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A sweet bit of relaxing

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A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:01 pm

Carmina walked along the beach she guessed that it was time for some sun and fun as well a bit of break from the idle life road she had been taking for a bit away from her want for power, and spells that would help her. She needed to make sure that the she took some time and maybe got a bit of a tan as she had not been allowing herself to simply enjoy her life or take her time with that simple, and single minded path she was on. Carmina set up a beach chair, placing her towel down on the chair and set up the umbrella that she had with her. Carmina can already feel the stares of other people but it soars the second that she took off her beach dress to reveal the swimsuit she was wearing under it. She looked around with a wink and trying to be confident.

Swimsuit picture:


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:01 pm

She then pulled the sun tan lotion from her bag knowing that she wants to brown a little and not burn, she started rubbing it on her exposed skin to make sure that she will be protected from the big old mean sun that was out here at the beach. She then laid back on the chair letting the sun start to do it's work on her body and Carmina can hear the faint arguing of some couples near by. She guessed that either one of them might have been caught looking at her for too long and making the other jealous of her. Carmina wasn't here to ruin couples times or find love she was here to unwind and just try to get a bit tanned and maybe if the mood hit her swim. She had not remembered to bring a book with her so through her sunglasses she was just watching the light and fluffy clouds slide across the sky.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:02 pm

She soon over hears some guys planning to play a game of courage and seeing which of them can get her info or a date with her. She smirked to herself a little as none of them were going to have a chance with her as she was not interested in these things but she knows they are probably going to keep trying to do it till she reacts to them in some way. She doesn't even look at the man that walked up to her chair and the man attempts to speak to her but it seemed all his words got hard stuck in his throat. She looked at him and requested in a slightly commanding voice that he get out of her sun light. The man went pale and clearly was either very into how she had just handled that or he was now scared because she used a stronger tone with him.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:02 pm

Carmina doesn't really bother looking at where the man hurried off to after he had been told off but it seemed that he had went back to the group of friends that had dared or challenged him to approach her. She was just enjoying the sun kissing against her skin with warmth and watching the clouds and she was about to roll over when she saw out of the corner of her eye that the group were still attempting to woo her and were attempting to build sand castles and sculptures to probably show off their skills and how talented that they are. She hears some passing people as she rolled over fighting and she heard a loud slap that connected she was again guessing that she had caused a bit of a fight between lovers on the beach. She looked and saw a guy holding his cheek being dragged along by his very attractive girlfriend and she giggled a little then returned to watching those guys build.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:02 pm

They clearly were trying to impress as they were trying to do it without using magic but she had to wonder if they were really feeling they have to go that far to creep on a woman that was on the beach just trying to enjoy the sun. She felt like she had been taken the proper amount of time to tan in the sun then she gets up and puts her sun glasses in her bag then heads for the water. She gets out into the water and she hears the clear confusion from the group of men that she had disappeared from her beach chair and she starts swimming and diving to see what is around she hadn't been around water a lot in her life but she knows how to swim and handle herself in the water. She surfaced and sees the guys looking for where she had went and she glares a bit as she can see one of them had seen her.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:02 pm

The guy got the attention of his friends and she let herself sink under the water and swam a bit more looking at the fish and other creatures that were around this area and she wonders if she was going to be left alone or if now they were going to be bugging her while she was out here swimming. She went in toward the shore and got out of the water and she looked around but the guys seemed to have gone on their way. She headed for her beach chair and she smiled to herself as she laid in her chair to dry off a bit and then she was going to walk the beach a little and get herself some ice cream and maybe a drink to enjoy on this nice and hot day. Carmina let the sun dry her off then she get back to her feet and headed to one of the stalls that was on the beach that had a line at it for ice cream she can feels the stares and the people looking her over.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:03 pm

Carmina kept her eyes to herself and looking at the menu of ice creams that the stall sold and she smiles as they have a good pool of flavors to pick from. She hears a few couples having stern words that were close to her and she wondered if she was going to be confronted for being in a public area and minding her own business while their others stared at her. She wasn't doing anything besides just enjoying her day and if they wanted to start something she doesn't think that they would want to see how it was ended for them. Carmina for now just keeps to herself and then she gets to the counter and orders a twist ice cream cause she wanted part vanilla and part chocolate today. They gladly give it to her and she walked away with it licking the ice cream which was already slightly starting to melt.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:03 pm

Carmina heard someone get shoved in the line for ice cream and she turned around and side steps one of the guys from before that had been gone, she wondered if they had planned that or one of the guys friends had just pushed him in an attempt to knock him into her or something. She was already losing her patience with them and the stuff they were doing but she just kept walking to return to her chair and enjoy her ice cream in peace and quiet she hoped but she has a feeling that she will not be able to enjoy herself as long as she is being watched like a piece of meat. She got back to her beach chair and adjusted the back so it was straight up and down and slid the chair back to in the shade of the umbrella and she sat down and relaxed while eating her cold frozen treat.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:03 pm

She enjoyed how it tasted on her tongue the creamy texture of the ice cream as it slid around in her mouth. She had not had ice cream in awhile she was glad that they were there that day to enjoy. Her mood felt a bit better after what the ice cream, she looked around to see if the guys were around again before she got up out of her chair. She didn't see them at all but she was gonna be careful as she put on some more sun protection then she went to walk along the beach and enjoy it a bit more before she headed off for the day. She was glad that the good weather had stayed up and gave her at least a semi-relaxing day besides the jealous looks and being creeped on. She did wonder where those men went after they had stopped bothering her, then she sees they all seemed to have gotten themselves beaten up.


A sweet bit of relaxing Empty Sun May 26, 2024 1:03 pm

She walked over to the beaten up guys and wondered who beat them up and why. She then sees a big guy that was there with his wife and daughter and Carmina thinks she knows what had happened and she walked away as she was not looking to get involved in any drama that they had caused and she returns to her seat and puts her dress back on and getting her stuff all backed up and she started back for her beach house that she was renting while she was here. She had to admit she had a bit of fun while she was here but she was kind of ready for the excitement to be over for the day and she was ready for a nice air conditioned nap after a bit of reading. She entered her beach house and put the stuff away then goes for a shower so she can be able to wind down for the rest of the evening.

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