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The Daughter of Justice: III. A Call to Arms [SQ]

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The Daughter of Justice: III. A Call to Arms [SQ] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:11 pm



Rhea followed the young knight down the long corridor, her footsteps echoing against the marble floors of the Rune Knights' headquarters. The walls were adorned with tapestries bearing the insignia of the Knights, and the faint smell of parchment and steel lingered in the air. The Stellan kept her eyes forward, her mind spinning with the weight of what she was about to reveal. Her heart pounded in her chest, not out of fear, but from the uncertainty of how Major Armin would respond.

Lector, her burgundy companion, walked beside her, his usual cheeky energy subdued. His little paws padded lightly on the floor as he cast her occasional glances, sensing her tension but saying nothing. He knew better than to joke right now. Rhea was deep in thought, and he could tell this was a pivotal moment for her.

When they reached the large, heavy wooden doors that led to Commander Armin’s office, the young knight hesitated before knocking. “Sergeant Rhea Alvarez to see Major Armin,” the knight announced, knocking twice. His voice cracked a little, clearly uncomfortable with the tension in the air. Get on with it, she thought. Rhea’s eyes flicked over to him, impatient, but before she could snap at him, the doors swung open on their own. The commanding voice of Major Armin echoed from within.


The young knight pushed the heavy doors open, revealing a large, sunlit office. Commander Armin stood behind his desk, papers and reports scattered across its surface, the morning sunlight spilling in through tall windows that framed the room. The space was grand and imposing, like the man who occupied it. Books on military tactics and strategy lined the walls, along with a few awards and medals from his endeavors. Behind the desk, Commander Armin—broad-shouldered and tall, with close-cropped black hair streaked with silver—looked up sharply. His green eyes narrowed as he took in Rhea’s state.

“Sergeant Alvarez,” he said, stepping around the desk, his expression shifting from professional to one of genuine surprise as he took in her disheveled appearance. "You're injured. What on earth happened?"

Rhea could see the concern in his eyes, but also the sharpness of a man who had spent decades serving the Rune Knights, climbing the ranks through a combination of skill, loyalty, and an unflinching dedication to duty. He was a decorated commander, known for his level-headedness in battle and his strategic mind, but also for the cold, pragmatic way he handled the politics that often entangled the Knights. The Dragon Slayer stood tall, even as her stomach twisted at the sight of the man who had been her commanding officer for months now. She respected Armin. He was pragmatic, precise, and unyielding—everything a seasoned warrior should be. But today, she needed more than his stoic efficiency.


The Daughter of Justice: III. A Call to Arms [SQ] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:15 pm



“I’ve been attacked,” Rhea said, her voice steady but laced with frustration. She held up her arm, where the bandage she had hastily wrapped was stained with blood. “And it wasn’t random. They were after me specifically. They were skilled. They knew exactly what they were doing.” Her Stellan accent thickened with the edge of her frustration, the exotic lilt of her voice betraying the turmoil she kept tightly leashed inside.

Armin’s brow furrowed, "Sit. Tell me everything." as he gestured for her to take a seat. The Stellan shook her head. "I'd rather stand." she replied, too keyed up to relax. Armin raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue. Lector, ever the bold one, hopped onto the desk, his small form dwarfed by the papers and clutter around him. His ears twitched, but he remained silent, his gaze flicking between Rhea and Armin.

"Okay, so what do we know?" The Major leaned against the desk, crossing his arms, waiting for her to speak.

Rhea took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts that raged inside her head. She started from the beginning—the assassin in Crocus, the journey to Era, the ambush in the forest. As she spoke, Armin listened intently, his expression darkening when she mentioned the name of Bosco.

"They didn’t reveal much, but they said enough," The elf continued, her voice growing more intense. “They mentioned my father. They said Bosco won’t forgive him, and now they’re after me because of it. But I’ve never known my father—he died before I was born. And now, these assassins... they’re targeting me because of something I don’t even understand.”

Armin’s expression darkened as she spoke. He listened intently, never interrupting, his green eyes focused, his mind already turning over the details. When she finished, silence hung in the air, thick with unspoken possibilities. “Bosco,” he muttered, more to himself than to her. He stood up straight, pacing slowly behind his desk, his hands clasped behind his back. “If Bosco’s government is involved, that’s no small matter.”

“I know,” Rhea said, her voice sharper than she intended. “That’s why I came to you. This isn’t just about me. I’m a Rune Knight. If Bosco is sending assassins after me, they’re attacking a representative of Fiore’s government. This could escalate into something much bigger.”

“Hmm. These assassins could be rogue, working for someone even the Bosocoi government has no clue about,” Armin said slowly, his voice carefully measured, “If assassins are being sent from Bosco to Fiore for you because of something to do with your father--someone who’s been dead for years...then your father must have been a very important man.” Armin stopped pacing and turned to face her, his green eyes focused on hers.

Rhea’s eyes narrowed slightly. “...I suppose. But, that’s not all, major. I’m a Rune Knight, Armin. A representative of Fiore. If Bosco is involved, this isn’t just personal. This is an attack on our government. That’s why I’m here. I need protection. I’m asking for the Rune Knights to look into Bosco’s involvement, and to send a platoon to protect me.”

Armin exhaled sharply, turning away from her as he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly deep in thought. He paced behind his desk, his boots making soft thuds against the wooden floor.

