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The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone]

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The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 8:07 pm

Finally! She was so close to finally tracking down the rumored champion she had heard so much about. After the events in Seven Therlin had learned from a reliable source that a famous dwarf had been sighted in Caelum, and the rumors suggested he had gone to challenge whatever foul menace that spawned from the void. Of course Therlin had been determined to discover the whereabouts of this dwarf, and this had led her to the barricades surrounding the humongous void cavern.

A group of knights who were currently on break and recuperating their strength had spotted her, one of them rushing over in disbelief. "Did you get lost? This isn't a place for a child! You should return to the village, let me get someone to take you home-"

But the lass shook her head violently. "I'm no child! I am Therlin, PROUD MEMBER OF THE MAPLESHI" but before she could finish her statement her nervousness made her let out a soft pained cry as she bit her tongue, leaving one of the knights to look worriedly at her. "Could she be a kinsmen of Brone?" One of the knights asked, upon which the other knight shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Listen here, whatever reason you have come here for, Brone already went inside so you should wait-"

Another knight nudged his shoulder lightly. "She already went off." the three knights turned around to look for her, but by then it was already too late. Using the momentary distraction Therlin dashed toward the Void gate and disappeared into the realm beyond...

And what awaited her was.... the aftermath of a battlefield. The corpses of several kobolds were strewn across the plaza, and further ahead the lass could see the stables, although instead of horses there were giant monstrous wolves slumbering there.... Best she'd remain quiet.

Stepping along the corpses Therlin spotted what appeared to be a small dagger lying among the kobolds, and as she picked it up the lass's gaze turned toward the large gate that was open.

don't go there...

a voice ringed in her mind, making the child look around in disbelief. In front of her a small orb, a whisp of sorts emerged, fluttering in the sky almost like a fairy, although perhaps it was due to her affinity for magic that she had been able to see it. The orb had started to fly away from the gate, instead revealing a hidden path that led underground, perhaps a catacomb of some sort?

"creepy..." Therlin muttered, but as she was about to take a step forward a sudden sound of water splashed as a kobold emerged from the well behind her! The kobold let out a gargling sound as it lunged toward her! Of course her lack of training was made clear as Therlin was knocked off her feet, the kobold scratching and clawing at her arms as she desperately attempted to fend off the beast, but all she could do was stab it repeatedly in the chest with the worn-down dagger in her hands.

One stab... two stab... With each desperate stab she attempted to keep the fiend away, but each clawed attempt to harm her drained more of her stamina. She could feel the strength in her arms fading.

The dwarven lass closed her eyes, fearing the end was near as she muttered weakly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"s....save me.... pa..."

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:58 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
All quiet came to the area now that the main threat had been vanquished. The ashen-gray skinned dwarf, Brone Heavyaxe, made his way towards the main entrance of this 'dungeon', given he didn't know how else to exit, so he figured he'd backtrack the way he came. His team had already dispersed, not sure where exactly where they went, though he didn't worry about his niece, who was strong enough to handle her own, and couldn't care less about Erebus' well being, for he was a fully capable warrior who didn't care to accept any help either way.

Having his ravens, Huginn and Muninn would have helped guide him, but the dwarf couldn't risk bringing the corvids into any danger, so suggested they remained outside the dungeon and await his return. He didn't fear being lost, being optimistic that he would eventually find his way out, and if any enemies would appear, he was sure to defeat his foes without much of an issue, despite his armor was already heavily cracked and his cracked helmet was hanging from his belt, leaving his head exposed with a streak of dried blood running down the side of his head. Though he looked as if he nearly scared death, he walked with strength and stamina informing onlookers he was ready for another several rounds of combat.

He recognized the area he was in, seeing the dead kobolds littered around, but suddenly, a struggle caught his attention; a kobold was struggling with what seem to be a child. Brone immediately reacted; he slipped on his horned helm, bent his body forward and immediately kicked off the ground at great speed, bulleting forward before slamming into the kobold and sending it's body flying meters away. The creature laid lifeless.

