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Charging in through the front door [Group A]

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Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:18 am


And so the group had been reunited and rallied together. Fortunately they were in a relatively peaceful situation currently which granted them a moment of respite from the dangers of the castle. Once the dragon lady had left the wolves regained their previous vigor, wagging their tales as they darted toward the castle's entrance, ready to guide the trio further inside.

Once inside a spacious hallway stretched forward, however at the far end of the hallway a massive door stood, clearly shielded by some manner of contraption. Although it seemed that initially there had been three barriers of some sort, one of them had already been disabled! The wolves barked, attempting to draw the trio's attention to lead them further down a nearby corridor yet at the far end one would find quite a unpleasant surprise. A tall statue rose in the middle of the room further ahead, although in front of it a massive wolf rose onto its feet, a kobold mounted onto its back! The creature raised his bow and shot an arrow right at the ground in front of the group, leading the wolves to growl in protest while the kobold exclaimed:

"Intruders! You shall not pass!"

And with these words he picked a small horn from his pocket, blew it as from the nearby shadows two more Worg Riders appeared!

It seemed a next challenge had revealed itself for the group!

Lumikki and Brone Secret Quest:
Protect Hugo and Pete, the giant wolves that joined ya.


Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:35 pm


It was exactly as he thought; he was in the midst of the raid that was dealing with one of the major problems in the region. He had heard about it but didn’t realize that he’d be thrust into it by the web of the world. Exhaling a little bit he let his armor do it’s work; he was definitely going to need it. It’d take shape around his body, clicking and locking into place the many different facets making it almost impenetrable. Well. As impenetrable as one could be against the forces that be. He’d adjust himself, holding his spear in either hand and sigh.

I think so; we’ll find out really quickly if not.

Saturn looked to lumikki and then to brone; brows furrowing a bit. This was the first proper dwarf the demon had met. He had met quite a few folks that were on the shorter side sure and many were children. Brone Heavyaxe of Paradise dawn. He looked like a tough individual several times over if he had to bet. If he was an uncle and here with lumikki there was no doubt in saturn’s mind he was all right.

I remember hearing about a planned raid regarding something about this but didn’t realize it was happening so soon. It is a bit odd but never too late for new friends. Yeah. Well I’m glad to be here to help try to fuss with the issue trust me. Any idea where the champion might be?

The reaction from brone however upon his initial realization who he was made saturn hop back a step or two; alarm on his features. He wasn’t expecting the sudden drawing of the axe. He didn’t recognize the weapon but he could tell that it was probably nasty. However the situation was quickly diffused when he was revealed to be a rune knight.

Yeah. Colonel in it. It’s all right, better to be on the defensive when you’re dealing with these sort… Me from another world? Might be a good idea to talk about this later if the opportunity arises… Good to meet you Brone.

Saturn found himself cracking his eyes open, curiosity painting his features and he’d tilt his head to one side. This was a tale he figured but it would probably be best if they talked about it later. The question directed at lumi was one he already figured had it’s own answer; well traveled and a very personable, lovely individual.

With the group following the wolves shortly after the demon pondered lightly what he’d do in the situation against a champion such as this. He wasn’t the toughest or strongest but he had a feeling that he would be helpful none the less. Saturn’s attention was brought to the massive door, shielded by something. He’d tilt his head only to see where the wolves were leading them. Was this contraption a lock mechanism they had to fuss with?

His attention remained on the statue up until the arrow landed at his feet, brows shooting up as the kobold declared they shall not pass. What was this? The opera telling of “Lord of the Kings”? Or something? Saturn’s expression didn’t change much as his stance did, he had a long reach so he’d adjust it to where he could use his spear more like a halberd.

Figures diplomacy never works.

Saturn would take a moment before leaping forward, bringing his halberd around in a brutal arc. His swing would cut wide looking to catch all three kobolds off their mounts in one broad stroke.

”All that Good Stuff”:


Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:52 pm


”Well Uncle,” Lumikki began her retort, playful frustration visible on her face, ”I told ye to get out more, didn’t I. Ye’d meet more people ye know, if ye leave the North some more. Well…I say that, but the lovely lass there took the effort to see me. Being a Guild Master makes ye a lil popular it seems. All the same, sis left us Saturn. Kinda like a sweet pup I meet some time ago in the Lulu islands. But who’d think we’d be banning together so fast. Really now Saturn, yer a pleasant change to the lad I was forced to listen to for an hour now….” Where she was playful in her frustration before, she was now plain annoyed. Disdain was clear on her face as she aggressively rolled her eyes.

She’d digress further, but the wolves that she took a liking to began to pace forward. Perhaps replacing the assistance to the kobold and his clown master before, but who was she to know. This place served to be odd thrice times over.

The party darted for the castle, following the pups lead as they seemed so confident on where to go. Lumikki appreciated guidance, with a lack of ravens, she was as loss as to where to go; but wolves were her second love and she’d hardly feel lacking in their presence. They’d burst through the doors, following down a massive hallways. To which there was an oddity to observer. A contraption to investigate, but she’d hardly the chance to make odds or tails of it. The wolf duo would preceded without giving it any thought, and though they belong here she couldn’t leave them unattended.

