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Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2]

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Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 22, 2024 7:16 am

As Toga stood amidst the swirling chaos, tendrils of smoke and glowing embers escaped his mouth with each labored breath, curling into the air like fiery serpents. His body had become a living furnace, a vessel that contained the most inextinguishable flames, radiating an intense heat that seemed to warp the very air around him. With eyes ablaze, he admired the stellar constellation of attacks that painted the cavern's interior, transforming it into a dark canvas reminiscent of the night sky, punctuated by bursts of light and color.

Bird, a shadowy figure amidst the fray, seized the opportunity provided by the concealment of the various attacks. He moved with a fluid grace, plotting the course of his own assault like a master tactician. A shroud of blackness enveloped him, as if he were cloaked in the very essence of darkness itself. His scent shifted, becoming something alien and otherworldly—a transformation that the dragon slayer found both fascinating and unsettling. The introduction of demons into Earthland's lore and Toga's own understanding had been a journey of revelation and wonder, but it made sense in the grand tapestry of existence. If dragons and gods could walk among them, why not their angelic counterparts as well? Lumikki had been the one to open Toga's eyes to this world of possibilities, and Bird stood as a living testament to the truth of her words.

Meanwhile, Knuckles, a force of nature in his own right, refused to sit idly by and wait for adventure to find him—a trait that Toga admired above all else. As obscurity combed through the traces of his lightning, the Warhammer-wielding demon once again sought the attention of the golems, his weapon arcing through the air with a thunderous crack. Each blow landed with a force that seemed capable of splitting the very earth beneath their feet, sending shockwaves rippling through the cavern. Knuckles' physical strength continued to climb to heights once thought unattainable by mere mortals, but then again, one shouldn't have been surprised. After all, Knuckles was no mere human, but a being forged in the fires of something far greater.

“One le---” Eager to send the remaining Golem to a sweltering hot graze, Toga looked on with wide eyes as the battle cease to continue. Alisa, in all her grandeur had seemingly grown tired of eradicating the monasteries in vivid collection of magical explosions, instead deciding to rely on her weapon. The ending result, however, may have been more magnificent.

…….” Toga wanted to speak, but he couldn’t as time and space seemingly bent to the will of the Guild Master. All he saw was the washing waves of her raven hair before a maelstrom of slashes completely eviscerated the golem, leaving it less then a fraction of itself as the chambers of the cavern died down to a slow rumbling silence, the heat from the previously attacks and the electricity of Knuckles grumbling to nonexistence as the combat concluded.

Always impressive, Alisa-sama,” Toga inhaled, allowing his mana to funnel back into his form as the scales that once decorated his countenance began to recede.

Let’s continue onward!

wc: 523 [4381]


Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 25, 2024 8:05 am


After their assault and the destruction of their enemies, Naryuu deactivated his obscura. He felt the strain on his body, the exhaustion creeping in as he compared himself to the stronger mages around him. His best spells seemed like mere tools to them, yet he knew he was on the verge of reaching the next level. Despite his fatigue and the constant urge to destroy his enemies, fueled by his pact, he wasn't foolish. Part of his strategy was knowing when to fight and when to bide his time.

He took a moment to catch his breath, acknowledging the reality of his situation. He was a manipulator, a master of shadows and darkness, not someone who recklessly picked fights he couldn't win. The voice within him, the ancient entity of the Hanakage, whispered again, a dark reassurance in the midst of his struggle.

"Not quite, my dear child," the voice purred, almost condescendingly. "You are not there yet. There are many more heights for you to soar to."

Naryuu nodded slightly, accepting the truth of those words. He wasn't at his peak yet, but he was climbing, pushing himself closer to the power he sought. Each battle, each spell cast, brought him nearer to his goal. He would continue to fight, to manipulate, and to grow stronger until he could reclaim Iceberg and achieve the revenge he so desperately craved.

For now, he would conserve his strength, blending into the shadows and waiting for the next opportunity to strike. His path was clear, even if the journey was fraught with challenges. He would rise, fueled by the darkness within, and nothing would stand in his way.

The air thrummed with residual magic, leaving Naryuu's chest heaving from exertion. The presence of the Demon King was a constant in his life, a shadowy specter that loomed over him. The Hanakage were his descendants, bound to the ancient power split into the seven sins. The summon spirits of old, now fused within Naryuu, granted him the formidable black flames. Knuckles, with his straightforward ways, would never grasp the true source of Naryuu's power.

