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Fae in The Sewers [Salem]

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#1Alfyn † 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 6:16 pm

Alfyn †
Alfyn let out a sigh as he approached the infamous sewers of Orchidia, he wasn't meant for places like this, he loved being clean and smelling wonderful and that was his preference for his surroundings, alas duty called once more and as he possessed the power to cleanse waters he had to oblige. Or maybe he didn't, he was a fae he could say no, but he would have the opportunity to meet with a fellow water fae that also happened to be his guildmate. He was excited at the prospect of working with someone else of the same species, he didn't manage to meet anyone else like him after being changed into a fae on that fateful night.

The slightly annoyed look on his face changed into a subtle smirk at this thought. "Bloom", his voice echoed softly as he spoke the word in fae language and extended his hand forward. The next moment a gardenia appeared on his palm, enclosing it and holding it softly in the seconds to come. A gift for a future friend, he thought as he arrived at the meeting point outside of the sewers' entrance.

#2Salem E. 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 8:12 pm

Salem E.

Salem soared along the ground side saddle on his staff. He gave off the vibes like he was a witch more than a fairy. Peacefully skimming in the air as if gravity was but a distant dream. Not that the area he was in held enough beauty to uphold that dream. Instead he had to sniff the air that held such a lingering odor. The scent practically crawled up his nose to punch him in the brain. It was almost making him sad he was not a wind fae, or something close to it.

“Hi hi!”

Salem spoke loud and proud when he saw someone at the meeting spot. His voice was clear as he spoke in the fairy tongue. He believed it to be the person he was looking for a rumored fae as well. Main reason he believed so was because, no one else would hang around the entrance of a sewer, unless their brain held less use than a potato.

“You must be Alfyn. I am Salem. Hope you don’t mind me just getting here.”

He got off his staff to be more level with the other one. Except he manipulated the water present with his mana to keep the much and filth off of him.

#3Alfyn † 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 2:21 am

Alfyn †
Alfyn turned to look at the figure approaching him. Side saddling a staff and flying around with it seemed like a pretty cool concept to him. He wondered momentarily if the man used it to fly in the night sky, that would surely be an amazing experience. He greeted Salem with a smile "Indeed I am. It's lovely to meet you Salem!" he then proceeded to say how great Salem's entrance looked hovering with the staff and whatnot offering him the flower he created mere moments ago as a first meeting gift. Gardenias are said to have quite a strong delightful scent so hopefully it masked some of that vile odor coming from the sewers.

"Definitely not an ideal place for a first date" Alfyn chuckled playfully as he slowly swiped his hand from left to right removing the grime and mold from the entrance with his water magic and filling it instead with blooming sweet-smelling flowers. "That should make things more bearable, shall we go on ahead?" he asked turning towards Salem with a kind smile.

#4Salem E. 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:10 am

Salem E.

Salem took the compliments in stride. He was not too pressed about how Alfyn reacted. Truth be told he was getting used to it. As his magic improved he found himself the object of admiration and abject terror a lot more often. Like when a baby took a dump about the same mass as them. Besides, if this was a real date, he would be nervous that his lover would get jealous and rip the poor fae to shreds.

“Eh. I’ve had worse meet up spots. At least I’m not standing in a feel mostly naked with barbeque sauce on my pecs. That’s an awkward way to meet up with someone.” The Fairy Godfather made the joke at his own expense. Well, less of a joke and more of an actual experience he had. That was a good day for him. “Anyway, I forgot why are we meeting up in a sewer? Not that it is not super romantic and all.” Salem waved and extended his area of influence to include Alfyn. He kept the sewage of the guy in exchange for the flowers. They helped mask the scent of the place a fair amount.

#5Alfyn † 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 6:24 am

Alfyn †
Alfyn looked at Salem in surprise and a bit of shock after hearing that sentence about sauce and pecs, but to each their own he thought, he wasn't one to judge. A giggle did escape his lips though at the thought of meeting someone covered in sauce. "That sounds like a fun time though" he replied after composing himself.

Apparently the other fae was absent minded when it came to the job they had to do, not that Alfyn blamed him, it did seem like a chore more than anything. The fae did feel Salem's power though, just standing beside him, it felt like they would be done within a few moments. "Apparently, someone thought we were cleaners so they want us to cleanse the sewers, I never imagined sewers need to be cleaned" he said with a somewhat bored and disinterested tone, but a job is a job and he would see it through.

The next moment he offered his hand to Salem "If we team up we can be done pretty quickly and get out of this mess" he explained and looked at the fae for an answer. If Salem agreed their magic would be enough to cleanse this part from the entrance and get the job done, regardless Alfyn would follow Salem's direction to get this rather odorous experience over with.

#6Salem E. 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 6:10 pm

Salem E.

Salem was unsure about how he felt about cleaning. As long as it was not corrupted by dark or light mana. Salem was not too pressed about the cleanliness of humans. Culling themselves with diseases of their own creation was not considered a big deal in his eyes. They could give themselves several plagues with how little he cared. Still since he was hired to do a job he wanted to see it complete.

“Oh. Going for a resonance. Never done that before.” Salem gave him his hand with ease. He heard about people doing greater feats of magic by working together. He just never did it. His most common partner used fire magic and it clashed with him on a good day. Let alone trying to do something together with it.

Salem took the lead in the formation of the spell. It was a similar piece of work to what he was doing to keep the sewage away. Except he was using a healing spell. Moss and micro plants will eat up the bad stuff before dissolving away into nothing. The water will help move the bad stuff around while the mini plants chow down. When he thought about it further he realized it was actually more like his bath spell.

“Looks like this will not take us long at all.”

#7Alfyn † 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 7:14 pm

Alfyn †
With the fae duo working together the sewers were spotless within a couple minutes, sadly they wouldn't remain like that for long it was common sense after all, the weird part was why they needed them clean. In any case the job was done and Alfyn was amazed at how well Salem's and his own magic performed together, the fae beside him was definitely not to be messed with and Alfyn was just glad he didn't have to go against Salem.

Suddenly he heard a little rumble coming from his stomach, he forgot to even eat breakfast that morning and it was already time for lunch. He turned to Salem not wanting to waste an opportunity to bond further with a guildmate and asked whether he wanted to grab lunch together before going their separate ways. Either way Alfyn wouldn't be too pressed but if the fae replied in a positive manner he would be more joyous.

#8Salem E. 

Fae in The Sewers [Salem] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 3:28 pm

Salem E.

Salem was happy to see such a clean place. The fact that their magic mesh so well together was a bit of a surprise. Salem had to guess that he had a lot more in common with Alfyn than he had originally believed. It was pretty cool that they could use magic like that. It was also impressive that they managed to clean everything so quickly. Salem decided he was gonna take the chance to get to know the guy. Do some bonding and grow together with him.

“Lunch is fine with me.” Salem agreed readily and took it upon himself to head out to lunch with Alfyn. He needed some time to relax and let his hair down with a fellow water fae. It was not often he ran into one of his fae kind, even less so for him to run into a fellow one that represented water. Not that he was looking often.


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