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The Nominal North

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#26Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Tue May 14, 2024 8:19 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles chuckled at that first bit. "Lady Lumikki is from there but I have not yet been. My only interest there is helping her out in her dreams. I wish to help her build her name and power there so she may restore her clans to power and set her on the path to becoming a god-like being. Since I too plan on becoming evolved meaning a Demon myself, we will have eternal life as long as neither is killed. She wishes to use that time to protect and guard the people there. As her weapon, I will help ensure this comes to pass. "

It was true he had never been there but he would be glad to travel there with Ittindi. [color=red But of course you are free to Travel with me wherever it is I go Ittindi, as you are my greatest friend." [/color] HE was his only friend but that was beside the point and did not matter to Knuckles. He figured they could learn the culture together but from what he knew his hammer would make him popular alone. It was in fact a mythical weapon from that area of the world.

Knuckles laughed at Ittindi for the responsibilities he now had. The cons of the job I suppose. I am glad I do not have to worry about such things with Paradise Dawn. I simply go and do what I wish. Stopping in Central sounds good though, gives me a chance to look up the guy who arrested me and pay him back for locking me away!"

While he longed for the chance to fight Kon again, there was also the chance he could see Toga while there and have a spar with him. Perhaps there were others that were Rune Kngihts that would be okay with a friendly fight. Now that had thought about it, outside those of Sleeping Calmanity most of the people he had fought were Knights at one point or another. Perhaps he was better off as a Knight than a Guild member of a normal guild. Only time would tell though he knew he would not be walking away from his beloved if he could help it.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Tue May 14, 2024 9:00 pm

He was surprised to hear that the Young Master hadn’t been to Iceberg with his artifacts from the location. Ittindi had just assumed it was very much in his fashion to go to the place of origin to train the weapons. It seemed that even the Young Master had the capacity to surprise him still. He’d again mention the leader of the Rune Knights. It was funny that Knuckles had been arrested by him, Ittindi had yet to meet the man, while he had met a couple guild masters in other guilds. He didn’t really want to tackle the question head on choosing to subtly ignore it.

”Haha, well I’m sure the lack of responsibility in Paradise Dawn is a honeymoon phase, they’ll need you before you know it. Knowing you that’ll be the day you leave right. I do so admire your new found confidence though I don’t think I’ll be taking a similar route.”

The thought of his Young Master becoming a full fledged demon didn’t seem as unlikely all the other times he heard it. That was before he had met Lady Lumikki she most certainly could transform him into a full fledged Demon in a manner similar to herself. Ittindi couldn’t imagine being anything other than human, he still held great respect for Naki for not transforming him. If only there was a way to trust Naki that he could ask why he was chosen of all the mages in the world.

That was something else he had realized recounting the stories that Naki always chose mages, never adventurers the most common to bargain for power. They felt inadequate in a world built on magic, he was glad his Young Master never seemed to flinch at the thought. He wondered if it hinted at something greater about Naki’s past if there was one. Both Lady Lumikki and his Young Master could potentially be the demon in a deal 2000 years from now. Why would it be so odd if 2000 years ago Naki was still a mortal. That’d have to be one of his life’s journey if possible.

#28Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Wed May 15, 2024 7:40 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles thought about that. Would it be the day he left? Currently, he was unsure what exactly he would be doing in the future with Paradise Dawn. Now that Lumikki was in charge what direction would the guild be heading? He was not sure what exactly he would do in the future. One thing was certain though he would stand by Lumikki no matter if he Dawned the Crest of Paradise Dawn or not. A major part of him still wished to fight the strongest out there and earn his place among the myths and legends.

