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Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:34 pm

Judith Karlinius
Time always equally as nice to people sometimes, Judith felt like she was doing something different: staying at home baking bread, Cooking food, Serving drinks, Reading over and completing guild master paper work. Signs of how casual Judith was about these kind of tasks in life. She showed up to the job with a picnic basket in hand.

Judith was starting to walk towards a cavern opening that other people were gathering by. While Judith was not going close enough yet Judith seemed to be observing at this time. Why? well because Rune knights seemed to be there blocking people.

Then Judith seemed to wait for a moment in some manner because she was expecting some one else to show up, Another guild member. As she was waiting then seemed to count internally to herself, then seeming at the end of that count down she pulled out a sandwich from her basket and offer it to seeming no one, Since she was expecting Ryuuji.



Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:07 am

Ryuuji had been told that he was to meet the guild master here, he wondered if she was just going to be ditching him alone again or something to make sure that he understood that she was the boss here and she can do whatever she wanted but he was here to do something what that was he was not sure but he was going to deal with what ever it is.

He walked toward the guild master once he saw her and just as he walked up there was a sandwich that was shoved in his face and he was confused to why she was holding a sandwich out to him like that and how she even know what he like on a sandwich like this. Had she been doing this over and over to get it perfect in time and item? "What did you invite me out here for if I may ask guild master Judith." He took the sandwich gently as he was not sure what was even going on here but he knew he needed to walk the thing ice carefully.

#3Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:44 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question and Judith would leave the answers pretty simple. She seemed to almost not think about the past events at all. As long as they did not bring it up it was not gonna be brought up again."Just in case eat up."Judith said with a bit of a casual peacefulness. For they where going to start to climbing soon."It was a bit more meat in it, You will need it for the climbing we need to do shortly."At least she told him what they where going to do, no lingering hints.

Judith had not consumed anything yet, But she would put down the basket for a moment and head over to talk to people."But where we need to climb and look around is a bit blocked off right now, Let me go talk to them really quick."Judith would merely go find Barras and after a few words.

Then walked back over to Ryuuji, pick up the basket, Seemingly having everything arranged."We are good to go into this Cavern now, the rune knights had it blocked off, We are fine now to go in."Judith was making it easy for the most part, Climbing might be different.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:30 am

Ryu ate the sandwich and was just confused to what his guild master was talking about and why she was acting so weird about it as there were a million things that he didn't understand and her acting weird like this was one of those things as she was being super shady. He just waited for her to get to the point so they can do what ever it was that she was dragging him along for as he was not feeling the vibe that she was putting out as it just made him feel like he was being jerked around by the guild master and he was not the type to really enjoy being jerked around like an idiot on a stick with no real way to be lead. He followed her once she said it was time to climb but he was not sure what she was wanting him to climb or go to as she hadn't give him anything on what they were looking to do or see just that it had been closed off so he followed her to the point and started to climb figuring she was just going to disappear and then reappear at the top in an instant like she disappeared on him in the other country that he was trying to have a heart to heart with her and she ditched him.
(230) (417)

#5Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:31 am

Judith Karlinius
After Judith and Ryuuji got past the rune knights Judith would carry on with mentioning a few things."There was rambles of what is in this cave that are subject to rumours."Judith would mentioned as made sure the paths was clear and she would usher Ryuuji over with her. She was speaking rather quietly too most likely so people did not pick up where they where right away.

After entering the cave she looked around at the various different path ways."Suppose the pondering of which way would be find rare metal materials." Judith did actually sound unsure of this. Since there was many paths she figured it was hit or miss. As these kinds of mission where fun at least to her.

