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Where the **** Have You Been? [Saga]

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Where the **** Have You Been? [Saga] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:49 pm

Toga, a kaleidoscope of vibrant pink hair and mismatched eyes, found his thoughts drifting as he traversed the familiar corridors of Rune Knight Headquarters. Time had warped and stretched since his arrival, a journey that felt both like a fleeting week and an eternity. The Dragon Slayer, now a Colonel, held a position envied by many, second only to the newly appointed General Saturn.

Yet, the ascent had been a solitary pilgrimage. He'd tackled countless missions, leaving a trail of foes and friends alike, while unearthing corners of the world he once only dreamed of. He had achieved the unimaginable, yet a melancholic tune tugged at his heartstrings.

"I wonder how Saga-san's doing?" he murmured, his gaze lifting towards the pristine azure sky. The name resonated with a forgotten warmth, a flickering memory of a bronze-skinned mage who'd shared his first tentative steps into the Rune Knight fold.

Saga, a phantom now, a whisper in the halls of the Headquarters. Their paths had diverged the moment they'd intertwined, leaving Toga with a lingering question that surfaced on this cloudless day. Was it the nature of reaching the summit that prompted reflection on those left in the valley below?

The Dragon Slayer's rise had been meteoric, his prowess and determination propelling him through the ranks with an almost ethereal swiftness. From a fledgling Private to a decorated Colonel, he'd navigated the labyrinthine structure of the Rune Knights with an intuition that defied his inexperience.

But the climb had been a lonely one. Toga's focus, unwavering and laser-sharp, had left little room for camaraderie. The bonds forged in the heat of battle were ephemeral, fading as quickly as the echoes of clashing steel. Saga, with his enigmatic aura and quiet strength, had been a stark counterpoint to Toga's fiery nature. Their brief encounter had sparked a curiosity that now, months later, reignited with unexpected force.

Perhaps it was the weight of his accomplishments, the realization that he stood on a precipice few dared to scale, that drew Toga's mind back to that initial connection. Was it a longing for the shared innocence of those early days, a yearning for a simpler time before the burdens of leadership settled upon his shoulders?

Or was it simply the haunting nature of memory, the way it resurrected faces and voices from the depths of time, demanding acknowledgment even when the present clamored for attention?

Toga didn't have the answers. He only knew that as he continued his stroll through the heart of Rune Knight territory, the ghost of Saga walked beside him, a silent companion on a journey that had taken him further than he'd ever imagined. And as he contemplated the path ahead, he couldn't help but wonder if their paths would ever cross again, if the phantom would solidify into flesh and blood, if the questions that lingered would find their answers in the fullness of time.

wc: 502

#2Saga Tunde 

Where the **** Have You Been? [Saga] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:31 am

Saga Tunde
The grip of the Abyss is equally terrifying and enlightening. The realization that when you stare into it—it stares back.

What felt like centuries proved to only be months, and yet the amount of change that occurred was still jarring. Earthland was a long missed dwelling, starkly different from the malice and horrors that imprisoned him. His escape was a matter of luck and perseverance. The details of how he even reached the land of demons hazy, Saga’s memories fractured and unclear. The obscura within his body no doubt a bridge to hell incarnate. The things he saw, the power he witnessed, the powerlessness he felt, all etched into his being like the carvings of a crazed sculptor.

Though not entirely a fruitless endeavor, the journey was far from comforting. While being no stranger to demons, the sheer abundance of them shook the young Peregrandian to his very core. The various cultures and societies, and lack thereof, introduced him to a world he never prepared himself to see. Hunted for sport, survival was not only imperative, it was all there was. Lower ranked demons tested themselves against the mettle of the half breed that wandered their lands. Many failed, but victory was both far and few between for the absent rune knight as well.

He ran, hid, anything he could to avoid his demise at the hand of the demons whose power dwarfed his tenfold. The sport of the hunt appeased those who saw him as nothing more than a plaything, a source of amusement for some, an opportunity for others. A young daemon with no contractor and his obscura connection fully intact? There were many uses for one such as him, none of which were beneficial to him. Though the ordeal did plant a powerful seed within him.

A hunger for power greater than anything he had ever known.

No one came to save him, and he never expected them to. The Abyss was a test of his resolve, his desire, his belief. But that test ended as abruptly as it began. After all, a bridge goes both ways. The trigger unknown, but the same obscure connection that pulled him from the familiar streets of Era to the Abyss had returned him, though a drastically different person than the one that had departed.

A little over a week has already passed since his return. Countless debriefings and evaluations took place over that span of time. The Rune Knights wanted to gather as much information as they could about the Abyss while also informing Saga of all the changes and events that occurred during his absence. They also wanted to ascertain his mental state and general well being after such a demanding trial. Today was the first day since he had returned that he was allowed to operate on his own accord, though he was still restricted to headquarters for the time being.

His stroll through the halls of the headquarters was disorienting to say the least, the establishment proving to be overly familiar and yet entirely foreign in each waking moment. He was still processing the changes he missed, his newfound obscura cloak flowing in the end as it marked a trail of his return. His mind wandered as much as his body did, trying to determine what his place in the world would be now. And how long would it be before he returned to the hellscape that was home to the power inside of him.

The slow, steady pace of his steps would reach an abrupt halt as he turned a corner to an unexpected but welcomed sight. ”Toga?!”

WC: 616


Where the **** Have You Been? [Saga] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 1:20 pm

The day unfurled with its customary twists and turns, leading Tōga to contemplate the capricious nature of existence. A mere thought of a distant friend could, it seemed, manifest their presence in the blink of an eye. It was an amusing notion, until it became a startling reality.

Strolling through the bustling heart of the Rune Knights' headquarters, a familiar voice snagged Tōga's attention, pulling him from his daydream. The sound was like a ghost from his past, a melody he'd long since filed away in the archives of memory. His pink hair danced in the breeze, a beacon of vibrancy amidst the daily routine. He paused, his eyes scanning the crowd for the source of the call. A pregnant silence hung in the air before his gaze landed on a figure from his history. "Saga-san?" he whispered, the name a strange echo of days gone by.

Recognition blossomed like a sunrise, illuminating the face of his long-lost comrade, Saga. A mentor from his early days within the Rune Knights, Saga's unexpected appearance struck Tōga with a wave of astonishment and elation.

"SAGA-SAN!!!" Tōga's jubilant cry pierced the ambient noise, turning heads as he sprinted towards his friend. His arm flailed in an exuberant greeting, his every movement radiating unfiltered joy.

As he skidded to a halt before Saga, his breath ragged from the sudden exertion, Tōga's face was a canvas of raw emotion—relief, elation, and a simmering curiosity. "Where have you been?!" he blurted, the words tumbling out in a rush, carrying the weight of months of unspoken anxieties.

The world around them seemed to fade, leaving only the two figures standing in the heart of the bustling headquarters. Tōga, his stance open and inviting, awaited an answer, his eagerness palpable.

wc: 320 [822]

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