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Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ

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Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Thu May 30, 2024 10:19 pm

Dan smiled as he walked down the streets of magnolia while whistling a upbeat sounding song. Dan knew he was probably in for a busy night tonight as his next quest had him right back here in jolly old magnolia as he watched a store front to insure certain criminal elements didn't make off with anything that didn't belong to them. Apparently the shops around town have been having a bit of an issue with certain groups requesting 'protection' money to insure nothing happened to their properties. However it seems that one of the store front owners has gotten fed up with having to pay and decided to hire fairy tail fix the issue. So now Dan was on his way to hopefully apprehend the people involved to help his home town sleep a little bit better tonight by doing what he does best stopping crime and protecting his people.

WC: 150


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Thu May 30, 2024 10:31 pm

As Dan arrived at the store he quickly walked inside and walked towards the backroom as he was instructed to do and knocked in the office door. Dan waited for a moment before the door opened and a older bald man with a large black beard appeared and looked Dan over for a moment before nodding and waving him inside the room. "So anything I should know ahead of time?" Dan asked as the man nodded his head and pointed towards a piece of paper on the desk. "It just arrived about an hour ago." The man stated as Dan looked it over to see it was a carefully written warning towards the owner. Nothing overly threatening that could be taken to the rune knights but it was clear what the message was. Either pay up or the shop will be missing some important items that the man had for sale would be missing come morning.

WC: 156
TWC: 306


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Fri May 31, 2024 9:43 pm

Dan nodded his head as he handed the paper back to the owner as he scratched his chin. "I can see why this would be a problem." Dan said with a small frown as they returned back to the front of the store before he quickly looked around to see anywhere he might be able to hide and await the thrives before noticing a perch near the front window that over looked the rest of the store. Nodding to himself Dan knew where he would be spending the night tonight. "Well it that's all I'll start my watch and see you in the morning, hopefully after catching your problem thieves." Dan stated as the man nodded his head and stepped outside making sure to lock the door behind him. Dan quickly looked around better lifting his right hand up and swiping his thumb across the ring sitting in his middle finger.

WC: 151
TWC: 457


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Fri May 31, 2024 9:50 pm

Dan watched as a black glow began to emanate from the ring as it began to spread towards the rest of his body. The ring currently sitting on his finger was a special ring allowed the user to use a shape shifting spell to transform into a pitch black raven. As the transformation finished Dan looked around before quickly flying up to the perch from earlier and sat quietly and began his wait. Most who knew him would have a hard time imagining that Dan could sit still for more then a few minutes at a time but Dan was nothing of not professional. Despite his layed back attitude Dan knew there was a time and place for joking around and during quests wasn't one of them. Dan however didn't have to wait very long as only a hour and a half after the owner left Dan could hear the sound of the lock being picked.

WC: 156
TWC: 613


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:45 am

Dan listened closely as he heard the tumblers of the lock begining to turn as the front door slowly opened with a slow groan. Dan watched as a trio of men slowly walked inside making sure that nobody was watching them as they broke into the store front. The man in the front quickly looked around the room as if to insure that they were alone inside as he quickly chuckled to himself "I told you lot that the old man wouldn't go to those rune bastards about tonight." He said with a large grin showing off his gold plated teeth to his compatriots. The other two nodes their heads in practiced unison as is used to hearing the smug satisfaction coming from him on a daily basis. Dan watched closely as the men slowly walked around the store examining the wares as they decided on what they would be taking with them.

WC: 153
TWC: 766


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:55 am

Dan watched as the men began to gather a few high priced items up as they began to walk towards the door. Normally Dan would have intervened before now however he knew that if he wanted to really busy these guys he had to wait until they actually attempted to steal something as before he only had them on breaking and entering. Seeing the trio begining to leave Dan quickly hopped down into the table near the door and began speaking no doubt giving the robbers quite the scare "Well well well it seems some rats have infested the shop tonight would you guys like the some cheese?" Dan asked as the trio jumped and began looking for the source of the words. Dan released a quiet chuckle at the sight of the men frantically looking around. "Hey pin heads I'm on the table by the door." Dan said as the trio slowly turned towards where Dan was now perched.

WC: 160
TWC: 926


Shopping Crisis - A Rank NQ Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:31 am

Dan seeing the dumbfounded looks on the trio of thieves faces he quickly jumps down to the ground before allowing his body to begin glowing as his spell was reversed. Dan rolls his shoulders and groans as he feels them pop in relief. "So boys how about you just put all that stuff back where you found it and I don't have to knock your teeth out sound good?" Dan asked as the men quickly regained their wits and charged at Dan who sighed 'why do they always choose to fight.' thought as he claps his hands together creating a mixed yellow and black magic circle 0.5-Meters in Diameter beneath his feet causing black lightning to cover his body before discharging outwards towards the trio. Dan watched in boredom as the three men quickly fell to the ground twitching. Shaking his head Dan quickly called both the owner and the rune knights to the store. After watching the men being led away and the owner handed Dan his pay he began his walk back to the guild.

WC: 177
TWC: 1103/1000 (20% WC Decrease from Hermit Tarot+10% Guild Lv 2+20% Lazy Coin)

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