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Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.)

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Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:12 am

At least Averie did not feel ignored, if anything she found it nice here. She as Aveire observed sitting where she was, She merely connected that the voice she was listening for had lingered here, But had gone quiet since Judith got here.

But maybe her feeling was correct the entire time. This was a lingering area of the spirits. So it just all made sense. Since the Mystery was not solved Averie figured she would just enjoy the seat for a bit longer.

After all maybe both of them just needed to have that small talk, Judith did seem a bit odd to talk to but over all seemed harmless. But she did not know these two, But Averie did look around other parts of the area while she was sitting there. Seemingly looking around at the other stretches of nature, but she was not picking up anything else.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 5:35 am

Alas Judith would continue on being herself and in some what typical fashion as parts of the conversation stopped but she would merely walk over to some of the flowers and pick at some, She was not really up to anything horrible.

With the picked flowered she just handed them to Averie."Thank you for not using your magic here even if it was tempting."She figured some things should be made clear and that was one of them.

She had a feeling it was this way from the start. Averie got a few of the gladiolus flower and one sun flower. It was not many but a sign of good meaning with how taking too many flowers out."Starting to think i need other kinds of flowers here eventually, Just have not chosen what yet."Judith mentioned changing a bit of the conversation, not unless they had anything else to talk about.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 11:18 am


Kaito looked as the guild master walked over to Averie and he wonders if she was saying something to her and he followed behind her as he was going to make sure that his guild master was not being mean to her and scaring her away or something like that. Kaito was probably being a bit over protective of Averie but that probably just comes with the territory of having someone that means something to him like that. Kaito was weird and this kind of put him on edge a little and he wondered if this is what Averie was feeling about him meeting her mother and father in the future as she had seemed a bit nervous about the thought of it but that could be for many reasons beyond that but he needed to make sure that he didn't fumble the relationship so that was the first step in this tilt-a-whirl that he was riding on with this where he was unsure of his footing and was left to wonder if there was really a way out of this that wasn't with him landing on his face.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 10:36 am

Everything was going smoothly some what. Averie seemed to be okay with talking to Judith about it. Even making a suggestion."I do not know much about flowers...Maybe it is a chance to look into maybe learning of means for some flowers."Averie said to start with, After all it would be some one good that she tried in some manner to suggestion something.

Years of being around the dead did teach Averie some things."Sometimes particular flowers did show symbols of meaning, side from looking pretty...I do not know much about flowers. But maybe consider something with the meaning of emotions you feel."Averie said waiting to see what would happen.

But then Averie seemed to look at Kaito and ponder what would happen. As he seemed to just stand there, She looked puzzled at this point was she doing something worrying or was something else on his mind?


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:17 am

Judith seemed to like this suggestion. In fact it seemed like it turned into getting along with Averie over all in a different manner. With a smile on her face Judith seemed to ponder, Over all a harmless ponder and even then."I suppose you are correct with that."Judith said.

It sprung forth a few ideas."Hyacinths....Camellias,Forget-me-not's, Crimson roses, Hydrangeas, Marigolds maybe some dark red roses and maybe Tulips....Good thing to ponder over."Judith mentioned almost like she was listing off what was in her head right away, Patted Averie on the shoulder.

Then took a few steps away from Averie then kind of just continued thinking on it. "Well...enjoy the site, I am going to home now."Judith did seem in a really good mood, these matters seemed to have brighten Judith's spirits a fair bit, As well most likely had a feeling she had been there long enough.



Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:01 am


Kaito waved as the woman left and then he patted Averie on the head. "Sorry I was last in my thoughts there for a bit. Did you find what you were looking for or did the small voice stop once Judith appeared?" He was figuring that the voice she heard was the voice of the guild masters grand daughter calling out for her grand mother. Kaito is not sure what he is doing or why he is doing it his head is in a tempest for some reason. He needed to snap out of it or he was going to be stuck in it forever and maybe lose sight of what he is trying to do or maybe even lose Averie as he was not keeping his eyes open to what all could be done and seen or over looking her needs and wants for his own selfish whims.

"Do you think I am selfish?" He asked Averie out loud, as he had sprung a lot of things on her like him asking her to be his other half, telling her he wanted to have a family all of this was probably a lot on the necromancers head and shoulders that she might feel that she has to do or has no choice in.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:03 am

Being posed with that question Averie did answer pretty well summed up what she thought was."I am fairly sure it is her passed on Grand daughter."It was an Averie theory but it was all gone the voices where gone and everything seemed to be at peace.

But as suppose to his question she felt the need to ask."Selfish for what?"Averie was lost in her own world. She did not think or know what he would feel that way for. If anything it might leave Averie a bit more confused in that manner. Averie only saw a guild master a friendly one over all and her just coming to talk while she was sitting there with her soon to be husband.

If anything Averie did not pick up or see any form of problems while she sat there any reason to be jealous seemed not there as well.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 5:57 am


He looked at her and he sighed and it seemed it was like he thought. "Yeah I figured that you were hearing her." He wondered if them accidentally summoning the guild master to come was what the child had wanted for them to do and used them to get what she wanted cause clearly Judith had been visiting and keeping things clean and kept up with so there was no need for the grand daughter to miss her grandma as she had just visited not long ago to keep everything up and he doubted she didn’t pay her respects while she was there but he knows he should keep those inside thoughts inside and not say them.

