someone in her life now who would have her back like he did, especially in light of how long she had rolled as a rather literal 'lone wolf'. Though, seems she was becoming more and more of a pack animal lately, right~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:12 am

"No, no, no, you've got it all wrong," Tōga retorted with a dismissive wave, a playful glint in his eyes directed at his date who had teasingly questioned his allegiance after the bar brawl.

"But we were every bit as responsible for the damage as them," he admitted, his gaze sweeping the bar's interior. The aftermath was stark—unconscious bodies were strewn across the floor, amidst the wreckage of tables, chairs, and shattered glass, all remnants of their former selves. The woodwork of the bar bore the scars of their escapade, marked with cracks, chips, and stains that gave the place an unintended new facade. Although Tōga had compensated the bartender generously with a handful of jewels, deep down, he acknowledged that the chaos should never have unfolded in the first place.

"But, I won't lie—it was fun. I rarely get to cut loose like that nowadays," he confessed with a chuckle, his infectious laughter mingling with the clink of glasses as he raised his drink for a sip. The bartender had just delivered their beverages to a hastily arranged table amidst the debris of their earlier fray.

"There will never be a day when I won't have your back, and come to your aid if you need me," Tōga declared, offering a reassuring smile as he took another sip of his drink.

Ursula, for her part, found amusement in their antics, often simplifying their actions through jokes and light-hearted banter. Yet, Tōga sensed a deeper connection when he was near her. Her presence catalyzed an exhilaration within him that surpassed the thrills he found in nature or in the heat of battle. It was rare for someone to simultaneously draw out the best and the most challenging aspects of his personality. Ursula was like a mystical elixir and a tempting poison, an enigma Tōga found himself drawn to explore with every encounter.

She might have imagined him as nothing more than a gallant hero, perpetually rescuing damsels in distress, but Tōga couldn't envision desiring to protect anyone more than he did her. In his eyes, Ursula wasn't just another person to save; she was a partner in adventure, a co-conspirator in chaos, and potentially, the catalyst of his greatest growth. This realization brought a new depth to their interactions, blending the thrill of danger with the warmth of mutual respect and burgeoning affection.

That was something to cheers towards.

wc: 401 [3950]


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:48 am


WORDS: 380 | Biker Babe

“I was making a joke, with your smooth bribe and all, Mr Shady Dragon guy~?” Nudging the arm of her partner in crime and parts beyond that, once more that upright nature of the boy shone through as he assumed responsibility for what had happened here, and though he was likely right in a technical fashion given how their dynamic duo had given as good as they got and more the minx did not wish to ruin the resumption of her good mood by focusing too much on the recriminations relevant to the situation.

“Oh~? How come?” The brow of the black belle lifting however when he noted how he hadn’t had many chances to cut loose like he did today, Ursula scooped up her drink and once more sniffed at it as she inquired as to the reasoning behind that, noting silently that it seemed a shame to keep such a fierce and fun 'beast' locked up all the time. I mean she figured the job of a rune knight would be dull usually and that was one of the reasons why she never joined their camp, but was happy to listen if he was feeling a note of frustration as well.

“Ahahaha, in this story the dragon is the knight in shining armour, hm~?” The gothic girl giggling however when he offered her some earnest reassurance on the presence and security which he could offer, for a girl who had spent her young days wishing that her father and brothers would come home to give her that such a sentiment meant more to Miss Wilke than she could ever admit, even if she did seem to find it difficult doing anything more than making light of the issue.
“Well, I suppose I'm a pretty unconventional damsel too, eh?” Seeming to prefer to demonstrate her happiness at his words and the affection it garnered more literally however, the lupine lass licked her lips a little then swallowed a dose of her drink before hopping from her seat and aiming for the lap of her man, merrily seeming to demonstrate her words as she got all up close and friendly with Toga in part in an effort to see him blush once more, but also with the view to offering him some manner of 'reward' as well…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:19 am

"Unconventional," Tōga mused, his eyes lingering on Ursula's appetizing form, a playful smile dancing on his lips. "That might be the most fitting word to describe you." His gaze swept across the tavern, a scene of delightful disarray that bore witness to their recent escapade.

An evening intended for flirtatious banter and pool table revelry had taken a delightfully unexpected turn. Misplaced words and inebriated patrons had ignited a spark, transforming their night into a whirlwind of laughter, adrenaline, and shared triumph. They had emerged victorious, leaving a trail of bewildered adversaries and slightly rearranged furniture in their wake. The tavern's interior, once a picture of cozy charm, now bore the scars of their playful skirmish, a testament to their unbridled spirit.

"You own your power, Ursula," Tōga continued, his voice a low rumble that resonated with admiration. "You make no apologies for who you are, and that's something I truly admire." He raised his mug, the rim cool against his lips, and took a sip of the sweet, tangy concoction. "It's a rare and beautiful thing."

