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4.a. Guild Regulations

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4.a. Guild Regulations Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:21 am


Guild Regulations

Guild Alignment

  • There are four different guild alignments: Legal, Independent, Neutral, and Illegal (Dark).

  • The alignment of the guild must be selected upon creation, however, it may shift over time depending on the deeds committed by its members. The canon groups (Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, and Rune Knights) cannot shift their alignment.

Legal Guild

  • Legal guilds are approved and registered by the Magic Council. Therefore, they are considered Lawful in their alignment. They can only take Good and Neutral quests. Legal guilds can be summoned by the Kingdom to aid the country against foreign and domestic threats. In return, they have the support of Rune Knights. All Legal Guild are considered allied and may defend each other should they be raided.

Independent Guild

  • Independent guilds are not approved by the Magic Council, but at the same time are not considered a criminal organization. They can do anything they please as long as the Magic Council doesn't disapprove of their actions. They can do Good, Bad, and Neutral quests by using their Guild Level 1 perk. Though, they must maintain a ratio of at least 75% overall fame among all their members. They must also ensure that the total bounty of their members does not exceed 5,000,000J. Independent Guilds may ally with up to two guilds in character excluding Dark Guilds and may defend each other should they be raided.

Neutral Guild

  • Neutral guilds are also not approved by the Magic Council, however, they are close to being considered a criminal organization. They must live within a fine margin of society to avoid turning into a Dark Guild. They can do Good, Bad, and Neutral quests by using their Guild Level 1 perk. Though, they must maintain a ratio of at least 50% overall fame among all their members. They must also ensure that the total bounty of their members does not exceed 10,000,000J. Neutral Guilds may ally with one other guild in character excluding Dark Guilds and may defend each other should they be raided.

Dark Guild

  • Illegal guilds, also known as Dark Guilds, are not approved by the Magic Council and are treated as criminal organizations. They can only take Bad and Neutral quests. They may earn additional jewels by performing evil deeds through Neutral quests and gain bounties along the way. Legal guilds and Rune Knights are incentivized to hunt them down.

Alignment Restrictions

  • Should an Independent or Neutral guild exceed its fame or bounty restriction, it will turn into a Neutral or Dark guild.

  • Guilds have 30 days to fix this issue.

  • Guilds may only make use of this fixing period once per 6 months. Should it happen twice within 6 months, they will not be allowed to fix it again.

  • Once a guild has been listed as a Dark Guild, they cannot return to their Neutral status anymore.


  • Users must select whether they wish to go guildless or belong to a guild when they create their character in the application.

  • Users may enter a guild later on via roleplay, they must post this in the review section. The GM of a custom guild may choose whether someone may enter their guild or not.

  • Even if a user goes guildless they must still state the location and color of the tattoo in case they decide to enter a guild later on.

  • Guilds can get temporarily locked. This could happen for various reasons. They may not accept new members until they are unlocked.

  • Users may leave a guild whenever they want. It doesn't cost any jewels to do it the first time, however, after that, it will cost 250,000J per departure.

  • The maximum number of members for every guild is currently capped at 15  members. This also counts Alts, Inactives and the Guildmaster. Once per month when the activity check is posted, Guild Masters will be asked to remove excess members.


  • Users can level up within their guild to unlock perks.

  • The guild level of a user in their guild is determined by the total number of posts they have written while being a member of that guild.

  • Users lose their acquired level within a guild when they leave the guild, unless they purchase Switching Banners found here. These cost half the price when joining guilds created in the last 6 months.

  • Guilds created in the last 6 months also require only 25 roleplay posts when leveling up between the levels of 1 to 3.

    LevelRequired RP Posts
    Level 00
    Level 125
    Level 250
    Level 3100
    Level 4150
    Level 5250


  • Users can become a Master of a guild if the position is open. They must be at least Level 4 in the guild and have the support from the majority of the guild to take the role.

  • Members may remove their Master from the position. It requires a majority of the active members in the guild to make this decision. Should the Master still be active, it requires a majority of the active members in the guild that are mains to make this decision.

