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Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika]

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Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 4:42 am

Perhaps someone else would have liked stamping these papers, perhaps someone else would have liked the idea of staying indoors and trying to keep things together for the knights in this fashion. But he was not one of them; he didn’t see the papers, he didn’t see the ink. He saw the problems and the people that they represented and he resented heavily that the knights had chosen him to lead them of all people. It was somewhat irritating in a fashion; a lot had been added to his plate and the general was one such person that felt like to be cooped up in such a manner wasn’t how you should be serving the people.

He didn’t like the posturing that came from the nobles trying to talk their way into his grace, he didn’t like the way that some of the older knights or the ones that had a particular way of doing things looked at him. He was glad that he could teach younger knights to care and believe in their people or cause. But it wasn’t something that he got to do as often as he wished.

One such day was today, sitting in this office, in a chair that was made just right for him with a desk sized to his needs. His room however felt laughably small, his ears basically felt like they were going to touch the ceiling if he moved too much. His tail curled around him and he’d sigh softly. Oh to be wandering around the lands with his friends and taking care of people again.

Amidst the papers that he was stamping was… what looked to be promotion papers. Some of them had already been vetoed by those underneath him. A colonel and captain both had sent him everything they had on the people they wished to be promoted. Some people stood out to saturn, some didn’t. Some were easy to forget and there was… One caught his eye and he’d hold it up. A particular individual known as Anika. He recalled seeing the name when it was transferred from out of country to this one.

He’d tap his pen against the paper; it’d take one deft stroke to simply say yes or no. But he felt that the decision as already made by those underneath him. However he wanted a perspective outside of fiore and outside of his own to help him understand those around here. The demon pondered for a few moments longer and called for one of his assistants. Never too far, the pale skinned blond haired man stepped in. He was used to strange requests and saturn wouldn’t dissapoint him further.

Can you go find anika and let her know I want to see her? There’s something I want to talk to her about.

Right away sir.

Watching the blond haired man leave saturn was left to his thoughts for a moment longer and would turn to look out his window. There was a lot he didn’t understand in the world and perhaps maybe with the help of others he could understand it a little better. But there was another instance that he wanted to make sure of.

That he had an ample amount of people that he trusted within arms reach, that there were people he could send to this gala that was coming up soon that he could trust to do the right thing. He already knew he could trust ittindi and toga. Now he wanted to know if he could trust this newly minted sergeant in the same way or if he had to find someone else.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:43 pm


WORDS: ### | Business Blues

“You asked to-!” The ever eager Anika Adler certainly not needing to be told twice about a summons to see the biggest of cheese in the whole of Fiore and marching toward the designated door without a second thought or a second to pay attention to any kind of warning which his attaché might have offered, the bespectacled boscosi had never personally had the proverbial pleasure when it came to their commander in chief, and perhaps that made everything all the more jarring when she erupted into the office with her hand raised in salute for a figure who seemed to defy her every expectation.
“Hm?!” Hearing much about the exploits of the figure who led this entity which sprawled across the nation from the files she had been privy to but few of them seeming to mention the unusual appearance which their leader possessed, all that she could do was seem to squeak for a moment as she burst almost literally through the door and was confronted by something which seemed to mix together the equines to which she was accustomed with more than a few more beasts, and all too quickly seemed perplexed by it all.

Could it be… A pet? As such finding the crispness of her salute seeming to slowly wilt away and be replaced by a push of her glasses instead, the brow of the blonde seemed to furrow for a few moments as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing, and drew together a conclusion which only seemed logical given the evidence with which she had been presented.
“H-Here boy?” As such left to reach into her pocket and produce a little something which had been necessary for any well meaning animal lover in the shape of a dry treat which she carried around with her, and shaped like a somewhat cartoonish bone no less, with the presumption that the man had stepped out all she could do was hope to treat the beast before her well as she awaited his return and so she presented the biscuit with a gentle sense of caution. Boy was her face about to be red, eh~?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:37 am

Saturn was still at his desk when the sergeant arrived at his office, the crispness of their salute wasn’t lost on him. It reminded him a bit of ittindi in a way; the butler type rune knight certainly had a particular professionalism to him that not many rune knights seemed to carry anymore at least as far as he had seen. His golden fur bristled a little bit and he’d slowly stand up; he practically towered over anyone in the knights at the moment. The recruits often were the sort that were confused about his appearance and would think he was some just assistant.

good to-

However what caught him a bit offguard was the fact that this extended to some that hadn’t fully met him in either his various demon forms, the disguises he used to wander around using his cloak or… well just magic letting him fade from peoples perception. The waning of that crispness of the salute followed by the offering of a treat earned a little snort from saturn.

