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A Dragon's Dogma III - The Eternal Empress

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A Dragon's Dogma III - The Eternal Empress Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:02 pm


A nation torn by war, a tainted prince sitting on his golden throne. As the Tyrant Dragon's war wages on the Age of Dragons seems upon Pergrande... for the Rise of a new Dragon Empress is on the horizon!

Name: A Dragon's Dogma III

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Ryuko

With the recent events in the Dragon's Dogma storyline having unfolded Ryuko has returned her attention to Pergrande and seeks to unite the country at last. However, Druringrad stands as a lone opposition to her claim. If she is to see Pergrande united and turned into a domain for Dragons to coexist among mortals she will have to find a way to overcome this last trial. Even if she has to wade her way through a sea of corpses, Pergrande will become her Dragon's Dominion!

  • Prepare for the Conquest of Druringrad

  • After the war discuss her plans with Prince Igor

  • Ascend as Pergrande's Dragon Empress.

Word Count:
  • Clear 6 A-rank and 6 S-rank worth of quests in terms of topics related to the event. (27.000)

Lore Consequences:
  • Ryuko succeeds in uniting Pergrande through a series of conflicts that ended with the Battle of Druringrad
  • As the Monarch of Dragons Ryuko succeeds in calling a group of Dragons from the other side of the realm over to aid her.
  • In the aftermath of the conflict Ryuko schemes a plan with Igor and ascends the throne as Dragon Empress Ryuko.


A Dragon's Dogma III - The Eternal Empress Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:26 pm

This storyline is approved to start.


A Dragon's Dogma III - The Eternal Empress Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:07 am


Dedicating the following topics to this storyline:

https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68020-fitting-for-feet-social-ryuko (everything but the first post)

I'll also be noting down that these topics can't be used by me for social rewards.

+14,000 words, 50% WC reduction from guild and gear.
Storyline Rewards:
Jewels:  5.850.000 (+10% from ring, +20% from SL)
Experience: 210.000 EXP(+20% from Helmet, +20% from SL)
Reputation: 5.400 Infamy
SP: +156 Strength
+1 Mythic coupon

Lore consequences will happen after event stuff.


A Dragon's Dogma III - The Eternal Empress Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:30 am

This storyline has concluded and the rewards have been distributed

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