  • Masters are capable of excommunicating members from their guild if they break the rules of the guild.

  • Masters may create a Guild Event for their Guild once every 3 months.

Last edited by Naga on Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:26 pm; edited 5 times in total


4.a. Guild Regulations Empty Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:03 pm


Guild Raid Regulations

Guild Raids

  • In order to attack a guild, an open topic must be created at the location of the guild itself.

  • Guilds may only be attacked once per 2 months. In addition, a guild must be fully repaired to be raided. It does not matter whether the attack was successful or not.

  • Should an Independent or Neutral guild raid the Rune Knights, they will become a Dark Guild. It does not matter if the raid was successful or not.

  • Guild raids are considered green topics. The danger can be increased if both parties agree to a different danger setting.

  • The attackers are bound by the Fight Regulations preventing them from attacking or casting in their initial posts.

  • The attackers can have up to four members, defenders may protect their guild with up to four other members.

  • After the last attacker has entered the topic, the attackers must give the defending guild members 48 hours to enter the topic and defend their guild.

  • Guild members and allied guild members may defend their allies as long as they are in the same region at the time of the topic creation.

  • Rune Knights may defend Legal guilds if they are in the same region at the time of the topic creation.

  • Guild members, allied guilds, and Rune Knights, if applicable, are the only eligible defenders and are the only other parties that can join a guild raid to defend.

  • It is not possible to enter (Guild Raid) topics outside of being an attacker or a defender.

  • Guild raids must include the (Guild Raid) tag in the title, attackers cannot set the danger color of the tag.

  • While the topic is locked bounties and contracts can still be acquired from both parties as a result of third-party damage.

  • Guild Raids may be performed in a segmented manner with the consent of both parties allowing for multiple smaller fights to determine the outcome rather than a group fight, allowing up to variants of up to 4v4, 2x 2v2, or any other combination. Absent any agreement, battle topics can be at most 2v2.

Guild Building

  • Guild buildings have a durability of 10x S-rank before it is considered completely demolished.

  • Guild buildings receive at most 1x S-rank damage per post. Should an attacker deal more damage in their turn, only 1x S-rank damage will be applied to the building.

  • When a guild is destroyed the Guild Bank will lose 500,000 Jewels and +500,000 Jewels per additional Raider up to 2,500,000 Jewels.

  • Guilds are passively rebuilt by 2x S-rank per week. The passive reconstruction begins 1 week after the destruction of the building.

  • Guilds may repair their building for 1x S-rank worth of damage for 500,000J.

  • Guild members can repair the location by completing a word count equivalent to the damage dealt. Member will receive base request rewards equivalent to the word count completed up to 1x S-Rank, this counts towards their monthly minimum if applicable.

  • In order for the Guild Raid to be considered valid, there must be at least one guild member from the defending side defending the guild against the raid.

Guild Raid Rewards

  • Upon successfully raiding a guild, the attackers receive a contract or bounty of 1,000,000J depending on the alignment of the guild or organization that they attacked.

  • Independent and Neutral guilds may decide whether their attackers get a bounty or a contract.

  • Unsuccesful raids result in a contract or bounty of 500,000J being placed on the attackers depending on the alignment of the guild or organization that they attacked.

  • Upon successfully raiding a guild, the attackers receive a reward of 500,000J, 10,000XP, and 500RP. Should the defenders defeat their attackers, they will receive those rewards instead.

  • Unsuccesful defenders receive a reward of 250,000J, 10,000XP, and 500RP.

  • In order to receive a reward for raiding a guild, there must be at least one guild member from the defending side defending the guild against the raid.


4.a. Guild Regulations Empty Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:14 pm


Guild Events and Quests

Guild Event Creation

  • Masters may create a Guild Event once every 3 months.

  • The cooldown starts when the Guild Event has been posted in the Event Quest section.

  • Masters can use the template in the Guild Event Review topic in the Review section to create their event after which it will be reviewed by staff.

  • Once it is approved, Masters can post the event in the Event Quest section.

