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peek-a-boo [Vesper]

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peek-a-boo [Vesper] Empty Sat May 25, 2024 1:24 pm

"Alooooo~?" It was a haunting melody, the pipe organ of something predatorial and humored, humming through the night and reverberating down long hallways. It drew attention as easily as it warned it off, alike to capturing flies with honeysuckle eyes while the dog-whistle came discordant and brought all the hounds to a howl. None of the gaggle of students that'd peek out at him from behind corners or the crack of their doors, nor the rats that nipped at his heels for a cast of that emerald light over them - or even the teaching assistants, piping up to wave down the creature and offer their assistance or his disruption removed from the premises: no buzzing met his ears, closed off to their incessance. He'd only hum, continuing on in a wide sway of his arms and the odd skip when he thought he'd gotten somewhere.

It took a fair amount of time in a large building to find the part time dorm rooms, let alone to hunt down his target. "Aloᵒᵒᵒ ~? O ₙ ᶦ ᵢ - chaaan~?" He'd sing, and it'd shiver, cutely bouncing with the lilt of his tone and adding realization to the prying eyes that followed him. He was foreign. This was astute enough from the observation of his actions, but the accent told them maybe he hadn't heard them - maybe he was lost, and couldn't ask for help? They had never seen him in any of their classes before, and no one was willing to claim him as a dorm mate or visited friend. Still Momiji pranced along. His vision was unperturbed. It sparkled with curiosity and the wake of flowers that bloomed invisibly off his frame, a happy little reprieve from all reality that wasn't his own; and it was bright, untouchable.

Trial and error covered all basis. A particularly impassioned sound from a young adult in what could only be desperation - please, little boy, let me help you, stop calling out - almost getting a blink and twitch of his ear, but he saw through an open door to a common room in passing and the object of this adventure radiated from inside. Its aura was enough to pique his attention, bounding forward to hold the edges of the frame and peer closer for confirmation: and it was! Momiji knew he'd find it. They had promised!

He'd have to praise his guild contacts later for tracking down one random mage to this geographical location; but for now, with his prey in his sights, Momiji grinned, he giggled, and he pounced. "ⱽₑˢₚᵘᵣᵉₕ ~ Oniiii-chan! Waaaah! Momo looked everywhere! Hi, hai! It's ... Momo time!!" He'd be on the boy faster than even a beast could react to the lunge.


peek-a-boo [Vesper] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 5:20 pm

Vesper's tenure in Amaforth Academy was bountiful for such a budding sprout, petals blossoming under the tender care of mages more experienced than he and the amity shared between his peers. He was loitering in the common room, with no real purpose for his being there besides the desire to fit in well in this new environment. His eyes were glued to his book, deep crimson fulminating with the rapid shifts between each line, scouring the pages for every glint of knowledge and absorbing them in that bright nebula. He'd perk up for light conversation when his ears would dial in on something that he was knowledgeable about but otherwise remain focused on his current activity.

The hours seemed to pass by in a flash, far too immersed in his book to pay heed to the passing of time and how quickly the room seemed to dwindle in its wake. A quick glance at the clock, hand raised to scratch the side of his cheek. A yawn slips in the space between his thoughts and he decides to call it a night, shuffling up to return his novel to its proper place. He lingers there a moment, savoring the peace that would be shattered by his arrival mere seconds from now.

His eyes bolted wide awake, and any fatigue he was feeling immediately washed away in the roiling tide that was sweeping him away. He'd stumble, trying desperately to cling to whatever force had ensnared him for stability. He catches a glimpse in the periphery; a harmonious giggle that feels all too familiar. "M-Momo!?" His legs would crumble, and fall backwards in a sweeping flurry that would succumb to the embrace.