I’ll have to decline the treat. I was the one that asked for you Anika.

He didn’t seem bothered by the fact she mistook him for one, he was generally pretty relaxed even for a rune knight. For a general though? He just dismissed the confusion; entirely used to it and his smile didn’t wane what so ever. Could it even wane at all? Or was it a perpetual smile that just naturally fit? He’d motion to one of the chairs nearby if she wanted to sit; if not that was fine too.

I wanted to talk to you; seeing as you’re new to this region you must have a perspective that many that are from here lack. Including myself.

Saturn didn’t have that air of professionalism about him; he was relaxed, didn’t use rank. Nor did he seem to really dress the part he felt. His social outfit was fairly grandiose as things went but honestly that wasn’t a surprise either. He’d rub at his chin, eyeing the sergeant for a few seconds.

You probably have questions of your own too. Feel free to ask them.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:47 am


WORDS: 360 | Business Blues

“O-Oh! Goodness Sir! I cannot apologize more!” The hand of our heroine slowly seeming to extend toward the unknown figure but seeming to be retrieved the very moment that her mistake was highlighted, the bespectacled boscosi turned to the colour of the beetiest root as she realised the mistake she had made, and shot that firm and unfaltering hand back up as she gushed in remorse for the assumption which she had made. Really, this was the kind of information that one should lead with, no?

“I had not expected you to look so… Ahem. So…” Sufficed to say that the fair femme was extremely flustered by the faux pas and her usual razor sharp wit and decorum seeming both disarmed by that fact, all that Miss Adler could do was scramble to try and find some manner of excuse in the hopes of softening the blow that she had levied toward her commandant, though frankly with her mind seeming to fail her in favour of bewildered inactivity all she could do was grasp for words which no longer seemed to be in her head. Perhaps she was glad then that her host was gracious, and took her fumble in his stride, eh?

“Of course, sir! I would be happy to answer any questions you might have!” At the very least seeming to be glad for the change of subject when he revealed his intention behind this little introduction, Anika continued to salute the figure before her as she declared herself to be an open book, and hoped that the right choice of inquiry from him and the chance to perhaps make up for her disgrace with her reply might help her to feel a little more at ease.
“At this juncture, I have no questions, sir!” For the moment however the flaxen fox continuing to feel somewhat stifled by the mere bemusement which the unexpected surprise had inflicted upon her however, all that her mind seemed to be occupied by was the how's and the who's and the why's of the face she had before her, and those hardly seemed to be appropriate lines of inquiry to address, especially in light of the mistake she had just made…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 7:33 am

It’s fine Anika. Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s confused me for an animal or the like. Most people settle on a dog or bull for some reason.

Saturn’s amusement was evident and he didn’t think any less of the sergeant in front of him. Maybe others would have been angry, maybe they would have been furious. Hell maybe someone would have started yelling at her. But saturn was unlike any leader in the way that he handled things. He was unlike the others that ran their guilds and this knighthood before him. His smile was ever present but there was a kindness that wasn’t just baked into it. It was ever present and exuded even now.

Alien? Animalistic? Different? The list goes on. Many people don’t even know what I look like offhanded. Perks of being new to the position I suppose. You can speak freely here, I prefer it over… rigidity.

Saturn rubbed at his chin and then motioned for the other to take a seat with him. The behemoth taking a seat; he wans’t much for posture, wasn’t much for the whole saluting thing but he’d give a somewhat relaxed one so that she could at least drop that. Of course there were some that were so into the knights that they would potentially stay saluting till they passed out.

