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Strigr's Resolve! [Story Companion - Epic]

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Strigr's Resolve! [Story Companion - Epic] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 11:52 am


Name: Strigr's Resolve!

Difficulty: Epic - Story Companion Quest

Participants: Himura, Tōga

Story: In the crystal blue waters of the ocean, Strigr, the sea creature once saved by Tōga and Lumikki, swam with a heavy heart. The normally elated and humble creature had been spending her days and nights staring out at the horizon, her appetite diminished and her spirit seemingly searching for something lost. Tōga, concerned for his companion's well-being, watched helplessly as Strigr's joy faded with each passing day.

One moonlit night, as Tōga stood on the shore, he heard a soft, melodic whimper carried on the ocean breeze. It was Strigr, her cries echoing across the waves, a haunting plea that sparked a fire within the dragon slayer's heart. Determined to uncover the source of Strigr's sorrow, Tōga spent the following days investigating, his search leading him to whispers of poacher organizations resurfacing in the shadows.

Realization dawned upon Tōga as he recalled Strigr's tragic past, her narrow escape from the clutches of the rare species circuits that had once held her captive. The dragon slayer's resolve hardened, his fists clenching as he vowed to protect not only Strigr but all the innocent creatures threatened by the poachers' greed.

Rewards: Mystic Custom Companion Coupon + Jewels

  • Conduct a thorough investigation into the resurgence of poacher rings in the vicinity of Luluhawa Island. Gather intelligence on their activities, members, and any potential leads that may help pinpoint their base of operations.

  • Upon identifying the poachers' headquarters, plan and execute a strategic assault to dismantle their institution permanently. Utilize all available resources and allies to ensure the complete eradication of the poaching operation.

  • During the assault on the poachers' base, prioritize the rescue and liberation of any sea creatures held in captivity.

Name: – Word Travels Fast!

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Luluhawa Island, once the hub of notorious poacher rings, is now shrouded in rumors of a resurgence of illegal activity. Tōga, with the help of Strigr, must investigate these whispers of a resurfacing organization. Their mission is to travel to Luluhawa, gather intelligence, and utilize the knowledge and resources of the local populace to uncover any leads.

Objectives: Travel to Luluhawa Island and gather intelligence on the rumored poacher activities. Utilize the knowledge and resources of the local populace to uncover any leads.

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: – Follow the Breadcrumbs!

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: After uncovering a crucial lead about the poacher ring, Tōga and Strigr set out to investigate an isolated location on the beaches of Luluhawa. Rumors suggest a secret base of operations hidden along the shoreline, potentially the nerve center where the poachers are coordinating their illicit activities. As they delve into the mystery, Tōga and Strigr must navigate treacherous terrain and uncover hidden truths, but the deeper they go, the more they realize the stakes are higher than they ever imagined. What dark secrets lie buried in Luluhawa's sands? The answer could change everything.

Objectives: Navigate the treacherous beaches of Luluhawa Island to locate the rumored hidden base of the poacher ring. Gather intelligence on their operations, identify key figures, and sabotage their efforts to prevent further illegal activity.  

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: – Infiltrate the Poacher's Heart!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: After discovering the hidden base of operations, Tōga overhears a conversation between lower-ranking members of the poacher syndicate. He learns that the poachers have already captured various sea creatures and plan to auction them to the highest bidder. It's time to act swiftly and decisively.

Objectives: Infiltrate the poacher base and rescue the captured sea creatures before they are auctioned off.

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues.

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Upon infiltrating the poacher base and fending off lower-ranking members, Tōga encounters a familiar face. During a previous quest with Lumikki, Tōga faced a pirate captain who tried to capture Strigr. After saving the water creature and seemingly destroying the pirate's fleet, Tōga thought the captain was gone for good. To his surprise, the captain has returned, stronger than ever, and is now the mastermind behind this new poacher ring. Tōga must confront this formidable foe once again. How will Tōga fare against an old enemy with newfound power?

