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dropping your demon off at school day

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dropping your demon off at school day Empty Fri May 10, 2024 11:20 pm

It was impossible to keep full track of Momiji Tachibana. It was one thing for how quick he moved from place to place in physical leaps and bounds - his interests were even more mercurial. They could be tracked in the unsteady phasing his eyes reflected, almost dilating as a cat's would when falling on something they desired - for their hunger or for the hunt, if they had to be mutually exclusive. Momo had decided they didn't. A green-bright gaze glitched between excitement, curiosity and full blown ... mania, staring down the great gates of Amaforth Academy.

See, Karstaag had to get him here. What better than an old pirate to 'commandeer' a ship for his favorite boy - and Momo was his favorite!! - & his over-ecstatic new obsession in not being one to miss out on such a ripening fruit as a magic school for all inquirers. There'd be so many strange people here. There'd be so many strange things. There'd be so much for Momo! He'd hop in place, bounding with a threat to vibrate straight through the fabric of what kept the space around him in tact, and he had only a single problem: Momo didn't like the sea. It reminded him too much of home - something he hadn't shared - and he had been a smoking gun away from slaughtering his annoyance through the sailing ship he made his way over on in the first place. That had been stalled only by the state he was in in his first taste of freedom ... and it didn't last forever.

Karstaag had to come along with him on the trip, was the ultimate means to this end. He refused to go alone, and he refused to not go at all - it was easier for everyone for the acquiesce, even should the dwarf not be staying with him. Momo didn't mind, seeming to lose interest at the first hints of Karstaag's disinterest in the academy life; for there'd be more than enough to keep him occupied while he was away here, and he wasn't likely to spend too much time in one place in either case. Staggy would still be there whenever he popped up and found him again, and he had heard tale his special friend would be making for Pergrande soon and Momo had no interest in exploring out of the country yet. Fiore was perfect for him.

It worked out for everybody. He hung off the dwarf's horns up until they made it to his registration, and Momo eenie-meenie-miney-moe'd his way through the college selection process until his finger landed on one relevant if not sharing the space with his less ... magic-oriented predilictions. The College of Invocation. He could make do with it, he thought, turning a gold bangle that hung heavy from limp wrist. He liked making new toys. And for his other interests, well ...

Obscuration and Destruction were just around the corner. He smiled, drawing his chin across Karstaag's head before giggling his farewells - for now. He wasn't going to give the dwarf too much a break from him: and Amaforth wasn't going to have a chance to catch their breath for a minute.

[ exit - joining College of Invocation ]

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