Your file was pretty straightforward, where you came from, parents, magic, that sort of thing. But that doesn’t exactly cover the experience that I need. I want to know what you think of the knights here, what you think of how the knights have been out where you had come from and the ones that you’ve interacted with thus far. I want to know your aspirations and goals as a knight. As a person. Your growth and strengths, weaknesses and connections matter to me no matter how trivial.

Saturn spun a pen around in his hand, he could feel the tug of his weapon not too far away. It was always hungry to fight, it was always wanting to do something. Wanting to go out there. He always felt the same, wanting to go out and help the world. He’d turn slightly o stare at the window that sat at his back. She had no questions immediately but he felt like he would be asked a few at some point or another.

Feel free to ask when you do. My own desires at this point is to de-fiorize the knights. We have too much power in one place, too much strength building in one country when we’re supposed to be out protecting the world. Not just one country. We’re strong here; but we could have prevented a lot from happening across the world if we had a better presence. So understand that each and every person that joins the knights will be held in the ideal that they are to protect the world and not just fiore. But… With fiore being our strongest area that leaves us with a unique opportunity. Do you know what that is?

Saturn had spent a lot of time studying history in the recent weeks, a lot of time going over events that he had just missed with his ‘birth’ of sorts. The tugging sensation of a gauntleted hand on his shoulder earned him a slight tilt of the head. There was nothing there to actually tug at it; but it was the sensation non-the-less.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 4:20 am


WORDS: 550 | Business Blues

“If you'll forgive the candour, sir, I saw something more… Equine?” It seeming that the head honcho was happy to encourage her to be more honest, though the fair femme still felt a little bit flustered she opted to indulge his hospitality, and though it made her cheeks rosy to confess it offered up her own assumption of his breed given the amusement which he showed toward the presumption others gave.
“Ahem. I liked it. Horses are my favourite animals…?” Adding to that a sense of comfort with the resemblance as well, while Anika was well aware that the grand general of the Rune Knights was not here to provide reassurance she could not deny that she disliked seeing a tiny little bit of her precious pony from childhood in the face she saw before her, and even if would shouldn't really judge a book by its cover it was something which seemed to both disarm her and in its own way make her feel a little bit happy as well.

“A little lax in places, if I'm honest, sir.” It seeming that Saturn was quite relaxed in this setting but habit and a matter of decorum seeming to keep the posture of Miss Adler that little bit stiff, the bespectacled beauty showed that she was not one to beat about the bush or mind peoples feelings in response to the query she got about how she was finding the Fiorian branch of this great institution, and in that she was quick to point out the leniency which she had observed since coming here.
“The knights of Bosco are more… Disciplined. On the whole.” Not exactly approving of the looser hand which seemed to be applied to the reins of the divisions here, the realm from which this slender siren hailed was one which was stricter and sterner, and it was something of an adjustment to take in a force which seemed a mite more easy-going than that which she was used to.

“Does my file mention the reason behind my transfer, sir?” Perhaps there being one key thing which Anika would want to know however when the commandant mentioned reading her record before this, the crispness of her bearing seemed to give way to something a little meeker as the leggy lass asked about the detail which had gone into description of her transfer, and hoped that whomever had logged it had been lenient when conveying her greatest shame. What would this man think of her if he knew the sort of woman she had ended up being in her service to her homeland, eh?

“Opportunity? Hmmm… Is it training? Strength provides security and stability for the recruits, and enables them to learn from the very best?” The flaxen fox left to frown however when next he asked her about the opportunity which the group here had in light of the potency which they possessed, while the obvious answer was the ability to better quell their enemies Miss Adler suspected that Saturn might be searching for something deeper in regard to her response, and so she searched her mind and landed on the option of cultivation. After all, what was the role of adults if not to make the world a little better and easier for those who followed them, eh~?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:45 am

I suppose I can see it. First time I’ve been compared to a horse before I think.