Naryuu's ancestor, a demon of immense power, had cared only for preserving his temples and sacred grounds in Iceberg. This ancestral figure had little interest beyond his own dominion, content to let his power lie dormant within his descendants.

But Naryuu was different. His desire burned hotter, more personal. He sought to reclaim his legacy and exact vengeance on those who had wronged him and his clan. The power of the black flames, a gift from his demonic lineage, was not just a tool but a symbol of his resolve and ambition.

As he stood amidst the ruins of their latest battle, the feeling of magic still thick in the air, Naryuu's thoughts turned inward. The whispers of the Demon King echoed in his mind, a reminder of the ancient power that flowed through his veins. His chest heaved with each breath, the physical toll of his spells evident, but his spirit remained unyielding.

Knuckles and the others might see a mage struggling to keep up, but they couldn't fathom the depth of his determination or the true source of his power. His ancestor’s influence was a foundation, but it was Naryuu’s own will that drove him forward, his own desire that fueled his quest for power and revenge.

"The old fool would never understand," Naryuu muttered under his breath, a grin forming under his mask. His eyes flickered with a mixture of exhaustion and fierce determination as he glanced at his companions. They were powerful, yes, but his path was unique, forged in the fires of his dark heritage and his relentless will.

He took a deep breath, feeling the dark energy within him settle as he prepared to move forward. There were many more heights to reach, many more battles to fight. With each step, he grew closer to his goal of reclaiming Iceberg and exacting his revenge. The Demon King’s whispers served as both a guide and a challenge, pushing him to embrace his destiny and the full extent of his powers. Naryuu would rise, stronger and more determined than ever, a true descendant of the Hanakage, ready to carve his own path through the darkness.

"The end is near. I can feel it. The land speaks to me," Naryuu said aloud, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular; it was more a declaration triggered by Toga's call to move forward.

They had taken down so many enemies already, their journey marked by relentless battles and formidable foes. Yet, with each victory, Naryuu could feel his connection to Iceberg deepening, the whispers of his ancestors and the Demon King growing clearer.

He glanced around at his companions, a sense of grim satisfaction washing over him. The struggle was far from over, but they were making progress, inching closer to his ultimate goal. With a final, determined breath, he steadied himself, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the depths of the dungeon. His resolve was unshakable, his path clear. Naryuu would reclaim his legacy, no matter the cost. His infared vision still holding true though his beakace.

WC:882 TWC:2,713

#28Knuckles Shi 

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 25, 2024 4:22 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles landed on the ground looking around at the golems of their latest assault. The ice wind of the cavern seeped passed his armor. It was cold, but nothing of the chill of Lumikki's magic. Since his powers now came from her while in this form he felt the chill even less. Letting out a sigh as the heat of the flames burned on his armor he now emitted light for them to see. It seemed all parties were ready to go and so they shall. Knuckles led the pack standing away from all so Toga's flames would not jump to anyone else, he had to admit that the heat felt nice, but was starting to become annoying because he knew when they faded his chill would quicken.

Allowing his Daemon Powers to cease while the flames burned Knuckles conserved his mana as he pushed deeper into the cave. Naryuu had said there was more ahead. Knuckles readied himself as the cave opened around a bend, the ground shook under his feet causing him to wonder what challenge lay before them this time. Perhaps 10 or 20 golems? Maybe one giant one Knuckle was unsure. He was eager to find out though. So Knuckles carried faster on his feet, his footsteps making no sound nor did his heavy armor as he pushed through the cave.

When he turned the next bend he saw it, a 20-meter-tall Golem, much like the others they had slayed but bigger and more deadly in every way. It looked like it could take more than one hit from him perhaps it would have a lot more durability than the smaller ones but there was only one way to test that theory. Knuckles went to push on but paused as the golem spotted him since he was a walking torch while the flames burned on him. Perhaps taking a dip in flames was a poor idea after all but now he knew if he fought Toga his flames would cling to him like wet clothes.

