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Charging in through the front door [Group A]

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Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 9:07 am


At long last the time had arrived. While the Caelish Knights had so far succeeded in fending off the waves of Kobolds that emerged from the spacious portal, the sheer danger of what awaited inside the cavern made it so that a call to arms was made to various organizations and guilds across Earthland.

Among these who answered the call are you three. The reason you might had answered the call could be plenty, whether it was for the hope of gaining glory, the desire to obtain the powerful relics and resources that could make even the richest merchants drool with envy, or some entirely different motive didn't matter.

The fact remained that this cavern needed to be conquered or Earthland could become overrun by the denizen of the Void. Three powerful champions, whatever cause they represented, today they would have to work together to survive and succeed.

Up ahead behind a collective of barricades, the cavern loomed, battalions of knights standing ready to fend off an invasion at any moment. At the encampment, several groups had gathered already, seemingly in the midst of discussing their course of action.

Soon one of the leaders of the knights arrived, a middle-aged man, although judging from the air of confidence and the way he carried himself he was a warrior who had seen his share of conflict.

"Great, you have arrived. I'll keep the briefing short since we don't know how long till the next wave appears. From past expeditions, we confirmed that the cavern connects to random points inside the void, so your group will likely be isolated from the others at first.

Although your objective will be to secure the way to the throne chamber where the leader of these void-empowered kobolds awaits, I doubt it will be a simple walk in the park. The castle is overrun by kobolds and other monstrosities, and to make matters worse the throne chamber is sealed by a barrier that will only break if you slay the champions protecting it.

Your goal will be to find this champion, slay it and make your way to the throne room where you will rendezvous with the other groups and form a strike team to take out the abomination that awaits you within. Can't say much about who or what he is, aside from that the massive fiend killed an entire legion of my best men with just one swing of his weapon..."

He groaned for a moment as he gestured at the cavern. "Once the boss is slain you'll be teleported back here where as promised compensation awaits you, whatever treasure you find inside the cavern is yours to keep as well."

Just as he finished speaking the cavern seemed to be pulsing with voidal energy, as if beckoning the challengers into its domain. The knights at the barricades seemed on edge, a few still busy tending to their injured comrades or dragging the corpses of the fallen away from the gate.

Hello Group A~ Your intro to the Cavern has been posted, feel free to gather and exchange short greetings and make ready to enter the Cavern. Any questions can be directed to me on discord or through DM.

Group A: Lumikki, Brone, Erebus


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 3:05 pm


It would be the Demoness to enter first with excited haste as she rushed her Uncle Brone along. The pair had not handled such important work like this since the war in Joya; with all the time that passed, much had changed since then. It would be in her excitement that certain things went unnoticed. With eyes fixed upon this new disastrous rift, she reveled at the chance for unbridled destruction.

Despite her impatience, Lumikki Hrútr was sure to come in human form. With her periwinkle hair tied back in tight Icerbergian braids, and brown skin stained with shadow. She wore a deep purple and blue dress that came down her feet in smoke-like shadows that fell away into feathers. A long slit was cut into the side revealing her Paradise Dawn tattoo that occasionally poked underneath. Her miss-matched citrine and sapphire eyes hid behind a pair of rounded shades but her lids and lips were painted black with darkness. Around her throat was something akin to fresh bandages that sat bunched up her neck like a ribbon necklace. Though she did not look it, Lumikki was ready for battle.

As the pair saunter into the encampment with Lumikki's pace finally slowing, they were not only met with knights stationed but a large unkindness that awaited their Demoness. Two ravens made privy to the affair would glide down to perch on her shoulders, eager to share the news of the mage's new venture. " Tha battle until now has been brutal, it's as if there is no end to the beast within the portal." Lonu, one of her more mature ravens would begin, but it was Trygve who continued. " They lost men in the dozens but hardly made a dent."

Lumikk hearing the news only laughed softly, " Diligent man aren't they Bjorn, sometimes I pity 'em. Their ambitions are strong but they lack the grit of our Icebergian people." She did not boast her words, they were men surviving the turmoil. For that, they held her respect; but it was now time for the guild members to work. Between Lumikki and Brone, the odds were already stacked in this mission's favor; but who would be the third, she had yet to know.

Eventually, a weathered warrior would finally greet them, briefing the two on the matters of the void. Lumikki nodded along knowing it would be on her to heed his words. Brone was wise in many ways, but not one for long-winded conversation. So she carefully kept matters in mind until the old knight was done. " Are ye ready for another grand battle?" She inquired while turning back toward her Uncle, a playful smile pulled at her dark lips. " It's been far too long since we've brought destruction in battle. I'm far more troublesome than that time in Joya.

By then the portal had begun pulsing as if playfully trying to tease the prospects to the new arrivals; an Lumi gleefully played along. She pecked her birds with light kisses," Of with ya, I'll have none of ya troubled in that storm."

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 4:47 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Though this was expected to be a difficult mission, Brone Heavyaxe made sure he was well groomed. His white hair was tied back in a ponytail and his beard had two braids running at the sides. It was possibly due to his time in Blue Pegasus that he developed this desire to look his best right before a big event, and for the dwarf, events that involved danger and wonderous battles were his kind of  enjoyment. He donned his favorite armor piece, breastplate made of nevermelting ice that emanated dry ice rolling off the sides; his brown steel toe leather boots matched his grizzly bear pelt cloak in color and theme. His arms donned dark brown leather bracers matching the color of his jeans, both pairs were adorned with gilded stitched runes running down the sides.

To those who heard of the legendary dwarf of the north, would be shocked to see he was different from his photoshoot from Underground Magazine. Instead of the rumored four arms, he now had two regular, albeit muscular arms and his skin is gray like ash as if he spent his life in the coal mine.

Lumikki had hurried the dwarf as per usual and consistently, he would tell his niece to bare with his pacing since he had shorter legs and heavier equipment than her. They would eventually see the ominous portal that led to the dungeon they were requested to enter. Brone had entered portals and dungeons before, but the look of this portal seemed odd, it's swirl and the light that flickered from time to time gave him a sense of an omen of danger; he then scoffed, counting the times he had faced off against dangerous foes and still lived. "Aye, lass, but pay yer respects to the soldiers who try, whether they be baby arms or giant arms, dying in battle is an honor" he nodded as he watched the swirling vortex.

A veteran soldier drew their attention and Brone nodded in respect to him. At first the dwarf followed the conversation but started to groan in impatience, then he began to subconsciously lose his focus and his eyes began to trail off to the portal. It was Huginn and Muninn the ravens who landed on his shoulders who whispered into his ears to summarize what the soldier explained. Brone thanked the soldier with a hearty handshake before turning back to Lumikki. "We'll wait for one more, teams of 3 are um... well... f-formed and...Gah! 3 is a good number!" he got fed up with trying to remember what Gnicholas said about having team formations.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 7:01 am


Erebus drifted across the ground, his cloak hiding his boots as they stepped and crunched the snowy grovel behind his step. He wasted no time to wait or think about safety before his descent into another cavern had transpired. Whisped as green mana, Erebus conjures through the void and surfaces. He fights monsters and eventually arrives  by people on his way to the gate.  He was briefly filled in, and despite attempting to form parties Erebus had no such luck, and before long had come across the dwarf and the demon he recalled during his prison sentence— Lumikki.