Saturn rubbed at his chin, he didn’t seem to mind so much as you’d expect. Maybe it was because of his lax or laid back nature that made it easier for him to handle this situation. Perhaps that was his approach to make the rune knights more personable or have people talk to him with ease. Or maybe it wasn’t even something he did out of trying to cater responses and more was just how he acted in general. Saturn nodded his head hearing that her favorite animals were horses.

Well you’ll be happy to know that we have a good stable here for horses. And while I don’t have my own I do have a wyvern. Though he’s a bit feisty in comparison.

Saturn didn’t have a favorite animal but the low pressure air he was putting into the office was in an effort to make people be relaxed. He didn’t want people to stress about meeting him. Leaning slightly at hearing that it was lax he had to wonder how strict it was in Bosco. How to be more disciplined. He’d ponder this further and then nod his head.

Then you’ll do well at the head of a squad I take it? You can help people become more disciplined. Just don’t go overboard.

Saturn’s upbringing was all his own, he learned from others slowly and had to adjust quickly to the world or be consumed by it. Or consumed by the void in this case. Her question however made him crack an eye; he could see that crispness shift to something a little more meek, a little bit laggy. There was something in that question that had her nervous. He’d turn his head to where the files of transfers had been on his desk earlier.

To a degree. It was largely impartial; most of the paperwork from bosco is very professional and straightforward. Compared to some of the trouble makers that we’ve been getting lately you’re a welcome sight.

Saturn sighed a bit; some ex convicts that wanted to set things straight turn over a new leaf but kept falling flat. They were sent to places that didn’t help them grow and now they were here. Under his watchful and helpful gaze. Saturn leaned back in his chair and pulled out a folder. Sliding it across the desk. On it read his name.

In fairness, you’re free to read mine. Something I offer everyone. There’s not much mind you.

Compared to her file and anyone that had more than ten years on their belt would have a larger file than he. It was two or three pages at most. Even if saturn knew the utter complexities of the woman in front of him he wasn’t going to judge her for it. She was clearly trying to move on and it would do her good to grow here. Saturn’s grin grew a little bit and he’d nod his head somewhat.

You have a good part of it. A good head on your shoulders for this kind of information and assessment. But we also have some of the worst criminals known to man in fiore, which allows them to see just what sort of thing they’re up against. In the last decade, maybe more threats have become more exponential as a whole which means our recruits are frequently getting tested by harder trials and the veterans that come from it are some of the best. Even if we… don’t get to keep everyone.

Saturn sighed a little bit and took out of his desk a sword hilt, the blade had been broken near the crossguard and there was clear signs that the weapon had been cared for afterwards. He’d set it down on the desk as well and shake his head.

This sword belonged to the Lieutenant that was above your section before. So bear in mind... We have enough heroes, both living and dead. Not everyone needs to be one. I prefer it when my people come home to their families. And I’d prefer it if you do the same.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:05 pm


WORDS: 700 | Business Blues

“I would enjoy seeing them~? Fiorian Horses are some of the best, I have heard?” Most habitually maintaining a brisk air of professionalism and yet even Miss Adler not without a little cue or two which might reveal something deeper and dare one say it sweeter about her, while the lass had little to say on the topics of wyvern she certainly could not entirely suppress the excitement she felt at the idea of visiting the stables, which showed both in the way her tone seemed to lose some of its stiffness and how she began to gush a little on the subject.
“I know, in fact. My first pony, Mirabelle, was from Fiorian stock and the finest friend a girl could know? Swift and loyal, to her end…” The leggy lass lifting a finger to adjust her glasses and even seeming to share the briefest of smiles as she spoke proudly of the beast who was once her best friend, all too soon did that gaze grow misty with memory and in turn did the joy which she showed also seem to melt away to something sadder and more haunted thanks to the lingering regret which she felt over the death of her pony, and for a moment even now a decade and a half later she found her eyes stinging a little because of it.

