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vines that climb with floral words

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#1Briar Caidh 

vines that climb with floral words Empty Fri May 10, 2024 2:12 pm

Briar Caidh
Now wasn't that exciting? It came through in Briar's every little interaction the preceding week, popping up unexpectedly with a tuft of white peeking over the counter at his mother, a bright violet eye around the corner for his father, or a boy tumbled over the floor in a dizzy spell when Vesper found him. It had been that week since they had received the news of Amaforth Academy opening to the mage - and even adventurer! - public, as long as the boys could find their way to the island where it was hosted by any means necessary. A magic school! A real magic school!! Now, Briar cared for learnin' as much as the next proper young man 'n all that, but -- 

It was the idea that caught him. Lit dazzling rays in his vision, occupying his every thought in every moment before they were able to procure a ship with the help of his parents and the local eco-volunteer group he worked with. Just this idea of a place for people like him; young or old or happy or sad or 'good' or 'evil', to find common ground, to make common relations, all in this greater pursuit of knowledge. A whole Academy of people that cared just as much as he did about bettering themselves, and maybe even people that'd care so much about the growth of the people around them. He was absolutely going to be the teacher's pet; he'd be teased about it, but the title of 'goodest boy' wasn't one he was viscerally against if it meant he was doing the magi thing right, after all.

It had been wonderful to self-study, or work with Ryuko and Fei Yu, or even just experiment with his best friend ... but a place with the equipment, tools and faculty to give him the direction he was so eager for -- he couldn't give that up. He wouldn't be gone too long, and he'd check back in to keep up with the duty he owed to Blue Pegasus: but this was going to bring him closer to par of all the mages he admired, and make him worth the time Blue Pegasus equally invested in him. For his guild, for his parents, for his friends -- and for him, almost most of all.

He was a tad overbearing about his approach to his excitement and especially when the time to set out had finally come, but he came in handy for his fellows with the brocures he had made up for each college and what exactly they offered. He knew what'd be best for him, of course - the College of Restoration tugged at his bleeding little heart. He'd work hard at every course, in every class, for every college and their respective arts; but those green fields and words of empathy called to him, and everyone had to start somewhere.

'Cause growth only happens once you begin.

[ exit | joining College of Restoration ]


vines that climb with floral words Empty Fri May 10, 2024 2:39 pm

Vesper had heard about the college opening from his best friend, Briar; the little sunflower that emanated a warmth so duly cherished by the young werewolf. It came as no surprise that Briar would desire to join the newly formed academy and Vesper too, shared that desire. Vesper understood that he lived in the shadows of all the great mages he was surrounded by. Whether it was Alisa, Fei Yu, Ryuko, or the plethora of Blue Pegasus mages he had become acquainted with since leaving his parent's care to follow his dreams.

It was another opportunity to improve his abilities and enrich his life. To make more friends, broaden his horizons and take that extra step all to himself. But, the best part is; He knows he wouldn't be alone in it. Oh, and what fun it would be to spoil all his teachers and classmates with homemade sweets! The smiles that would grace the halls and the lavish praise he would receive for a job well done. Vesper's tail was already wagging at the prospect.

He would have loved to join a college that specialized in the support of others but Vesper understood all too well what the best course of action was for himself. To help others, he must be, in one simple word: stronger. Stronger than anyone or anything. Able to crush his enemies in a single stroke so that they never have the chance to hurt anyone. The best defense is one that's superfluous - a necessary backup at best. That's the kind of hero Vesper wishes to be. So mighty that evil cowers in the shadows, too afraid to leave their penumbral domain in the face of indomitable radiance.

That's what his candy was for. To imbue even a sliver of that passion into every magical bite that he could conjure, making himself stronger by tethering it to something he did to make others happy. A reminder in every taste of the smiles that he could leave behind. To that end, there could only be one choice - the College of Augmentation.

[Exit - Joining College of Augmentaion]

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