His words echoed through the dimly lit tavern, catching the attention of a few remaining patrons. But Tōga, unfazed by their curious glances, continued his serenade of praise. "Don’t ever change that," he declared, his voice now a gentle caress, "and if anyone tries to test you, well...let's just say I'm sure you'll find a wall or two to throw them through."

His eyes, a mesmerizing blend of hazel and crimson, sparkled with a mischievous light. He saw in Ursula a kindred spirit, a fellow thrill seeker who embraced life's unpredictable twists and turns with open arms. She was a tempestuous storm, a captivating enigma, a woman who challenged and intrigued him in equal measure.

Tōga leaned back in his chair, a contented sigh escaping his lips. The tavern may have been in calming hysteria, but their spirits were soaring. Tonight, they had not only conquered their opponents but also forged a deeper connection, a bond born of shared laughter, shared victories, and a mutual appreciation for the extraordinary. And as he raised his mug in a silent toast to their unconventional adventure, Tōga knew that this was just the beginning of a truly remarkable journey.

wc: 390 [4,340]


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:34 am


WORDS: 370 | Biker Babe

“W-Wow…” The sable siren seeming to be stunned by the honest and most of all earnest manner in which her date seemed to gush over her in a way she might have scarcely expected most to do, especially in the position they were in, and for a moment or ten seemed to be left speechless because of that as she took in his words and betrayed how affected she was by them both by her loss and perhaps the glisten which washed over her eyes as well.
“Pfffft. Since when did you become such a smooth talker, hm~?” All too readily seeming to feel her chest pounding with pangs because of what he said and for the little joke which he appended to the end as well which she assumed was for her sake, Ursula snickered for a moment at the line about throwing folk who tested her through walls, and put her drink down upon whatever was the nearest suitable surface to thread both sets of her fingers into his hair as she looked deep into those eyes and hoped that her own gaze said more than her mouth ever could.

“Thank you, Toga.” Certainly not feeling herself enough of a wordsmith when it came to matters of the heart or at least not comparably so when confronted with such simple and sincere charm, all that she could do was toy with those perfect pink locks and stare deep into those windows for the soul as she offered her own sense of appreciation, first verbally and then in perhaps a more vixenly fashion.
“Mmmn-nrmmm…” The lupine lass practically purring in fact when she dipped forward slowly and seized his lips in her own to kiss him with as much sweetness and desire mixed together as she ever had and then some, as she did so she twisted and rearranged herself in manner which sough to place a knee either side of his so that she might straddle her man like the hungry animal she was deep down, and in doing so likely only progressed to deeds which would almost certainly see them getting kicked out of their venue after all they'd done as she dipped beneath his chin and began to suckle on the flesh below it…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:00 pm

Toga was no bard, weaving an intricate ensorcell of words with practiced eloquence. He wasn't a master painter, meticulously crafting masterpieces with every stroke of his brush. Nor was he a charismatic commander, rallying his troops with fiery speeches before a perilous charge.

No, Toga was something else entirely. He was a young man, a mage, a warrior, and an enthusiast. His words flowed from the depths of his heart, unfiltered and unburdened by the need for intellectual prowess. He was a creature of instinct, his tongue guided by the raw emotions that pulsed through his veins. Flawed and unpolished, he wore his heart on his sleeve, his sincerity as disarming as his fiery magic.

So when Ursula playfully dubbed him a "smooth talker," a look of genuine bewilderment spread across his face. His mismatched eyes, one a warm amber, the other a mesmerizing fusion of crimson and ebony, blinked in confusion. A sheepish grin tugged at his lips, his usual confidence momentarily faltering.

Yet, in this moment of vulnerability, he found himself rewarded. "No need to thank me," he stammered, his voice a gentle murmur. "You owe me nothing..." But his words were abruptly silenced, a gasp escaping his lips as Ursula leaned across the table, her painted lips capturing his own in a passionate embrace.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Toga surrendered to the intoxicating sensation of her kiss. His eyes fluttered closed, his body yielding to the warmth of her embrace. Her legs entwined with his beneath the table, silent and unseen evidence to the unspoken connection that crackled between them.

His senses were overwhelmed by a concinnity of carnal vogues: the fascinating scent of her perfume, the taste of sweet nectar on her lips, the delicate touch of her fingers against his skin. It was a whirlwind of emotions, a kaleidoscope of desire and tenderness that swept him off his feet.

In that fleeting moment, Toga was lost in the powerful depths of Ursula's clinch, his worries and insecurities momentarily forgotten. The world outside the dimly lit tavern faded into insignificance as he surrendered to the moment, a willing captive to the magic of her kiss.

wc: 370 [4710]


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:27 pm


WORDS: 290 | Biker Babe

“Ohhhhh, how generous~” As usual it seeming that the strengths of her lover was his sincerity and strong spirit, though the response of Miss Wilke was a playful one she had no doubt in her mind that Toga did not think that she owed him anything, and yet from the way she seemed to giggle and purr that did not mean she was not aiming to settle the score somehow all the same.
“And here I was, keen to repay my feeling of debt~?” Opting to work such a notion into her play as she shifted to press herself against him that little bit more and sank down low enough to nibble at the neck of her lover, the lupine lass lowered her voice further to respond to that feeling of intimacy and privacy which now connected them, and gently let her hands wash down his chest and then his ribs to find his waist as she did so.