  • The events must be reasonable, it may only affect participating guilds. See the examples below e.g. slumber party, beauty contest, guild war, etc.

  • Guild Events are composed of objectives in which a guild may create 3 individual objectives per event.

  • Other guilds may be actively invited into the event, however, the Masters must have met at least once in character with the exception of open invitations or fight-based events.

  • Invited Guilds must not be of opposing alignment to that of the host Guild (Dark Guilds inviting Light Guilds and vice versa)

  • Guild Events may have one additional mission per Guild Invited, however, it may not exceed 5 missions.

  • Open invitations may be allowed depending on the nature of the event, which will be graded on a case by case basis.

  • Social guild objectives may all be completed at the same time however require separate topics to claim their rewards.

  • Guild events may at most last 3 months. Proper planning by the Master is necessary to determine how many people are most likely going to get involved and how long it may last.

Guild Event Participation

  • Members may only participate with one of their characters in a guild event.

  • With open invitations, members outside of the invited Guilds may participate.

  • Guild Events topics occupy roleplay slots, however, if the event takes place at multiple locations only the Master needs to travel. Other participants do not need to travel.

  • Fights that take place during the event are eligible for rewards based on the Fight Regulations.

  • Members of S-rank and below who complete all parts of a Guild Event are eligible to claim a free Legendary Custom Creation Coupon. This custom has a resale value of 0.

Guild Event Types

  • Social: Similar to quests, socials focus on participants completing a minimum word count with a plot objective determined by the Master. As a default, the length of these objectives requires each member to at least provide 2000 words. The reward per objective is 250,000J, 10,000XP, 400 Fame or Infamy, and 7SP.

  • Fights: This requires participants to battle with each other in the guild, against a rivaling guild in the event, or against others. Bounty and Contract collection cannot be excluded in the rules of individual fighting events. Users receive fight rewards for participating in a Guild Fight-based Event with the following modifiers:

    • The user receives a 20% jewel increase for completing a fight in the event.
    • The user receives a 20% experience increase for completing a fight in the event.
    • The user receives an additional 50% Statistic Points when completing a fight in the event, this effect rounds up.

  • Note: These modifiers can only be claimed for up to 4 fights each month per character, these modifiers can not be stacked with one similiar to them for example Arena fights.

Guild Quest

  • Each Guild may create up to two Neutral Quests specific to their Guild.

  • These Quests are repeatable, do not apply to regular Neutral Quest limits.

  • Guild Neutral Quests can be completed once per month.

  • Access to the Neutral Quests is obtained after reaching Guild Level 1.

Last edited by Naga on Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:57 pm; edited 5 times in total


4.a. Guild Regulations Empty Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:49 am


Guild Creation Regulations

Guild Creation

  • You must be at least B-rank to create a guild.

  • In addition, you must have at least 3 other active characters interested in forming the guild with you.

  • Activity consists of succeeding two activity checks in a row.

  • The other characters may not be alts of the creator. They may be alts of other users, however, only a single alt per another user.

  • You can only be the Master of a single guild across all your characters.

  • Should you meet these requirements, you may use the template in the Guild Creation Review topic in the Review section to create a guild.

  • Guilds can be requested to make changes for various reasons during the review process.

  • Once the guild is approved, you and the others must create the actual guild IC.

  • You will only get your Guild's colours, perks and spells after creating it IC.

  • Guilds must be created within Fiore or a country where the guild has significant cultural ties within a location that does not already have a guild, with the exception of Era and Crocus.

  • You must create the topic in the same region as the guild being settled to formalize the creation of the guild.

  • Guild Foundation topics cannot be raided.

  • Guild masters may revise their Guilds Perks once every six months at no cost.

Guild Spells

  • Each member within a Guild gains access to one of three Guild Spells upon Guild founding by the Founders and Guildmaster and after reaching Guild Level 4.

  • The user must claim which spell they wish to have access in the Guild review section.

  • Unlike regular spells, Guild Spells are not impacted by Mana Cost Reduction.

  • These Guild Spells can be found in the user's associated Guild Topic, they are considered Signature Spells and are subject to further scrutiny.

