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In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social]

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In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 5:04 pm

Ittindi was cruising through town, in the backseat was Mr. Durst the man who had gifted him the mana car. He was driving him home and catching up on what their family had been up to since the last time he had been in Era. When they arrived, he complimented Ittindi on his tuxedo as usual, his cloth on his top hat bold council gold. Then Ittindi would wait until the door opened and he met eyes with one of his rivals in town. Sir Blackfish had manners, the cleaning, the cooking he was almost the full package except for his incessant need to wear his tuxedo pants so low they touched the bottom of his shoes. It created extra cleaning as well as a tripping hazard, and to be frank it looked horrible; Ittindi could never be seen in such a state of duress. They’d both give each other the frank smile the one that conveyed a mutual hatred towards each other. Then quickly both their faces would change back to a stoic neutral as Mr. Durst turned to each before the door to his manor closed.

As the sun’s rays hit his car top down, Ittindi decided it’d be a good day to go for a cruise to one of his favorite corner cafés in Era. It was in the busiest section of Era, along with all the other shops Ittindi had planned on driving there for a while since he had received the gift. While Ittindi typically didn’t like being the center of attention a trait that would be troublesome in a servant, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel good all the envious stares as he drove behind a carriage down one of the main streets. Finding the valet he knew Ittindi would whip his car around for parking while he would walk the rest of the way. He’d be whistling as he strolled to the entrance, opening the door to see the owner at the shop today, excited to see Ittindi back in town. Ittindi would step out of the way of the entrance and talk to the manager before worrying about a table.

”Have you had any success with changing some of the menu items like I suggested?”

Ittindi’s tongue would show his visible bright gold tattoo of an ankh on his tongue. It had always taken a while to get owners use to the fact that he was also a Rune Knight, he knew that it took away some of their sting whenever their was disappointment. It did sadden him that he wasn’t getting the full experience. He’d stand patiently waiting for an answer from the owner who seemed distracted by something.

Mana Car:

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 6:52 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As the rays of sunlight seeped through the cracks of the closed curtains, Tsukishima stirred reluctantly in his room. A soft groan emerged in protest against the intrusion of daylight. With a sigh, he finally relented and rose up from the warm shelter his sheets provided. Stretching, Tsukishima glanced toward the window and began to mentally prepare for the day’s events. The objective for today was singular and simple: Continue to chip away at the required objectives in order to officially join the Rune Knights. However, the first task was scheduled for later in the day so he had a little bit of time to relax beforehand.

After his typical morning routine of washing up and donning his attire, Tsukishima strolled leisurely down the cobblestone streets of Era. During his stroll, he recalled a charming corner cafe he had glimpsed on previous tasks since his arrival, promising to explore its menu when the opportunity presented itself. Today, with the luxury of time gracing his schedule, he decided to indulge. Approaching the cafe, Tsukishima's keen senses detected a flurry of activity further down the bustling main street, piquing his curiosity. His gaze wandered toward the commotion as his interest was instantly captured by the unfolding scene.

The source of the commotion was an impressive mana car gliding past, drawing envious gazes from onlookers as it trailed behind a traditional carriage. The driver, a sharply dressed individual, caught Tsukishima's attention with a fleeting familiarity that tugged at him. "He looks familiar..." Tsukishima muttered under his breath, straining to catch a glimpse of the man's visage as he passed by in a blur of motion. Though the recognition remained faint, he brushed aside the thought, his focus shifting to the comforting atmosphere of the nearby cafe. Stepping into the cozy establishment, Tsukishima settled into a corner table and placed an order for a steaming cup of tea. As he savored the warmth of his beverage, his attention was unexpectedly drawn back to the enigmatic driver who had now entered the cafe, engaging in conversation with the owner.