The golem let out a roar as it did something the others never did, it shot out a sharp and jagged ice projectile at him. Knuckles kicked off the ground meeting the oncoming attack slamming his main hand hammer into it and shattering the ice. However, his hammer had taken some damage about 1xS worth.
Excitement flooded him as it seemed this might be something he could sink his teeth into. Instinctively Knuckles went to raise his hammer to call in a Void Storm and a lightning bolt or two into Golem, however, he quickly remembered he was in a cave and had no access to the skies to call down Favors from Thor. "Looks like I have to depend on kinetic discussions, the most enjoyable way to handle business. "

With that said Knuckles Lundged twice to close the gap and meet the golem at it's feet when a hammer strike came down forcing him to lunge once more out of the way unable to push the assault like he wanted.

WC: 4k+

OOC: Golem HP 10xS deals 1xS, gotta give Nayruu something to write for lol

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 26, 2024 9:10 am


WORDS: 500 | TOTAL: 4000+ | TAG: @Toga | ARMOR

"Fufu~... Likewise, Toga~", she replied with a wink, still impressed by the intensity of his Dragonforce, after all it had been a while since she'd seen it first glance.

Perhaps they should have that spar he mentioned once they got out of here, she was curious to see just how much stronger he'd gotten over the past few months. With the enemies finished, Alisa swept her sword down, wiping off the lingering frost clinging to the blade and sheathed it back into its scabbard, before they ventured further into the cave... they'd been exploring this for a while, and soon enough they were about to reach a dead end... And most likely with the largest number of foes they'd faced thus far... Only instead of overwhelming numbers, they came face to face with a single, titanic foe:

"Oh my~... That's the biggest one yet? Guess we should probably get serious for a little bit.", Alisa still had plenty left in the tank after all, and with a monster this unbelievably massive... A drawn out fight was hardly in their interest... After all, who's to say a creature this massive couldn't easily triggering a cave-in and seal them all in an icy tomb? Which was all the more likely when she saw that ranged attack, "Especially since he's not shy about attacking from afar."

No, to triumph over this foe... They had no alternative but to overwhelm it quickly and decisively. Alisa took a deep breath and steadied her stance. Knuckles struck first, unleashing the fury of his Thunder Hammer... And with a sudden burst of Mana, Alisa channeled the full breatdth of her divine power to unleash her transformation. A poweful bust blew from her position as her hair fluttered about, turning for jet black into a bright, silvery white, enshrouded by a pale, adamantine aura, crackling with power as she kicked for and charged at her foe. A technique available only to those who tapped into their nascent divine power while following the path of martial arts. Alisa charged right after her foe as Knuckles struck it cleanly...

The beast barely even noticed Alisa's approach at first until she was a mere few meters away. The creatures swept his arm low, creating a rising wall of ice running straight at her, which she dodged seamlessly, the combined effect of her omnidirectional senses and her sharpened instincts helping her avoid it without missing a beat, until she had reached melee range just as the foe attempted to stomp down on her as she unleashed her attack, swinging her sword in a clean arc, meeting the enemy's attack head on with such force that the creature staggered back, leaving it wide open for ther follow up as Alisa thrust her idle right hand upwards and shot out a piercing blade of crystal that embedded deeply into her foe's body before unleashing a devastating crystallizing pulse from deep within the enemy... With this spell, Alisa could control the size of the explosion, concentrating the destructiveness to a mere four meters wide, just enough to damage her foe without damaging herself or Knuckles...

Before stepping a few paces away from the enemy, leaving room for her allies to follow up without hitting her, while she prepared her own... Yamato had taken some damage from the clash with the Golem, but it still held strong... She'd no doubt they could finish it off soon enough.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Mon May 27, 2024 11:48 am

Tōga's respect for Alisa was profound as he expressed his appreciation for her humble yet powerful demeanor. "You’re so humble to be so strong. I like it!" he exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm. Alisa, a Guild Master renowned not only for her formidable abilities but also for her graceful leadership, responded in kind with words that carried the weight of her experience and the gentleness of her spirit. It was a rare privilege to share moments like these with someone of such stature—her striking raven hair and captivating presence were but veils over the immense, almost divine power that simmered within her. Tōga, ever the dragon slayer, was eager to see this power in action, already anticipating the thrill of a future spar.

However, the moment of camaraderie was fleeting as the reality of their surroundings clawed back into focus. Tōga had let his Dragon Force subside but remained vigilant. As Knuckles and Bird took the lead, a palpable sense of unease lingered in the air—this Void Dungeon had not yet unveiled all its secrets. The ominous atmosphere suggested that they were on the brink of encountering a challenge greater than any they had faced so far.