"Yer alright, lass?" Brone softly asked as he carefully knelt down to support the child. No. He realized the girl is actually a dwarf more closer to his age judging by how she looked, albeit younger, "What are ye doing in here?" he then looked up towards the gate, wondering if the vortex was still being guarded by the Rune Knights. He then looked back at the young dwarf and gave her his hand to help her up, though seeing the scratches on her, decided to move slowly for her sake.


The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 11:52 pm

It was an end that never came. As she opened her eyes she watched how the kobold was send flying and for a moment it looked like time froze. The bearded warrior called out to her, and for a moment she raised a hand to her eyes, attempting to wipe away the tears. "Aye, I'm fine ser, thank ya for dah help."

She spoke, attempting to suppress the small wince of her body crying out in pain as she was gently helped upright. Luckily she didn't sprain any limbs, just shallow scratches on her arms. "I was looking for you ser!" She exclaimed a hint of excitement in her voice. "I heard there was a mighty dwarven champion among these who entered through the swirling vortex but."

Her gaze drifted around for a moment. "This seems neither the surface, nor the deep where our kin once dwelled. She paused for a moment, her gaze focusing onto the warrior before her. "Speaking of kin... you have a distinct feeling to ya... different from the surface dwarves. Could ya be one of our kin who left the deep during the last exodus?" She tilted her head slightly to the side in bewilderment, as if she realized something. "Ah! but where are ma manners: I am Therlin! Therlin Mapleshield, Golemancer of the second Dhain division, or I was..." She smiled awkwardly as she added the last bit sheepishly. "I remember I was among the guards when the monsters from the deep attacked, but my illness caught up with me and I fainted... and when I woke up again everyone was gone and the exit leading deeper into the deep was sealed off. So I came here to the surface to find if anyone else survived!"

With the revelation made she spotted the small wisp hovering in the air beside them, although whether Brone would be able to see it or not would depend on how his perception of mana would be. "Can you hear it too ser? Something was trying to guide me down here, but then that nasty thing sneaked up on me...." she sighed weakly, clearly dejected still at having lost in such a humiliating manner against the monster. "Where even are we?" She inquired, looking hopeful at Brone for answers.

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#4Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 8:13 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
He sighed in relief hearing the young dwarf is well, baring no serious wounds. He helped her up and smiled, hearing she was seeking him and referring to him as a 'legendary dwarf', how his parents would be proud of his popularity. Brone's smile dropped when he began to notice what Therlin was saying. He was confused, initially wondering if she was joking or confused, "No, lass, this place is neither the surface ... nor the Deep" he nearly hesitated when mentioning the Deep, which to him was a legend, but most dwarves hear of the tale since they were small, how the dwarves escaped to the surface from the monsters that dwelled under the earth.

Brone wanted to ask her questions regarding who or what she was, to confirm that she too is a dhain dwarf, but who was born in the Deep, but his confusion and her quick lips threw him off as he was trying to find a moment to bring up his concern. She looked off, asking if he could hear something, making him wonder if she was indeed confused; as he looked around, he confirmed he didn't see anything she might be referring to.

"This is probably another plane, the magic swirl is Here-and-there magick, don't know how it works, but so long as he can get back, we'll be find to explore" He finally answered one of her questions now that she seem to calm her questioning. He found her adorable and with great passion, but he wanted to confirm who or what she is, "Ye seem too young te be traveling by yerself, lass, where's yer team?" he assumed she had an adventuring party of her own, and if she didn't, then he didn't intend on letting her continue to travel by herself, given her age, or assumed age.

"Oh and I'm Brone Heavyaxe, Shield of Paradise Dawn, at yer service" He gave her slight head-bow and reassured her another smile as he tried to remember all of her questions as he pulled off his helmet now that the immediate area was free of danger... for the time being.


The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 8:37 pm

Therlin blinked in bewilderment upon hearing Brone's reaction. "True, it doesn't resemble the Deep at all. Nor the surface, it is almost like an entirely different world." Nodding her head in agreement to Brone's explanation she brought a hand to her chin and wondered. "So the portal functions like a tunnel, perhaps some kind of transportation spell, although based on your earlier thoughts it is highly likely a very advanced spell... To be able to send us to another plane of existence..."

