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The Witches of the Woods

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The Witches of the Woods Empty Mon May 20, 2024 5:08 am


As Lumikki rose from her bed and readied for her travels, she could not shake off a troubling sensation. It was akin to the dread she felt when her Demonic father still lived and sought to control her. Like she was somehow falling into another’s intricate schemes and it risked coiling around her as they observed her every move. Yet she hardly had a choice in the matter, not with her country at greater risk.

So the Demoness decided to shift her thoughts elsewhere, mostly fixating on the territory that lies in the west, a suggestion that the odd woman mentioned. Lumikki had not fully decoded why this could be her possible route, however, she had an inkling. There has been word of witches who lived deep within the impenetrable woods; allusive as they were mysterious. There were a few stories mentioned about an individual or two that wandered into the Wilds in hopes to employ the witches’ assistance; and for those that returned, they’d give mixed tales on their accounts. Lumikki wasn’t sure of their alignment, or even if they’d even care; but the chance to make an ally of them was too savory not to entertain. Despite how they’ve treated mortals in passing, perhaps a Demon would be enough to garner their mutual fascination.

Lumikki made her way downstairs, leaving her old room behind and adjusting her new hooded cloak. Tenevi was settled by the door, waiting for Lumikki's arrival patiently and Viola was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea." Were ye sure to pack everything?" Viola uttered to her daughter but had not yet turned to glance at her. " Not much to pack Mum, it all sits in me void and that I always take with me."

" Could never be too certain lass.....it doesn't pay to be caught unprepared ye know. But I suppose ye would by now...." Lumikki stepped toward her mother with a pace both slow and careful. As if she didn't want to take the wrong step in her awkward approach. There was a tension in the air she could not put a finger on, but it would become more clear when Lumikki glanced at her mother. Viola was the picture of dread, one could easily tell that she hadn't slept well during the night. Perhaps she didn't even wake recently at all, instead choosing to sit here until the sun rose and Lumikki passed by.

It broke Lumikki's heart to see her in such a state, but she wouldn't be surprised. Viola was usually put together and calm, being a driving force to help sort out the dilemmas of others or simply be a rock for them to lean on; but it would seem now that no matter the power or status that Lumikki rose to, it would never be enough to soothe a mother's fears and the Demoness was sure that words couldn't soothe her much either. It was with much love and sincerity that Lumikki would lean over and hug her mother goodbye. She'd let the embrace linger for a moment before pulling away," I'll be sure to send Trygve often with notes of how I'm doing, okay mum? I'll get this matter sorted so ye could see me again when it's all done." It did not alleviate the tiredness from her features, and it barely musted a smile, but a bit of the worry in Viola's eyes eased away. This would have to be enough of the matter for the moment, but Lumikki would do her best to stay true to her word.

The pair finally left, parting ways with Viola as they passed through the door and Lumikki looked around to spot her ravens. " Trygve," she'd call out, and mere moments later, one of the ravens perched atop one of many roofs, glided down and landed upon her left shoulder. Trygve was the first raven to begin following her, and he'd bear the ambitious goal of being her most reliable companion. It was because of this factor that Lumikki granted him this task and his pride that would see it to completion " Trygve dear, I need ye to prepare yerself as I'll be sending messages with ya to back to me mother. She'll be worried sick, so I need ya swift of wing."

Trygve, bobbing with joy from every word and hardly waiting for Lumikki to stop speaking, would nod." Oh but of course my Revna, consider it a simple task for your best raven. So whenever you are prepared, you can trust the note with me!" Admittedly his enthusiasm was infectious and comforting, as Lumikki wanted to this matter sorted before she could move on. " Spledid," being all she'd answer before taking her first steps toward her new goal. It was time to make her way over to the Udgard Wilds.

The trip to the west was a short one, with Asger flying the pair over to the wilds it took only one or two hours time. But as they arrived, Lumikki knew she'd have to settle the rest of the way by foot. " Vee, I was thinking for a bit now....I think I want ye to find me brothers and call them over. I worry...that there's a chance I might fail in this task if I do it alone....The last I've heard, they should be sorting matters down in Santalicia somewhere south of Stella. They should stand out from the rest of folk down there, so finding 'em won't prove to be too hard."