“Do you want me to stop~?” Perhaps one of the things which she loved the most about the connection they were building the chance to be a bit of a bad influence upon a boy who was so very sweet and kind, though she would defend that feeling of innocence which he continued to carry through tooth and claw it was nice to feel like the little devil upon his shoulder at times, and that was exemplified as those ever daring digits of hers seemed to slide beneath his shirt and tickle his sides a little, before exploring his toned and taught abdominals in the meanwhile as she questioned him upon the desire which she was making more and more obvious. Though really, she couldn't imagine many men wanting to deter her course now, eh~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:47 pm

Toga's gaze, once languid and subdued, snapped wide, his eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity as a blush, a delicate wash of crimson, crept onto his cheeks. Ursula's words, a tantalizing blend of invitation and sensuality, had struck a chord deep within him, sending a jolt of unexpected desire coursing through his veins.

"Uhm... Uhm... Ursulsa-chan!" he stammered, his voice a flustered symphony of surprise and embarrassment. The normally unflappable dragon slayer teetered on the edge of his seat, his composure momentarily shattered by the overwhelming wave of heat that engulfed him – a heat that had nothing to do with his fiery magic.

As Ursula's lips danced along the column of his neck, her nimble fingers exploring the landscape of his body, Toga's resolve crumbled like sandcastles before the tide. Words, once his allies, deserted him, leaving only a series of breathless gulps and a rapidly escalating temperature in their wake.

"I-I mean... if you insist on repaying the favor... who am I to refuse?" he managed to utter, his voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of his surging desire. The declaration he had made moments ago, about not wanting anything in return, evaporated into thin air, replaced by an all-consuming yearning for the touch of the woman who held him captive.

Every brush of her fingertips, every gentle caress of her nails against his skin, sent shivers of pleasure through him. Her tongue, a mischievous temptress, traced tantalizing circles near his jugular, igniting a fire that threatened to consume him entirely.

Lost in a whirlwind of sensations, Toga could only muster a single, desperate plea: "Uhm... check, please?" The words, a feeble attempt to regain control, were barely audible, drowned out by the symphony of passion that swelled within him.

wc: 303 [5013]


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:32 pm


WORDS: 190 | Total: 5390 | Biker Babe

“I'd be disappointed if you did, babe~?” The corruption of the coquette seeming to be complete when as she might have anticipated her beau suddenly seemed a whole lot happier to have her making good upon the debts which she perceived, Miss Wilke couldn't help but lick at the glossy lavender colour upon her lips as she confirmed that the surge of excitement from such a prospect was something which she shared, and then found herself snickering as the lad seemed to wish for their exit to be made sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, I think it's time we took this party somewhere else, hm~?” As such left grinning as the lad demanded their check and climbing from him soon afterward though with no implication that their thrills would be ending any time soon mind you, the minx could only smile and bob her brows as she eagerly awaited a resumption of their raucous activity in a slightly more appropriate venue, and offered her hand to Toga playfully in that spirit as well. After all, from where she was standing, the wildness of their evening was only just starting, no~?



You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Shot To The Heart [Toga] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:17 pm

"Check, please!" Now Toga's voice, now a commanding baritone, resonated through the tavern, his brown eyes ablaze with an intensity that brooked no delay. With a practiced gesture, he delved into his pockets, emerging with a fistful of glittering jewels, their value a mere trifle compared to the whirlwind of destruction he had unleashed upon the establishment. He scattered the gems across the table, a nonchalant gesture of payment that undoubtedly surpassed the meager cost of their drinks and the damages incurred.

"let's go somewhere more private," Toga purred, a mischievous smile playing upon his lips as he entwined his fingers with Ursula's, leading her towards the exit. The cobblestone streets of Magnolia beckoned, a labyrinth of shadows and secrets that promised to conceal their passionate rendezvous.

As they stepped out into the night, leaving behind the stunned patrons and the unconscious remnants of their fiery encounter, Toga's mind raced ahead, envisioning the pleasures that awaited them at the quaint villa they had recently secured. It was a haven nestled away from the prying eyes of the world, a sanctuary where their desires could intertwine without inhibition or restraint.

The cool night air brushed against their skin, a welcome contrast to the sweltering heat that still lingered within them. Ursula's hand, soft and delicate in his own, sent a thrill of anticipation through Toga, fueling the inferno that raged within him.

With a final wave of dismissal to the bewildered faces peering from the tavern's doorway, Toga and his enchanting companion vanished into the embrace of the night, eager to explore the depths of their newfound carnal appetite.

wc: 5k+


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