Sure enough, she’d be proven right. Lumikki sucked her teeth from the spectacle ahead, especially with the wolf mounted. A shame…, she’d think, she often avoided fighting wolves when she could, but if they mean to be a problem to the ones standing by her now, she’d show little mercy.

Saturn made the first move, lunging ahead and making a swipe with what she assumed was a spear, thought perhaps a halberd was more like it. She could not tell in the moment, but she did note its form and detail unwittingly to add to her arsenal spell.

She’d raise her fingers to her lips, blowing what sounded like a loud and piercing whistle, it was meant to call the wolves back to her, so they would seek her and come to her side. ”Pups! To me side and back!” Lumikki waited for them to comply and get out of the way so she could begin forming her spell. They tend to spread wide and she didn’t need them in the cross bars.

From there, Lumikki holds up her hand to her chest in an “ok” hand gesture, thumb to her chest. A lavender magical circle manifests around her. Blooming a black ice lotus with petals that would pull away and shoot for the mounted kobold all once like an ice shard-like spear. Aiming only for the rider, if it lands, that was yet to be known; but she’d blow a kiss to activate another spell to pair them. A black frost shifting arrow whose head and tail would not stop morphing. Not until she willed it toward the target she’d be hoping to hit, which would be the same as prior. It’ll finally settle, with the head of a dragon and tail shaped like wings.

Plight of a Raven:

Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#29Brone Heavyaxe 

Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone had sighed in relief seeing that Saturn truly didn't know who he was, confirming this was not the same person who vanished an entire nation. Though he didn't seem as imposing as the evil Saturn, the dwarf was glad to have a high ranking Rune Knight on their side to resolve this dungeon, "Pleasure te mee ye too, Colonel" he happily nudged the tall jackal, then remembered the golden law enforcer was on duty, so he saluted him.

The large wolves who had awoken seem friendly enough and Lumikki had already mentioned her interest in having one as a pet, so Brone didn't mind them, but he then noticed they were following them... no, guiding them. They were already proving to be useful as well as friendly. The dwarf reached out to pet one of them on the head, though the beast was already his height when on all fours. "Aye, lass, I hear ye, I need te get out more, and I plan on it, no worries" Brone rolled his eyes; his niece has been bothering him so often about going out to see the world and meet people; initially the dwarf didn't really enjoy the idea of doing so, finding his comfort within the walls of the guild and the forge and occasionally leave to complete a quest, but as time went on, he's been stepping out of his comfort zone and seeing more of not just Fiore, but Iceberg and other places, and in doing so, have been meeting more people as well.

He wanted to mention to Lumikki how it's expected for a guild master to be so social and busy, but underline it with how proud he was of her position, but seeing the large door and statue threw him off. They all came to a halt when an even larger wolf shown itself. Brone rarely ever seen such lupine sizes, but knew them to be strong, and considered different than mere wolves, somtimes refer to as 'Worgs'. He drew his gold spear instead of any of his axes since he knew how dangerous this could get with Lumikki around.

It was then that Brone noticed the goblin riding the worg, then two more goblins riding worgs arrived. They intended to block off their progress, to which the dwarf had doubt this would happen. Lumikki guided the smaller wolves to stay back and safe before she started casting her spells. Saturn leaped across the way and began swinging his halberd with great agility and strength which impressed the dwarf, but Brone figured since the other two were already taking action, he would draw forth his golden shield and stand by the two smaller wolves to make sure they didn't end up in harm's way. With one of the goblins being targeted by Lumikki, Brone rained his spear at the furthest goblin to the left before throwing his spear, aiming to hit the goblin off the worg.

Battle Log:

Spells Used:

Brone’s Spread:


Charging in through the front door [Group A] - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:19 am


The giant wolves were quick to obey Lumikki when she whistled, even the one who had been nuzzling against Brone's hand quickly dashed to Lumikki's side and one edging closer to her back to guard her and await further instructions, and smartly: remain out of the crossfire of her spell!

The kobold riders that emerged from the sides were quickly dealt with, the ones closest to Lumikki quickly falling prey to her ice spells, while the one encroaching toward Brone's side soon fell themselves at the mercy of his thrown spear, the rider that was approaching having his mount felled by the spear while the lightning that zapped from the weapon as a result of Brone's ring soon rendering the kobold himself unconscious.

However, the leader of the riders wasn't quick to falter, readying his horn to blow for more reinforcements, but he had not taken into consideration the giant fuzzy Colonel that leaped toward him, his attack had not only severed the horn into twhain, it had even knocked the kobold into the giant statue he had been guarding, shattering the large object and removing the final seal to Darkfang's throne room.

The wolves that were observing the ongoing chaos howled victoriously for Lumikki and Brone, clearly pleased at the success of their new masters!


The final seal leading into Darkfang's room has been broken! More information on what will follow will be revealed soon. In the meanwhile go cash in your rewards~

Meanwhile Lumikki and Brone have both earned a Tempest Wolf mount! Lemme know who wants Pete and who wants Hugo.

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