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FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 5:32 pm


WORDS: 350 | Beach Vixen

“WOOHOO! Party’s on y’all!” Certainly never the type to ignore the call of an invitation which she admittedly had only skimmed but certainly felt plenty of reason to feel it needed her own particular brand of scintillating showiness, Bella Benini beamed as she burst onto the scene in something small and sapphire in coloration and announced herself rather merrily as she hit the sand not only looking rather risqué given the immodest number which she was sporting, but also bearing a bottle of tasty tequila in each of her hands.
“Hope ya don’t minnnnnd I slipped into something more… …Beach orientated?” Holding each aloft as if they were both a little trophy that she had won as she slid onto the scene of something with some nice smouldering embers and smoke rising from the top of it, the buxom blonde swayed her hips from one side and to the other while running her thumbs down from her shoulders to accentuate her curves as she celebrated her own fine form one more, and then looked toward those who had gathered up for the event with a fair amount of confidence that she had made rather a memorable entrance. Though today, it was perhaps for reason she did not expect.

“Huh.” Erupting into a locale where she found a bunch of boys who were little more than knee high and now totally bug eyed, some seemed to cover their eyes in embarrassment while others wore dopey headed smiles and smirks as they clearly seemed to like what they saw, though really were far from the audience she had intended to wow with what she was wearing.
“I think I got the wrong campfire…?” For that reason seeming to wince and stick out her tongue cutely as she attempted an apology but knew that the damage was already done, all that she could do really was beat a rather hasty retreat that bit further along the sands and hope that the people she found there were a little more age appropriate for her, all the while taking swigs from one of her bottles in order to soothe her bruised ego…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.

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