Tenevi stood deathly still as Lumikki spoke and when the Demoness finished, the harpy was quick to rebuttal." Are you sure!? But....but I would rather you not walk these wilds alone..." Tenevi was not one to talk back or whine, but the separation in such a delicate time gave her such an unease. She couldn't leave without at least voicing her concerns, but Lumikki would just as quickly shut them down." No love, something tells me I have to do this one alone. So the faster ye find them, the faster ya can return."

Lumikki would then walk away, while Tenevi stood in place for some time just watching her. It was only when Lumikki was out of sight that the harpy could bear leaving, and with a heavy heart she'd manage to take flight and fly away.

With every step taken deeper into the Wilds, Lumikki could feel a shift in energy. It was almost like walking into a different plain of existence. Iceberg was known for steering away from magic, with some exceptions. Slayers would be one they revered in particular as it was in these lands that the first Dragon Slayes had sprung. Then there were some cases like the Omena clan who favored Frost or the Sitra whose runic navigation magic grants many passage through the Aegir Sea. If one's magic could align with the Icebergan way and roots, then it could be accepted; but the flashy overreliance witnessed in the other countries was something they'd push back upon.  

So as Lumikki felt the life and mana of the Udgard Wilds wash over her, it took the Demoness entirely by surprise. It would also make her weary of any beasts or beings that may reside within. Still, there was no turning back now as she'd remain on course. Leaving dark frostflowers with every step if there was ever a need to note her path.

With each twist and turn, Lumikki's eyes would dart about. Trying to note every tree, but they'd all look the same. Eventually, the sight of a prior trail of frostflowers would halt her in her tracks, and as she spun around, it would appear there was a trail now leading every which way. The Demoness stomped down her foot in frustration, someone was meddling with her magic now. Whether they meant to deter her from her goal, she did not yet know; but their intrusion was now making it starkly clear that she couldn't press on just yet.

Lumikki took a moment to steady her breath and calm down, icing herself from within so that she could see more clearly. Whoever is playing the trick could not be some ordinary Icebergan. It could be a spirit, a creature, or maybe even one of the foretold witches. Throwing a tantrum now would only serve her less than her frostflowers had, so she resolved to move on in a different way. As Lumikki approached a nearby tree, inspecting it for any curious signs, she could almost hear a rumbling from the distance. The realization jolted her as she became aware of it and looked around frantically to search for any disturbances. It was only then that she noticed the chirping of birds ceased some time ago. She had been in the silence, and it could be this creature that would be the reason why; but it would all be too soon to tell, and in a gesture to cover her bases, she'd turn around with her back pressed toward the trunk.

The eerie silence was enough to make her breathing seem louder than it was and as Lumikki tried to pull out her four wings so as to get the higher ground, she was startled to see she couldn’t. Both pairs were instead bound by magical chains that sprung forth and coiled her wings the moment they began to unfurl. Besides the discomfort of them pinching tightly, they also added an obscene amount of weight that would pull her down and cause her to hunch over. No matter how hard she tried to pull them back in, the chains would tug and lock her wings in place. She would simply have to suffer this burden.

As she struggled to adjust, she could hear the laughter of a young woman chiming among the trees and passing through the branches. It echoed from all over, negating the chance of ever finding the source; but from what she could tell, it didn’t sound malicious albeit quite amused. Lumikki sucked her teeth in annoyance, slammed her back to the tree to settle on her posture, and hold herself up. And as she tried to calm herself down again, she could feel the ground now shaking.

From a distance, Lumikki could now spot what seemed like a white boar charging from a distance. She’d just as quickly realize it wasn’t your typical boar, as when it dashed through the trees it appeared to be phasing right through them. Nothing seemed to slow nor stop him, and the more he ran, the more he picked up speed. With her new shackles, she was apprehensive that she’d get away, feeling like she could hardly budge from this spot; but if she couldn’t escape, then she’d stand and fight.

A battle was not something Lumikki wanted, when she entered the Udgard Wilds, she’d hoped it would be a simple and passive journey through. Though she can see now that even if she means no harm, her circumstances can, and this was no time to back down.