Yet she felt somewhat confused at the fact Brone couldn't see the little wisp floating around them, could it be because of what her parents once told her? It was no secret most dwarves were martial inclined, to the point few had an aptitude, let stand an affinity for magic, which made her a bit of an odd case all things considered!

"Team?" She shook her head sorrowfully. "The second Dhain Division was wiped out during one of the final raids before the way deeper got sealed. I guess by that definition I am alone..." She felt her mood sink as deep as her shoes at the memory. "Pleasure to meet ya Brone! Although I didn't know we had a group called Paradise Dawn." She brought a hand to her chin and tapped it lightly. "Most prefer to go by the sections we are meant to guard in the Deep. I did once suggest that we should be more creative with our titles but my seniors at the guard said that would just confuse everyone so the idea got rejected." She gave a light kick against a pebble near her feet and looked around again, after which she raised a finger and gestured lightly at the wisp trailing around Brone's head. "You really can't see that floating little ball? It's right in front of you, if it was any larger it might poke your nose..."

Yet as if reacting to the statement she made the wisp instead started floating higher and rested right above Brone's head, leaving her to ponder out loud. "Perhaps it could be because of my aptitude for magic, ma always said it was an odd trait for me, pa and the others were all super strong but not me. I'm as small as a poppy seed and as weak as a reed, but when it comes to magic I'm pretty good! Unfortunately something about the minerals of this place feels off, like I can't manipulate the earth like I used to do back home."

She paused for a moment and smiled sheepishly at Brone. "Sorry, Pa always say I am like a chatterbox, so feel free to tell me if I need to slow down a bit."

At least she seemed to have cheered up a little again thanks to Brone's company. Even if she was still very curious about the wisp she could see floating around him... so very curious.

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 9:06 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone raised an eyebrow as he listened to Therlin, not for her being talkative, but of what she had said, mentioning the Deep once again and referring to herself a Dhain dwarf and other dhains, though Brone was actually asking of her team for this specific venture. He began to wonder if the youth was confused and wasn't sure if she had a concussion or not, he didn't know if she might have hit her head before he came to her rescue, but a part of him still held onto the possibility she was speaking the truth.

He wanted to ask her of what she stated, but she drew his attention by pointing right above his head. Brone looked up and finally spotted it, a ball of blue fire was levitating over his head, though it looked like fire, it wasn't burning anything and it flickered slowly. He reached up his hand close to her but felt no heat, "Could be a spirit, but it it's guiding ye, where would it be takin' ye?" he wondered as he observed the ball of heatless flame. Brone believed in spirits, though he has never witnessed one that resembled a ghostly apparition as the myths spoke of, so he could only assume what this thing was.

His thoughts went back to his initial confusion. Brone ran a free hand through his loose white hair as he looked back to Therlin, [color:6607=996633]"Lass... Are ye really a dhain?" he asked in a careful and slow tone, trying to tread carefully with her, for he didn't want to excite or shock her, "Me clan and I have never seen a dhain before, we thought them myths of old until I myself became a dhain" he gave her a warm smile to try and assure her that he meant no insult nor did he intend to bring up any dread or worry.


The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 10:56 am

Therlin couldn't help but ponder about the words Brone had spoken. If the wisp was trying to guide her, perhaps it would be wise to follow it? But then again, she clearly was defenseless in a place like this! Trying to do anything reckless would just get her killed! "Mhmm, born and raised in the Deep." Yet hearing the words that followed made her smile apologetically. "I guess a lot of time has passed then... We used to be with so many, but ever since I came to the surface I couldn't find any of our kin." She paused, pondering for a moment on how to proceed.

"Heh~ I guess it might be hard to believe, but I'm really being honest here Brone. There used to be so many of us! But the attacks from the monsters were so many, a lot of our kinsmen lost their lives to give others the opportunity to escape but it doesn't make sense that we are perceived as myth..." She paused, a hand raising to her face as she seemed just a slight bit distressed. "What year is it?" Yet as she inquired the wisp started to float around the duo again, beckoning them toward the sanctum up ahead, the part the raid had not explored earlier.