Blackbeard: A formidable pirate who reorganized the poacher ring. He and Tōga  have unfinished business!

Objectives: Confront the pirate captain, dismantle the poacher ring, and ensure the safety of the captured sea creatures.

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: – Liberate Them All!

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: After successfully defeating the notorious Blackbeard, Tōga is left with the daunting task of dealing with the poacher base and the captive sea creatures. The small beasts must be saved and returned to their natural habitats, but this institution of cruelty cannot remain. A message must be sent to ensure nothing like this happens again in these waters. Tōga must free the remaining creatures and burn the base to ashes, eradicating the threat once and for all.

Objectives: Liberate the captive sea creatures and destroy the poacher base to prevent future exploitation.

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: The Rise of the Jango Squadron!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: After the defeat of Blackbeard, Tōga's mission was far from over. Driven by a sense of duty, he tirelessly worked to free the captured sea monsters, only to be intercepted by the fearsome Jango Squadron! This elite division of mage pirates, loyal to Blackbeard’s ruthless doctrines, stood ready to thwart anyone daring to disrupt their plans. Armed to the teeth and skilled in dark magic, they launched a ferocious attack on Tōga, determined to prevent him from liberating the rare and exotic sea creatures. As the battle raged on, Tōga faced a formidable challenge, but what awaited him next was beyond his wildest imagination...

Jango Squadron: A formidable pirate group who serve as Blackbeard's elite warrior cell!

Objectives: Defeat the Jango Squadron!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: Strigr's Return!

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Amidst the chaotic clash, Tōga found himself outnumbered and overwhelmed by the sheer might of the Jango Squadron. Each member was less powerful than him individually, but their seamless coordination and battle-hardened experience made them a formidable force. Just as it seemed like the walls were closing in, a glimmer of hope emerged. Out of nowhere, Strigr, Tōga’s faithful and fierce companion, rejoined the fray. With a renewed vigor, master and companion fought side by side, ready to challenge the relentless Jango Squadron once more. But could their combined strength turn the tide of this brutal battle?

Blackbeard: A formidable pirate group who serve as Blackbeard's elite warrior cell!

Objectives: Work with Strigr to defeat the Jango Squadron once and for all!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: The Shadow Behind the Mask

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Victory over the Jango Squadron brought Tōga a fleeting sense of relief. Just as he believed the series of harrowing battles had concluded, a chilling sensation from the southern verge caught his attention. A figure emerged from the shadows, younger than anyone Tōga had faced that day, yet exuding a power unlike any other. This mysterious adversary revealed himself as the true Blackbeard, the mastermind behind the pirate poaching group. The one Tōga defeated earlier was merely a proxy, a decoy to mask the true threat. Now, Tōga stood face to face with the real Blackbeard, a foe whose strength and cunning far surpassed the rest. As Tōga braced for this ultimate showdown, he knew the stakes had never been higher...

Blackbeard: The true Blackheard, head of the Pirate Poaching Ring.

Objectives: Defeat the true Blackbeard!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: The Devil's Bargain

Rank: S

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: With a fierce determination, Tōga seemed to gain the upper hand against Blackbeard. But the pirate had one last trick up his sleeve – a unique and devastating form of magic. Suddenly, Blackbeard began to age rapidly, his power growing exponentially with every moment. This corrupted magic, which traded the user's age for their latent potential, transformed Blackbeard into a force of unparalleled might. Overwhelmed by the sudden surge of power, Tōga found himself in dire straits. As the battle reached its climax, the dragon slayer faced a dire question: How could he overcome an enemy whose strength increased with every passing second? The answer lay in a strategy yet to be discovered...

Blackbeard (Aged): An evolved blackbeard, aged 40 years, possessing the culminative power he'd have gained in that time.

Objectives: Defeat the empowered Blackbeard!

  • +500,000 Jewels
  • +15,000 Experience
  • +500 Fame
  • +10 SP

Name: – Break through Strigr!