The boar continued its strut, it was only ten meters away now. She’d let go of the trunk, reading her stance, and pooling her mana. Yet as she tried to prepare for her spell she could feel her strength draining away, like the roots of the trees were drinking from her reserve as she tried to cast her spell. Lumikki would not linger further, accepting the gist of her situation and pushing forward despite it all. And when the boar was a few meters away, she’d raise a jagged ice wall that looked like a wave from the ocean frozen in place. This served to make the boar hesitate for a slight moment, it jerked its body in a way that let it turn in the last second. Changing its course just in time before colliding. This would let Lumikki know that she still had some power here, it would just take more from her to command than usual; but if this was the test she must pass, so be it.

And with that, it almost seemed like the boar would also pick up on her resolve. As it now kept a decent distance away while circling around her continuously. Its repetitive movement was slowly kicking up the dust and dirt, limiting her sight beyond its stampede.

” Face me!” She exclaimed, her patience was at its end and her form would melt away to reveal a truer face. With skin like night and hair pale like the snow, Lumikki bore her sharp fangs in retaliation. It was enough to spur the boar into a mutual frustration, prompting it to change its course and charge at her once more. Finally, she'd think to herself,something I've wanted.

With the circle now cut and the boar surging her way, Lumikki stood her ground. She was no longer bothered by the prospect of a battle, she just wanted to prove it was better to leave her alone. When the beast was close enough that turning away didn't seem like a possibility, she'd pulled back her weighted body and allowed gravity to aid her in stomping the ground with full force. The moment her foot made contact, all the mana she stored in her leg would erupt into the earth below, ripping the ground apart as massive black-frost stalagmites ushered forth piercing the air. The boar, running at full speed, tried his best to turn on its side. It knew it couldn't avoid the ice but tried to avoid taking the shards head-on. Managing to collide with the stalagmites along its side and skirted as hard as it could to negate more damage.

Lumikki wouldn't let it breathe however as her black frost swirled around it, smothering and impeding any chance it had to dash off freely. And though it felt like she was bleeding mana, she wouldn't relent, not before they did.

" A fighter aren't you. Good, because you will have to be. Now find your way over, lass." The voice echoed from above, but as Lumikki scanned the branches, she noticed a small blue creature peering back toward her. She doubted the voice was their own, they were just serving to pass along the message of another. Most likely that of one of the witches in question.

Lumikki, who was still leaning against the trunk of the tree she'd been using the whole time to hold herself up, sighed in irritation. This really is a test...but better that, than some joke..., she'd mull that thought as she limped in the path that took her past the creature. The chains still hugging tight to her wings.

The Demoness had long lost track of the time she spent in the Wilds. So as she dragged herself down the highlight path, she couldn't predict how long it would take to arrive at her destination. Yet despite how much the battle had drained her, she would sustain from consuming shadows cast upon her from the branches that blocked the little bit of sun up above. Eventually stumbling upon a massive clearing that she concluded could make a decent spot to rest.

The grass brushing along her feet was short, but it tickled with every step; and toward the center of the area, there appeared to be a large cluster of rocks. Boulders arranged in a ring would surround what appeared to be a small hill where a tree grew alongside. Lumikki took a moment before she could study the scene more, all she wanted to do was sit and rest. Yet something inside her kept edging her to look around. Upon further inspection, she'd begin to realize that the plants that grew in this field were kind of odd. The way they were organized would attest that it was by design and some of the herbs she'd even recognize. When she inspected the large stone, it'd struck her that she could see a faint glow along their crack and carvings; it was almost like her attention would it to life, and the light would grow until the meanings became clear.

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Lumikki would stumble closer, wiping off the layer of dirt that stopped her from reading the runes in their entirety. " ᚱᛖᚢᛖᛚ ᚦᛖ ᚹᛟᚱᛚᛞ ᛏᛟ ᚦᛟᛊᛖ ᚹᚺᛟ ᚲᚨᚾ ᛊᛖᛖ ᛁᛏ" Lumikki uttered in a hushed voice, the runes reading " reveal the world to those who can see it." She did not quite understand the purpose, but in a moment after, the ground would begin to shake profusely. Lumikki, burdened by the weight that clung to her wings, stumbled over and fell to the ground. As she lay on the floor, the hill, or what she had assumed to be one, would shimmer and shake as its appearance shifted before her eyes.

