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Cupcake Courier (Solo Quest)

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Cupcake Courier (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:37 am

Ryuuji had just been asked to take on a quest to deliver cupcakes which confused Ryuuji as that doesn't sound like something that was for guild members or mages to handle why would that be the request he was handed to take care of, but Ryuuji sighed as he guessed since it was mission he was given that he should do his best to go and get them delivered. He made his way to the cake shop which was a place he use to come with his wife when she was still around to go to places with. Ryuuji entered the shop and he looked around but it seemed that the man that had gave the mission was too busy to greet him properly and had only shot him a few quick glances then called him back to a pile of boxes that were there filled with cupcakes ready to be taken out for delivery.


Cupcake Courier (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:37 am

The chef spoke quickly and very pointedly as he was focusing on his art of the cakes and other things that were waiting to be finished. The man told him the places that they needed to go and to make more than one trip as if he messed up even one cupcake he was not getting paid for his time delivering the the cupcakes. Ryuuji can tell just from the tone that the man was dead serious about the not paying him if even one was messed up and the paper that was with the cupcakes told him which box went where. He started out by taking the first three boxes as he was not going to risk not getting paid by the man so he took his time but made sure that he got them to the right houses and to the right people by making them repeat back the order that belonged to them so he was fully sure.


Cupcake Courier (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:37 am

Once that group was done he walked back to the cake shop for the next set of three boxes of cupcakes as he walked around careful and keeping the boxes out of the way of harm and he went toward the first home of this batch and it was a very angry looking man that answered the door till of course he saw the box of cupcakes and without Ryuuji even asking about it the man said his order and smiled as he was craving the cupcakes and it had fouled his mood a bit but now he was back to happy and Ryuuji moved on to the next house with their box of cupcakes which had both of these boxes of cupcakes in his hands and he was hoping this would be quick but Ryuuji was never that lucky as an over worked mom answered the door and yelled at her husband for ordering too many for the small party but took them.


Cupcake Courier (Solo Quest) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:37 am

Ryuuji made his way back to the cake shop and get the last four boxes of cup cakes and the cashier watched him with a smile. He was still careful with the boxes and where he went but he felt better about this one as the homes were closer here and he was able to knock the two first boxes off quick as they were neighbors and they were happy as well. He then had two boxes that gave him a bit of a wall in wither way but he wasn't worried about them and he got them to where they belonged and then headed back for the cake shop in hopes no one had complained and that he could collect his payment and then be able to return to the guild and rest as this was far more stressful than he thought it was going to be. He walked in and the woman flagged him down and shushed him as the cashier paid him as the man in the back was far to busy to deal with him and Ryuuji counted himself lucky and took his reward and walked out.
(191) (671) (exit)

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