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Joining the Order? [Ryuko]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:20 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had always done things his way, but with the fact that he was within Paradise Dawn, his fear for the guild master there brought him to obey. Still, he was no longer a part of that guild, and while he had respected that man’s wishes, he was no longer a Guild Master either. It brought him to feel as if the chains that had bind him had been released and he was able to do whatever he wanted.

While hee had been thinking about his future, he had learned a bit about the things around him. He had a horse with him, that apparently had the power of a Dragon. It was confusing, but at the same time, he figured with time he would be able to tame the beast. Of course, it all depended on if it had followed him all the way to this country.

The Son of Chaos had heard of a guild that was being created; this guild was basically what he had envisioned. The people creating this place mostly consisted of Dragon Slayers. It was called the Dragon Order. They were new, so he couldn’t really say much about what they were about, but he did know that bit.

The Devourer Dragon Slayer wasn’t sure how they would welcome him here, but he did know that he could be important to this guild. If they wanted someone with strength and the power to protect the guild, then they would welcome him. Of course, he was looking for the leader of the Guild. He wasn’t sure where exactly the guild was, but he had pinpointed this place.

Luci was on his shoulder, the Demon, which nobody could see, but Drakkon’s shoulder smoking a cigarette.

“You are going off to do your own thing?” He asked Drakkon as he walked around.

“Yes, it doesn’t matter where I go as long as I thrive. The last guild I was in just wasn’t it. I was acting as a fail-safe to make sure Tamas’ guild was protected. I want to go where I want for my own reason.” He said to Luci as he looked like he was talking to himself as he moved around the area.

The river he walked alongside was beautiful. It had a nice breeze coming from around the area. It was daytime and Drakkon had come around here at this time to make sure that his presence was known. He wasn’t trying to sneak around, but hopefully, things could escalate quickly.


Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:45 pm


The Voda River was a place Ryuko often enjoyed visiting during the moments of peace she could afford. However, it seemed that today was quite different from the usual deal. Ryuko had been seated in the throne room of the order's keep, contemplating about what was to follow now that she had gathered the initial key figures for her plan. However, it was only the first step: the first step of many, and yet at some point there was something which drew her attention.

A sudden scent, faint as it was was more than enough to draw the focus away from her thoughts. "After all these years..." Ryuko muttered, opening her eyes as she turned her gaze to the side. the massive dragon who had been resting beside her glared with such an intensity that it almost brought shivers across her spine. "So the traitor finally emerged." As Bahamut declared these words Ryuko knew what had to be done. Heaving a sigh Ryuko rose from her chair and started to approach the exit to her throne room.

It wouldn't take long before Drakkon would likely notice the massive dragon encroaching toward the riverbank Drakkon had been situated at, and while descending toward the surface she spoke.

yak wux tepoha finally shown doutan, neban ekess hesi kol.

The words must had sounded foreign for the dragon slayer, at least if he had not heard the language of the dragons before. Although the nature of Dragonspeak did allow her to clearly convey a sense of distrust and anger in her voice. After a moment the black-scaled dragon resumed speaking once more.

"You must be ignorant or foolish to brashly enter our domain, he who carries Qarilian's scent. Speak, and do it with honesty, lest my patience runs out: What does the holder of the Devourer Dragon's legacy seeks in the dominion of the Dragon Knight? There are many of our kin who would believe that the traitor's scent is enough to warrant your death-"

As she paused her body started to undergo its metamorphosis into her mortal form. "But as leader of the order I will at least hear you out. I am Ryuko, the Monarch Dragon."

Her gaze settled onto Drakkon, waiting to hear his response. A part of her had hoped it would had been Qarilian who she'd encounter, then she would have more than enough justification to lash out, but considering this was a mortal... Yet there were questions that needed answering: Why did a mortal carry Qarilian's scent? How would they even possess the lacrima of the Devourer dragon? Whatever the case might had been, even if it was not Qarilian, the past crimes of the dragon still lingered, she could feel Bahamut's slumbering rage toward the mortal, only being willing to give him the benefit of doubt for now. Then again, would Qarilian even bestow their power onto a mortal? The tales suggested that paranoia had driven the ancient dragon to madness so...

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:15 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon kept moving around the area, he wasn’t sure if he was going the right way or not. It seemed like he was lost. While he’d continued his conversation with Luci, it seemed like something had approached him. His nose picked it up in the source’s direction. He turned to look over to see a huge Dragon flying toward him.