“Paradise Dawn. Oh, how I have looked forward to being in your country. Nice place really~” the words of a serpent paged through, a radio wave sure to alert and alarm the others if they had not been expecting Erebus there already. His invisibility had worn off, revealing his entrance like a ghost, and soundless, one would have to be completely turned around and looking for his person to have truly expected his arrival.

It quickly dawned w/ Erebus that he was trapped as teammates of Paradise Dawn— the North guild to which he had contractual differences regarding the soul of one demon. However, there were certainly ways to make this work to his advanatge now.~

In fact really, he wasn’t so as perplexed as normally, perhaps that was his maturity as a dark mage. His growth into a static threat, the ability to co-op and eventually, surprise the enigmas which doubted or underdogged his right to this world. After all, you should keep your enemies close. Having learned of his own strengths; Erebus was secure enough to drag himself along with his foes. He had adjusted to a world light mages could not take into fellowship, and survived it yet time and time again. In it’s worst states, it was Hell and only when one abused the nature of their realm, could they turn that hell into heaven, sit at its most blessed tables, and assume their god complex. Erebus was one such of these men. Further from his original personality, he only saw a predestined outcome instead of chance or luck, but his self-belief was the glamour and artifice of why he could champion amongst the Void. The more grief and wickedness he channeled, the less fear he surrendered too, the less mercy could take the space of his brain— he worried only for himself and every soul in between was, for sinister intentions, fair game.

Entered from behind the two, Erebus decided to make his greetings more official with his phasing into frame. He had never met this dwarf, but reputations had traveled— he knew who this character was, in the wider world that is, and what they stood for and were about for the most part. Then of course, the harpy demon of the North— a demon whose heart appeared to be her most obvious setback. Erebus was already acquainted with her, and had plans to see her break under the pressures of the dark world— forces existed high and low who were more than ready to pay out on the clipped wings of a demon songbird. Erebus simply played the middle-man for those deeds, it totally had nothing to do with his unbridled enthusiasm to get even. Following his loss at having been prevented destroying Lumikki in Seven. When her ice finally took effect and paralyzed his body, Erebus was left facing the tidal effects of an avalanche by which Lumikki was sending forth, the damage was enough to deactivate both him, and the tendrils in his back.

Speaking of which, Erebus couldn’t seem to bring those bad boys back out. Surely, if he weren’t drained from the prison’s torture, he would have defeated her then... But now, he was more pre-occupied with collecting up his funds, and re-strengthening his arsenal with treasured void things. He supposed that her death would be left up to their next bout. For the time being— they were unlikely allies, and he insisted internally with potentially sacrificing her as bait to the dungeon boss.

“Ah yes— I predicted I wouldn’t miss the North’s desire to pick from the Void,” Erebus mused, his form appearing to nod dishearteningly side to side. “Seems I arrived just in time, I am fresh out of prison. You could say I went Scott Free.~” he slapped two metallic, gloved hands against his knees, as he bent downward to face both Brone and Lumi who were at least two or three feet shorter than he and standing a few feet in front of him, Erebus quickly broke into a short change of laughs a second afterward, such was a theatric in his asinine ways. He wondered if these two would even make for help. “Tiny little things, the two of you, almost count for half of a person, I wonder. While I see two of you, it truly does bring into question how we break up the loot doesn’t it. As of now it’s 50/25/25, if I even feel generous! Haha. No no, I am a fair man, the fairest actually— I can see the darkness is smothering one of you… So— I will settle on my 40%, but just this once,” Erebus finalized. As he paused and got more serious, straightening up his satchel sling over his shoulder and leaning back, he lightly dusted his cloak and talked it up further.

Understanding the risks, I cannot be responsible for any casualties,” the man clarified. Lifting a hand to his chin, which disappeared in the veil of his hood, as it rested on his metal visage. He smirked underneath, clearing his way and being direct as he could be— eliminating all responsibilities and leaving only gains to be made for himself.

“I will have no trouble getting to the throne room, but if we must come together, one of you might feel more comfortable in the lead. I will hang back for now,”

Erebus was masked behind the otherworldly veil of the Courpsemourn, his eyes were tired, but had plenty of stamina left for this occasion. “What a treat this will be for all of us yes? Ah, well— I will try and see to it that our mission is completed within the shortest amount of time— for me & my desires, I wish to scribe the Void’s secrets. Not to slow you down, but I ask that you’re patient with my mission, if we discover anything out of ordinary— it would be best to collect this intelligence and take it back to our realm.”


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 7:37 pm


As the group had finally gathered together and the discussion of the spoils already came as a topic one of the knights who seemed indifferent to the trio gathered had come to guide the group toward the cavern.

As the trio was being escorted to the portal a sudden shout came from among the barricades. "WAIT WAIT WAIT! DON'T LET THEM ENTER YET!" as the knights turned to look at the direction the voice came from, among the Caelish knights a small figure emerged. One might had initially expected them to be a child, but a closer look at the small hints of a budding beard suggested they were in fact a teenage dwarf.

"I knew it was you two the moment I heard the rumors of some champions from Paradise Dawn arrive!"

The lad rushed past his fellow knights and revealed what appeared to be an old Underground Magazine edition, that indeed sported the famous dwarven warrior Brone himself on it!

"It's really you! The dwarven champion even the mighty Seraphim fear! The one who once arm-wrestled a Yotun of Iceberg and then challenged him to a drinking contest and even won! Some even say that if your name is called the demons flee back to the abyss and pray they can close the portal in time!"

The dwarven knight turned toward Lumikki, a sheepish grin on his lips. "Well aside from Lady Lumi, my sister claims that the day she flees is the day hell freezes over. She is a humongous fan of you, ever since the rumor came that you started leading Paradise Dawn she been insisting our clan to let her join your guild. Sadly the big ones keep declaring she isn't ready for that..."

He nodded his head and shown the magazine to Brone. "Could I have your autographs please? A tale to tell my sister when you all close the portal and I can return home."

Meanwhile Erebus would notice that among the knights there seemed to be a figure that was slightly familiar to him. A woman, long silver hair and an enchanting smile... For a moment the mysterious mark on his hand that he had received during his time in imprisonment pulsed with a soft heat, but then it ceased, and the woman was gone again. How curious...

Nonetheless, by the time the events had resolved the trio was led toward the cavern and their journey would begin in earnest. The moment they stepped through the portal the trio found themselves underneath a massive gate, a bridge behind them and in front of them a large plaza leading deeper into the keep. To their left there were what one might perceive as stables, but instead of horses there were giant wolves slumbering amidst the haystacks!

Meanwhile a bit up ahead one could spot a group of kobolds, five in total were busy conversing with each other. "Why are we even stationed here? Like who even charges in through the front door?" One of the kobolds chimed in protest while another one replied in mild amusement. "A fool perhaps?"

However, among them was a kobold clad in mage robes, holding a rickety old staff as he hummed softly. "Or a normal person, this is after all the normal way to enter a castle. Not like people would crawl in through the sewers or be dropped down the sky onto the rooftops."