"Yep. That would do it," Tōga muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and anticipation as he halted in his tracks. The glacial cavern ahead unfolded into a vast expanse, and there, looming ominously, was a massive ice golem. It dwarfed the ones they had previously shattered, a towering sentinel guarding what they hoped would be the route to their mission's end. Tōga’s pulse quickened with the prospect of battle; the thrill of the fight was an irresistible call.

Before Tōga could make his move, Knuckles, with his characteristic impetuosity, launched himself at the golem. Ice shards that jutted from the creature met his assault head-on. Not to be outdone, Alisa’s presence grew even more formidable as her mana surged, her raven locks transforming into a cascade of ice-white strands—a startling revelation to Tōga. "She’s a Transcender too?" he wondered aloud, his eyes widening as he observed her mana envelop her like a cloak of visible force. With a warrior's grace, she engaged the golem, her weapons and crystal magic creating openings for her companions to exploit.

Seizing the moment, Tōga shouted, "My turn!" and charged forward, Kimetsu drawn and his spirit alight with determination. He aimed for the heart of the golem, his muscles tensed for impact. Yet, the battlefield held one more trick; an ice construct emerged abruptly from the golem's side, colliding with Tōga mid-charge. The force was immense, sending him hurtling through the air and crashing against the cavern wall with a resonating thud.

As Tōga's body slammed into the frozen barrier, the impact reverberated throughout the cave with a violence that shook its very foundations. Ice that had clung to the ceiling for ages was dislodged by the tremor, cascading down upon him in a chilling avalanche. The shards piled over him, forming a cold, sharp blanket that threatened to entomb him beneath its weight.

. . . . .

"That hurt…" Tōga muttered, his voice a low growl under the crushing ice. But within moments, heat began to seep through the cracks and crevices of his icy prison. With a sudden burst, flames erupted, radiating from Tōga's form with such intensity that the ice melted away, leaving puddles swirling at his feet. Rising to his full stature, the dragon slayer's eyes blazed with enthusiasm and his Kimetsu blade glowed brightly, its edge blazing with the heat of a thousand suns.

"It’s my turn!" Tōga declared, his voice echoing through the cavern with a powerful resolve. Gripping the hilt of his fiery weapon, he swung it in a wide arc. A brilliant wave of fire unfurled from the blade, morphing into the majestic, ethereal form of a hollow dragon. The spell surged forward, a controlled blaze that snaked its way around his allies with precision, ensuring their safety while homing in on its intended target.

The draconic flames, vibrant and wrathful, swooped towards the golem. The heat was intense, the light blinding, as the fire enveloped the creature, wrapping around it in a fierce embrace. The golem, caught in the fiery grasp of Tōga's spell, seemed to roar in silent agony as the flames swallowed it whole, the heat so severe that the air around it shimmered with distortion.

wc: 740[5,121]
Combat Log:


Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 29, 2024 12:52 pm


As the final boss lumbered into view, Naryuu could feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on him. His body ached and his magical reserves were waning, but he still had his keen senses to rely on. His mask, designed to enhance his hearing within a 50-meter radius, allowed him to perceive the battlefield with unparalleled clarity. Standing almost motionless, his eyes closed, he focused on the rhythm of the fight. The sound of his allies' breathing, the clashing of weapons, and the movement of the massive golem all painted a vivid picture in his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Naryuu flipped his blade into a front-facing grip and crouched low. His magic pulsed at his feet, condensing as he prepared to make his move. Though he couldn't summon his full obscura, the darkness and flames within him were still potent. Whispering an old Icebergian phrase, "Dovah Ilrun Fa un stelik ," meaning "Devoured by darkness and now by my blade," he readied himself for the final assault.

In a burst of speed, Naryuu darted around his allies, weaving through their attack paths with precision. His movements were a blur as he circled the battlefield, waiting for the perfect moment. Unable to stick to walls, he used the pillars scattered throughout the cavern, leaping from one to the next with agile grace. His goal was clear. He aimed to use his speed and strength to disrupt the icicles forming above the cave, a potential threat to his team.