“Ahem. Yes, I would take pride in whipping your stragglers into shape, you can count on it, sir.” For that reason the fair femme seeming to let that cooler and more distant nature reassert itself before she allowed herself to get a bit too ‘real’ in front of the commandant, with a cough the crispness of her character seemed to resume as she declared her intent to forge her forces with the Boscosi discipline to which she was accustomed, and once more her posture seemed to be rigid as well.
“Ah, good… Yes, I am glad to hear it.” At the very least a hint of relief seeming to linger however when Saturn spoke of how her personnel file had been wrought with the same discipline and what sounded like a pleasing level of discretion as well, while it felt a little deceptive of her the bespectacled blonde was glad that she might be able to move forward without the mistake of judgement she had made haunting her, especially when it had very little to do with her abilities to perform her duty as well.

“Strength invites challenge. Which I will rise to meet, and ensure that those in my command are readied too, sir!” All the same Anika seeming to read little into the response which her commander gave in regard to the question she had been given, the blue eyed belle could glean the implications of what he was saying about the growing opposition which they had faced in spite of their prominence, but at most assumed he was assuring her of this for the sake of motivation, and so For that reason the flaxen fox puffing out her chest and raising her hand in salute once more.

“That’s… Sir, it is the duty and privilege for any member to lay down his or her life for the sake of duty and the realm!” Accordingly it seeming that Miss Adler would be confused when Saturn laid out a broken blade and spoke of heroes and the need to return to one’s family, having been raised in so gung ho an environment as Bosco the blonde beauty was bewildered by his declaration, and could only presume this was some test of her resolve.
“I am sure the lieutenant did so honourably, as I too intend to should the occasion call for it! That is our honour as Rune Knights!” For that reason seeming to recite what seemed like a verbatim oath to which she held herself and those about her, she would make it clear that the more humane element to her mindset was something which had scarcely been nurtured in her training thus far, and perhaps might have disappointed the figure behind the desk because of that as she missed the mark rather spectacularly indeed, and seemed for a moment more drone than darling to anyone…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Living Someone Elses Dream [Anika] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:06 pm

If you like horses I would believe so. Though I must admit that I’m not the best judge of what qualifies as a good or best horse.

Saturn seemed sincere when saying this, staring down at the destroyed metal in front of him. He had no letter to send; no words that would come right to tell the family. He hadn’t put it off since it was a recent hurt. Something that he knew putting off would damage their trust in the knights.

She sounds like a good friend to have. I wish I could have spoken to her as she sounds like she would have had a good personality.

Saturn looked at one of his hands, a small magical seal in his palm. A cantrip if one could call it that. It was a spell that let him read any language and speak any language. His expression softened a bit at the thought of speaking to the animal. They often held so much love for their owners and some didn’t get to hear that from them. Eventually he’d pass the thought and find that she was willing to whip them into shape. Nodding his head slowly.

Saturn felt his shoulders sag slowly as she seemed to miss what he was trying to present and he’d look down at the broken blade. He could feel the edge of his own spear in the corner and were his eyes the sort to remain open like so many others he would have closed them or perhaps rubbed the bridge of his nose. But his voice was soft, it was tender, there was an underlying hurt to it.

Honor doesn’t protect the people without someone to wield it as a sword. Duty and privilege are only there for the people that are living Anika. It is a privilege to serve the people in life. It is our duty to protect them and it’s our courage and honor that lift the people up. The stories of ancient heroes bring hope and desire to be like them in the future.

Saturn held the hilt of the broken sword, staring down at it again. Saturn eventually shook his head slowly; it would be quite some time before someone would understand what he meant here. He understood the sort of desire to fight, die and such with honor or duty but that wasn’t what he was pushing for.

Life is short, life is fleeting. We do so much in so little time. It is too short to have it cut to pieces like this. He was barely twenty and yet he was killed in service to his people. Many would say the same thing. But all I can think of is that we have one less knight and a gaping hole in a families chest. There is no bandage that can heal that wound; there is nothing that can be said that will bring him back. He will forever be gone to them.

His smile didn’t wane, but he looked tired and eventually would look back up to her.

I want you to live Anika, live for the people here and continue to serve them in duty, in honor and in privilege. I don’t want anyone here to die for me. I want them to live. for me. Can you do that?

There was an intense sadness to his voice; something that seemed out of place for one such as him but the loss he could feel for this family was something that touched him deeply.

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