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She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social)

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She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:44 pm

Akiza looked at the painter woman as she answered if the big cat and she giggled a little and she started making the fish the way that the other woman had told her that the cat would like the fish to be ready and she made sure to clean up after her self and serve out the pancakes and the eggs Florentine that Mimi was to like and would have wanted and she keeps working on the fish.

She hears the painter woman speak and say she can't cook. "Oh you can't cook? Do you want to learn or have me help you work on it? I bet you could make some beautiful food assortments and displays with a bit of help~" She smiled at the painter woman and she wondered if she meant that she fully couldn't food, that she can cook but she gets anxiety and nothing turns out right or if she is just being humble about her skills as a cook to Akiza.

Vex gets the fish cooked perfectly and seasoned right and then takes them over to the big cat to eat before she gets her own food then walked over to the table to sit with the others and start to eat her breakfast.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:19 am

As Akiza might have suggested Miriko admitting how bad it was for her. Even the sense of dread upon Miriko's face she would just make sure to make it entirely clear."It is not from lack of effort of trying..."Miriko said as she reflected upon her previous efforts.

But Alistair was enjoying getting his fish. Even not making jokes about. Then again Alistair was slightly trying to make sure he didn't damage the building that in. He did manage to get into the door, But at times he has damaged buildings.

But back to Miriko."No matter what I seemed to be, it is either under cooked or burnt..."Miriko almost sounded depressed about it, As if she knew it was a long string of failure when she tried and she was almost scared to even consider trying it. It might take some talking too, To get Miriko to try.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:46 pm

Akiza moved closer to Miriko and she put an arm around her. "I will work with you and help you as much as you want and need, no worries I will not give up on you if you seek to be able to do it." Akiza was a decent teacher and she was also very well trained herself as she was to be the perfect wife for some rich and powerful man but her life just didn't shake out that way and now she was here with her girlfriend and she was trying to help the woman understand that she was going to support her and help her in what ever way she might need to be helped if the woman so wanted to have the help and learn or do something. Akiza knows that she is not some saint either but she knows that she can still do good if she is allowed to do so. It was why she allowed herself to be recruited by a new guild after she had been tossed out and left to rot like she had been.

Carla is enjoying her pancakes and what other things that lady vex had put on her plate for her to enjoy. Carla did wonder how Vex and Miriko get along and if in the end this will work out but she knows that she still needs to not lose her head or get ahead of herself as she is lady Vex's companion and she doesn't want to let her down.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:47 pm

She would take time to think on it, After there was something she was unsure if it was going to be something they do later."Maybe when i don't think ill burn down a kitchen."Miriko said almost because she some what assumed she could burn down a kitchen. It had has not been tested in a while."Its been a while maybe it is time to reconsider in another area.

A remote island was odd place for a risky cooking situation. But Miriko also was just going to try and save the embarrassment."Maybe back in fiore?....So both mistakes aren't so apparent right away..."Miriko was some what a lie. Miriko was just trying not to seem like she couldn't do something

Because she viewed it as a problem one she was not ready to face. Much like the guild swimming situation, She hasn't been able to swim around everyone else."Just not today..."


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:32 am

Vex gently kissed her cheek after she heard the woman out. "Love I don’t think you would burn down a kitchen but I am not going to force you to try if you don’t want to do something. We can try it once you are ready to do so." She gently rubbed the woman’s arm before returning to finishing her food and looking around at the others that were at the table with them and she wonders if they are okay. Vex knows this woman has a big weight on herself she was a known artist one that could get crowded and over run, as well as seemingly the niece of her guild master and the daughter of a powerful woman. Akiza knows that she needs to be careful yet firm with the painter.

"Is there anything else you may need help to work on that we can look to work on or see while we are here on the island? Like swimming, going into the deeper wilds, fishing, anything?" Vex wanted to help Mimi feel better and see that she can handle many things if she didn’t let the fears stop her from shining like the confident woman she could be, but Akiza also needs to make sure that she doesn’t get to be too over the top.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:08 am

At least Miriko seemed to be better about getting attention from Vex it seemed almost like she had gotten some what more comfortable and use to it over time. There was no stirring with her or jumping with in the moment of being touched, Sure Miriko might not be as affectionate as other people, But if life showed anything about Miriko she was skiddish because she had her reason and working on it.