"I am not sure, to be honest. While they might need me I do not foresee myself taking such a pivotal role as I did in the last two guilds I was a part of. That being said I am not sure what my plans are. Perhaps I will leave, perhaps I will stay. All that is certain is I will go wherever the fight takes me. I do not blame you for not taking the same route I in fact wish you had never entered the same domain as me in this dark abyss. But you are here now, and I will lend you my aid while you are here. Perhaps Lady Lumikki knows of some way to aid you. After all, you can not become the best butler in the world if you are living out the wants of another. "

Knuckles had little else to say on the matter and just hoped Ittindi would seek his aid if he needed it, he would not push the man to make a choice he did not want to make or even force him down a said path. Why? Because Ittindi had never judged Knuckles or ever tried to push him into a position that Ittindi wished for him, outside of staying true to his noble nature and finding wife to expand the family name and to reestablish himself as a Nobleman. Knuckles hardly thought that on the same level as messing with the path he was set on to become Demon.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:06 pm

”It actually really enjoys the butler arts quite surprising indeed, it finds it serves as a contrast to the highs of being a Rune Knight. We’ll see how long that lasts, if we’ll be traveling together I at least know who I can practice my gunplay with. Though I fear it won’t be as fun as our usual spars.”

Ittindi wondered would being one of the best gun wielders help fill the void from losing his affinity for nature. He could still hear its whispers so light the voice gone just garbled noise reminding him of his loss. At least he could see the cycles of nature, everyone could observe those. He’d need an appropriate skill set kidnappings happened just often enough that being able to provide back up security was a plus in this economy.

With his Rune Knight status he could offer his work at a security rate now as well if they wanted an armed butler. Ittindi was surprised by the demand of that request, if it brought him more business he wasn’t one to complain. He had risen to enough renown to be approached by multiple families for full time positions. Ittindi still hadn’t exactly figured out how he was going to inspire more butlers and maids. The idea of a training manor kept pulling for him stronger, especially after his accident changing his lifespan. At least until Ittindi found a way to reverse that part of the curse, would he keep his new magic otherwise?

Was that thought even his or another machination set upon by Naki. As much as Ittindi worried about his own sanity, so far it had all seemed easy understanding the difference. It made him wonder if there was some subtler manipulation happening that he was unaware of. None of his employers, troops or even his friends like Knuckles had mentioned it. So, there didn’t seem to be a issue, the feeling still itched his subconscious constantly.

”So, on that darker subject did you ever feel like not yourself? So far I haven’t noticed much of Naki’s influence besides telling me to make sure I live an exciting life. Which so far is apparently just my regular life.”

#30Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Thu May 16, 2024 7:18 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles listened to Ittindi explain about the Oni, it was strange that he had never heard of such a presence before today, he felt he was more of a match for this Oni than anyone if death was what it sought.  He found it interesting and odd that the Oni enjoyed butlering. At the mention of gunplay, Knuckles chuckled softly. "Sounds fun, I'll work on spell dodging and combos to drain mana faster not only that but he could also test his forms out on someone who would keep it hush-hush. "When would you be able to set out?

It was not that Knuckles was in a rush to get to Central than the East but he would rather get there sooner rather than later. Why in praytell? Well put the faster he could deal with his old guild the faster Erebus would know Knuckles would now be hunting him.  If anyone else was there Knuckles would beat them into the dirt and get them a gravestone.  Probably not though, he would likely let them bloat in the sun Erebus could smell it before he would see it.

Ittinidi then switched the topic to something darker. Knuckles instantly nodded his head. Yes, at first it was just a calling to suggestions but as my power connected the demons I  found myself becoming more vile and caring less for the loss of human life. Eventually, I was doing evil acts just to gain favor and planning a genocide of all those blessed by angels.  It was harder to determine if the thoughts or actions were my own or the Demon's. His Voice is always in my head during fights trying to keep me down but needing him to push forward. It is a slow burn process."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Fri May 17, 2024 10:51 am

He’d listen to the Young Master speak on his experience; it was similar to what he had read in the Magic Councils libraries. It puzzled him, his and Naki’s relationship was very different than those described. Was it possible that Naki wasn’t a demon? Or was it their souls melded just right so the deal was different than usual? He’d need to discover more there’d have to be a long trip to Joya. The need for a native connection only grew stronger, Ittindi knew that he’d have to put out ads soon. It’d be to hard to happen organically and Ittindi was working on a different timetable than before.

