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Flip 'Em [D-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Flip 'Em [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 9:19 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Tsukishima's heart pounded through his chest as he fastened the white apron around his waist, the symbol of his unexpected induction into Batra’s employ. The fabric felt unfamiliar, almost foreign against his slender frame. He glanced at Batra, whose jovial demeanor was a stark contrast to the chaos of the restaurant. "The hell have I gotten into?" Tsukishima lamented as he stared at the assortment of pots and pans. Batra's booming laughter only added to his apprehension.

"So, unfortunately, one of my employees called in sick at the last minute," Batra explained with a half-apologetic shrug. "We're getting slammed, so we need a little help. You do know how to cook, right?" "I... dabble," Tsukishima confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "We'll keep it light, then," Batra reassured him with a clap on the back. "Everything you'll need is here. Instructions are on the table. We'll place the tickets here when the orders come in. After you've made the food, place the orders up to the window, ring the bell, and yell 'Order up' so we know. It'll be simple."

Word Count: 181
Total Word Count: 181 / 500

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Flip 'Em [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 9:22 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
"Right, simple," Tsukishima echoed weakly as Batra vanished back towards the front of the bar area, leaving the elf alone once more. Alone in the kitchen, Tsukishima took a deep breath, preparing himself against the rising panic that was threatening to engulf him. He surveyed his surroundings with a mixture of apprehension and determination, his mind racing to recall every culinary tidbit he had ever gleaned from several centuries of existence as he scans over the instructions. Just as a brief sense of calm began to settle over him, Batra's voice shattered the tranquility. "First order!"

With a nervous swallow, Tsukishima plunged into his work, the urgency of the moment overriding his doubts. His slender fingers snatched the ticket from the counter, and his eyes darted over its contents with apprehension. Two orders of breaded chicken wings, one order of French fries, and three hot dogs stared back at him. Seemingly simplistic but did not do justice to the challenges ahead. "Simple," Tsukishima muttered to himself as he once again echoed Batra's words. With a steadying breath, he moved towards the fryer. The metallic hiss of the fryer coming to life filled the air as Tsukishima adjusted the heat. Retrieving the container of chicken from its storage place, he put on a pair of black gloves and got to work.

Word Count: 220
Total Word Count: 401 / 500

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Flip 'Em [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 9:28 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Meticulously, Tsukishima began washing and cleaning the wings. Each wing was inspected carefully before placing them to the side. Once cleaned, he immediately began seasoning and breading the chicken. With surprising ease, Tsukishima lowered the breaded wings into the searing hot oil, the sizzle of the cooking filling the kitchen. Despite the frantic pace of the bustling restaurant, a sense of calm settled over him as he fell into the job with rhythmic precision.

"Great job!" Batra's voice cuts through the quiet of the kitchen as he makes his way back into the kitchen. The evening drew to a close as the last remnants of orders finding their way into the hands of eagerly awaiting customers. In all, Tsukishima made two orders of breaded chicken wings, one order of french fries, three hamburgers, five hot dogs, and one baked potato. "You've got a serious knack for this," Batra remarked with admiration. "Ever thought about doing this full time?" he joked. "I'm not a chef," Tsukishima retorted dryly, prompting a chuckle from Batra. "I get it," Batra replied with a grin, his laughter still echoing in the air. "Well, when you get everything cleaned up, come up to the front. I'll be counting the cash. I'll give you the rest of your pay from that." With a nod, Tsukishima watched as Batra vanished once more towards the front of the house, leaving him alone with the assortment of dirtied dishes. As the last flickers of heat were extinguished and the kitchen fell into complete silence, Tsukishima allowed himself a brief moment of relaxation before beginning to clean.

Word Count: 266
Total Word Count: 667 / 500
Quest Completed

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