Vex was not pushing her to do anything in which she seemed to be actually be trying to make sure Miriko did more with her life."I...i don't normally swim unless I am at the Guild....Alisa has been nice enough to make sure i have a pool no one goes too at Blue Pegasus encase I need to swim."Miriko was trying to say she doesn't swim in public. But given how Mimi was that might be a good thing to know.

This maybe there was a sign of things they could do, Either something they already do before or something Miriko did not know."Well woods is nice...I do not know about Fishing...I've never been fishing...I just order it for Alistair."It was now a option to possible teach Miriko some thing new.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:17 am

Akiza heard this and wondered if there was a way to help her with her lack of wanting to swim in public or not, it was not a big thing to worry about for now as she was not hurting anyone by not swimming in public though she wants to help her build up herself a bit. She can let that sit until later though and worry about it later. "Maybe some time me and you can go to a private pool and swim together so you can show off how well you can swim to me." She was teasing the other woman a little with that but she wanted to keep that door open as that could be fun thing to do sometime.

"Fishing is a life skill in a way though it is a bit dirty and time consuming and sometimes fruitless but if you were to get stuck somewhere that you can't just easily access things like food it is a skill that could help you stay alive along with cooking." She was a bit more serious about this part as she wants to make sure if something were to happen that Miriko would be able to survive if she had to go underground. "We can work on these things over time no need to rush." She got up and started to clean up the rest of the mess and collects the exceeds plate and looks at Alistair's plate but figured to leave that one for now. She hoped that she was not being too hard on Miriko or pushy as she didn't want to become Miriko's mother she wanted to be someone that Miriko could relay on and be okay sharing her time and thoughts with and trust her.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:51 am

While the teasing seemed to be a good way to get Miriko comfortable, She did almost ponder for a moment, So she would merely ask just in case."I...i don't bring swim stuff with me when exploring.."She mentioned because well Alistair just carried her across most waters so it was something they just adjusted too over time. Mind you this was Miriko, she was use to just wearing her big fancy hand made dresses she spend many hours in, She didn't wear thin clothing. Most likely if you tried to feel sections of the dress it would be warmer then most people in less clothing.

Alistair however viewed Miriko learning to fish in a different light."It means you could also save money...when I ask for fish...Or for Carla too."Alistair was viewing it for his and carle's benefit as well. Since they both ate fish it got the cattian some what excited.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 9:02 am

Akiza heard what the woman said and she smiled at the woman. "Well if you wanted I could make you one that is a bit more protective of you if you want." It was just a thought but she knows that Miriko will probably just flatly deny her saying this or even wanting it but she was putting it out there that the woman was free to ask her to help or something along those lines. "Could use a heated pool as well if you are worried about getting cold."

Akiza looked at the big cat and she had to cover her mouth to stop the giggle as the excitement in Alistair's voice about Miriko learning to fish and coming in with the reasoning of saving money and being able to have a supply for himself and Carla which was smart of him to play and Akiza was proud of him as that was one way to get an idea across to someone having a plan and a reason. She looked to miriko to see what her reaction was like.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 2:41 pm

The look on her face was that she almost thought about it for a moment. But most likely it seemed the entire idea almost scared her again and she merely would for now just put it off."A-a-a....another time....just not yet."Miriko at least knew she was not pushing it too far, But most likely Akiza knew Miriko most likely heated on pretty quick at times. Almost like Alistair reminded her to drink after and carried her around a lot for a reason. But Miriko did learn something."Wait make?...Some one else learned how to make clothing side from me?"There was many people she knew who could in passing seeing other businesses, But Miriko was often scared to talk to anyone who ran these places.

Was she worried about getting cold? she was unsure if anything Miriko had a hard time dealing with both sides of it. Hot and Cold it was almost like she really did not have good regulation of it."I will consider it in the future."
But there was other things to consider at this time.