The excitement rushed toward him, it seemed like things were going to get interesting. Bai Long had been not too far from the group as he had been following Drakkon, waiting for an opportunity to strike the man who bought him.

The Devourer had heard the words that had spoken, but it was the one language he clearly did not know. That was something they would have to learn in the future. Still, the sound of how the words had been said and the two words finally shown, meant whoever this person was had been waiting for him to show up and with such anger.

No, he had to be smarter than that, this was a Dragon Order. He knew that most of them had been Dragon Slayers, then was he saying that the Devourer Dragon Slayer had finally shown up? It would seem like he didn’t like him and that was for sure. The history of these ancient Dragons was usually known, of course, some didn’t know of it, but if you were a Dragon Slayer it was best to read up on the one that granted your abilities.

He knew about what Qarilian had done, but he didn’t care about that. His powers were his and there was nothing about this Dragon he cared about but his powers. This person knew about the ancient Dragon Slayer as they had mentioned his Dragon. He was right on the money, this Dragon wasn’t happy with him being here because of Qarilian.

When he noticed the person had changed their form, he could see that it was a woman and the leader of the Order he was looking for.

“Ah I see, so you’re who I been seeking. Let me start first by saying. I am Drakkon, the Devourer Dragon… Slayer.” He said this to Ryuko as he now knew her name.

He was going to move but figured that he didn’t want to pose a threat or think he was taking action on any matter, so he just stared at the woman as the two locked eyes.

“It is an Interesting take on the matter. I’m neither, ignorant nor foolish. I couldn't care less about Qarilian. He’s just something of the past, ancient I might call it. While I do have his powers, he doesn’t define me. I’m the son of Chaos and that’s what’s more important to me.” He paused for a second as he thought about it for a second.

“I use these powers to force my father to appear to me. If I become stronger, then it will hopefully bring forth my father to appear before me. The power that belongs to Qarilian was something I was born with. If that is even possible or given to at birth? Anyways I came here for one thing only, and it is to join the Dragon Order.” He thought about what he said.

Drakkon never thought about how he obtained these powers. It had just happened, but talking about Dragons made him think about it. One thing was for certain though, he had planned to make a Guild for Dragons to thrive, but it had been done, and why not just join them instead rather than fight them right?


Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:43 pm


A frown lingered on her face as she pronounced his name "Drakkon..." Yet as their gaze met she couldn't help but remain silent, contemplating the words spoken by the man. "You were born with Qarilian's powers?" A hint of curiosity lingered in her tone, for a moment she couldn't help but be reminded of herself in a way: A Dragon raised among divinity, defined by her legacy and yet people refused to see beyond it. But she was Dragonkin, for a mortal to have been born with such a thing. "In most cases mortals learn the magic of a Dragon by being taught directly, or by having a Lacrima- a fragment of the dragon's essence be infused into their being."

She contemplated the words spoken by Drakkon. "That would imply you were likely infused with the Lacrima upon birth or during the time of your mother's pregnancy although I haven't heard of a mortal receiving such a treatment before... too risky." A light shake of her head followed. "You might be correct in that you are not defined by the legacy forced upon you, the scent of Qarillian unmistakably lingers around you, something that will cause friction and distrust among my kin. Even if you are 'Draggon, Son of Chaos'"

She went silent for a moment, clearly thinking on the subject. At one side she could reject him, after all his mere presence could create unrest among the order, and she had plenty of reason to do so but at the same time she couldn't help but also acknowledge the fact that the majority of the order was still young, raw and unrefined. It would take time for them to mature, to nurture their strength. If she was to gain the power of the Devourer Dragon onto her order he could become a powerful asset. But at what cost?

"And yet, to make you turn away without a chance to prove yourself would make me just as terrible as these lordlings up above... I do not trust you yet Drakkon, and as such I can not truthfully call you Dragonborn yet." She paused, her gaze shifting for a moment in intensity. "But if you truly seek to join the order, and hold no ill motivations toward us over it I will allow you an opportunity to prove yourself. To show the rest of the order that you are different from Qarillian."

She took a step to the side and gestured lightly with her hand, beckoning him to follow beside her. "The Order is currently preparing a mission of immense importance. I will give you up to two months to prove yourself to my Dragonborn. Talk to them, get to know them, earn their trust. If you can succeed in convincing them that your intentions would not hinder my order I will allow you to join us. In the meanwhile, I will entertain any questions you might have about the history of our kin. It might make you understand why I am hesitant to simply allow you among us.