So she would eventually ask him what he thought."Which path should we try?"It was a good question, After all she was working with a team.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:37 pm

Ryuuji followed her even though he had not a real clue about any of this stuff she is talking about rambling and rumors and stuff he was wondering if there was even a point to this as they were breaking into a cavern and looking for something and when the woman looked to him and spoke of some rare metals he had no idea what she was talking about when she asked him if he had any ideas to which way they should go to find them. He sighed and turned his hand to it's carbon form and punched once in the spliting paths walls. He then pointed down a path that had the stronger wall as the materials in the wall were stronger so that means that it most likely lead to something that was stronger. "This is my best guess take it or leave it." He would wait for her to take the lead so he could follow behind her and see if this lead to where she wanted to go.
(175) (592)

#7Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:06 am

Judith Karlinius
Guessing games where some what fun, After all gut feeling where always an interesting. Judith would also consider suggesting one to go down as well. But Judith look around pondering a few things over, She figured for the moment that had time to check out a few areas blocked off by rocks.

With how these piles of rocks seemed Judith figured more options could be in order. So she would casual walk over to some of the blocked off piles and moved them out of the way. Judith was strong enough to clear these rocks herself. Then she would look around seeing how she felt about the path she just opened.

Then moved on to another one, Which while took Judith a bit more time to clear up she did clear the rocks out of the way as well. Then looked around and down the path of this one as well.

Then figured she would arrange the rock she broke free as markers for areas they had been too, Just in case they got lost. Then she just chose to go down the path Ryuuji would suggest. Finding it the better option to choose at the time. But there was options there.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:30 am

Ryuuji followed behind her and he had attempted to help move some of the rocks but he found out that he was not strong enough to help her with this task though he trusted that she knew where she was going as there were many things he knows and one is that she had probably cheated and relived his moment over and over so she knew which one of the the paths lead to the right spot and she was just testing Ryuuji and if he can problem solve and he wondered how many of these tunnels he had already followed her down to a dead end that he couldn't help over come he tried not to think to much about it as that was clearly not the point of them being in this place and he was moving to do something that wouldn't mess up this task with his guild master. " This the right way you think?" He spoke trying to act more civil with her even though she had hurt him.
(176) (768)

#9Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:51 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question to ask but it seemed at least they would figure out pretty quickly if it was the right way or not. Then Judith figured it was the right way. "I believe this is in fact the right way."She would say in return feeling sure of herself.

While it seemed like it would be dark for a bit of the coming time. Judith seemed not worried in the slightest, Even upon finding the darken hole in the centre where they eventually found. Judith seemed even sure enough to continue down it.

Assuming Ryuuji would not be too far behind. It was a fairly nice and casual time as they continued on while they have not found the materials yet, Judith had a feeling Ryuuji and herself where close to finding what was told they could find here. But their path was now block by more rocks.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:49 pm

Ryuuji looked at her and he kept trying to help her and look for the ore that they are looking for but he was not sure of what all this was about but he was going to work his hardest so they can get through it and he hoped that in the end he would find out what it was all about and he would see where it takes him as he tries to look around for that ore she spoke of even if he was not fully told what he is looking for in this dark, wet cold place that they had climbed into and had uncovered his kept his pickaxe at the ready for when they find the ore so he will be able to help her as he was not going to use his hardened skin as a tool to mine with even if he probably could do that if he wanted to he needed to be able to use himself and not rely on magic too much.
(171) (939)

#11Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:13 am

Judith Karlinius
It would not be too much longer when they would finally reach their goal even if they did not see it yet. But Judith was some what observing the walls of the cave seeing how far in depth this would go, it felt like it was getting a bit shorter compared to the other ones they had been down, Not that this was a bad thing in fact Judith considered this a good thing. Since it meant they would either come to find out if Judith was wrong sooner or not.

In which she did not seem to be wrong, She was looking over the rock just to be sure. taking her time just to be sure it was all what she needed to confirm it needed to be. Suppose it was the rocks or ore that Barras was looking to see if it was in the cave or not.