If only he had known... Yet the smallest one among the group, holding a crossbow had frozen in his tracks as he gazed at the trio in sheer disbelief, almost as if they were a simple mirage! No way, did someone really just enter through the main gate?

Kobold Group:
3x Soldier Kobolds
4x S-rank durability
161 Strength, 161 Speed

1x Mage Kobold
4x S-rank durability
1 Strength, 321 Speed

1 Archer Kobold
4x S-rank durability
1 Strength, 321 Speed

The other kobolds have yet to notice you, but the small archer one is gazing right at you, not sure if he is going crazy or if you are actually real.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 12:25 am


As the pair made their way toward the portal, a shout could be heard that halted them. A man approached with much reverence for Brone, recanting old tales and pulling out an old treasure. Her Uncle couldn't hide the red from his face even if he tried, the joy in him was also apparent. And the old Dwarf was never known for being shy. Lumikki smirked playfully as he had his moment, only to be taken aback by the sister's mention." The wee lass already has a Valkyrie's spirit I see, and call me honored for having her praise. Tell her when the time comes, that I'd love to see her in the Dawn." Lumikki held a hand before her and with the wave of the other, she fashioned a figure with her black ice. It was a Valkyrie with a spear in hand and wings held up high. She handed it to the knight as her thanks, " May ye pass this onto her as a gift from me."

It was Lumikki's ravens who noticed him first, and none of them would take their time expressing it. " A visitor..." uttered Lonu, followed by Trygve." Hmpt, it's one you've met before." Lumikki turned over to confirm and sure enough, it was a snake slinking its way into their mission. " Oy Uncle, they assigned us a jester."

The Demoness would nod her head in his direction to guide Brone's gaze while Erebus continued his stride toward them." ᛁᛏ×ᛊ ᚦᛖ ᛁᛞᛟᛏ ᚹᚺᛟ ᚲᚱᛟᛊᛊᛖᛞ ᛗᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚦᛖ ᛞᚨᚹᚾ. ᚠᛟᚱᚷᛟᛏ ᛏᛟ ᛗᛖᚾᛏᛟᚾ ᛁ ᚠᛟᚢᚷᚺᛏ ᚺᛁᛗ ᚨ ᛒᛁᛏ ᚨᚷᛟ ᛁᚾ ᚨᚾ ᚨᚱᛖᚾᚨ ᛁᚾ ᛊᛖᚢᛖᚾ. ᛒᚢᛏ ᚺᛖ×ᛊ ᚨᛊ ᚨᚾᚾᛟᛁᛁᛜ, ᚾᛟ ᛗᛟᚱᛖ ᚨᚾᚾᛟᛁᛁᛜ ᚦᚨᚾ ᚹᛖ ᚦᛟᚢᚷᚺᛏ. ᛞᛟᚾ×ᛏ ᛏᚱᚢᛊᛏ ᚺᛁᛗ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚨ ᛊᛖᚲᛟᚾᛞ, ᚺᛖ ᛗᛖᚾᛊ ᛏᛟ ᚲᚱᛟᛊᛊ ᚢᛊ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁᚠ ᛁᛏ×ᛊ ᚾᛟᛏ ᚾᛟᚹ, ᛁᛏ×ᛚᛚ ᛒᛖ ᛚᚨᛏᛖᚱ." She opted to speak in dwarven tongue to avoid his prying ears."ᛒᛖ ᛊᚢᚱᛖ ᛏᛟ ᛏᛖᛚᛚ ᚺᛁᛗ ᚾᛟᚦᛁᛜ...."

Erebus' gesture to lower himself to speak to them had an adverse effect, instead of being a bother Lumikki found it amusing. While he laughed, so did she." What an honor for ye to get on me eye level lad. Who thought there was an ounce of manners in ya. We'll plan the split when all is done, can't be sure yer even worth ya weight when ye've done nothing. Only heard of yer mess in Joya so I have lil faith now. Oh and note we're all mercenaries here for the pay." Lumikki turned her gaze toward their entry," More information...I'd welcome it."But her eyes would never completely leave him. She would keep an eye on him during their mission.

Upon entry of the portal, the trio would be spirited under a massive gate." Cute." uttered Lumi as she noticed the resting wolves, and when she looked ahead something else interesting would unfold. The kobolds they've been warned about sat just before them and the sooner they could be cleared, the better. The Demoness grasped at the air beside her, pulling out a staff from what seemed like out of nowhere. With a swish of her weapon, Lumikki got to work. With a massive lavender circle beneath the trope, large black frost flowers would sprout from the ground, and in mere moments, they'd all shatter at once. Sending shards of ice shooting through the air.

" Watch yer step lads..." She turned over to her Uncle," Have fun knocking heads."

Plight of a Raven:

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#7Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 3:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone's attention was pulled to a young dwarf with little more than peach fuzz on his chin. He approached the ashen skin dwarf with a magazine in hand. The atmosphere changed as Brone happily, though gently, grasped the magazine from the youngling and signed his name upon the page where his face was posted along with the article about him. Though his skin is now ash gray, unlike his picture in the magazine, his face was beet red from embarrassment. He has faced against dangerous foes such as dimensional dragons, a kraken, and world ending threats, but meeting an excited fan was a very new experience for him since he rarely interacted with the public outside the Northern region. Hearing the stories, or in this case 'rumors', redden the dwarf's face further to the point he had to he ran his fingers through his white hair just to make sure his hands weren't awkwardly doing nothing, he nearly undid his ponytail.

Not only was Brone surprised of his own reputation, but to even hear of Lumikki's popularity caused him to turn to her excitedly; he presented her a wide smile while placing a hand on her shoulder. When his niece crafted a keepsake for the young soldier's sister, Brone felt he couldn't let the lad go without having his own keepsake of the occasion, so he doffed his grizzly pelt cloak and brought it to the soldier's back, "Stand strong, lad, yer already making the first steps to becoming great by becoming a soldier so young, yer clan must be proud" he said as he fastened the cloak to the young dwarf's shoulder pads by the neck region.

Brone took a step back and saluted the lad before Lumikki drew his attention; a cloaked being appeared. Though he didn't feel threatened, the dwarf eyed the new arrival, cautious. Thankfully his niece gave him the information he needed to understand what to expect, "ᚹᛖ×ᛚᛚ ᚲᛖᛖᛈ ᚨᚾ ᛖᛁᛖ ᛟᚾ ᚺᛁᛗ" he would reply back to her in the dwarvish tongue.

The cloaked figure was unrecognizable until Huginn recognized the voice and whispered into Brone's ear in an undistinguishable language. Now the dwarf remembers of a time he was informed of an altercation Yuurei had with a possible thief that helped him take down a large tailed beast of great power, only to try and steal something from Yuurei after. Brone didn't understand what the specific details were, but he now got a name for the mysterious person and their personality.

Erebus mockingly leaned in towards them, made his 'statement' albeit condescending, but given that he was the added assistance to the party and it wouldn't be in anyone's interest for infighting, Brone cut the interaction short, "Whatever work ye put in, ye'll get ye reward with the same weight; and get the information ye need, the more the better for both of our sides" he made sure to emphasize that they were on the same side facing the same enemy. The dwarf hated infighting, but he wouldn't hesitate to end conflict quickly in the most effective way possible.