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon nodded hearing what she said. He was never taught by a dragon, and if he had a Lacrima infused with him, then it must have been when he was just born. He was a Demi-God, but these abilities of his were known to him later on, and the same went for his Devourer abilities. He was intrigued to hear words and she was even thinking about it. If that was the case it might have been when he was conceived. His father was after all Chaos, so he might have found the Lacrima of Qarilin and infused it into his mother's womb.

He bit his lip at the thought of that, bringing it to bleed as thought of his mother not living through his birth because of his father. It brought him to anger and hatred of his father as that being didn’t care for anything not even him. Still, it seemed like things weren’t going in the direction, but not exactly how he wanted.

It would seem like Ryuko, wasn’t going to just allow him to walk into the guild. He understood that much, even though he figured she’d feel his power and figured he could be an asset it would seem like she wanted him to earn their trust. He listened, not saying anything in response to everything she had said before. He wanted her to finish before he talked, so understood what he was meant to do.

Where she didn’t trust him, she had given him the benefit of the doubt to walk by her side, so they could talk. He was fine with that; his mission though was to earn the trust of the others within the order. That was fine, and he figured he would also see if he could offer her something as well. He marched with her along the river.

“I can accept this offer of yours. I don’t know if I can earn their trust, but I think I’m a fun guy. Drinking and partying is how I enjoy my time, so maybe I can try and find common ground with the others if that is what you seek.” He said with a smirk on his face as he took his jug out and drank a bit of it before wiping his lips.

“You’re probably right, knowing my father, he most likely infused my mother’s womb with a Lacrima. I guess he wanted to see what kind of chaos that would cause my mother and her surroundings.” He laughed, but not because of it being funny, no he was just pissed that his mother could have been harmed.

He looked at her as if it seemed like she was truly at a level of life as a Dragon. He couldn’t even do that, and he was pretty sure that he never could. It didn’t bother him on that matter because he was fine with what he was.

“I mean the story of Qarilian is usually the same. He took the powers of other Dragons and attacked the other Ancient Dragons. The battle between the dragons was so big it caused Lacrimas to rain down on Earthland. He was also on the side of the Nacht Dragon, but is there more to the story than that?” He asked, but before she could answer, he would give his two cents in that matter. She did ask him to be truthful after all.

“If I were Qarilian, I would have gained the powers of the other Dragon and killed Nacht. Then from there, I would have become the Devourer Dragon Emperor. His dreams were too small and stupid, rather be acknowledged by your peers than to have them fight against you in the end and causing his downfall.” He said to her as he looked at his jug, and then at her.

“Want some?” He asked as he felt it was right.


Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:46 pm


"It is generally a well-known story even among mortals." Ryuko nodded in agreement, thinking back on both the memories that were imparted onto her as Bahamut's successor and the tales she had heard from her own father. "He wasn't exactly on the side of Nacht. You see, even among Dragons Nacht was an enigma: His power far surpassed these of most of our kin, and so was his appetite for chaos and destruction. Each time he woke from his slumber he would without reason or provocation decimate Earthland, leaving just enough for it to crawl back from the verge of oblivion. Whether it was from a desire to find a worthy challenger, or merely out of a twisted sense of entertainment, it was a cycle that frequently repeated itself. At some point the Ancient Dragons came to an agreement that Nacht's actions were too dangerous. What if one day Nacht went too far and consumed all of Earthland?"

A light dismissive shake of her head followed. "As you likely know from the stories the major participants in the battle to seal Nacht were: Yarghast the Dimensional Dragon, Xenon the Galaxy Dragon, and Zarathustra the Chronos Dragon and... Qarillian the Devourer. Having used the opportunity to seal Nacht away while he was slumbering, Mortal and Dragon alike thought a period of peace and prosperity was awaiting them, but it was not meant to be."

She still remembered it, the memories bestowed onto her of that mighty clash. "After Nacht was sealed Qarillian grew hesitant, you see: despite the fact dragons are considered 'higher' beings by mortals, we are still vulnerable to emotional flaws. In Qarillian's case he grew distrustful. During these peaceful days he often found himself worrying about the possibility of betrayal, after all, the others could do the same thing to him as they did to Nacht, and at some point fear turned into paranoia and he committed a crime our kin considers a taboo: He devoured kin."