“And what exactly do you think I should do, Seargant Alvarez?” he asked, his tone hardening. “You want me to escalate this? To bring it to the Magic Council and risk international conflict over what might be a personal vendetta against your family?”


The Daughter of Justice: III. A Call to Arms [SQ] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:34 pm



Rhea’s fists clenched at her sides, her knuckles bruised. She knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but hearing his skepticism stirred her frustration. “I’m not asking for a war, Major. I am no fool. But I am asking you to at least do something. Send a small group of men to Bosco—discreetly, to investigate the situation. Talk to the Boscan government, figure out the logistics of these attacks. Something.”

Armin sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. He looked tired, older than he had seemed just moments ago. “You’re asking for a lot, Alvarez.”

“I’m asking for a solution,” Rhea shot back, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “I’m asking for you to uphold the Rune Knights' duty to protect its own.” Armin’s eyes narrowed, and he stopped pacing, turning to face her. “And if I can’t? If I can’t justify sending a platoon based on the word of one assassin, what then?”

“Then escalate it to the council,” Rhea countered, her voice rising despite herself. “Estás bromeando?! If Bosco is trying to kill one of your soldiers—one of Fiore’s own—that’s an attack on the nation!”

Sergeant.” Armin’s voice cut through the air like a whip, sharp and commanding. “Mind your tone. I am still your superior, and I expect you to speak to me with the respect due to this office.”

Rhea froze, her heart pounding. Her face flushed with anger, but she bit her tongue, swallowing her frustration. Armin wasn’t just any man—he was her commander, and she knew better than to challenge his authority like that. No matter how angry the dragon was, no matter how justified she felt, she had to keep her composure.

“I apologize, Major,” Rhea said, her voice tight but controlled. “But my frustration is justified.”

Armin’s gaze softened slightly, but his expression remained firm. He walked back behind his desk and sat down, folding his hands in front of him. “I understand your frustration, Rhea. But you have to understand the position I’m in. You’re asking me to send troops into a foreign nation without clear evidence of government involvement. If I do that, and Bosco finds out, we could be looking at an international incident. And we don’t have enough to bring this to the Magic Council—not yet.”

“So what then?” Rhea’s voice was quieter now, but still intense. “You’re saying there’s nothing you can do? No way to help?”

Armin shook his head slowly. “I didn’t say that. I can increase patrols in Fiore, have my men keep an eye out for any more movements from Bosco. If we catch wind of another assassination attempt, then we’ll have enough to go to the council. But until then… my hands are tied. I can’t send troops into Bosco on a hunch.”

Rhea’s jaw tightened as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. She knew, deep down, that Armin was right. His hands were tied. Politics and bureaucracy were always in the way, always preventing the Rune Knights from doing what needed to be done. And yet, knowing that didn’t make it any easier to swallow.

She forced herself to speak again, though the words tasted bitter. “So that’s it, then. Extra patrols and nothing more.”

Armin sighed, his eyes softening with something like regret. “I’ll have my best men on it. We’ll watch Bosco’s movements closely, and if there’s any sign of further aggression, we’ll act. But a full-scale investigation? Not right now.”


The Daughter of Justice: III. A Call to Arms [SQ] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:50 pm



Rhea felt the familiar sting of disappointment and betrayal. She had known, deep down, that this might be the answer she received, but hearing it still felt like a slap in the face.

Lector, who had been silent for most of the exchange, suddenly spoke up, his small voice brimming with indignation. “This is a joke, right? Patrols? You do know we almost got killed, right? I don’t think Bosco’s assassins are going to be scared off by a few extra soldiers strolling around the countryside.”

Armin glanced at Lector, his face softening just a little. “I understand your frustration, Lector. I do. But I’m offering the best I can without escalating this into a war. Again, you’ll have my men watching your back.” The Major's gaze returned to Rhea "Until this all blows over, you'll be stationed at headquarters. Take it easy, you've done more than enough these few past weeks and you're already next in line to become Major. Fastest growing Knight to date. Celebrate or something, you deserve it."

Rhea’s heart sank as she heard his words. She had come here expecting help—real, tangible help. But all she was getting were promises of future actions, of cautious steps that might not even come in time. She drew in a slow, deep breath, feeling the weight of her disappointment settle like a stone in her chest. “I can't. Not when my life is on the line. Thank you for your time, Major Armin,” she said quietly, bowing her head in acknowledgment.

Without waiting for him to respond, she turned sharply and headed for the door, Lector scampering after her, casting one last glare at Armin before following her out. The Stellan elf could feel Armin’s eyes on her back, but she didn’t stop, she didn’t turn around. The bitter taste of betrayal lingered on her tongue as she stepped out of his office and into the long corridor. Back home, the politics were...different. The soldiers rode out for the pride and protection of their brethren. She understood the stakes that came with honoring such a request, but still. She hoped...

“That went well,” Lector muttered sarcastically, though his voice was edged with concern. The exceed glanced up at her, concern etched on his small face. “What now?” he asked, his voice quiet for once.

Rhea didn’t answer immediately. Her thoughts were spinning, but one thing had crystallized clearly in her mind.

“We leave for Stella,” she said finally, her voice low and firm.

Lector blinked. “Stella? Are you sure? Didn't your mom-”

Rhea nodded, her eyes hard. “If the Rune Knights won’t help me, then I’ll get my answers another way. My mother knows more than she’s ever told me. It’s time I found out the truth.”

And with that, Rhea strode forward, her heart hardened with resolve, ready for whatever lay ahead.



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