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Pest or mess?

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Pest or mess? Empty Mon May 27, 2024 8:53 pm

A gust of wind pushes through the crowded terminal, the citizens at the station preemptively grab hold of their hats and belongings as the enormous mechanical wonder rushes into the station at an astounding speed. Discarded papers lying about in the vicinity fly up into the air and flail around rigorously towards the direction of the train. The sturdy platform quietly shakes from the train bursting into the terminal from one end to the other in a flash. The screeching of heavy metal wheels grinds to a halt, the sound echoes all throughout the terminal before the train stops completely and lets loose a loud lingering hiss. Just then, the doors to the train open and smoothly yet quickly, a wave of people exit from the train cars just for a wave to enter. Among the ocean of people a man stood out, a man with a shimmering purple aura. Zeno rose up from his seat and straightened up his clothes.


Pest or mess? Empty Mon May 27, 2024 9:19 pm

Without a moment to lose, Zeno quietly approached the man with the shimmering aura that came off the train. “Hello Mr. Sharpton” The man jumped from being caught off guard then suddenly turned around to look at Zeno. Still feeling slightly rattled, the man greeted Zeno back, “W-why h-h-hello there Zeno, it's a pleasure to meet you. I appreciate you being here on time as I had almost grown accustomed to waiting for new hires to meet up with me.” Zeno stuck his hand out gesturing a handshake while giving the man a warm smile. “It's a pleasure to get to work with you, so I wouldn't want to make a bad first impression by appearing late. If anything, I would like to get started right away if we could”, Zeno said in a gentle tone. “Yes, yes, right away. We shall go to my office, so I can test you." Mr.Sharpton said gleefully.


Pest or mess? Empty Mon May 27, 2024 9:33 pm

Mr. Sharpton eagerly shakes Zeno's hand with both his hands. Zeno could feel his clammy palms sticking to his hand. Feeling disgusted, Zeno gestures to the man to lead the way using his free hand. “Right right, let's go. Where is it that you come from Zeno? You have quite the air to you, and you're dressed so fashionably for this kind of job”the man spoke proudly as he walked towards the middle of the station where the fare booth resided. “I hail from desierto. Quite a ways from here…” Zeno spoke softly as he observed his surroundings. Security can be seen doing surveillance, while lots of citizens are leaving and entering the area heading towards their destinations. Something caught Zeno's attention upon observing everybody. He noticed a family of rats hugging the wall as they made their way to a hole in the wall behind the farebooth. After bypassing the fare booth, there was a door that said Staff only. Zeno entered the door after him and followed him down several flights of stairs until we reached the bottom.


Pest or mess? Empty Mon May 27, 2024 9:36 pm

An open space where lots of beaten doors reside except for one. “That's my office, wait here as I go get the keys for you” he walks into the one room that doesn't look beaten. During this time Zeno uses his thermal vision to look for any heat signatures from within the rooms and notices tons of rats scurrying around. Taking it upon himself, he walks over to one of the rooms and places his hands on the floor in front of the door. Channeling magic underneath the door letting it spread throughout the room where then summons sharp fiery tree branches frok beneath the rats impaling them all. Using his fae vision gifted to him, he looks to see the results of the rats and learns there are no colors remaining, meaning their life force has faded.

Last edited by MKZeno on Mon May 27, 2024 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


Pest or mess? Empty Mon May 27, 2024 9:47 pm

Mr. Sharpton returns with a pair of keys and a big cage with a black bag inside. Noticing Zeno squatting down at the door, he asks what's the matter. Zeno responds “all the rats in this room here have been taken care of." Zeno stands up and takes the cage from Mr. Sharpton and doubles back to the room to enter it. Placing all the dead rats into the bag within the cage. Mr. Sharpton was so caught off guard he was lost for words and immediately took out his phone to send a text message. "Ummm, Zeno sir...would it be possible if we could have you work knock this job out in one shot maybe? It will be a paid contract of course!" Mr. Sharpton offered to Zeno. "Well, that depends on how much you're offering me and its benefits. If it's not up to my standards, then this rat infestation will be your problem and trust me... it's much worse than you think it is. You may say that the walls and floor are lava, If lava was rats. So you have quite the ultimatum here, Mr. Sharpton. I will not give you an estimate of how much I seek but what I want is a definitive yes or no. Simple right? …I look forward to your answer" Zeno said with an icy tone as he stared at him with a sly smile.

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