Finally they entered through the portal, but they didn't appear in a cavern, appeared at the gate of a fort. When he spotted the group of unsuspecting kobolds ahead, he immediately slipped on his horned helmet upon his head and leaned over, taking a three-point stance, readying himself for the initiation. Lumikki would activate her first spell, causing a blast of black frost centered on the enemy group. Brone would set his eyes on the kobold with the bow, then taken aim and kick off the ground, dashing at great speed towards the enemy, aiming to slam his horned helm into it with great force.

Battle Log:

Spells Used:

Brone’s Spread:


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 5:21 am


Erebus listened to them speak in a language he could only variably understand at certain vowels, truly speaking to his own knowledge as an adventurer. Despite not collecting on their info they were obviously safeguarding, Erebus shrugged.

He followed behind the two as they were led down the cavern.

Somehow, he stood before the lair of some Kobold.

Erebus was the first to notice the archer, afraid and hesitating to fire. “Look at it just stand there…” He said his lips breaking into a smile. Left in regards to the Kobold, Erebus moves his hands into the shape of an archer, with his right hand pulling the air as of an arrow was already there— pointing downwind at his foe, the materialization of his bow made it all readied to return fire; a lethal buck shot ready to send the kobold flying to it’s death, in the same instance with his readying position— blackened, murky water climbed off from his forearm in a magical spiral.

A large weapon with a single eyeball was assumed into his hands; a weapon he hadn’t used against Lumikki in their bout, alluding to more secrets about his range of abilities. Not that he couldn’t have used it then, but that he simply didn’t in light of realizations made early. Having put together her affinities as a demon back in Seven; he knew it wouldn’t have affected her much at all back then— but this Kobold? It would certainly do a number against him today. Erebus released his fingers from the arrow, as it flew past Brone’s head and struck the daydreamer kobold.

Upon the arrow piercing his flesh. A horrible venom symbiote of black ink would overtake the kobold. Traveling over his body until it has completely smothered and drowned him under its coaxing darkness. Ere then pulled another of his dark arrows back, looking amongst the action for his next target with the arrow materializing in his fingers.

Charging in through the front door [Group A] 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f3032594941447a757a4a355347773d3d2d3934303034393835342e313632643164633139363534656332323335383534373931353337352e676966
— — —
Item Summon: Gogglegaze (+homing)
Item Summon: Curse of Malvox (+bind on hit)
> Arrow Shot (S)
-250MP - x1 S-rank Arrow (CD: 2)
Effect: The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pulls the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30 centimeter arrow of mana begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target.
(-3CD reduction, -50%mana cost)
Judgement Tarot: The user rolls for effectivity & bonus dmg

MP: 4500/4750


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 5:21 am

The member 'Erebus' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 61


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 6:20 am


Although the kobolds had the advantage of numbers, it seemed clear now that when it came to raw power the three of them were far more overwhelming. The first to act was Lumikki, her conjuration of a staff soon causing a flurry of frost flowers to blossom, each of the snowy spectacles exploding in a flurry of chilling magic! The mage among the kobolds had barely been able to raise his staff in time to project a barrier over his kin, shielding them from the initial impact as the chilling ice clashed in an effort to break through the barrier!

"WINTER IS COMING! AND SHE IS A NASTY ONE!" the kobold mage whined in protest as he felt his barrier shatter as the last of the ice flurry subdued. However, in that same moment Brone took the opportunity to charge up to the archer, the horns impaling into the torso of the smaller kobold and hauling him up like a bull had just gorged him on his horns. To make matters even worse the ring of the dwarven warrior started to pulse violently with lightning magic, frying the poor kobold whose body spasmed from the electricity surging into his body.

Of course the remaining kobolds weren't going to take the beating of their friend without a reaction! One of the kobolds dashed toward Erebus, one of them swinging a scimitar in a wild frenzy of swings while the other one charge at Lumikki, although his charge looked almost comical as he pranced around in panic "cold! cold!"" Hopping from one spot to another and finally exclaimed loudly. "You'll pay for that small icy witch!" The kobold finally reached her and attempted to claw at the demon!

Meanwhile as Erebus's arrow impaled the head of the archer kobold the remaining kobolds that surrounded Brone hesitated for a moment. "Wow, never heard of overkill? Them Earthlanders are turning more vicious by the day!"

One of the kobolds attempted to jab at Brone's back with a large pitchfork while the other was starting to scurry for... a horn? "Wake up the wolves ya dunce!" The mage commanded as his friend started to bring the horn to his mouth! Better stop him quickly! lest the wolves wake up!

Meanwhile the kobold mage raised his staff, preparing to support his allies.

Lumi's spell was intercepted by the kobold mage's defensive barrier
Brone's attack killed the Kobold Archer, and fried him as well
Erebus learned the art of: Overkill

One Kobold is rushing at Erebus, one at Lumi, one is attempting to jab Brone's backside with a pitchfork and the remaining kobold is about to blow his horn for reinforcements.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 3:11 pm


The barrier summoned to block her spell made the Demoness suck her teeth in annoyance, but she rejoiced that he probably couldn’t do it twice. At least it would be her hope, but if she could open the path for her Uncle she’d be content with it. Brone the Osborn went charging to his heart’s content; whether he preferred being a bear or bull, it was hard to say. But his cry as he went dashing told of his glee.

Meanwhile, Erebus played a new card from his hand. Pulling out an arrow that would promptly be fitted into a bow. Lumikki admittedly was aware of his whole deck, a power afforded to her by the World’s eye, but speaking of such things was a matter beyond her power and in this man’s case, beyond her desires. The mercenary charged his shot with much assurance, only to lower the raven’s expectations further. ” Nice shot lad, I’m sure he’s dead now.” Lumikki called over to her partner before took to the skies. Her wings unfurled in a moment as the shadows below her warped and shifted to suit her desire.” ᛁ ᚷᚢᛖᛊᛊ ᚹᛖ ᚲᚨᚾ ᛞᛖᛞᚢᚲᛏ ᚦᚨᛏ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ ᚺᛁᛊ ᛈᚨᛁ.” she relayed over to her Uncle. The kobold still hanging from his horn cooked and overdone.” ᛏᚨᚷ ᚦᛖ ᚾᛖᚲᛊᛏ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛟᛊᛒᛟᚱᚾ, ᛊᛖᛖ ᛁᚠ ᚺᛖ ᚲᛁᛚᛚᛊ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛟᚾᛖ ᛏᛟᛟ?”

Lumikki looked for the mage who thwarted her last spell and decided to play as Erebus had with an arrow of her own. Pointing to the kobold before kissing her fingers, a magic circle would flash beside her. It’s head and tail ever shifting until locking its target by her command. Settling on the head of a snake and a tail of four talons. The arrow would fall from the sky with a quick rotation like a drill.