"Does it want us to follow? Would you be willing to guard me while we investigate Brone? I would feel reassured to have such a powerful champion of our kin with me~ and I could try to answer whatever questions you might have." It seemed like a fair trade all things considered: protection in exchange for knowledge, but Therlin also had to admit she was genuinely curious about what was going on right now. And so she tried to gently reach for the dwarf's hand, as if trying to beckon him along. "hehe~ It feels like forever since I went on an adventure with someone."

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#8Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 12:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Seeing her worry and concern for her kin made Brone sympathetic. He would reach over brush her bangs slightly and make sure her hair was tucked behind an ear so she can see properly, then he patted her head, "Sounds like yer kin are mighty indeed, the myths hold true as far as I'm hearing" he wasn't quick to reply to her questioning her people being 'myths' right away, trying his best to not have her worry so much, it seems both dwarves were confused, having such a figurative wall between the two.

The wisp floated in a certain direction and the two dwarves followed it, "The year's x796, and aye, lass, I'd be happy to guard ye, we'll say ye hired me for me services" Brone gave her a warm smile. Though he seemed to be a legend to many dwarves, he still saw himself as a mercenary for hire. He never cared much for the jewels, but to be able to help his clients and defeat villains and obstacles was always fulfilling to him. Therlin grasped his hand, though he was surprised, he gently gripped her hand and made sure to keep pace with her.

Brone would look down at their hands and thought about when Lumikki was this small.


The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 8:56 pm

Therlin smiled briefly at Brone's words, a slight nod of agreement following. "Indeed, for generations we served as a bastion for the people on the surface. While they might had been oblivious to our existence, we desired neither praise or recognition for our deeds. We simply served as the shield against the monsters that came from the deep, because it was like a deeply ingrained sense of duty?" She pondered for a moment as she stated these words. "No matter who you asked among our kin, everyone was proud and willing to do their part. But at some point, how do you keep an army from advancing that never seems to truly exhaust its numbers?" She still remembered it, how with every wave someone got injured, another died, and even if they were successful it was just a matter of time till the next wave came. "I think that is why some decided to go to the surface. I don't blame them, after all I'm here also now but... at some point I couldn't help but wonder: Is this a battle we will ever see the end of?"

As they walked along the corridors the wisp was guiding them along Therlin went silent again, a frown lingering on her visage. "200... so 200 years have passed. I guess it all makes a bit of sense now: Why I found nobody in the residential area, or even at the guard stations beyond the point that was caved in. I did find the remains of these who had fallen, but it was likely these events happened too long ago since only their skeleton remained."

She sighed softly, a light shake of her head following. "No, to think that I am all alone is wrong. There are still dwarves on the surface, and now that I found you, that means I'm no longer alone either~ Our kin endured, survived, and prospered, and that makes me both happy and proud~ I'm sure both Ma and Pa would have said the same thing."

A soft hum followed as she watched the little wisp stop floating, seemingly in front of a giant stone slate, although judging from the small crevice it might had been a door or a gate leading into something? Therlin turned her head toward Brone and smiled sheepishly. "I think it is trying to tell us to go there. but I'm not too sure what we'll find, so be ready Brone~"

As she chimed softly she pressed a hand onto the stone door, looking at Brone and waiting for his help to press the door open.

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#10Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:59 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The realization of the passage of time was surprising to both of them. To have been unaware of the passing of days may be more common, but two centuries is a large leap and unheard of, even in folktales. Brone wondered if Therlin was put into a magical sleep or maybe spirited to the future. He hesitated asking, seeing her expression, he empathized with her. Then she snapped back, finding her inner strength, that dwarven fortitude, "Aye, ye do have kin on the surface, and ye do have me as well, we'll be happy te have ye amongst us" Brone gave a wide smile. The thought was exciting, to have new dwarven blood, like a long lost cousin; on top of that she's a true dhain dwarf. Though she had possibly lost her clan, Brone was happy to be able to accept her into his.

'200? Ye don't look more than 40, lass, what kind of magic keeps ye lookin' so young?" Brone tried to lighten the mood by changing the subject and putting focus on something else. Though she mentioned 200 years had passed, her physical appearance made her look as if she was still an adolescent. Though dwarves can to be up to 300 to 400 years with their long lifespans, seeing Therlin's youth made Brone wonder if dhain dwarves have extended lifespans like elves.