Vesper would peek up through the fringes of his ruffled hair, cardinal red flapping hastily to catch the viridian gale that mirrors the way his hands find themselves fixed upon the boy's waist. Vesper had made his princely vow to the sprightly boy, but truthfully he never imagined to see him again, nor would he expect to see him here, in Amaforth Academy. Was he tracked down? Did Momo also go here? There were a million questions to ask and Vesper was far too disoriented to begin to posit them. Instead, he let his heart speak loudly. "Momo!" He'd giggle and flash a smile that would pierce blindingly below curtained rubies. "Heheh~ Goodness, did you miss me or what? I'm really happy to see you again!" Vesper was bound forevermore by his princely vow, but it was the genuine truth nonetheless. His heart thumped with a prevailing warmth as a hand raised to tousle Momo's hair.

He looked so happy.


peek-a-boo [Vesper] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 8:01 pm

An abominable amount of cheer. The light from the hallway - sterilized - met the dimmer warmth of the common room, and it framed Tachibana no Momiji from behind until he was resoundant with its radiance. It spiked off of him in discordant shifts, displaced by his shadows and the way he wiggled atop Vesper, coo'ing to the other boy with blissful excitement and the way he'd rub his cheek against his. "A prince, Momo's prince ~ but Momo arrive to save you! From ... ᵇ ᵒ ᵒ ᵏ ˢ !!" He'd giggle, a mad little tune, leaning back without leaving Vesper's toppled frame, allowing neither to rise. His arms would halo out as if to indicate their surroundings, shaking his head quickly in a way that sent golden locks in every direction. He was a mess even before Vesper's hand raised to greet him. "Boredom! You have to leave! Right now! They'll get you, they'll get you, Onii-chan~" 

It wasn't his target metaphor, but a disgruntled floor advisor came panting to the door and hung on its frame with heavy gasps and sighs, the other arm clutching his side. There was sweat on his brow and a skilter to his glasses, looking back at them with bewilderment over the top of slanted lenses. "Y-young man...," the figure began, and his voice snapped Momiji's head upside-down to stare at him over the back of his neck. His sidhe reflected in his eyes, dissonant and discomforting, pausing the man who had interrupted them. Momiji said nothing. He stared at him, quietly monstrous, and waited to be left alone with Vesper. "You ... y-you have to get cleared at the ... front office of the College building ... I understand you're likely a student here, but you have to have a visitor pass between dorms." He wheezed, only for his voice to end in a sigh. He didn't get paid enough for creatures like Momiji. 

A hand twitched unseen inside his dress jacket to drag his pointer over the rim of his trigger guard, considering something he gave fairly more thought than he felt the interloper deserved - but oh no! Oh no, Momo thinks, 'cause Vesper might have a bad time if he got rid of the problem. He could use this situation, his lips lifting in a grin then falling in a pout; swiveling his head back upright and blinking down at Vesper - wide-eyed - with his normal, if still glimmering, green. "Onii-chan, onii-chan -- Momo made trouble, oh ⁿᵒ. You have to come with Momo, Momo can't be here ... and you won't send Momo alone ♡!"

This seemed to, somewhat, appease the faculty member, earning another heavy sigh and a wave of his arm. His life was hardly saved - but Momiji's ability to stay in school hung on that same spun silk the boy swaddled himself in. It happened, now, that Vesper was getting all tied up too. "We can go horsie. :)"


peek-a-boo [Vesper] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 11:59 am

He'd squint, a squeaky exhalation in the union of soft flesh in the wake of the boy's affectionate nuzzle. Vesper would find stability against the firm ground, a tranquil bliss in the way his eyes lighten in the dazzling viridian, and the melody of dousing laughter. He was completely saturated in elation, infectious and spreading further with every soft sound. "Oh no? I'm in danger?" His hand would raise to conceal the smile that spread across his face, a coy wink with an exaggerated gasp. "Oh goodness~ Thankfully my faithful knight has come to rescue his prince!" He'd giggle as raucously, teetering into a cackle that cracks his voice. Vesper's head would bounce up with the volatile laughter, nudge against the field of petunias that adorned his savior's crown. "Okay, okay~ We can't let them get us~"

The chaos drew the eyes and ire of his peers and faculty alike. They were getting scolded, but Vesper did not mind, too caught up in the revelry of his delightful ward. He'd bow his head to the side to stare at the older man, and giggle out: "Ah! My sincerest apologies, sir. Just a moment and we'll be out of your hair!" Momo had surely caused quite the commotion on his way here and Vesper felt a bit responsible for his actions. Momo's silence broke suddenly, a nefarious little twinkle in his eye, pleading with ambrosial green. It was a look nobody could deny, vow or otherwise.