The grass she thought to cling on its sides, now fell away to reveal slimy and smooth burnt-orange flesh beneath, and in its awakening, it'd show its gaping mouth and snake-like tongue flicking from between large tusks-shaped fangs. What's more, there was a house that sat atop its back, and unbothered by its sudden movement, unlike the tree that peeled away and fell to the ground.
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The beastly toad halted for a moment, before shimmying around until a set of stairs that led to a doorway along the side of the home became apparent. Astonished, Lumikki didn't know what to make of it but she figured that she had finally arrived. That would be confirmed soon enough when a woman with wild raven hair and a deer skull mask opened the door and waved sporadically. Her dress was more old-fashioned and tribalistic than most things worn in the cities and popular towns, as she had on a pale feather-like top tucked into a long dull grey skirt and sash. Many bones, cords, and tassels adorned her and the old patterns stood out on the fabric.
The young woman:

" You've made it! Sooner than I thought too. Binð you should release the hold. We can't keep Edda waitin'." Her voice was full of life and excitement, Lumikki didn't expect that; and as soon as the woman asked, her wings had begun to feel light. Lumikki would stretch them for their full length, trying to work out the aches from the chains before letting them finally dissipate." Wow, anyone told you those wings of yours are beautiful? Almost makes me want a pair of my o--." Someone yoinked her back into the house, cutting off what she had to say. " Enough Asa, we really need to get on with it." Lumikki could overhear the voice of an older woman who was clearly impatient or pressed for time," And you down there! Hurry over so we can get this done. Edda promised me this wouldn't take more than a day, and I plan to see to it." If Lumikki wasn't so tired and irritated herself, she'd chuckle at the woman who rushed her; but instead, she'd only agree. The sooner this was done, the sooner she could rest.

With no more excess weight holding her down, Lumikki climbed the steps. The planks of wood that served to hold her, creaked under her weight but never threatened to give out, and soon enough, she'd finally enter the home." Took you long enough girl, now take a seat here. It's time for my portion to be done." The woman who spoke now, much like Asa, had crazy hair and a deer mask that covered her face. Only her's had horns whereas Asa's did not. She wore a cowl made of grey fur that blended into the wild locks of her hair, and a shirt and dress nearly the same shades of grey. Her accessories would hardly pop in color either, but the intricacies of the carvings and markings were worth making note of.
The older woman:

Lumikki steps into the home, giving the surroundings a glance before complying with the command. It was a quaint room, with many shelves filled with miscellaneous vials and bottles, books and pouches, and an assortment of boxes and stones. There were many large windows to welcome the light from outside, as well as a plethora of flowers and herbs hanging from the ceiling to dry. Three tables occupied the room, the contents atop them hardly overlapping those on the others. With the one that the woman insisted she sits by holding a half-filled cauldron, mortar and pestle, and bowls full of powders that Lumikki couldn't identify.

Off to the left, a fire pit designed to cook resides, and just a bit further was another set of stairs. The room smelled like old potions and rosemary incense. Remnants of their ash are still evident. Lumikki finally satisfied, now approached the chair and sat down. She didn't know what would happen from there but she was resolute to be done. The woman would feel the same as she snatched a potion bottle from across the table and shoved it into Lumikki's hands." Wait Helda, I thought Edda said not to use that?" Asa bewildered would utter her confusion.

" Listen! If she wanted it done in a certain way, then she could have done it herself. The other one would take too long, and what are we even waiting for? I'm sure the girl could handle it if we get it all done with at once. It's not like she has the time to spare either." Helda would retort in frustration before turning back to Lumikki," Drink that, it'll shift your mind to a state where you fall deep within yourself. Ya managed to prove yourself enough to get here, but can you manage the same feat with yourself? Asa, you go and look after her, she doesn't need me anymore and I'm behind enough as is on my order. If her eyes turn fully black, then you could come get me." Helda sat down toward the workstation end of her table, sorting the powders into empty pouches, meanwhile, Asa took Lumikki by the shoulders, hoping to assure her to go on." You heard my sister, but no worries, I won't leave you. So go on, drink it."

Hesitant, Lumikki clung to the bottle in hand, turning it in her fingers as if to inspect it and its purpose. But like a lot of her journey, she felt the only way through was to plunge herself into the task. And so Lumikki would chug the bottle and wait for the magic to take hpld.