They came to would see to be a possible door. Therlin placed her hand upon the door and Brone followed suit, doing the same by placing his hand upon the door, "Aye, I'm ready, whatever may be beyond, two dhains will be enough te handle it" He gave her another assured smile before he pushed.


The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:52 am

Therlin couldn't help but chuckle sheepishly at Brone's words. "I'm not sure, I woke up looking like I didn't age at all, but whether my body was put in a state of stasis or something is something I'm not certain about."

The dwarven lass mused softly, not entirely certain of what had unfolded either. Yet as they arrived at the door Brone's reassuring words made her smile brighten once more: "Aye! Whatever lurks beyond, we'll overcome it, together!"

As if to reassure herself as she pressed the door in unison with Brone, the sight that awaited the duo was quite a surprise in and off its own: A chapel of sorts, or maybe a shrine? It was clear this place was one of serene worship, seemingly left untouched by mortal hands for ages, and there at the end of the spacious room a large altar stood, with on top of it... a goblet? Nay, a grail would be a better way to describe it, the power and luster of the goblet made it clear the object was one of immense power. Could this possibly be the Holy Grail of Caelish mythology?!

Therlin's eyes sparkled, like a child seeing a shiny toy as she took a step forward, but it was in that same fleeting moment that as she still held onto Brone's hand a voice ringed through the air.

"Tresspassers... Attempting to enter the Throne of Heroes? Yet, while one is deemed worthy, you are still among the living Brone Heavyaxe... Nay, you do not have the privilege to enter the realm yet... Therefore thou art trespassing."

The voice sounded cold, devoid of emotion and just hearing it send a chill across Therlin's spine. Yet the lass didn't intend to abandon Brone! Gathering her courage she took a step forward, while at the same time from the ground around the grail several pillars of light shone down from above. From each pillar emerged a phantasm, a featureless figure clad in golden light, the one closest to the duo was brandishing a lance, while at the back behind the altar one was wielding a bow? And finally to the side there was one brandishing a pair of knifes! Turning her gaze toward Brone she asked:

"Do you intend to fight them? If so I will try to support you, although I don't have my Golem with me I might be able to conjure one from the ground around us..."

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb
#12Brone Heavyaxe 

The Dwarven Champion and the Holy Grail [Brone] Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe

ᛒᚱᛟᚾᛖ ᚺᛖᚢᚤᚨᛉᛖ

Brone enjoyed the positive attitude Therlin was providing; he wasn't sure whether or not it was the fact that he was in the presence of another dwarf or just the positivity, but he appreciated it nevertheless. The two pushed open the door and made there way into the chamber. The goblet caught the white-hair dwarf's sight. He would start making his way forward, but came to a halt when the announcing voice spoke up. On instinct, Brone reached for the handle of his golden axe over his shoulder.

There was a moment the voice mentioned only one is worthy that made him question, but the moment he heard he was rejected, the male dwarf lost all other focus and tightened his grip on his handle, "Not worthy!?" he quoted with a hint of irritation in his voice. Three pillars of light erected from the ground and out from said light came three light forms of warriors.

"Aye, lass, we're gonna fight; if ye be the one who is worthy, then we'll get ye that goblet prize, but..." Brone then drew his golden axe from his back into his right hand and gripped his golden shield in his left as he took a step forward to face the foes ahead, "I'll make sure te prove te them that they be mistaken... I am worthy" he grinned widely. The male dwarf was determined to show his prowess as a warrior, but had completely missed the voice mentioning the key statement that he was 'part of the living'.

Brone ran forward and the moment he took the next step, the archer behind the altar let loose an arrow, to which Brone blocked with his shield before closing the distance with the lancer. The lancer would jut his weapon at the dwarf, but with enough experience with his own spears, the dwarf knew well how to handle a fight with such opponents, so he ducked and moved within the lance's reach just as it went over his head, just missing him. He would then slam the axe into the being of light, feeling solid resistance. The lancer skid back a few feet, but was still standing. Brone was surprised that these 'warriors' were tough enough to handle such a blow. He would make sure to look over at Therlin every now in then in case she needed assistance of any kind.

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