"Oho~ Looks like you need your prince to swoop in and save you again~ Hehehe!" Vesper scampers up, a delicate touch to pull at strings and marionette Momo to his feet as well. A quick pause to adjust the wrinkling that creased his attire, fasten his tie, and hunch over to meet the boy at eye level. He'd do the same to Momo, tidying the boy's outfit, a quick brush to sweep his bangs to the side with a satisfied smirk. "Your chariot awaits, my dear Momo." He'd slope towards the boy, a courteous display to accept the boy's adorably innocent request and flicker with a hue of scarlet that seems to light up in his reflection.

"Make sure you hang on, okay?" A ruffle of his blond mane, as Vesper crouches down and intertwines his arms behind the Momo's knees, hoisting the boy upwards to hang steady against the sturdiness of his back. Vesper could feel his heartbeat and his feet would gallop forward with the same hurried pace, a brisk hop in the overture of a princely tango. The common room was already a distant memory, fluttering footsteps echoing through the corridor, and a prince glancing behind with a benevolent glow. "Where does Momo wish to go?"


peek-a-boo [Vesper] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 7:54 pm

"Aren't you happy? Onii-chan, isn't the prince so happy to have Momo come to his rescue?" He'd be all smiles and starlight, glittering too stark for anyone's eyes but Vesper's; and gratefully for all involved, Vesper was all too happy to help entertain the boy from his chaos. Within it, even, for the lupine found himself firmly in the eye of this tempest and it warded all but the disgruntled TA from their stratosphere - only for him, too, to wander off with a grumble and a dismissive (if relieved) wave of his arm. "Yeah, yeah. Just have him check in next time, and take this somewhere else. Dorky kids."

Momiji's head would turn at the side to stick his tongue out in profile, equally uninterested in the presence of the older man and only relaxing his edges to fall into Vesper once he was gone around the corner entirely. "Blehhh. Stuffy." He'd wrinkle his nose, conspiring with his friend, before wrapping his arms around him to rub his face against his cheek and facsimile a purr. "Momo's so lucky too ~ Momo and Vespureh are so lucky ~ 'Cause Momo's here, hai, and that makes everything more fun ~ For ... e ᵥ ᵉ r ᵧ ᵒ n !!" He'd catch out in a giggle, briefly entertaining the urge to bite into Vesper; and the twinge in his jaw was smothered only by the other's ministrations to get them both set up for the coming adventure. He complied, pliable. Acrobatic, even - he bent in so many ways, and he teetered without a loss of balance even as he switched between whether his hands or feet held themselves on the ground.

He'd roll out of a handstand to Vesper's attention, prancing around the boy until his preparations were complete and he could throw his slight weight atop him. "Yow-dy! Is that it? Yow~dy~ inu-chan!" He'd exclaim, swaying to-and-fro; back and forth; with his feet steepled around Vesper's waist and his hands pawing his shoulders / neck / jawline, a repeat of their hot springs adventure anew. He clung so tightly, so energetically, that it took an effort Vesper had supposedly grown accustomed to to even keep them upright. "Momo is going to the ball." He stated, matter of fact, and then pointed straight ahead. Was this a wild west or enchanted forest scene? His gun, twiddled with at the edge of his hip, did little to answer the thought.

"The prince is leading the charge ... to war!" He threw wide his arms as Vesper took off, laughing wildly in abandon that burned from his lips and lit the hallways again with his fire - and the students gave up, piling back into their rooms as the two clamored. Not important. They were only extras. "To slay ... umu ...," Momiji's finger pushed against his lips in thought, rolling his eyes to the side and staring into space before he decided with a clap of his hands together. "The dʳao! It was not invited! Slay it for Momo!"

He'd lead Vesper out of the building and into the grounds, at least.

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