Judith just being the normal slightly cheery self about it."I suppose this is what their looking for, As well what we are looking for." Judith mentioned to make sure Ryuuji was getting a good look at it. They where achieving their mission pretty quickly at this point. Now that they where risking getting lost in the caves.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:01 am

Ryuuji followed her but he was not sure if this was her leading him to his death or if something else was going on here as this was a mission for something but he was not sure what he is looking for or where it is but he was going to keep following her and hope for the best as he was not sure if there was a way that he can really help her but when she spoke about it being there in front of them he looked around and he can see something in the distance and he wondered what it was and what it can even be effected by but there is a lot of things that are running through his head as he gets closer to the thing they were here for but he wasn't sure what it was or how they could get it as just from looking at it, it looked to hard to break easily but there was more than that to do but Ryuuji was going to try his hardest to get this done with the woman but he knows that she will probably have a way to deal with this. "So what is the plan guild master on how to get this?" His tone is questioning to her as this thing even from where he is will be extremely near impossible to break.
(234) (1,173)

#13Judith Karlinius 

Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 8:24 am

Judith Karlinius
This mission was going swimmingly and she was over all pretty happy with it. Since it would not just be time to return and she would make sure to explain it."We're only told to fine it and make sure the location was passed on, So we just have to go back and tell the one who i was talking too earlier."Judith mentioned because she knew Ryuuji was not there for the conversation earlier.

It was just a casual one because Judith new some what how to be sneaky with a lot of conversations. She was told to find things and tell them when they found it, so she would pull out a sandwich while they started walking back."Since we need to be a bit more careful about it the information of what we found."Then she took a casual bite of it while they walked.

A bit slowler because because she needed to figure out and plan how to get past the rune knights who where on the watch for people around the area. So she was trying to make a plan for how they could get around them and reach who they needed to talk too again.

Even remarking the next part while she was thinking what to do next."So far everything has been going well, We just need to go back to the first person i talked too that was not us."Judith did not mind the casual conversation as they went on. As she was thinking up what to do."Do you need something else to eat or drink?"It might be odd for Judith to treat serious work so casually but it was most likely how she handle most matter that seemed not as a stressful as compared to anything else.

But she was also looking out for the well being of her guild member if anything she was still doing her job. Then casually pulling out a bottle of water she then brought the basket to Ryuuji to see what would happen. Part of her assumed he would say he wanted nothing and they would continue on their way.

But they would eventually be back to where they started. Then she would look around and fine a was around the rune knights watching the enterance to make sure the path was clear for Ryuuji, It was simple for all Judith did was distract them with some things in the basket and making sure their attention was away from the entrance.

Once he was passed she would go talk to whom she needed too about what she found and they would return to the guild with a job well done.




Cavern Explorers Go Exploring(Ryuuji/Quest.) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:04 am

Ryuuji listened to what the woman said and he kind of wondered if she was really okay as she seemed far more how would he put it guarded around him right now had their small misunderstanding snowballed this far for her and they were unable to reach a common ground or something? Ryuuji was not sure that he really knew where he stood with her in her guild or with the other guild mates that he has as he hadn't seen much of them as Kaito mostly appears and disappears while trying to help the woman and giving people shaped cookies from a hat. "Okay guild master, I will let you handle that then since you know more about it than I do." Ryuuji was not sure if he was in the trusted fold or if he was still too far on the outside as he had joined the guild and had done little with his time in the guild. He feels along the wall as he walked with her.

She held out the basket to him offering him something more and he respectfully takes a bottle of water from the basket with a head bow of thanks to the woman as he was not sure about all of this and it seemed that she was not worried about the guards that were outside and he now wonders if she froze them in time so they could get into this place without them stopping them but now it was going to be about getting out unseen as she was very recognizable as the guild master of the fairy tail guild. He was going to help her get out but it more seemed that she had a plan of her own as she went ahead of him and to the guards and was offering them things out of the basket that she was carrying and Ryuuji hurried out so she didn't have to worry about him getting caught either while they exited the area and then he met up with her and followed her as he kind of wondered where she was going to have to go with this info so they could get paid for their hard work out here collecting what they could on that strange looking ore and he kind of wondered what could be done with it if it was to be used for something special or dark in nature.
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