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Da Clippity Clop

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Da Clippity Clop Empty Tue May 28, 2024 1:24 pm


WORDS: 240 | Swashbuckling  

There he is… A slow and low breath escaping her lips as she peered around from the cover of a nice little patch of growth, Lola Skylark was rather thankful for her good fortune when she spied a rather nice prize on the patchy grass a none too considerable number of meters away from her, and even more so for the spot of cover she found to conceal herself from it. This sporadic plains growth perfect for stalking a fellow that might get spooked by the sudden presence of a stranger, the blue eyed belle let her gaze wash over her target in a fashion that was filled with appreciation, and yet also just a little bit of irritation as well.

Imagine, frightening a beautiful boy like this, disgraceful… Certainly not annoyed with the fact that she had managed to track her target to this site so quickly but instead somewhat vexed at the fact that she had to at all, a small knot formed at the centre of Lola’s brow as she looked toward the fine looking figure that she had sought out, and recalled the reason for his escape. This no simple case of hunting to survive but rather retrieval, after the intervention of a bunch of fools this fine looking fellow had been set free into the world and took full advantage of that fact, bolting miles from town before he had apparently settled to rest and recover his nerve.

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Da Clippity Clop Empty Tue May 28, 2024 1:25 pm


WORDS: 220| Swashbuckling

Though, I can’t disagree with their taste at least… It a real shame really, in many ways the good fortune that the flaxen femme felt was one that was shared by the prime piece of prey that she looked at. It seeming all too easy for a boy as beautiful as this one to get attacked by wolves or worse while he was out and about, Miss Skylark saw to her relief that he looked uninjured and though probably a little scared, was in good condition for the most part, and what a condition it was.

He’s a magnificent looking boy, look at him. As close to perfect as I’ve ever seen? This prized and primed horse that our heroine was stalking the image of pony perfection, one could tell just by looking at his sleek but strong frame and beautiful coat that not only was he bred well but also cared for as well, which only made the girl who sought him even more annoyed that someone might try to make off with him. Yet even as she felt enraged by the sheer gall of the thieves who had set this wonderful animal free and sent him straight into the face of danger, there was one more thing that Miss Skylark felt as she looked toward the resplendent racer that she simply couldn’t ignore.

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Da Clippity Clop Empty Tue May 28, 2024 1:25 pm


WORDS: ### | Swashbuckling

…I can’t help but wonder what a champion feels like to ride? Heading out in support of this effort because of her own love of all things equestrian, despite her affable and honourable intention, Lola was no simple do-gooder in this situation. The privilege from which she came meaning she was a purveyor of ponies with no shortage of experience admiring and riding horses, the blonde belle couldn’t help but wonder what such a lovely specimen might feel like beneath her, and how the wind would feel rushing past as they sped through a nice open space like this one.

Out in the open… Nothing but the breeze between us and adventure? Loving to feel the air flying by her and the way that her heart sent adrenaline through her systems as she galloped along at full pelt, though the teen had found quite the thrill with the horses from back home in this regard, she couldn’t help but muse over how one that had won prizes for its speed and stability might feel between her thighs. It was a difficult compulsion to ignore, really.

Almost worth seeing how much they might want for him back at the stable? The girl so thrilled by the idea of riding this stallion that she found herself having to swallow a lump down in her throat to try and steady herself and cool the excitement she felt, it perhaps reflected the privilege with which the young woman had been raised as she questioned the cost of such a wonderful beast on site, privately making just a small plan to see if she could swing the price to claim him as her own at some point in the future…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Da Clippity Clop Empty Tue May 28, 2024 1:26 pm


WORDS: ### | Swashbuckling

“Heeeeeyyyyy there…” A soft and smooth voice carrying over the plain once Miss Skylark had gathered her nerve enough to move close to the creature, though her little patch of cover had her prize at quite the disadvantage in a tactical turn given the fact it was lined up with the hind of the animal, the experience of the eager equestrian told her that she would only make her future ‘friend’ more nervous by closing in from such a direction and so had taken the time to cross enough distance to approach more from a frontward direction. Common sense perhaps saying that this would give the horse more of a chance to spot her and bolt but in real terms the task her to soothe the animal more than anything, he was a tamed and trained partner, who deserved respect and consideration.

“It’s OK, It’s OK…” A flick of the animal’s ear seeming to hint that it had heard her, though the horse had seemed to be calm as it plucked and chewed on the grass beneath it, as Lola drew nearer and spoke one could see the nervousness that she had anticipated in the creature almost immediately. The head of the animal lifting up instinctively as he spotted someone coming toward him, as the magnificent mount huffed and rapped a foot upon the ground, the young rider knew that this was his way of telling her not to get too close to him and she paused in place to show him she would take things at his pace.

Hard to blame him for being a little jumpy, I bet those fools scared him pretty badly… The hands of our heroine raised in the air to let him know she wasn’t going to hurt him in any way or try and approach before he was ready, with the distance of a good dozen meters or so separating them Miss Skylark knew that she would struggle to close on him before he spun around and ran or worse tried to kick her, and honestly she wanted neither of these. The trust of the animal in people dented by what he had been through, it was better to take things slow and easy rather than risk upsetting him more. This boy had been through enough in the past day, after all…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

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