Despite his attempt to feign disinterest, Tsukishima found himself inexplicably drawn to the exchange, his gaze involuntarily tracking the movements of the two figures. During their conversation, Tsukishima managed to capture a glimpse of the man's tongue, adorned with the unmistakable golden insignia of the Rune Knights. "That's it!" Tsukishima's mind raced, the puzzle pieces clicking into place as he recalled looking over the records of all current Rune Knights from his visit to the Rune Knight facility. The captain, a figure of authority and renown in Era, now stood before him. A statement echoed within Tsukishima's thoughts, the voice of the Demon King urging him to seize the opportunity. "Perhaps you should introduce yourself," Bael suggested, recognizing the potential benefits of forging a connection with such a prominent figure. "He could potentially speed up the process." Tsukishima grumbled but relented. He makes his way towards the two. “Captain Ittindi?” he says while extending his hand out. “Tsukishima Higurashi, Rune Knight hopeful. A pleasure to meet you.

Word Count: 511


In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 9:02 pm

Ittindi saw that the owner was looking at someone approaching them, a young man who had a couple inches over him. He seemed energetic and Ittindi wondered if the owner knew the man. Instead, he came up to introduce himself to Ittindi, mentioning that he was a Rune Knight hopeful.  Ittindi remembered back to a time he was wandering through Era, completing tasks at the rapid rate looking for a break into the Rune Knights. After his time in Sleeping Calamity was wiped clean by that underworld merchant, Ittindi had thought it’d be an easy process. To be fair it had been once he met Averie, he’d need to check up on her soon see how she was doing in her studies. Especially with him planning to go to Iceberg with he Young Master sometime in the future.

” Greetings Sir Higurashi, it’s nice to meet you. What made you want to join the Rune Knights if you don’t mind me asking?”

Ittindi didn’t mind inducting someone into the organization, it would just be returning the favor of Averie. He had to gauge this young man’s character first, not everyone was cut out to be in enforcement. It wouldn’t do if Ittindi let in a bully, or worse someone who didn’t know how to wash themselves properly. Ittindi would grasp the man’s hand firmly for the handshake. Afterwards, he’d look over at the owner of the restaurant, bowing his head slightly.

”I’ll talk to you about this later, have some Rune Knight business to attend to.”

Ittindi planned on picking up a couple shifts here and there for some entertainment. He wouldn’t be able to drive a car, when he came to work it’d be too much of a distraction. The crowd had dispersed outside, Ittindi had a tamper alarm set on his car, he wasn’t expecting trouble but wanted to be safe. For the first time since the dungeon Naki stirred inside him, telling him to be cautious but not giving him cause. Ittindi’s face remained neutral  as his heart beat started to slowly crescendo, from his peripherals he didn’t see anything that struck him as particularly dangerous.

With the current mood of the environment Ittindi wasn’t ready to risk escalation without reason. His gun was still stowed under his jacket, he’d just have to try to be the faster one on the draw.

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 9:23 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The Captain’s unexpected question jolted the elf from his thoughts, momentarily catching him off guard. He had prepared himself for casual banter, the customary exchange of pleasantries that typically accompanied such encounters with someone of the Captain's rank. But this question, though simplistic in nature, triggered something. For a fleeting moment, silence hung heavy as the elf grappled with how to respond. Should he veil his past in half-truths, or bare it all unfiltered? Ultimately, he opted for the truth.

"My family... my village," he began, his voice now full of sorrow, "they were massacred. Slaughtered by those blinded by fear and ignorance. Their only crime? Being different." With a deliberate gesture, he rolled up his sleeve, revealing the green, vein-like markings that identified him as an Athlas elf. "For years, rage consumed me," he confessed, his gaze fixed on the markings as if he were staring at them for the first time. "But as time wore on, I came to realize how futile it all actually is. Revenge, no matter how deserved, cannot undo the past. And while I will bring those to justice, I now seek something different."

Turning his attention back to the Captain, he spoke with new resolve. "I want to make a difference. With the Rune Knights, I see a chance for change, a means to shape a world where actions like those inflicted upon my village never happen. I know it’s idealistic and probably futile itself but, if I can make even a bit of difference, I want to do it.