It was a touchy subject, especially for her as her previous smile had wavered. "When a dragon consumes another dragon they inherit their powers, but in return it also erases the very existence of that dragon. Some believe that the dragon can't even pass on because their very essence becomes a part of the one who devoured them. Certainly, Qarillian obtained power that matched multiple of his kin, but in return he had embraced the existence of a criminal. Devouring more and more till he was stopped in the grand clash that mortals call the 'Clash of Ancients'. Not only was the land devastated under the forces of their battle, but for fear of unsealing Nacht an agreement was formed where they would never return to Earthland. It was that same decision that saw most of my kin leave for the other side of the realm when the Age of Dragons ended."

She heaved a sigh, but hearing the words that followed made Ryuko raise an eyebrow, before chuckling softly. "So the tale of the Dragon Emperor reaches beyond the borders of Pergrande... It is a logical mindset to have Drakkon, yet ultimately flawed. From the memories of my ancestor I know just how powerful Nacht was, the only way Qarillian would have had stood a chance was if he devoured his entire race and then during Nacht's slumber tried to launch a preventive attack. But even then, would the cost of such a sacrifice be worth it? Especially when the result is not guaranteed? Nacht's power was on a scale unheard of, similar to what mortals would consider the other-realmer they worship as 'Illumin'."

She smiled for the first time genuinely when he offered the jug. "Maybe later, I tend to refrain from drinking alcohol till nightfall, it feels wrong for me to find such entertainment when the rest of the Order is still hard at work." Yet as she finished her tale she added. "But as logical as your thoughts are, they are even if flawed, not entirely wrong either. I agree that it is better to gain the acknowledgement of your peers if you are working toward something. It was such a thought that saw me inherit the Dragon King's legacy, although I'll entertain you by revealing a little secret: In recent days I have been doing some research myself into the existence of the one the mortals call a Dragon Emperor, and fascinatingly enough I discovered that this being existed in multiple manners- as in: there were multiple Dragon Emperors at the same time. Although the method to become one is... difficult both for Dragon and Mortal alike."

She turned toward Drakkon and asked, a hint of curiosity in her tone: "So you seek to become a Dragon Emperor? Or is it more the legend behind it that fascinates you?"

#7Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him elaborate more about Nacht and the history of the Dragons. He kept walking listening to Ryuko explain his history or at least the history of the Lacrima that he had possessed within his body. He laughed hearing the fall of Qarillian and shook his head. He brushed his hair back and even Ancient Dragons with powers like this could be stupid at times. Still, it was nice to know that the powers he had were from one of the most dangerous Ancient Dragons. That Dragon did everything in his power to gain just that.

In the end, it was futile, but Qarillian even if he killed his own was not one to mess with. Maybe it was a good thing that they were no longer in this world. The Devourer had gotten a history lesson about the dragon’s past. He didn’t complain about it, the story was entertaining. It was even better with him drinking as well. She had turned down his offer, but he was fine with that. He understood her reasoning, and there was more for him. They kept moving and eventually, she turned to look at him. She asked him a question, and his eyes widened.

He choked a bit of the question she had asked him, and he slammed his fist into his chest as he sighed with relief.

“Me, Dragon Emperor? Nah, there would be no point. Well, if I somehow got chosen to be that, then why not? As for seeking that title, it wouldn’t be my thing. I like to party, but more importantly, I have something more important to do. Kind of cause my father to submit to me.” He said to Ryuko as if that was the truth.

He had a gang, called the Dragon Gang, before joining a guild, and now here he was in front of the Guild Master, who was looking at him. She was the leader of the Dragon Order, and he just found it funny how the term Dragon always followed him because of his name.

“Still, it is sad, he had to eat his own to gain their powers. Was there truly no other way for him to do that, and keep them alive?” He thought about it now.

If he had only kept his own kind alive, and obtained their powers, while allowing them to also have it, he would have been smarter. Maybe the only reason why Drakkon could take other abilities but didn’t have to kill them in the process was because Qarillian had already done it. He shook his head and he kind of understood why Ryuko was so wary of him.

“So, what if I seek the others and they want nothing to do with me? Like what if I knocked on their door and nobody answered.” He said to Ryuko wondering what she’d say to that.


Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:46 pm


"I see, our reasons are a bit alike then." She paused for a moment thinking on the title of Dragon Emperor. Among mortals it seemingly was a title that carried reverence with it. Somewhat akin to a legend. From what she learned there had once been a Dragon Emperor in Pergrande who was admired like a hero, but similar to his existence, the very nature of his legend turned from history into a folktale and nowadays nobody could really tell her the origins or true meaning of a Dragon Emperor. Meanwhile among dragons the title had another name: Monarch. At some point in history her predecessor Bahamut had been known as the Monarch of Dragons, a title he carried during the great conflict against Nacht, for he had been able to unite countless of his kin to form a legion to face the mighty dragon. But the conflict of the Ancients made him feel no longer worthy of the title, with the dragons having abandoned their homeland and the Age of Dragon's reaching its ending.