Leaping from pillar to pillar, Naryuu moved swiftly above the ongoing battle, his blade flashing as it struck the icicles. Each blow chipped away at the icy formations, the sound of his sword ringing through the cavern. His high speed jumps made him a blur, a shadow moving with deadly precision.

As he reached a vantage point directly above the massive golem, Naryuu's eyes locked onto his target. With a final, powerful leap, he descended upon the golem, aiming to strike the icicles in such a way that they would fall and add to the assault against the creature. His movements were fueled by a combination of desperation and determination, every ounce of his remaining strength focused on this last, critical maneuver.

Naryuu laughed maniacally as the five icicles he had dislodged rained down from above. "Hey idiot, I brought you a surprise gift!" he yelled, the rush of battle coursing through him. The massive shards of ice joined the bombardments and spells already targeting the golem, crashing onto it with devastating force.

As the chaos unfolded, Naryuu propelled himself off the pillar, soaring through the air in a slow and controlled descent. Using the remaining ice pillars to steady his fall, he ran down their surfaces, maintaining his momentum. Each leap and step was precise, his focus unwavering as he maneuvered back into position, ready to continue the fight. The thrill of battle and the promise of victory drove him onward, his eyes burning with determination and the dark energy of his flames.

Despite the damage, the golem managed to shatter parts of the giant icicles, sending sharp shards flying towards Naryuu. His laughter turned into a focused dance as he used the wet slope of the ice to skate down the curved pillar. A large shard nearly impaled him, but he brought his knees to his chest and leaned forward, landing in a plank position before swinging around to change directions.

"What's wrong, angry you massive half-wit?" Naryuu taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Propelling himself to his feet from his hands, he never dropped his sword, maintaining his balance and readiness. The thrill of narrowly escaping danger only fueled his determination, each movement calculated as he prepared for the next phase of the battle. His eyes gleamed with dark amusement, relishing the challenge before him.

Rising to his feet, Naryuu glanced over at Alisa. "Unfortunately, you don't have the honor to die by my hand, golem. Someone more pleasant may claim your life," he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. The lingering effects of his obscura left him feeling invincible, his confidence bolstered by the hidden dark power once coursing through him.

He continued to taunt and distract the golem, looking down on it with pure malice in his eyes and a wide grin hidden beneath his mask. The thrill of the battle and the rush of power made him almost giddy, his focus entirely on the monstrous foe before him.

With every word and movement, Naryuu's intent was clear: to draw the golem's attention and keep it off balance, ensuring his allies could strike with full force. His laughter echoed through the cavern, a haunting sound that only served to underscore the malice and chaos that fueled his every move. "Bye bye"

WC:802 TWC: 3,515

#32Knuckles Shi 

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:54 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles watched as those fighting with him took action against the large Golem of Ice, together they were chipping away at it and it seemed like soon it would fall. Knuckles would grin as he could see the passion burning through all of them. As Alisa seemed to undergo some type of transformation he knew he just had to try and fight her when everything was said and done! Knuckles moved in ready to attack when Toga's attacks hit, it seemed Bird was going to be gathering the attention which would be perfect. As Knuckles dashed forward the flames from Toga's earlier spells went out and Knuckles ran towards the cave wall, leaped up then pushed off of it. Using the ice cycles which were the massive things to jump to and from Knuckles positioned himself to come from above.

Performing a spin Lighting would gleam from his hammers as they struck the golem's head dealing 3xS Damage each which should put the golem on its last leg if not kill it outright. Knuckle would then fall to the ground and lunge away from the golem trying to avoid where it would soon fall.

After everything was said and done Knuckles would be safely out of the way and ready to move if he was needed to.


"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:39 pm


WORDS: 500 | TOTAL: 4000+ | TAG: @Toga | ARMOR

She did promise Toga they'd have a spar sometime, and the more she saw him in action the more she was reminded of that. It's rare for her to get a chance to trade blows against a fellow Slayer, someone she'd grown to respect in the short time they've had together. Against an enemy this big, they no longer had to worry about who would go first, second, or last, the foe was more than big enought to accomodate all four of them fighting it at close:

"Oho~... So you have one of those too~...?", though he may have used it before, this time the two were fighting side by side and Alisa could have a properly look at the blazing sword in Toga's hand as he followed up on her attack. She gasped as he was intercepted mid charge by the falling ice, but could sense he was still alive and well courtesy of her eye...