”Mana draining, that sounds horrible I’d love to be your test subject. I wonder how it’ll feel casting while being drained, at least it’ll help me recognize it in the future.”

The thought of sparing with his Young Master brought him back down to a more relaxed base. He knew that it was likely he’d lose and be completely juiced out of all his mana. It had been a while since he trained that hard almost reaching that spot with Lady Lumikki. The tiredness, Ittindi would nearly black out when he was left devoid of mana. It’d be so easy to tap into his life energy in that state, he wondered if that’s when Naki’s influence would come.

”Like I mentioned before Young Master, should just be a couple days to finish up my last job. Just have to make sure these cursed unpruned plants don’t destroy the city while we’re gone.”

While the chances of that were low due to the Paradise Dawn presence, Ittindi still liked to pretend like the Rune Knights were a necessity up north. He wondered what nonsense the family in Era would use to try to woo him next. If it wasn’t for his Dominator he was sure they’d buy him a firearm themselves when they heard Ittindi speak about learning marksmanship. He didn’t particularly like the family especially after they started trying to court him with gifts.

#32Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Fri May 17, 2024 8:56 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles thought about it further, Ittindi had stated his Oni Pact came from the void and that made him think. The Void version of his hammer was almost one-for-one, but the differences were small enough most would not be able to tell really. Since they were talking about Mana Burn anyway and Knuckles felt like giving Ittindi the information before the spar so he could be ready for it. Knuckles pulled both hammers from under the table and sat them on the tabletop. They were different, from handles to metal, it seemed only the material of the hammer part had been the same.

"I haven't experienced it myself but I would imagine so. I thought those I have hit with it don't seem to make much of a reaction from it. Though I was hoping you could look at these, the right is my Normal Mjlnor from this realm with only the power of one of my Gods, The All-Father Odin. The one on the left is Odin's power and the Void's combined. Appearance is not the only difference here either. The spells attached to these items are also different. Now that I am fully intuned with both I even know that the elements of the two aren't even in fact the same. "

Knuckles looked around to make sure his hammers were not drawing too much attention and looked back to Ittindi so he could study them. "The point I try to convert to you my friend is that though you might have entered a contract with this Oni, it may not work the same way as with Demons of this realm. Without me doing a side-by-side like I am offering you I could not say if this is the case.

Knuckles removed his hands from the hammers to test and see if Ittindi would attempt to lift them, and if he was Worthy of the power of Thor. Knuckles leaned back and scanned once more. "Yea we have more than enough people searching around, can't say I like or enjoy the fact the Rune Knights are poking around up here but since it is you I am okay with it.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North - Page 2 Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:10 pm

”Ah of course well people have to live, as long as they keep the town quiet it’s fine. Nothing too outlandish has happened since I’ve taken post here, but I’m the highest rank who’s been out here in a while. It seems Paradise Dawn keeps the place in a state of comfort, you know I hadn’t thought of that void part until you told me. When I have more time we’ll have to investigate what happened to this worlds version.”

Ittindi had a strong feeling that it had already been defeated. That just meant Ittindi would have one possible path of destruction for this soul, Naki didn’t’ even seem bothered by the thought, it probably perceived it’s own death long ago. Nothing in it’s blueprints said it had to be honest however, even if Ittindi wasn’t fated to be it’s end Naki could lie to him every step of the way. Thoughts like these kept his fighting spirit up, it was a quiet reserved strength, outwardly he had submitted to any task Naki had asked so far. It didn’t mean he never planned on resisting, though Ittindi prayed that their relationship would remain stable.

As they finished the fancier wine Ittindi noticed how much time had passed as they talked about nothing after the heavier conversation. While it was nice knowing they’d meet up in central soon it was always odd how any time they spent together passed by so fast. Ittindi would stand up and put his top hat on, tipping it to the Young Master before heading back to the barracks.

”Well I’ll see you in Era Young Master, it shouldn’t take me to long especially with my car to save me time.”


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