Plight of a Raven:

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#12Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 7:05 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone slammed into the Kobold; after feeling the impact, he slid to a halt and picked his head up expecting to see the kobold flown into a nearby post or wall, but it was a second later that he realized the kobold was stuck to one of his helm's horns. An arrow slammed into the dead kobold, drawing the dwarf's attention to Erebus; it seems not only was Brone taken aback by the waste of an arrow, but Lumikki and one of the kobolds were as well. The small demoness called to her uncle in their tongue, and the dwarf nodded; he immediately took notice of the kobold with the staff. He was aware that Lumikki's spell had dissipated, or countered, which meant that one of the kobolds might have proficiency in magic as well. Brone had always associated staffs with magic users, so he was sure that was the one who countered his niece's spell, so it will be his next target.

The kobold mage had grasped onto some sort of a horn; Brone wasn't sure whether or not it was a sounding horn, and if it was, what was the kobold calling? Either way, he knew he needed to stop this one kobold in order to give Lumikki a chance to freely use her magic. Right before Brone took another three point stance, another kobold had stabbed it's pitchfork into the dwarf's back; luckily the dwarf was aware of everything in his immediate area, given the ability he gained through his God of Axe trails, so he managed to shift his body so that the prongs of the pitchfork would stab into the back of the breastplate. He then noticed his niece shooting a magical arrow; so he figured he would time his own attack in relationship to her attack;  he then leaned forward and then as Lumikki's arrow released, just like before, bulleted forward, aiming to hit it's target after the arrow strikes and add the kobold mage to his second horn.

Battle Log:

Spells Used:

Brone’s Spread:


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 8:36 am


Erebus shrugged, not having foreseen Brone’s speed picking up as a piece of his armor, and a skill he’d never seen. “Could have been worse,” The rogue encouraged the two, “I didn’t miss.” He quipped with sarcasm, something to throw back at the demon raining a snowstorm at the mage defending the inner channel of the dungeon at the front corridor— it seemed a kobold was coming directly for him. His hand pulled on another bow of darkness, releasing a venomous arrow now pointed into the running Kobold in his direction, this arrow didn’t offend and rather weakened the pursuant. However, all the strength in one’s body would have been sapped with it.

This is where Erebus would invade and reap what was justifiably his— the soul of his foe… “You—“ he said, his eyes dilating like that of a serpent, fine needles began to circle a golden orb from beneath his hood. “Betray yourself!” He commanded with his darkest power, like a king, his command would be met, one could have compared his reach now to the devil themself. Erebus wished to see if he could tame the void, and its denizens. This would be the first test, a research into freeing the Void further.

Base now behind his tone like that of a monster, he evoked strength behind his word.

“Serve my purpose, guide us through the dungeon. I will learn something about mercy in you today,” he finished to the mind-broken Kobold, his words etching a path through the air as an overpowering sensation in the brain, power that bent and probed the creature against it’s conscious. Its will to be sentient & individual drifting further away.

If the kobold, in its vitality-drained state, can break free of the mind control and instead receive 1xS damage, Erebus defend if need be and return with more melee damage, ceasing to attempt ending the foe and just push a steady course forward... All the while, he has to figure out how he can cut these North mages out of the pie. All of their secret codes were beginning to rub Erebus the wrong way— he would be left to the unfolding events whether to see what he might do about it.

Poison-Tipped Arrow
-500MP (CD: 2)
The user holds the bow steady with one hand and begins to pulls the string with their other hand. As the string is being pulled back, a 30 centimeter arrow of mana begins to materialize. The user then releases the string and shoots the magic arrow at the aimed target, upon striking the target their strength will be debuffed by two times the equivalent rank. (+10m/s, +10m range)

-500MP (CD: 2 or Sustain)
(The Kobold will bend to Erebus’ will, becoming a guide)
By gazing upon a chosen the target, the user can force others into submission and obedience as long as they have seen the user's eye. To use the effect, the user must issue an order, while the target may either submit to the user and obey, or attempt to resist the spell. Should the enemy attempt to resist, they must roll a D100 and roll higher than 50 in order to resist successfully; if they fail, they will take 1S rank damage directly to the head, while their Speed, Intelligence and damage dealt will be considered one rank lower for that turn. Additionally, the difference between the user's and their enemy's reputation will affect the threshold needed to successfully resist. Every 1000 points of difference in reputation between user and target will increase or reduce the dice success threshold by 1 depending on who has the higher reputation: The user or the target respectively. The treshold cannot increase above 75 or decrease below 25. In subsequent turns that the target attempts to resist, they may roll again to break free of the spell while taking only A-rank damage if they fail. Each success or failure in resisting will decrease or increase the threshold by 5 respectively. A target cannot be asked to commit actions such as the taking of their own life, committing explicit actions upon others, or other actions that would be considered taboo according to site rules. Attempting to have these actions carried out will result in the spell failing upon the target for the remainder of the topic. Though the user may look at multiple targets, they may only issue a single command per turn.



Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 10:16 am


It was clear that despite being a ragtag formed team they each had their own strong points. Whether it was Brone whose experience in battle allowed him to perceive the incoming threat of the kobold behind him, the pitchfork instead of turning him into a kebab stick merely rebounded against his armor (armor takes 1 B-rank damage) while the dwarven champion turned his attention toward the mage, who rightly so had his hands full dealing with the raven demoness.

"Evil magpie!" The mage kobold exclaimed as he raised his staff at her, conjuring a bolt of fire that started to hone in on her! (B-rank damage if hit), however Lumikki's own attack soon landed, making the kobold mage stagger and lose his concentration long enough that Brone's charge went unchallenged.

Like a bull charging onto a kobold the tiny creature was literally send flying several meters, landing onto the ground with a heavy thud, and between his gorged wounds and the frostbite from Lumikki's spell he wasn't getting up...

Speaking of Lumikki, she had a tiny kobold jumping underneath her in frustration, to the point he started throwing pebbles and rocks into the air in the hope of catching her attention!

Finally there was Erebus, whose clever arrow hit the kobold mid-charge and then it... froze? Almost like a puppet the kobold turned around and gestured toward the large door leading into the keep. "Champion.... inside... trap... solve trap... kobold help! Kobold serve master!"

And then...

Hidding in a small well a kobold had been observing the events mumbling softly. "they said we had to be careful of the dragon... Darkfang was gonna eat dragon, tiny hairy juggernaut, evil magpie and mindbender are scarier! no longer my problem! I'm getting the hell out of here!"

And then the kobold had disappeared, but not before leaving a mysterious surprise: a warhorn was left at Brone's feet.

only a single kobold is left flailing under the flying Lumi, someone please teach the kobold how to catch a birdie.

Erebus has mind controlled a kobold who will help provide advice and show the (according to him) right directions to take to your goal, yay~)


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 12:08 am


Lumikki broke into a malicious cackle after witnessing her Uncle finishing the last of the mage. It almost made her veer off in the air. But now it would be the small kobold that still entertained Lumi enough to mutter their insults that caught her attention. " Quite brave friend, but it would cost ye."

The Demoness readied herself in a way she could lunge downward as one would picture a bird and its prey. Just beneath her feet sprung a lavender magical circle that flickered before bringing forth a large dark-frost talon. It fell with the same momentum she had and headed right for the kobold in question before eventually crashing into him while the Demoness cut her descent and glided gently to the ground.

The talon had it pinned, but not taken out entirely. For that, she'd leave to one of them if they so chose to entertain it." What's next?"