In mere seconds, Lumikki was compelled by the magic of the potion. It felt like she was plummeting in herself as her soul dug deep inward. It passed by so fast, that everything blurred or showed partially in the darkness. Eventually, it all slowed and Lumikki couldn't recognize where she was.

Surrounded by pitch black, Lumikki looked around, only to notice that her eyes were failing her. It had been a long time since the dark could obscure anything from her and the sudden return brought a chill to her spin. In a frantic gesture, Lumikki would attempt to reach around, hoping to get a hold of something. Only there never seemed to be anything for her to hold on to." Pitiful don't ye think? How easy for ye to be rendered useless?" It would sound like Lumikki's voice was reaching out to her, and it'd serve to disturb the Demoness further." But I suppose it was always amusing watching you play like ye were blind. Never seeing yerself for what ya were as ye'd gallivant like some hero. But yer not, yer hardly a sliver of that Angel's shadow. And ye know it, so why continue this game of pretend?"

Utterly confused, Lumikki pushed the voice out of her head while striving to move forward. Though the witch hardly explained what all this was for, she could take a guess, and the voice she heard only confirmed it." Those worries are boring don't ye think lass? If ye know me then ye'd know I've been having 'em long before I became Demon. So what makes ye think they could still bother me now?" The floor that felt so smooth it almost made her slip, now had a tinge of texture. As if she was stepping on something now.

" Oh so the Demon thinks she's shed all her fears now? Ye think nothing bothers ya anymore? Meanwhile, ye crumble to the notion that ye'd be forced to live an eternity alone. Is that what ye do it all for? The lass who considers herself some grand passive observer now thinks she could save her country? What for, they'd all die ye know, and forget just who ye are when all that's left are tales of ye being some monster? Cause that's all ye'd ever be to them, some beast. And ye know it."

The constant taunting was wearing down her last nerve, but she couldn't shake all the words as easily as before. And without another rebuttal, the voice would linger on." Ye say ya no longer worry about being weak, but we know it to be a lie. I don't know why ye ever think ye could hide it. Yer aren't a pillar of Dawn, but ye are convenient for the moment until someone better comes along. So why bother fighting? Ye ignore ya nature for what? Ye could of been so much stronger if ye'd adhered to the monster ye knew ya could be, and ye know it. Yet ye keep to this pathetic notion that ye don't matter in this world beyond watching on? Why bother stepping in now, it would be better to feed the chaos and eventually bury the world in ice...."

" Thats a dumb notion. Yer telling me to choose isolation over isolation? Like summoning some ice age will somehow make me complete. I worry I'll live alone, so make sure to kill all who matter, so I do?" As she settled the implications of the nonsense told to her, the darkness of the space shifted. Beneath her feet, she could now notice a layer of freshly fallen snow, and her perception would continue to expand until there was no darkness blocking it. It would seem that now she was within a tundra instead, the cold setting on her skin but it was hardly a bother. It seemed she went from full black to white instead as now the falling snow would blur the distances and blend with the ground.

" But why bother to interfere with the world now? All the people you set to save will die. And if they didn't need you then, why would they need you now? It is for the High Jarl to handle, not you." A new voice would try its hand at waning the Demoness, but her patience would give out first. Whether the voices were actually wrong or right, she could hardly bring herself to care. As now all she wanted to do was be done with things and rest.

" Thinks she could take over the Hrútr but she could barely handle Paradise Dawn, all it serves is giving her a bigger head. But when the time comes to sacrifice something important, she'd never do it. Even if it'll cost you that Uncle of yours." Lumikki swung her arm to cast a spell of frost, but it was an empty gesture. It would seem her magic didn't work here. Before it was easy to move on, but being forced to be helpless knocked her out of her stride and now she halted to a stop." Doubt that noble of yours even loves you either. He'd leave you alone the moment he becomes a demon. Maybe that's all he's using you for?"

The tundra, a place she was capable of finding comfort, was now closing in on her instead. Lumikki was really wondering if she was as powerful as she thought.

" Just give up, remain here in the tundra forever."

Her hands were shaking, she really was alone. And if she couldn't leave this place, would she remain here forever? Lumikki wished Helda had explained more, and now was cursing the witch in her head, but she couldn't linger here any longer.