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: Overwhelmed and beaten, Tōga faced the seemingly insurmountable might of the evolved Blackbeard. As the battle reached its ultimate climax, the dragon slayer’s fate appeared sealed. But in that moment of dire need, something astonishing occurred. Strigr, driven by her unwavering love for Tōga, began to transform. Pushed to her limits, she underwent a miraculous evolution, gaining newfound strength. With her fierce loyalty and enhanced power, Strigr rushed to her master’s aid, ready to turn the tide of battle. What new abilities would this transformation reveal, and could it be enough to save Tōga?

Objectives: Defeat Blackbeard once and for all!

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: The Hourglass of Fate

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: With Strigr’s newfound strength, Tōga and his companion began to gain the upper hand against the formidable Blackbeard. As the battle raged on, Tōga noticed a critical weakness in their opponent. Blackbeard’s movements grew sluggish, his strikes less precise. The corrupt magic that granted him immense power also carried a grave price. The longer he used it, the more rapidly he aged. Desperation and fatigue set in, revealing a crucial vulnerability. This was the moment they had been waiting for – their chance to strike decisively. But could they exploit this weakness before Blackbeard found a way to reset his dark spell?

Objectives: Unearth the secret of Blackbeard's magic and use it your advantage!

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Name: Dawn Breaks Over the Deep

Rank: A

Type: Good (Neutral)

Summary: With Blackbeard vanquished, Tōga turned to face Strigr, who now stood as an evolved reflection of her former glory. She was as brilliant and beautiful as ever, yet imbued with a new power and determination. Their mission was far from complete. The priority now was to save all the captured sea creatures and restore peace to the ocean’s depths. United by their shared victory and strengthened by their trials, Tōga and Strigr set forth to finish what they started. What new challenges and discoveries would lie ahead on this quest to free the ocean’s majestic inhabitants

Objectives: Free the creatures!

  • +250,000 Jewels
  • +10,000 Experience
  • +400 Fame
  • +7 SP

Last edited by Toga on Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:36 am; edited 2 times in total


Strigr's Resolve! [Story Companion - Epic] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:17 am

This storyline is approved to start.


Strigr's Resolve! [Story Companion - Epic] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:21 pm


Quest Completion Log:

1. Quest Name: Word Travels Fast  
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP! [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

2. Quest Name: Follow the Breadcrumbs!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

3. Quest Name: Infiltrate the Poacher's Heart!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 SP [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

4. Quest Name: Blackbeard Returns! An Epic Battle Ensues
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

5. Quest Name: Liberate them All!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

6. Quest Name: The Rise of the Jango Squadron!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

7. Quest Name: Strigr's Return!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 SP [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

8. Quest Name: The Shadow behind the Mask
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 SP [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

9. Quest Name: The Devil's Bargain
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 850,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 20,500 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 15 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 500 Fame

10. Quest Name: Break through Strigr!
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

11. Quest Name: The Hourglass of Fate
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

12. Quest Name: Dawn Breaks Over the Deep
Thread Link: Click Here WCR: 50% MAX  [+20% (RK), +15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +15% (Zangetsu), +15% (Ryōhi)]
  • 425,000 Jewels [+20% SL Buff, 15% (Yasakani no Magatama), +20% (Companion), +15% (Ryōhi)
  • 17,000 exp [+20% SL Buff, +10% (Extinctas), +10% (RK), +20% (companion), +10% (Zangetsu)]
  • 11 SP  [7 + 50% rounded up SL Buff]
  • 400 Fame

Total Reward(s):
+ 1 Mystic Companion ticket (SL Companion)! | + 7,650,000 Jewels ! | + 225,000 exp ! | + 5,400 Fame ! | + 105 END & + 51 CON !


Strigr's Resolve! [Story Companion - Epic] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 8:13 pm

This storyline has concluded and the rewards have been distributed.

Note: Toga had an incorrect modifer, but also miscalculated his XP. New total with a 60% is  240,000 XP

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