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Traveling (East-South)

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Traveling (East-South) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:06 am

Dan couldn't help but smile as he began whistling an upbeat song as he began to board his ship. After a bit of time Dan decided he was taking a short vacation down south to see the sights and rest for a bit. He loved his home town but he always had problems being still for to long and would get the urge to travel every once in a while. As Dan finally set foot on his ship he smiled and clapped his hands causing his ship to begin to float as the sails dropped and the anchor raised. This was what Dan loved about magic ships you only need and single person to run them as everything is automated with magic. As Dan felt the ship begining to lift he slowly walked into the cabins quarters and touched the orb on his desk to input his destination as he took his seat at the desk.

WC: 156


Traveling (East-South) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 5:16 am

As the ship began to sail through the air Dan couldn't help but whistle a song he heard bot long ago in a pub before begining to sing.

"Oh, Santiana gained the day
Away Santiana
"Wizard Saint of the west" they say
Along the plains of Desierto
Well, heave her up and away we'll go
Away Santiana
Heave her up and away we'll go
Along the plains of Desierto
She's a fast clipper ship and a bully good crew
Away Santiana
And an old salty Yank for a captain too
Along the plains of Desierto."

As Dan finished he could feel his ship begining to lower back towards the ground. Knowing that this means that he had arrived at his destination Dan smiled and gathered his bag and began to walk towards the deck of his ship. As he exited he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly "Ahh that salty sea air always smells amazing to me." Dan exclaimed with a grin.

WC: 163
TWC: 319

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