"My father is a slave to a pact forced upon him by my birth, a pact that allowed me to exist in exchange for his service to the Joyan Pantheon. Which is part of why I seek power, so that someday I can free him and extract revenge upon the Joyan Pantheon for their crimes. In that regard you could say both of us are driven by our father, right?"

She smiled for a moment, yet her smile lingered not for long as the topic returned to the matter of the Devourer's crime. "A fair question to have. A Dragon's essence, their power is concentrated in their hearts. As such to gain the power of a fellow dragon you need to consume their heart. In the case of a mortal like yourself it might be different because mortals have a Lacrima to draw upon. Maybe rather than devouring someone you end up drawing upon the essence of their Lacrima? A process that in theory is similar, but relatively harmless to both. Although in case of a Dragon it is not unheard of for the essence of a Dragon to pass on. For example let's say that a dragon devours another of his kin, it would make the very existence of that dragon coalesce together. It is for that reason I think that in the end Qarillian went insane. So many different souls writhing inside him, constantly reminding him of what he did.... their memories, dreams, fears, all of it must had been overwhelming him. Not that it excuses his actions."

She heaved a soft sigh yet Drakkon's next question left her a bit curious. "Then let your actions speak where words don't reach? Understandably the legacy of the Devourer has left its mark on your reputation among my kin, but should you earnestly work on showing you are not a threat then it will be only a matter of time before closed doors might open. There is plenty of work to be done. Whether it is in the act of protecting the order from external threats to helping keep the peace inside. Besides, it's not like I will let you leave empty-handed."

As they approached the keep she clarified further. "Among the order there is a particular rite of ascension. You will be given a Dragon Egg to hatch and nurture, and once the time is right and the hatchling has grown partake in a ritual. The ritual on its own essentially replaces your heart with a fragment of that of the Dragon's, an ancient tradition which will help empower your abilities further as a Dragon Slayer."

She brought a hand to her chin and wondered. "Perhaps raising the whelping will be your first trial, although there is irony in it... Cause the Dragon I'm bonded with... was part of Qarillian's brood. She was but a mere egg when the events happened, so obviously she knows little about the past, but similar to yourself she had to struggle with the crimes of her ancestor."

#9Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:59 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words, and he rubbed his chin. He thought about this as he heard about what she said about her father.

“Oh really? That isn’t good, which one of the Joyan Pantheon has put your father in a bind?” He asked, curious to gain more information on that.

They were driven due to their father, but the difference between the two of them is that he wanted to prove to his father that he should have paid attention to him, whereas she wanted to save her father and give him a better life. Drakkon didn’t know his father as she had known hers’.

“Still, in that case, I agree we are both driven by our fathers.” He said to her as they continued their walk.

Drakkon heard her speak about it being the only reason. He nodded listening to her and it seemed like the Dragons had been the only way. Shaking his head at the fact that the things creatures would do for power. In a case he was that way; he sought powers, but he felt like it was nature. He, being the Son of Chaos and having the Lacrima of Qarillian sought him to find other dragons. He didn’t eat them, but it was like she had said, he was able to draw from their power and make it his own.

“Yeah, that makes sense. It sucks that the only way for him to gain more power was by killing and eating other dragons. I’m glad that we don’t have to go that route or become monsters like that.” He said.

He was for chaos, but he didn’t think cannibalism was for him. Of course, that could always change in the future. What if he were in a situation where he was starving and he had no choice? He shook his head at the thought of that, and he drank a bit more of the alcohol in his jug. He was glad she heard him out on the matter of what if the others were too afraid to interact with him.

It seemed like she wanted to give him a Dragon Egg. His task was to nurture it and allow it to become the Dragon it was meant to be. When he heard the rest of what would happen, something came up in his thoughts.

“I have a horse, that is also a Dragon. He called himself Bai Long. Do you know of him? I was wondering if I could somehow take some of his essence and also enter it with the Dragon Egg. Allowing a part of Bai Long to be somewhat free, and travel and grow with me.” He said to Ryuko.

He was surprised that she was angry with him and had the Lacrima of Qarillian but was with a Dragon that was basically in the same line as Qarillian. It was an interesting take, and he wished that he met her today.