Glancing around, he realized the unintended impact of his words, the somber atmosphere enveloping not only himself but those within earshot who had unwittingly heard his words. “Sorry,” he said with a sheepish chuckle. “Still gets me sometimes.


In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:16 am

Ittindi would listen to the man pour his heart out, at first he worried, but by the end of the tale he could see that Sir Higurashi had learned the futility of revenge. He knew all to well from his Young Master what a path of revenge would lead too, being an elf had to be hard. Especially with the superiority of humanity in their short lives compared to the elves, Ittindi knew already the man stood no chance stopping otherism. Still, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t enable the fight, he still saw human as superior, but competitiveness is what drove human ingenuity this young man deserved the same opportunity. Who knew maybe he’d be able to convince Ittindi his racism was undeserved, Lady Lumikki’s seemed to be doing the same for demons. Though deep inside Ittindi felt like their stereotypical nature was bound to show eventually no matter how many times he was proven wrong.

” The path you wish to take Sir Higurashi, it will be harder than you imagine. It took me months to even join the Rune Knight, due to my love of being the world’s best butler and I see that as a minor difference. If you truly wish to join I will initiate you, however, know I only care for cleaning and service to the people. If you are ok with those things we can depart post haste.”

This would be Ittindi’s first inductee if he accepted, he didn’t pride himself on selling the Rune Knights. He saw it as a service to the people, like being a butler. Others saw it for its recognition, its pride, so many other things but Sir Higurashi viewed it similarly to him. Service first and foremost, the people were the ultimate creators of the law if they thought it unjust they’d riot.  Knowing the by the books law was useful in day-to-day life, but Ittindi wasn’t the type to arrest someone if there was no potential for harm.  Unless it was for littering, that would be carried out with extreme prejudice.

Ittindi would also want to gauge the man’s strength, he seemed athletic enough for his build. Though he didn’t spot any visible weapons, being an elf it was likely he was a mage. Ittindi had to admit he was curious if it would be a nature magic, seeing others made him miss his even more. The longing touch of being one with the environment of a forest, instead Ittindi felt neutral everywhere with his new element.

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:27 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As Tsukishima absorbed the Captain's words and contemplated the offer of immediate initiation, a flicker of unease danced through his thoughts. It was the desired outcome of Bael's desires and yet, an unsettling sensation crept into Tsukishima's consciousness. Perhaps it stemmed from the Captain's commanding presence, the weight of authority and expectation he carried with him. Or maybe it was the nagging doubt, a whisper of uncertainty questioning the motives behind such a swift initiation. Whatever the source, Tsukishima couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, not just with the situation but with himself as well.

As he continued to contemplate his decision, a sharp pang sliced through the pit of his stomach, causing Tsukishima to grimace in discomfort. The pain surged, expanding and consuming his senses, and he could feel the telltale flush of heat spreading across his skin. "It's beginning sooner than I expected," Bael's voice whispered with a knowing edge. Then, as suddenly as it had come, the pain faded away, leaving Tsukishima bewildered and disoriented. Quickly, he composed himself and turned his attention back to the Captain, his voice steady despite the lingering traces of discomfort. "I appreciate the offer, Captain. Truly, I do," he began, the words deliberate. "But, I believe that this show of service should be earned. I wish to earn my place in the ranks, to prove myself worthy of the trust and responsibility that comes with it. For that reason, I must decline. For now, at least."

He hoped his refusal wouldn't disappoint the Captain, but Tsukishima couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. With Bael's disconcerting knowledge into the pain that had gripped the elf and his subsequent ominous silence, Tsukishima realized the urgency of unraveling the mystery shrouding his own well-being. This wasn't merely a matter of physical discomfort; it was a signal, a harbinger of something deeper lurking beneath the surface.