So with a quacking body, Lumikki took one step. Then another. Followed by more, albeit slow and graceless. All while different voices tried to keep pelting her with needless thoughts. If you asked the Demoness after all this was done, how did she keep moving? She'd only answer with one word, spite. Spite for her feelings and fears, spite for the thoughts that tried to shake her, spite for the weakness that swelled in her core, and spite for her nature.

But that wouldn't be entirely true, spite was only half of the coin.

Really, spite tasted sweeter, but love was what pushed her. The love for herself and who she could be, the love for her beloved, her family, her guild. She often forgot and overlooked just how much this emotion compelled her, as she was often distracted with tasks, goals, and desires. Drowning herself in projects to attach her self-worth, or doing what she figured could make someone she loved happy. And the dissonance of her identity always shifted the image of who she thought she was and would be.

Her chaotic nature both built and destroyed her. Not even Demons can escape destruction after all. They could only become strong enough to survive or prolong it.

And so in time, with each step slowly earned through the intense anxiety stirred by her fears, Lumikki finally approached an arch that was tucked away in the storm. Crossing though it was like walking through a portal, and in a blink of the eye, Lumikki had returned.

Asa, with a hand on her shoulder and the other holding a cold, wet rag pressed against Lumikki's forehead, was profusely worried and upset." Oh thank Freya, you've returned. Helda! You hardly helped but she's ok!" Asa's panic would recede, but not her treatment." Your eyes nearly turned all black, I could barely feel your spirit anymore. I got worried that you'd be stuck there."

" I don't know why you are so worried, I told you she could still pull out just fine, if her eyes didn't shift all the way then you didn't need me to come."

" Yeah Helda, but you didn't see it like I had. I told you that potion would be too much," Asa was now facing her sister in an agitated posture and Helda slammed a fist onto the table to shut the rest of this conversation down." And I told you Edda should have done it herself!"

" Enough," a third voice now revealed itself to Lumikki and she wondered if this was the "Edda" constantly mentioned but she still barely had the strength to speak just yet.

" My apologies for my sister, she isn't always this callous but the season for her kind of work is running out and she means to make her deadline. So I take the blame onto myself for not returning sooner, but important matters couldn't wait and it was my magic needed to refresh the warding runes. I hope you can understand but I could at least humor you with this, you did well in that mindscape of yours. You could have stopped, but you didn't." The last of the sisters, Edda, like the prior also wore a hollowed deer mask, only her horns were the longest as they even connected in an arch. She wore long sleek robs with flashes of red, and her hair was covered under a veil.
Edda the final sister:

" Asa, could you fix her a bowl? We would take a small break before discussing the rest." The youngest sister sprung to action, graciously fixing a bowl of stew for Lumikki and pouring her a fresh cup of ginger tea. It was a godsend to the Demoness and she'd devour the contents inside with little time, only for Asa to offer her more.

" I am glad you found the last of your strength. You had my sister worried, rightfully so. Now, do you know why you're here?" Edda was sitting just beside the Demoness, reaching a hand into her pouch of runes and taking one out to place it on the table. It happened to be the rune Isa, meaning stillness and ice but for the moment it was most likely tied to Lumikki.

" Some odd lass with runes of her own pointed me the way here saying something about it being me future, but she didn't have the courtesy to stay and explain herself and I didn't have the time to spare finding her." Lumikki was halfway through her second bowl now, and she was almost feeling restored.

" The woman that pointed you here would be right in doing so, seems that even my own runes mention your arrival, amongst other things." Edda pulled out another rune from her pouch and placed it on the table. This time is Eihwaz, a rune tied to the cycle of life and death. " But what is it that you think we can offer you?"

" A means to find a way," Lumikki would quickly answer, hardly letting a moment of silence still the air." Very well, and what are you willing to sacrifice for it? I'm sure you understand such assistance requires an offering on your part."

" Aye, I am. And though I haven't worked out what I could offer ye, a favor from a Demon isn't a bad price to hold."

" A Demon? That's not quite what I see by looking at you. But you're right that a favor from you could prove beneficial. A coven like ours could use a friend like you if certain matters roll about. If my reading from long before you arrived turns out to be true, then you'll find yourself in some high standing. I'd say, offer your friendship and I could point you the way you're looking for."

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