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Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga]

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Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:23 pm


”Oy, one of these days I do have to storm central and raid the Rune Knights library. Ye’d be surprised how much obvious lore if left unavailable in typical avenues, but I hope that central of all places has the rare gems. Maybe I could copy a few into me notes and slip them into the personal bookshelves I keep within me room.” Lumikki slumped back and thought it over, mulling the interesting tombs that were possible to find. ”If at all, I’d greatly appreciate material on the past war and invasion of Demons and Seraphim. They are a passing fascination if ye would, but tombs have been hard to come by.” She’d continue munching at her burger and leaning onto Alvis who sat by her side.

”Perhaps ye suffer obliviousness as foretold by the forgotten magic ye weave.” Lumikki chimed in rather playfully though budding her words like a sharp jab. ”Oh my, not a human? Does that mean our cook really is a Demon like the apron implies? Kukuku, or perhaps yer a forest spirit the forgot their originals, ergo the name of yer magic once more.” The first utter was the truth of the matter, though it wasn’t her place to say. Still it was a funny thing to tease and so she laid her words with giddy sarcasm; but the second hint to his nature was tempting fabrication, one that could pose true should the factors let it. Weaving truth and lie made for more entertaining cryptic words than plain riddles could.

”I’d second that assessment. I wouldn’t imagine ye the sort, but then again I have a gasp on the brazen newer member of Dawn we’ve had. Regardless of yer past though, things like that somewhat fade with time and I only really care about the ye I know now. Sadly…hardly a trouble maker,” Lumikki broke into a tooth grin as her gaze fell upon him. Imagining a more chaotic Ittindi amused her. ”But ye still make lovely company all the same. Ouff but boy did ye ask the question lad…” She’d sigh as she watched Saturn light up before them. Ittindi’s question brought him a second wind of life.

”It’s best to start the torture early, pup. Why don’t ye play something for us now?” Lumikki chimed before leaning back and gulping the bulk of her new strawberry soda. It was one of the few burns she’s come to love.

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:03 am

Tōga struggled to grasp the concept Saturn had introduced. The notion of a 'Forgotten Dragon Slayer' was not just unconventional—it was unprecedented. Every dragon slayer Tōga had encountered was linked to an element like fire, which roared through his own veins, or other natural forces such as water or lightning. Saturn's claim that his powers stemmed not from an element but from the abstract idea of being forgotten set Tōga's mind racing. Could it involve manipulation of memory, or perhaps even time itself? Such abilities would indeed be formidable and enigmatic, placing Saturn's powers in realms beyond Tōga's current understanding.

"I experience motion sickness on modes of transport that seem unnatural, like cars or boats. But flying or anything that feels more inherent doesn't bother me at all!" Tōga explained, his voice lifting into a cheerful shout that masked his ongoing contemplation of Saturn's unique magic. His explanation highlighted a common plight among dragon slayers, yet Saturn's apparent immunity to this quirk was another layer of mystery to his unique magic.

The conversation took a lighter turn as Ittindi confessed to a past shrouded in criminal deeds. Tōga responded with theatrical horror, exclaiming playfully, "Oh no, Ittindi-san, the dire villain!" His dramatics, accompanied by exaggerated gestures, brought a lighter mood to their gathering as he continued to nibble on his hamburger.

Laughter and casual chatter flowed until the focus shifted back to Saturn, who had earlier hinted at his ability to weave magic through music. The previous demonstration had piqued Tōga's curiosity, and now, with a more relaxed atmosphere, he was eager to hear more.

"Yeah, Saturn-san! Play something for us. I could use a good tune to dance to!" Tōga encouraged, his voice booming with enthusiasm. The setting was perfect—a serene beach, good company, and the potential for music that could only be described as magical in more ways than one.

As Saturn considered the request, Tōga's anticipation was visible. The opportunity to witness such a rare form of instrumentality firsthand was exciting. It was these moments—new discoveries and shared experiences—that Tōga cherished most. They reminded him of the vast and varied wonders of their world, and of the endless possibilities that lay in the mingling of their diverse talents, or lack thereof. In the company of friends and the promise of music, the day promised to unfold into an evening filled with camaraderie and cultural exchange.

Beyond that, if Saturn was as bad as he thought, it would warrant a good laugh and some fun dancing.

wc: 457 [2784]

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