In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:20 pm

It seemed that Sir Higurashi had folded under the pressure that Ittindi exerted, that was for the better then. If he felt that he wasn’t ready for the Knights Ittindi was far from the type to pressure someone.  He had the heart to at least approach Ittindi and that was a start, he’d have to see if he needed any assistance in training. It was always easier with strangers he didn’t have to worry about showing off his magic change. He still had more training to do before he felt truly comfortable with his magic, and he knew that part of that would happen at the academy he had enrolled in. He wondered if the Sir Higurashi had heard about it as well another question for him.

”No worries Sir Higurashi, whenever you’re ready, have you thought about training at the Amaforth Academy. I would highly recommend it, I’m currently enrolled there myself. Its to develop our gifted members of societies talents, sponsored by the council its free. Something to consider, in any case I’m also available if you need someone to train with.”

Ittindi would finish off his short speech, he saw himself as an ambassador for the academy. He hadn’t seen as many mages as he first thought when he showed up on the grounds. The council had used so much of the tax funds and other notes on creating it, not to mention the countless donations from mages that Ittindi would hate for it to be wasted. He knew that there was apprehension over the councils hand in it, he planned on finding some dark guilds to try and assuage that worry.

He'd watch the man to see what else he had to say, he had a feeling the conversation wouldn’t go much further. Ittindi was still curious about how the menu was doing in the café, hopefully his suggestion about lighter to heavier biscuits helped expand the customer base. He of course was a fan of a light crumbly biscuit when he was having tea with honey.

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:14 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Listening intently to the Captain's words, Tsukishima found himself caught in a whirlwind of doubt and intrigue. Was his skepticism towards the captain's intentions merely a figment of his imagination? The captain's demeanor appeared genuinely helpful, offering guidance and even suggesting an additional training location. Despite Tsukishima's usual aversion to extensive social interactions, the prospect of honing his skills further proved irresistible.

"I may indeed take you up on that offer," Tsukishima replied. "Additional training could prove invaluable. However, there's a pressing matter I must attend to first. Perhaps our paths will cross again soon? Regardless, I eagerly await our next encounter. Until then, Captain." With a nod of appreciation, he left payment for his bill upon the table before departing the café.

As Tsukishima walked down the street, a searing pain erupted throughout his body once more as he leaned against a nearby railing for support. Beads of sweat formed on his face. With gritted teeth, he fought against the pain that surged through him. Suddenly, his world blurred into a hazy; horror seized him as he stared at his hand, the flesh peeling away to reveal the stark whiteness of bone beneath. Panic welled within him until a familiar voice, that of Bael, spoke out. "Calm yourself," Bael's voice commanded. "All is unfolding according to plan, albeit sooner than anticipated. Return to your quarters; we have much to discuss."

Clutching his disfigured hand in an attempt to conceal its transformation, Tsukishima hurried back to his room, his mind racing.


In his Era Era [Tsukishima/Open Social] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:11 am

After Ittindi had offered him more assistance, Sir Higurashi seemed to consider the offer. Mentioning if they happened to run into each other in the future it’d be appreciated. Then he ran off, speaking about his personal business. Ittindi wondered if he came off too strong, he didn’t feel like he did. However, he didn’t really have a background in recruiting or sales he had never really needed it. His services were so extraordinary in comparison to his competition he had never learned to market his skills. The interaction with Sir Higurashi reminded Ittindi of this fact, perhaps he needed help in learning how to recruit others. He’d have to ask his Young Master, even though he constantly was trying to cause a new age of war and strife, everyone seemed to love him. Indeed, he had met many a mage who had positive to say about his Young Master, he had worried so much at the start of their adventuring that he’d be hated.

”Until next time Sir Higurashi safe travels.”

That was part of the inspiration for him joining the Rune Knights knowing that his Young Master would have no problems amassing followers. Ittindi wasn’t alone but he was independent he’d need to learn how to do that by himself, today would be his first of many failures. He’d finish up talking to the manager before heading out to take his car back to headquarters.

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