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Birds of a Feather

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Birds of a Feather Empty Thu May 23, 2024 6:54 pm


” What do you mean he’s not the one? I thought he was the guy we’re looking for?….He looks like him right?….I mean how much more time are we gonna waste here anyways?” A fairly tall man with black hair and pale skin would exclaim with frustration. He wore a modernization of Sienese dress with accents of red tassels and bright green jades. His eyes were a piercing crimson and as he spoke, his sharp canines would poke out. Around him was an air of confidence, even if he was perplexed at the moment. He simply had a certain energy to him that came off as boisterous but intimidating. Though he wouldn’t present as a danger to the man he was speaking to now. No, the pair knew each other for quite some time, as they were both siblings in a way. The red thread that tangled them, once had lead them to their mutual Demonic father, but now that’s been cleared away. The thread ties them to another, one who needed them more anyway. As she was still so new and fresh to life, where they had already enjoyed quite a few decades.

” I have no idea how to be more clear, mind you. I am nearly sure that we have been over this quite a few times already.” This would be his only response, as he felt no need to speak on it more. The two have been on this mission for three months now, hunting a man that could hold beneficial information. Last they heard, he had been seen in the prosperous city of Santalicia within Stella; but he was no where to be found now.

” I think I’d like to try the shop again,” he spoke with a deep sigh as his fatigue was apparent. The man, who was taller than his company, had very long pale blond hair that almost looked entirely while. There were many scares on his face and neck, though that was all the visible skin made apparent; as he also wore a long black trench coat, vest, slacks, and a dress shirt. One could say he was over dressed for the setting, and you’d be right; but he was a man of habit, so he’d wear it anyway. Of course that wouldn’t stop Mùchén Liu From teasing him anyway. Even if Mikhail Smirnov always had a remark back.

” Oh come on, don’t you ever get tired of that place? Do we really need to go back?” Mùchén, who was also tired, whined playfully in hopes of getting his way but Mikhail was rarely one to budge. He’d silently began walking so that it was up to Mùchén to keep up.

The pair stood out quite obviously from the people of Stella, where they had bronze skin and tan features, the two were easily pale and from different descents. Even compared to the other, there was nothing alike about either of them. Yet they still maintained as family all the same. Lumikki Hrùtr being the latest and final addition among them. It had been some time since they’ve seen their younger sister. She would have also changed so much since the time they’ve seen her last, her new role being but one example.

The pair wandered half way through town, relatively unbothered until a certain harpy landed right before them. ” I’ve come on Lumikki’s request……”

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