Miriko had to ask."How hard is it to fish?"It was not generally posed to listen to what would be mentioned to her.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:54 am

Akiza was just going to have to accept those answers from the woman for now on the swimming together part at least and she looked at Miriko when she asked if she knew how to make clothes. "Well yes I know how to make clothes, it was trained long and hard into me as I was trained to be a "perfect" wife for someone, so cooking, sewing, cleaning and an assortment of other things that would be needed to stay next to a man that moved around or had to deal with high value things." She knows that probably sounds very strange to other people but that was just how she was raised and taught, not like she really had a choice in the matter as her future was to be fully planned for her and all she had to do was smile and do as she was told to do by her husband.

Vex looked at the woman when she asked how hard fishing was. "That depends on a few factors. The size of the fish you hook, the patience you have to wait for a bite, the upper body strength you need, and if you are going to gut and scale your own fish or have someone else do it for you." Vex knows that this might sound like a lot but once someone got the hang of it, it is like second nature to them. Fishing is a skill people have to learn and get better at as there are tricks some people have that other people can't do. Fishing is also about luck as well as you may bring in a fish with every cast or you may not catch anything in a day.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 03, 2024 4:37 am

To Miriko it was a bit different, Miriko for most of her life was told she was free or controlled to eventually just be raised by nuns who wanted her to just listen and most likely hide with in the hall of whatever church forever."I suppose...it just means we need to be happy with our lives now.."Miriko mentioned it as a thought of the moment.

Lives where interestingly different Miriko's was no different."Well...At least you don't need to everything for me."Miriko said not realizing how many flaws as a person she had at the time. Hopefully this comment did not really blow back on her. She assumed it would. While Miriko did not think of her flaws highly she knew she had them, But she did not try to make people do a lot for her.

But explaining fishing almost did make Miriko's brain just pause for a moment almost like she was trying to process the information. At least she was chewing her food and eating it while seemingly almost forgetting to eat most of the it was easy to see some improvements going on at the time. One step achieved.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:25 am

Vex looked at her and she giggled. "We are a team we will do stuff for the other, and be there for the other as best we can." Akiza got a bit closer to Miriko a small hug. "Also means that we trust the other to help us when we are feeling down, so make sure to count on me to have your back." Akiza looked at the painter as she backed up from the painter a bit and she wondered if Miriko was okay or if there was something on her mind that kept her from speaking fully from her heart if there is something that blocks her.

Akiza was not going to dive into that she was going to let Miriko come and tell her if there was anything at all that she should know about that she needed or wanted to go over together as a couple. Akiza went to a closet where there is some fishing gear they can use as they came with the rental of the beach house in case anyone wanted to try their hand at fishing, the rods were nothing special but would work for fishing.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Yesterday at 7:12 pm

For the most part, Most of team work was with Alistair. After all Miriko never really did missions or anything to outlandish. All she did was sit at home and relax casually while working. To think Miriko really did barely get her hands dirty. But in her experience any time she got her hands dirty. "I suppose that is true."Miriko would remark she was getting it and it was all slowly connecting in her mind.

In some manner, reminding her of that did make Miriko ask."Are you assuming i am sad all of the time or something?"Miriko was starting to think her mental prowess being able to endure her problems was starting to fade, Then again she also had a fair amount of problems she did not speak about so eventually she might have something slip out eventually they where just going to show over all eventually because Mimi could forgot.


She's a Sleepy One.(Vex/Social) - Page 2 Empty Today at 8:47 am

Akiza heard what the woman asked her and she looked at her. "Not sure I would call it sadness, I think it is more you seem lonely, like you are worried about just being yourself and baring yourself cause you think once people see the flaws you have that you will be looked at far differently. Like how you are more known for your art and beauty and some people act like that is all there is to you." Akiza reached up and gently patted the top of Miriko's head as she knows that it will take time but Miriko seems to be coming out of her shell slowly but surely as she had even shared a few things about herself like who her family is and other things that she struggled with. Akiza smiled at her and wanted to make her feel comfortable in talking to her but she knows that this comes with time and there is no reason to rush it or force it just let it happen naturally.

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