Plight of a Raven:

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#16Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 8:40 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The kobold mage's body went limp and the warhorn tumbled by the dwarf's feet. He picked it up and examined it for a second before shrugging and putting it into his dimensional satchel where even large weapons can fit. He then turned to see that the majority of the enemies had fallen aside from two; one that tried it's best to assault Lumikki with rocks and one who seem to surrender and assist the team and desired to serve Erebus as it's new master; Brone figured the cloaked mage might be very charismatic and won the creature over.

Brone walked over, passing the mind controlled kobold and taking in what the creature said. Lumikki then dropped down with powerful talon strike of black ice. If the rock-throwing kobold survived, Brone would clenched his fist, a bit of electrical surged through his knuckles, and bring down his knuckles upon the back of the Kobold's head with a quick jab. Trying to knock it out without much care.

"So... there's a champion further in and there's a puzzle-trap?" the dwarf nonchalantly looked from Lumikki to Erebus, wondering what their thoughts were on that information their new kobold friend gave them.

Battle Log:

Spells Used:

Brone’s Spread:


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 9:57 am


With the events unfolding, Erebus nodded to the kobold. Each line leaving the shrieking fool’s mouth, made Erebus raise his brow higher. Until he was on the cusps of an entire operation occurring here within the Void.

He overheard the kobold yelling information to Brone, and quickly put as much together as he could. He wished to get to the bottom of the story, starting with the most important details first. “So… a dragon.” Erebus wondered with a snide chuckle… Little did the others know, every thing he saw and said was on audio and visual recorder with his Apex Helmet. Truthfully, he was doing little more than his own recon & research with this field trip here. Yet, in the same case— had come across a unique discovery already. He found himself onto something big big, earth shattering perhaps, for this venture.

For if Darkfang could consume a dragon.

What if— Erebus did it first? Were that even possible, for Erebus to eat the dragon?! He figured that he had brought his skillet; but he left that at the Void Gate. Then again, he was sure the Kobold could show him to a kitchen somewhere around this forsaken place.

As the dwarf is finishing off the other kobold— one not so lucky as to meet the Dark One‘s mercy in this place. Erebus sees Lumikki come off the dead and/or knocked out kobold.

Paradise Mages, room left barren in the silence now, saw him the opportunity to respect their work. Erebus’ never the type to hold back either; but he was even more curious as to where the line was drawn for these two. Perhaps, the Void made them so hostile as to not realize the denizens of these worlds were yet so very real and very alive, lost travelers and soldiers; hell, you might even consider yourself a Void denizen, as the concept of time disappears, one can forget what an eternity feels like.

The Void, an all encompassing information machine, eating and absorbing universes. — It was around this time Erebus began to truly despise the Void intrusion of his own world, after first taking its powers willingly. He was beginning to understand that it hoped to eat them all, a cycle of consumption and adding to one’s infinite akashic armada.

Were it able to take him, he understood that his legend is enslaved here— and cannot escape if it is lost inside; a story that did not anymore stand on its own if not careful, he would conjoin and lose the legacy of being oneself, possessed by the forces of another deity or conceptualism. With something many would consider a bigger crisis, Erebus needed to close the Void. That seemed as if it were beginning to ring true and even more true, as nothing had yet invaded from the Gates into our world yet. Aside from portals — should warfare break out, Earthland would inevitably fall.

Yet for now— he was able to preserve against the Void with his mind control. Surely— the Void had not seen this coming.

Erebus turned towards Paradise Damned, evoking a message he hoped they would take seriously. “Dwarf. Before now, I saw you retrieve something there from that creature. Maybe it will help us summon the dragon. Let’s try it?” Erebus finalized, as his eyes inspected upon the castle they had turned up on, one would always do well to scan their surroundings. He was only shooting out a guess in the dark, yet— it would be foolhardy not to interrogate his allies about the loot in question. All the while, Erebus would keep his peripherals on Lumikki.

Always aware, and remembering…  It was not long ago she was a happy volunteer and pawn used to discredit some of his strengths there in Seven. An episode— he would not soon forget, but also— one in which he’d grown the experience of facing such a type of mage. Had she not been a creature of darkness (demon) herself, she may not have survived that bout as it came.

But in this place, the Void. He was truly in a rogue’s sanctuary, the pearly gates of the Under Cities. Erebus, was none the happier to crawl every crook and cranny needed to rob this world of new power. With every rocky corner and tunnel to impose down, he only upped his luck and his chances, and that motivated one’s maddened mind to reach further— but did he really need these two for the dragon? Or that other guy? He was doubting it at best.

The game was simple, Erebus could afford to keep up this theater act… if but just a little longer. Before cutting the strings. So far, the company of others had been a refreshing change of space for the Dark Mage. Even if they were so afraid they would not speak Fioran.

Back to his controlled Kobold now, Erebus asked some presentable questions. “Elaborate on the trap bit…? and tell me what’s a Mindbender? I do hope he’s a tough one, the one they call Darkfang?” Erebus pressed forward— vying for the interest of a true boss fight down the road, as he moves onward, he forces the Kobold to catch up with him, staying close by.

— — —
Submission: -500MP


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 11:35 pm


With the battle having reached its conclusion and the kobolds properly dealt with the group had gained an opportunity to discuss their next course of action among each other. The kobold remained near Erebus, looking up at the man with its beady eyes as it chimed softly. "Aaah dragon, scary dragon... ate other dragons... grew stronger from it... Darkfang wants to eat eat eat dragon! gain power also!" The kobold exclaimed excitedly while it listened to Erebus's inquiry, gesturing at the gate up ahead. "Gate leads inside to keep. One path down to trap and trap, cutterdy cut! burning to cinders and all sorts of unpleasantries. But Kobold knows the way! Right way! way free of traps! There big kobold stays, protecting secret to Darkfang's room!"

The Kobold shook his head firmly. "Nah, Darkfang stronger, would kill evil magpie, hairy juggernaut and Master! Need more people! break more seals! When Master came others came also! Work together, break seals, kill Darkfang, then Master becomes Master of castle!"

Yet the final bit seemed to make the kobold tilt its head slightly to the side in bewilderment. "Master, master is Mindbender!"

The kobold hopped between the trio and took a dramatic stance, covering one of his eyes with his hand as he took a deep breath. "I, Kobold K, Kobby command thee! BETRAY THYSELF!" wow, it almost sounded like Erebus... almost...

Yet he looked curiously at Brone. "Bad idea, blow horn, bad idea. Horn wakes up wolves, then wolves get angry and attempt to eat Master and the magpie, but not hairy juggernaut! Wolves not like hairballs!"

As he chased after Erebus the kobold inquired. "Master wants to be shown the way?"

It seemed that the group was on the brink of proceeding into the next part of their adventure! Yet it seemed like some sort of mystery remained with the knowledge the kobold revealed so far...


If Erebus is able to keep the Kobold alive till the end of the dungeon Kobold K, Kobby will join his army permanently.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Mon May 20, 2024 2:41 pm


” Ye could fight the dragon alone, “pinnacle of man”. We are here to handle the champion and the foe beyond. But feel free to branch off and handle what’s yers.” Lumikki interjected the rouges suggestion rather quickly. Brone found the horn, the choice remains his own but the third wheel beside them needn’t get comfortable.