  • Guild Spells have a minimum cool-down of seven days, however depending on their potency may have a longer cool-down.

Independent and Neutral Guild Perks

  • Independents and Neutrals may use their Guild Level 1 perk to allow them to complete every quest type.

  • Neutrals may use their Guild Level 3 to hunt both bounties and contracts regardless of their own bounty or contract.

  • If the guild turns Dark then their Independent and Neutral Guild Perks must be replaced.


<table class="regulationbox2"><tr><td><p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/>GUILD NAME HERE</p>

<center><img class="equalblack" src="https://i.imgur.com/SoQzUCb.jpg" width="428" height="225" /></center>

This is where you put the general description of your guild. It is the overarching idea that formed you guys; It is your goal; It is your credence. This is your chance to explain to anyone who knows nothing about you what your guild is about. Please include within your description what alignment you would classify your guild as; Legal, Unaffiliated, Neutral or Dark.

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Regulations</p>
[*]This is where you place your regulations for your guild. These should be the rules and laws in which your members must govern by.

[*]Users may look at any of the guilds that currently exist, or other WIPs, in order to get an idea of what sort of regulations they would like to use.

[*]The Guild must also make mention whether they are a Legal, Independent, Neutral or Dark Guild here.

[*]These regulations can be relatively relaxed, or extreme. Remember it is up to the creator. If you'd like a strict guild with severe consequences, that is fine. However, keep in mind you must appeal to your member base.

[*]The regulations must be things your members are required to do or are expected to do. There can also be punishments for those who fail to meet the criteria.

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Building</p>

<center><img class="equalblack" src="https://i.imgur.com/g1Ht2Tz.jpg" width="428"/></center>

This is where you describe your guild's location. You may be pretty imaginative with it, however, keep in mind it's just a building. You do not have an advanced defence system that'll fight your battles; Just a cool house where your members call home.

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Master</p>

<center><img class="equalblack" src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Zz5Bp-ybFE/maxresdefault.jpg" width="428"/></center>

This will be the current, acting Guild Master. Should the Guild Master ever change, this part of the page will be updated to reflect that change. However, the old Masters will be recorded in an index, so make sure to describe yourself.

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Guild Spells</p>

[list][*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Type:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Element:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Range:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] Once per topic, 30 Days
[color=#ffffff][b]Duration:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Effect:[/b][/color] -

[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Type:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Element:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Range:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] Once per topic, 30 Days
[color=#ffffff][b]Duration:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Effect:[/b][/color] -

[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Type:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Element:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Range:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] Once per topic, 30 Days
[color=#ffffff][b]Duration:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Effect:[/b][/color] -

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Perks</p>
[color=#ffffff][b]Level 1:[/b][/color]
[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] This is where you decide the perks that come with your guild, based on the level an individual has reached within that guild.
[color=#ffffff][b]Level 2:[/b][/color]
[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] These are some of the things that will truly separate your guild from the rest. So think about what it is you wish to offer!
[color=#ffffff][b]Level 3:[/b][/color]
[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Founders of the guild will start level 3.
[color=#ffffff][b]Level 4:[/b][/color]
[*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Keep in mind, some current guilds have better perks than others.
[color=#ffffff][b]Level 5:[/b][/color]

<p class="regulationtitle5"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/72SCGlF.png" width="30px"/> Members</p>
[*][color=#ffffff][b]User 1:[/b][/color] This is your guild. These are the members that are making this whole thing possible.

[*][color=#ffffff][b]User 2:[/b][/color] While you can start with more than 3 members, it takes at least 3 to actually be able to submit your guild for creation. These 3 are separate from the individual who has been listed in the "Guild Master" section.

[*][color=#ffffff][b]User 3:[/b][/color] While the minimum for a guild is 4 members with the Guild Master needing to be at least B-Rank, there is no limit to the other members.

[*][color=#ffffff][b]User 4:[/b][/color] There can be up to four other founders, each starting at level 3 alongside the Guild Master.

Last edited by Naga on Sun Apr 02, 2023 2:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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