When she questioned him on what he was self about he looked her right in the eyes and speaks to her. "I feel like I keep pushing you to do things and stop you from doing what you like or want to do." he feels that she keeps just getting dragged along by him like a child with little to no will and that maybe she and he were just on different levels of where this relationship is at.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:23 am

All these worries yet Averie still seemed the same like nothing was really ever the problem and there was nothing wrong to start with. Or maybe it was entirely Averie's flaws all over again."They seemed to be gone now, Maybe just that small visit was enough to keep the spirit at ease."Suppose with how Judith was with family. If Judith knew how to talk with Spirit she would also manage a lot of her woes. But alas that was maybe an Averie thought.

But Averie had many thoughts even if over all she was still calm and herself."I do think you might be just tried out...thinking too many things at once."This was also something her sister had told her Averie herself had the horrible habit of."Suppose this one was out of worry, I often do encounter some resistance when I did talk to spirits while out alone, I am shocked it hasn't affected work much." Then Averie would merely just suggestion something.

"Should we leave now? Go some where and relax for a while?"
Maybe that would help.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:47 am


He listened to the things that she said and he nodded that they should go. "Where did you have in mind of going to?" He got closer to her and held her hand as he was planning to be walking with her to where ever she wanted to go to and if it is far away making a portal to help her to get there swiftly. He knows to do that he needed to know where she was wanting to go so he could get her there. He did wonder how often she talked to the dead and if they might be able to corrupt her mind one day and maybe make her grow bitter or angry and lash out at him for the idiot that he is some days, but he hoped if she had a problem that she would come to him first and not just go off on him and let the ghosts and dead string her along like a puppet but Kaito also has no idea to how strong the voices or ways of evil might be if she were to be talked to by something that meant her harm or to attempt to possess her body if she let her guard down.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:01 am

Averie would turn this around on him shortly after all her mind was on other things, They did a thing she wanted but she always had to ponder other things might be useful, things he might want. After all she was told many times and read in a few things she could not recall off hand anymore that there was other thins she was also suppose to do for him as well.

Unless that was a lie, which most likely wasn't but she would check anyway."You are that worried about, What I want to do. Have you considered something you wanted to do as well?"Averie asked because she seemed actually seemed to be curious. But she did hold on to his hand, Averie still seemed collected, quiet and calm seemingly like there was little on her mind but that was just brought up, So asking that might be a good thing.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 6:32 pm


He looked at her and slightly tilted his head. "I guess not really... besides being with you and spending time with you. I always seem to be rushing around and not staying in places for long before I move on, often times fighting what ever is next as it seems to fall onto my shoulders as well as some others that I have grown with as we aim for the end of the path to guard and protect what we can." Kaito might have gotten a bit off topic there at the end as he was trying to just be honest as he was just speeding around and stopping to catch his breath never really seems to happen as he needs to get things done like starting his family with her, but he also knows that he is on a path that could not end well as it probably lead to his death but to keep others safe he would gladly do that sacrifice.

Revy looked at them from a bit away and she gently face palmed seeing him fumble with a normal simple question but she knows that he has to handle it and she shouldn't interfere with it and just let him be him and his odd self.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:57 am

Averie would continue trying to and see if she can settle this over all in a different matter that might help."You do things with me i am truly happy for."Averie didn't pride herself on being a simple woman to keep happy.

So she would pull Kaito's head on rest on her shoulder and simply say."You could go home now and sleep the rest of the day away and I would still be happy, As long as I am with you."Averie made sure to mention, She was some what trying to ease his worry.

Over all the points in the end always came to the point over. Averie did these things to suggest. Making it hopefully clear that Averie was just happy she was here with him even if he was busy."We could just sit on couch, just laying on it and just enjoy the quiet."In some manner Averie was now starting to seem like she was just repeating too much. But hopefully made the point she was happy with just being with him when he had the time.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:36 am


Kaito heard what she said but he was still aiming to do something that would help to make her happy. "I am happy to hear that but I am still waiting to hear what you would like to do." Kaito was not worried about himself as at this point he was so use to just going on the fly and him having to put himself on the back burner that he was just more use to having others lead him and give the ideas and just going with it as he was not really worried about himself and that was probably a bad thing but Kaito had to figure out what Averie wanted to do and see his way through it all to help her feel like he cares about her as he knows that he has been spotty as of late in catching up with her and being able to spend time with her.

He feels like he is probably a bad love interest as he has very little time for these things but he was use to it but that doesn't mean it doesn't strain the relationships he has with people and probably even with the woman that was in front of him and holding him and he kind of feels like he is failing her in more than one way but he was not sure that he could help that he was doing that.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 3:46 am

Suppose she didn't give him an answer, she was had not entirely answered him because at the time she did not know."We could just go home, I can get back to reading..."Averie mentioned because she felt the need to catch up on her reading. She was sure there was some book left in her collect left untouched.