The Kobold enslaved with the magic she assumed he tried on her, would fill them in on the path they sought. Lumikki chuckled at the mention of evil magpie once more and let him finish his dialogue.” There ye have lad, the dragons a needless venture and so is blowing the horn. But it’s nice to see that trick of yours reall has its uses, besides being intrusive and all.” Lumikki so happened to be wearing a set of dark rounded shades since the beginning of their venture. It was part to block out the irritating light, but also a habit that soothed her after that previous encounter. Ever since she was reborn, she didn’t enjoy people knowing her name but now that sentiment was beginning to extend further into her form as well. Sun glasses and dark veils were a means to hide away and they were simple enough to muster.

” Brone, ye think I could grab a wolf or two after this adventure. Hell maybe we could snatch the whole pack with that horn of yers.” Lumikki would follow the lead of the Kobold as he showed them the path, keeping Erebus in her sight much like the rouge did her. She would never present a chink in her armor but she’d gladly present a fool if it meant he’d slip up trying something.

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#20Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 5:25 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Blood dripping from his helmet had drawn his attention to the kobold that was stuck on one of his horns. Brone was in the process of removing it when Erebus gave him a suggestion, but before the dwarf could reach in his bad to pull out the blowhorn, the remaining kobold warned him of the danger that would be the sleeping wolves, so the dwarf shrugged.

Erebus and Lumikki spoke their thoughts, but Brone was more focused on Kobby who did a wonderful performance of the Mindbender; the dwarf applauded before his niece called to him, "Aye, lass, yer want a puppy, but yer have to take care of it" he said before he turned to follow Kobby who was leading the way. He caught the mention of traps, and though he couldn't fully understand what Kobby was saying, he understood the kobold was doing them a favor and assisting them to get through the dungeon with little issue, "We appreciate yer help, lad" Brone patted Kobby on the head before decided to smoke.

He pulled out a long wooden pipe and struck a match to light it, "Dragon, huh?" he said after exhaling a cloud of smoke, relaxing in his enjoyment as he followed the group to their next destination, "I don't mind fighting the lizard, but we need to focus on fighting that champion, remember, many soldiers had died, there bones lay within" The dwarf could understand hunting for valor or sport, but this situation wasn't for fun, they had a job to do and deviating would risk further lives on top of their own contract.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Tue May 21, 2024 7:10 pm


With the Paradise Mages sensing that the coast was clear, Erebus allowed them their moments and bearings, and watched Kobby. “Kobold.” The rogue said, dryly, as his eyes narrowed. “… Not bad.” Though with Brone patting the creature, Erebus figured he was getting too comfortable. “I would not soon forget what they have done to your people.” Erebus then glanced at the kobold horn in Brone’s hand and nodded against the reason of logic there. “Dwarf, please. Have some manners, for all we know you just killed it’s poor sister.” Erebus said with disdain, followed by a light chuckle— significant that he was just giving the guy a hard time. Erebus after all, was more preoccupied with gathering intelligence of this realm, especially in regards to what creatures he might eventually bend to his whims.

He then adjusted to the other Paradise Mage— that same harpy witch with her snark rambling off yet again, attention drifted off the Dwarf to the imp in sun-shades, as he rotated around and walked backwards he placed a hand over the black shadow of his darkened veil. Even though he would face her— speaking with his gestures and emotion, the complexity of his helmet and his eyes were hidden to a point of concealment that one could never gauge the extent of Erebus’ seriousness or sarcasm. Only the tone behind the visor, which even now repeated back to them with a bass that didn’t match his voice when the Apex was off, careful of his situations— Erebus took steps to erase a recognizable appearance from this world. Only his reputation stood out to mark him from any other cloaked mage. “Lumikki, aren’t you just being picky? What better way to get rewards than to roll the dice?! Think for a moment, why would this Darkfang, hound the other beast if the dragon doesn’t play some special role here… From very the moment we arrived, we knew the Champion would have the prize in order to clear and exit. Yet, clearly after other denizens seem to come and go— the trapped here grow even stronger. The more that came, the harder to escape it became— and the kobold here says only one Dragon is left— if they’re like Earthland’s dragons; we’re talking ancient powers at play here, the only specimen worthy of a survival— in a Realm made for the fittest to survive. The dragon has consumed all the other dragons, he is a cannibal entity. It tells us that there are two worthy creatures and I’m not about to leave without getting them both,” Erebus enamored, struck with human wonder, without threat of caution, he willingly risked the life he had built, for the one he really wanted to live.

Even if he had been chased by danger, almost died just hours ago, and had been in the worst prison starved. He was now, on the cusps of true strength and might.

Before these two with him, it was the dark Prince who understood what a gamble for power really meant. He pushed the pendulum, because the prospect of success was still in his clutch, and time was merely a concept in this ageless world. “Dragons need bait. Dragons eat what? Wolves don’t seem like they’d be out of the question, ay? Don’t tell me you’re going to miss this opportunity to get you one now?” Erebus chuckled, keeping his persuasion alive as best he could. His focus fell back to Brone, who mentioned her picking up a puppy.

“Get your hands dirty huh? I say we get right to business— I love to kill monsters, the more powerful they are— the more it itches the back of my brain…” Erebus stopped in place now addressing the demoness again, but now suddenly, he would change the direction of the conversation altogether. “Well, I suppose the dwarf wasn’t against it!— just you.” Erebus laughed a jest. “Only the demon is afraid of Dragons, what a surprise!” Erebus finally decided that he wasn’t in a position to be told he couldn’t do what he wanted here right? They after all, didn’t ask for his help. He had been lending it mutually. “Say then… If you’re so opposed, run ahead— me and Kobby will remain here to see what these wolves are about, what say you Dwarf? I wouldn’t mind taking that off your hands to test my theory.” Erebus was a master of dealing and talking— perhaps that was the one thing which had kept him alive up to now, though— the way one’s tone of seriousness had changed in the sudden moment, you would have felt as if a completely different person was now under the hood. The sensation that someone was about to take something by force beginning to teeter the balance of alliance-ship.

Commanding as his tone was, he only wished for them to decide where they placed their fate. Alongside him, or with doubt that he was simply foolish, then if they truly thought he was some fool. They were just as lost as he was, and would likely find a similar fate in the traps that begrudgingly await.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 4:21 am


It was such a peculiar chain of events. One moment Kobby was performing his best impersonation act of Erebus, and then a moment later as Brone and Lumikki discussed the possible threat of a dragon, the moment they turned his attention toward Erebus the man seemed gone? There was no trace of him or the kobold left at the plaza, there was only the sound of the wolves snoring nearby. At least that is what it all seemed like. Until... in the distance, closer to the gateway leading outside of the castle the sound of something heavy bashing against a wall resounded through the castle, to the point that even the wolves their snoring was briefly interrupted, one of them lazily looking up as he started to march over toward Lumikki. A growl and a sniff and... he went to lie on his back?