“That is interesting. I hope I can only wait and see how things unfold. Hopefully, for the better. As for taking care of external threats, I don’t mind that. If it protects the Dragon kind and allows me to set my enemies into chaos I will gladly be there.” He said to Ryuko, but it also meant a forced interaction with the others if something like that happened.


Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 1:19 pm


Ryuko shook her head lightly in response to the question. "Although the pact was made with Amaterasu, there is one deity in particular who seems adamant in making our existence as difficult as possible. Even if I have never seen or heard of him, he once send one of his champions after me in the hope of getting my head served on a silver platter. I left his corpse to the crows and taunted the heavens by stating if he wanted to get my head he should come and take it himself. Kinda wonder if he got the message."

She laughed briefly and then started to consider the next course of action. Although she intended to gift him one of the Dragon eggs, his question left her genuinely curious. "Hmm, I'd say it is a name commonly practiced in Sinese? Although unless you know his true name I don't know if I ever heard of him before. A lot of our kin adopt names in the language of mortals so that we can communicate more easily. Either way, to fall back onto your earlier question."

She turned toward him as they arrived at the gates leading into the order's keep. "It is not impossible, a whelping can be imprinted upon in various ways, and if granted some of Bai Long's essence is bestowed onto the whelping it could inherit a fragment of his legacy. It won't serve as a reincarnation of sorts, but it will allow a part of his existence to remain, but whether as a source of power for the whelping, or a reminder of your past with Bai Long is up to you and the Whelpling to figure out."

Ryuko nodded her head in agreement as they entered deeper into the keep, seemingly making their way to the throne chamber where Ryuko had concealed the eggs for the Dragonborn. Her gaze drifting around the room she couldn't help but smile, a sudden roar escaping from the woman, yet no sound pierced the air. Instead to Drakkon it might had felt like due to his powers the roar resonated through his mind and a softer echo came back from nearby.

"I know you been spying on us Tiamat, why don't you show yourself?" The Dragon Monarch's words caused a small figure to emerge from behind the throne. At first sight it appeared to be just a child, although the massive horns that grew from her head and the dragon-like tail made it evident she was far different from a mortal child.

"I was just curious Onee-chan! It's not often you bring back a mortal that smells familiar! Besides I already went and collected one of the Whelpling eggs so that you don't need to do that yourself." Speaking in a Joyan language the child's words were accompanied by a light hop and a skip as she stopped in front of Drakkon holding the massive egg in her hands.

"This is the one I mentioned before, and one of the reasons I chose to give you that opportunity. The sins of our ancestors are not what should define us. Rather it should be the actions and consequences we bring through them during our life that should. The egg is enhanced, so after you infuse it the egg should be hatching soon. For some it takes a while, for others it is near instantaneously once they formed that bond with their Whelpling."

#11Go D. Drakkon 

Joining the Order? [Ryuko] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:01 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard which of the gods was being annoying with her and her father. That brought him to rub the back of his head. One of the three precious children had tried to kill Ryuko but had failed when they sent a minion to do their job.

When she heard that she wasn’t sure that she knew about Bai Long, he nodded. This was interesting, to say the least, but the horse had kept his distance between the two for some time now. She explained that something of the sort could happen, and he was glad to hear that. He could tell just from their interaction, that Dragon had been cursed to stay a horse for all eternity. That meant his powers could never fully reach their potential.

“I see that is interesting to hear. Knowing a Dragon to be cursed and locked away kind of annoys me with who did this. So, if this helps him in a way, then it would be interesting to try.” He said to Ryuko.

Their walk and talk was smooth and the two of them were feeling each other out and chatting it up. He knew that he couldn’t be trusted just yet, but it was not like he was a betrayer to those who laid their trust in him.

When he looked around, he noticed that they had made their way to what might be his new home. The deeper they got, the more he felt a weird sensation dressing over him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it seemed like there was something calling to him. Drakkon wasn’t sure what it was, but one thing took his attention away from it. He felt an echo from within nearby. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it seemed like he would get the introduction that he hoped for.

He could sense the link between him and the child that appeared in front of him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but this must have been the Dragon Ryuko mentioned earlier. Drakkon put his jug back on his sash now that he was close to what Ryuko called Tiamat. His eyes, filled with a concerned look as he watched her hand him a massive egg.

This was the weird sensation he felt earlier. It had come from this egg, but how, why? There were many things that he was questioning right now. Then there was also this parenting feeling he had for Tiamat, and it was something he found foreign and didn’t like.

“Thank you for bringing this baby to me, Tiamat.” He said as he put his hand out, so she could put the Egg in his hand.

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