Even remarking."I am sure i have a few unread books left there...I have gone through 50 of them since we last spend time together..."Averie said almost like she forgot entirely her book collection.

If Averie most likely was left with her pile of books again but she could most likely list all of the ones she already read. But all of her more risky books was never in Kaito's place after all even if she liked Cheesy romance books Katio had yet to deal with how much she actually had.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:46 am


Kaito looked at her and he wondered if she was serious about reading but he had asked so he couldn't complain that was what she picked and he opened the path way to home so she could go there and read and he would follow her as she was the one that picked. "So what books do you want to read?" He figured he should ask as he was unsure of what she still needed to read or what she was even looking to read or if reading was just a cover for her to want something else that they could do once she was done. Kaito had to wonder about a lot of things that had been happening in the world as a lot of things seemed to have been changing and taking form but it all seemed to leave a weird shadow on the world that he would have to watch out for as strange things were happening and he was not sure that he was going to be able to handle it is things came to light from those shadows that seemed the world was getting mired in.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:28 pm

At least with blunt honesty Averie seemed to have.But this almost seemed to show just how many books Averie read. She even seemed to ponder all the titles just how many she had and how many she had read."Ahh...good question, considering I have about 1000 series over all and there are many I need to start and other I am about half way through before work called."She had yet to actually say titles but Kaito was most likely smart enough to look at all of them.

Most likely one she kept reading was titled Thy Heart Forever Taken By A Dark Haired Prince. Or something long winded of sorts since Averie went though these books quickly after all the other additive titles where easily forgotten only because Averie would go through them in a day if left to it. Or Averie would just find one and fall asleep again.

Both were possible."I did want to read a new series called..cooking an eternal bond."She mentioned because she was unsure if she had not read it already or not.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:35 am


He looked at Averie as she seemed to have one to her own world again and he was unsure when she would come back out of it. He listened to what she said and he was skimming along the titles of the books that she had that were in plan sight to them here and he was not sure what she has read or not on the shelves as she seemed to start and stop some and read full books in one sitting if she was unbothered by other people and then he heard the title that she had said and he moved his hand along the shelf till he found it and it was on a higher shelf so he probably hadn't read this on yet so he pulled it out for her and then held the book out to here as he hoped that she would enjoy the book.

"That is a bit of an odd title, do you know what this book is slightly about?" Kaito was wondering with a title like that if this was one of those more questionable books that he had caught her reading from time to time or if this was just a normal book that was just about some form of cooking.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:15 am

In some manner Averie was smart woman, Rather thoughtful and in depth of many things, But this hobby would be over all show that under all of this complex studying and learning of a magic and all of the talk of morality, she seemed to stop and pause for a moment and realized.

She did entirely know, It was almost like she stopped completely to think on it and she almost seemed to freeze mentally, like no one was home while she was thinking, like something was causing all of her thoughts to remain stuck at this time. Eventually she would answer.

"I ahh....forgot what this book was about."
She admitted almost feeling a form of embarrassment about it. But some how it was just kind of not really that easily picked up. So it might seems maybe a few times in the future Averie might need to look out for possible just buying books to quickly, just buying because it is in the romance section.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:03 am


When the woman was spaced out he had waved his hand in front of her face trying to get her to snap out of it, he was clearly not successful in this venture as she remained mentally trapped till she figured it out her self and came out of the fog on her own. "Why are you acting embarrassed? I was just seeing if it might be something I should pick up and read later, I don’t expect you to know every book just asked so I could know a bit." He knows she is deep into like over the top romance books and some are stranger than others but he knows she is a good girl at least. He does wonder if her coworkers know that she is dating a monster and if it gets her any issues at work when she is around, though he guessed he needed to not be overly nosey or ask as if she was he is pretty sure she would tell him so he could know about it.


Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:09 am

And while Kaito picked up on that Averie would answer."Because...I am normally better at remember what each book is about."Acting? Pretty sure embarrassment can be an emotion i can feel?."Averie's embarrassing moment was now kind of on pause for a moment almost like she forgot entire what made her feel that way for that very moment, until about now.

But then she seemed okay now."But it is because, I normally am better at remembering things. Suppose i can not get all of them..."Averie mentioned seemingly now completely okay at this point.

"Well, we could go home and find out if i have there."Averie seemed to almost have a different mission now. She needed to check over all of the book she had to see if she remembered that book at this point. "I would not mind some early sleep and being home a bit before going back to work."Over all just seemed Averie wanted to go home and stay there up until she she needed to go back to work.



Officer This is a Cake Shop(Kaito Social.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 9:59 am


Kaiti has no idea what had just happened with her at all it was weird and she seemed to talk to him differently so now he is left wondering what he had done wrong to her or if he had forgotten something and now she was mad at him in some way as he was fully at a loss he simply would take her home and then just probably wander off to think about what he must have done for that kind of reaction from the woman as it seemed like she was not herself as usually she was nice and kind but it seemed like she had snapped at him for a moment there and he guessed that maybe he shouldn't be bothering her and that he must have just caused an issue with her and he would need to figure out how he could make it up to her as he had no idea how.

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