Another one approached Brone, this one clearly larger, perhaps the Alpha of the pack but it was in that fleeting moment the bashing sound intensified and cracks started to appear in the air in front of the gateway, and then the air itself shattered. Like a broken mirror the shards evaporated as a familiar figure, at least to Lumikki emerged from within. The tall blond-haired woman who sported the dragon-like features of the same species that Erebus had been eager to hunt but mere moments ago.

"I thought I heard something, didn't expect it was you Lumi-chi~" Ryuko exclaimed with a smile as her gaze shifted up toward the castle. "Oh boy, you all decided to raid this castle? My sympathies, its lord is far less pleasant to deal with than me- which means I won't be staying. But I brought along a 'guest', well we all nearly FORGOTTEN about him." she added with a sly grin on her lips as she made a snap with her fingertips, and with the same suddenness of her arrival Saturn got dragged through the portal from god knows where he had been at mere moments ago.

A soft hum followed her lips as she looked at the large wolf cowering behind Brone's back. "Don't worry, I'm not going to eat you~ Among this audience there is only one who could wet my appetite, and even then I wouldn't eat her the fun way, I got to keep acting like a proper leader if I want to establish alliances." A wink at Lumikki followed as she turned her back toward the duo. "You all can fill in the forgetful boy here~ But before I'll leave I impart you both with a gift: Whatever you do, don't let Darkfang devour one of your raiders, he adapts and evolves based on these he consumes. But that is it for me~ I stayed overdue, and any longer and the brute might come charging out to try to eat me instead... later~"

And with these words the dragon knight walked out of the portal, the void closing in behind her once more.


Saturn has joined Group A!


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 1:13 am

What was he doing?

Well that was easy, he was currently going over some information that he was given regarding the void caverns and other instances all over fiore. Some that begged attention and others that they were keeping an eye on. The knights really wanted him on point with a few of them and taking care of some of the younger mages. Things he didn’t mind. Things that he was prepared for. Hell he was even in a meeting not even an hour ago trying to figure out where to send some more knights and then even him. Up high had some real reservations about using him willy nilly.

He hadn’t even told them that he was a demon yet.

But how do you open up about that? The golden ‘demi-god’ pondered for a moment over this and while he was pondering he felt a tug. Not the sort of tug that was on your clothing but on your very being. Eyes widened and his body was pulled through something that he could only describe as a portal. He was familiar with ritualistic portals and their ways of dragging people through things. Stumbling for a moment at the suddenness of things; his hand motioned and out of the void popped his weapon sleeping dragon. But…

What he was greeted with was none other than a sight he wasn’t expecting. Another dragonslayer of sorts; he could tell by the smell. His eyes flicked to that scent; a fair blond haired woman. Impossibly strong if they were the reason why he was yanked here… and then? A dwarf. And…


Disbelief spread across his features, his posture relaxed and he’d let his spear slowly lower to the ground. His outfit was that of something you’d expect someone that was taking it easy for the day. Though his sort of lounging attire was a little bit more on the nose for flashy. Like he only ever had one outfit and wore it all the time. Blue baggy pants, a sash, a large tassel running down past his knees. A banded and embedded shawl around his shoulders. Some loops on his arms and a bracelet. He looked unprepared and that was because he certainly felt like he was.

The information that was given by Ryuko didn’t fall on deaf ears, but he wasn’t sure what to make of it. Why was he of all people picked to come here? Hell how did he even get here? Portals that long of a distance required a lot of mana. His attention deviated and he’d look around; his clueless and naive nature was tempered into something a little more ready to handle something like this once he got his bearings. His brows furrowed and ears turned this way and that as though trying to figure out something… that he eventually vocalized.

Is this where I think it is?


Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:19 am


It was the most curious thing to one moment see the jester and the next moment note his disappearance. At first she was relieved to see him gone before the notion struck that he was up to no good. Never did the idea of him being in danger or snatched away come to mind, and she was almost rid of her memory of his company entirely the moment a wolf stumbled toward her feet and turned over. Lumikki pleased with the turn of events, bent over to rub the belly of the beast. Enjoying their reaction enough to linger for a moment. ” A cute one ye are.” She’d mull over if there were any meat stored in her pocket dimension, but the lack of need to require carrying food made her quite doubtful.

As Lumikki moved her focus to scratching their ears and chin, she’d note the disturbance from above. Not so phased at first, it wouldn’t be until she heard the familiar voice that she looked up with a smile. “Ryuko! Imagine seeing ya with here and there magic no less.” Lumikki would swiftly fly her way up to offer her a friend a hug before blinding back down to entertain the wolf with more pets. ” Guest ye saw? Were ya the one to spirit the jester away as well? Not like I very much care to see him gone, he kept trying to drag on this plan to slay some dragon.” Saturn would promptly be tossed into the mix, and the confused Demon would find himself in a daze for it.

” Aye it’s me lad, seems ye got yerself tangled in some dangerous work. I hope ya have the means to survive it.” She’d turn back to face Ryuko and hear the last of her parting words. ” Is that so lass, thanks for the heads up. Yer quite appreciated, a pleasant surprise really in this abysmal place. I’ll be say to see ye go but ye’ll see me soon enough I suppose~”

” Uncle, this is Saturn of the Rune Knights, Osmond this is Brone Heavyaxe of Paradise Dawn. It’s odd see ye both meet but I’m sure ye’ll get along fine. Now lad, were on a particular mission to slay some champion of sorts. As the void presents a problem to our realm.” Even through the introductions, she remained tending to the wolf but she left the two to get aquatinted further.

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#25Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:28 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As Brone was looking about the area for any clues or enemies, he grunted in irritation due to Erebus speaking; not because of his tone to which the dwarf would describe it as 'High and Mighty', but because his talking seemed long-winded. But then suddenly... the talking stopped. Brone had stopped in his tracks and turned about to see that the cloaked figure was missing. His hand immediately went to the handle of the gold that remained rested on his back.

Erebus suddenly disappearing mid conversation, albeit one-sided, was too odd and implied a possible kidnapping. When the air before the portal cracked, the dwarf readied himself for whatever came through. A blonde women who he didn't recognized had appeared and the dwarf tightened his grip on his weapon until Lumikki confirmed they knew each other as possibly more than simply acquaintances. Brone relaxed for the moment as he greeted the new comer, "Pleasure te meet ye" he gave a respectable nod. Turns out this woman by the name of Ryuko was the one who spirited away Erebus and mentioned she will be summoning forth a replacement which didn't worry either of them.

When the newcomer arrived, Brone seemed confused at first, this being, not seeming human, seemed familiar. It wasn't until Lumikki provided a name: "Saturn".

"Saturn!" Brone blurted out while drawing his golden axe, readying himself for a battle. Memory came flooding back to during the war against the other world, when he, Yuurei, and Kaito had fought against Saturn, a mighty foe, but then he had remembered something important, this cannot be the same Saturn, for the one they fought had mentioned he was of the other world and even hinted Earthland had it's own Saturn, "Rune Knight?" his body relaxed; this Saturn had ranking with the knights, so it couldn't be the same Saturn he had fought back them, "Sorry, thought ye were the Saturn from the other world" the dwarf laughed, though he was slightly embarrassed for jumping to conclusions too quickly.

Then the realization hit Brone as he looked to his niece, "How do you know so many people?"

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