There was no need for her to intervene. The enemy had no time to press the advantage either while pressed on all sides by all three of them, especially with Bird joining the fray as well with his own flames, dislodging pieces of the very cave they found themselves in to attack the enemy. Clever use of the environment~... She didn't know how well his taunts actually worked on a creature like this, but they seemed to at least draw its attention for a bit...

"Fufu~... How awfully kind of you~...", she chimed, a smirk drawing on her lips at his words.

She didn't particularly care who got the final blow, did it really matter in the end with all three of them cutting it to ribbons from all sides? But, far be it from her to dismiss that little challenge. With Knuckles attacking from above, she had to admit, she appreciated fighters who could make the most use of their environment. As his thundering blow connected with the creature, it let out a shriek and blindly retaliated with a sudden, surprisingly swift swat coming from above, an unbelievably fast blow from a being so large. The attack came suddenly, without any warning. It was only thanks to Alisa's keen instincts and omnidirectional senses that she could catch the blindsiding attack in time and dash in the direction of the downward blow:

"Look out...!", she called out a she got in the way of the attack and rose her open right arm in a firm guard, a magic circle appearing underneath herself as she quickly hardened her entire body into diamond.


Alisa herself was tough enough, she could take a it like this without much of a hassle. The enemy wasn't any slouch either... So right from the start she knew better than to get her sword in the middle of the action, and simply dug her feet in, and pushed

Dodging this would have been easy... But it would have also exposed her allies to the attack.

"Ghhhhh...!", clenching every muscle in her body, she pushed back against the titanic force, steadying her footing... Before finally slicing upwards with her sword wielding arm, putting every ounce of strength behind it with a bellowing battlecry, "HAA!!"

A loud, resounding clang of clashing metal rang through the cave as her sword collided with the enemy's massive limb. Her sword pushing in, cracking its way into the ice... Until she finally cleaved through the enemy's limb just as her Diamond armor shattered into bits, her own armor underneath looking a bit worse for wear.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:24 am

Tōga's serpentine eyes followed the onslaught of spells and steel against the crystalline colossus. The dragon slayer, still cloaked in the ethereal regalia of his dragon force, seemed an avatar of destruction as he tore into the golem, each strike a supernova of mana. Sparks flew as the golem's icy hide met the dragon slayer's incandescent blade, a dance of light and shadow played out against the backdrop of the cavern's gloom.

The golem, a monolith of ice and malevolence, was the apex of their trials thus far. It bore the scars of their assault, yet its resilience surpassed anything they'd encountered within the labyrinthine depths of these void caverns. The dungeons were a crucible, testing the limits of both monster and mortal, and this battle would reveal who truly reigned supreme.

With a glacial groan that echoed through the cavern, the golem retaliated, its frozen fist aimed at the heart of their formation. But Alisa, radiant in her Transcendent might and diamond-studded armor, intervened. A bulwark against the impending doom, she met the golem's attack with a blinding flash of light, her shield deflecting the blow with a resounding clang. The shockwave sent tremors through the battlefield, but their formation held.

The pink-haired mage darted through the chaos, weaving a path between clashing blades and erupting magic. His heart pounded in unison with the rhythm of the battle, a symphony of destruction and defiance. He drew a deep breath, the air crackling with latent power, his veins thrumming with the anticipation of unleashing his fury.

And then, with a guttural roar that echoed the dragon slayer's own, he unleashed his fury. A torrent of crimson flames surged forth, a maelstrom of heat and hunger. It engulfed the golem, a raging inferno that sought to melt ice and incinerate malice. The battlefield was bathed in the unholy glow of the pyre, casting long, dancing shadows that writhed and twisted in the flickering light.

The outcome hung precariously in the balance, the air thick with anticipation and the acrid scent of ozone. Would the golem succumb to Tōga's fiery onslaught, or would it emerge from the inferno even more formidable? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: this battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher up until this point.

wc: 400 [5,521]
Combat Log:


Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:53 pm


L oot roll

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:53 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 46


Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:54 pm


Alisa wrote:L oot roll

reroll #1

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:54 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 66


Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:55 pm


Alisa wrote:L oot roll

reroll #2

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Bone Chilling [Void Caverns - Voidfrost Hollow | Open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:55 pm

The member 'Alisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 40

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