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You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:55 pm

Knuckles Shi

The airship of Knuckles Shi floated gracefully down to land before the imposing edifice of the Rune Knights Headquarters. It was impressively massive, with a structure that showed an intriguing architecture, tastefully combining both classical and modern elements. Majestic spires rose from the center, flanked on either side by strong walls with battlements; the large, arched entrance, flanking armored knights mounted on horseback, led into beautifully manicured gardens with immaculately trimmed hedges.

Knuckles turned towards the headquarters, and his heart felt a surge of admiration mixed with nostalgia. It was grand, but it couldn't hold a candle to the manor he grew up in his family's estate, sprawling with ornate columns and sprawling lawns, intricate frescoes adorning every inch. In contrast, the building of the Rune Knights Headquarters is rather austere, albeit impressive in its own right an embodiment of the disciplined nature of this organization.

As he landed and stepped off his airship, Knuckles felt a pang of uncertainty about Ittindi. How would his best friend and butler adapt to these surroundings? For Ittindi was used to the luxuries of Shi manor, where indulgence and comfort reigned supreme. Here, the grounds functioned and were pragmatic far removed from the elegant halls and florid rooms they were used to.

Knuckles hoped that Ittindi's loyalty and adaptability would help him find a place with the Rune Knights, even if the setting was less grandiose than what they had known.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 7:37 am

The tedium of Tōga's day was undeniable. His role as Colonel of the Rune Knights, while esteemed, often felt like a gilded cage, trapping him within a labyrinth of paperwork, endless discussions, and the weighty responsibilities of leadership. For a spirit as wild and untamed as his, the monotony of administrative duties was a constant source of frustration. Though grateful for his position, Tōga's heart ached for the untamed wilderness, the thrill of the unknown.

Thus, when the verdant grass outside his window swayed to reveal the descent of an ornate airship, it was as if the universe had conspired to grant him a much-needed reprieve. A surge of excitement coursed through his veins, and he hastily gathered his belongings, eager to shed the shackles of his bureaucratic existence.

As he made his way through the familiar halls of the headquarters, his steps quickened with anticipation. Outside, a throng of knights had already gathered, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected arrival. Tōga, his mismatched eyes scanning the scene, was among the first to reach the spectacle.

His gaze fell upon the airship's open hatch, and a broad grin spread across his face as he recognized the emerging figure. "Knuckles-san!" he exclaimed, his voice booming with genuine delight. His enthusiastic wave drew the attention of his fellow knights, but his focus remained on the demon piloting the vessel.

The relief that washed over him was profound. Knuckles' presence signaled a peaceful visit, not an impending invasion. The thought of defending their fortress from within, a notion that seemed absurd to Tōga, was thankfully not on the day's agenda. Instead, it promised camaraderie, a welcome break from the mundane, and perhaps even a hint of adventure.

Tōga's unspoken sigh of relief echoed through the courtyard. The prospect of a day free from conflict, a day spent in the company of a friend, was a welcome change of pace. As much as he relished the thrill of battle, today was a day for simple pleasures, for laughter and shared stories, a reminder that even a Rune Knight deserved a moment of respite from the relentless march of duty.

wc: 375


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:00 pm

Ittindi was at his old barracks doing the one thing a superior could count on when his demeanor was low. A surprise field day of the best activity…cleaning of course! He had just finished watching one of the Corporals scream at one of the privates for the same missed dust spot that had been in every room. Ittindi wondered what happened to the stipend he had gotten approved for telescopic dusters, he still saw the old cleaning equipment that should have been trashed or donated. When he found the corporal responsible he would ensure that they never received a promotion for the rest of their career. They had made a terrible enemy of the worse kind.

Sadly for the group of Rune Knights waiting for the room with a unauthorized female visitor they would be saved by a ship. As Ittindi heard a familiar rumble outside headquarters. He’d quickly dismiss himself from the group telling them to take the day off after setting up patrols and such. A quick salute here and there, then Ittindi was off as he opened the door out of the barracks his Tuxedo absorbed the summer rays peaking down, his pale face covered by the shadow of his top hat, Gold stripe changing to Red, with one long black feather tucked in the left side. Ittindi would see that Colonel Tōga had appeared as well. Ittindi knew he was at headquarters but hadn’t run into him busy schedules and all that.

”A regular calamity we are just the three of us, what are you doing here Young Master?”

He was curious why he decided to come visit, he hadn’t mentioned anything off to Ittindi in their usual correspondence. He wondered if there was some breaking news that had changed his current situation. Ittindi thought the only time he’d see his young master was when he was visiting Seven. The giant cross gun hung off Ittindi’s back with random quotes of Illumin that had been engraved in the weapon. Ittindi would be lying if he didn’t try a couple in the mirror and decided against catch phrases for himself.

#4Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 2:19 pm

Knuckles Shi

As if trouble was afoot Toga and Ittindi arrived shortly after Knuckles landed. Seeing that warming smile from Toga, Knuckles offered a hand wave. Soon Ittindi joined them and Knuckles offered a handshake to each other them. It had been true that when the three of them normally met up the world had some crisis for the three of them to handle.

"Greetings friends, Sir Toga and Ittindi, I am pleased to be greeted by you two. I was half expecting a guard squad to surround my ship when it touched down. I am at ease that is was just you two. Friends, I mean. Hahaha. "

Knuckles inspected both his friends to ensure they were in good health. "Well, there is something wrong I am sorry to report. It seems that we have yet to capture an elusive target and I need you two to help me capture it! Knuckles took time to look over his shoulder and behind the two men scanning for any unwanted ears. "I have come so we may work together on this. You see there is a target nearby that we must work together in hitting. I believe it has serval aliases. Though the one most known by all is..."

Knuckles paused a moment for dramatic effect. Unsure how this was going to go over. "The bar. They are giving drinks away! We must hurry! Though perhaps a tour first hm? As a friend I must ensure that this place is worthy of holding the World's best Butler and the Rivial of Knuckles The Clout Chaser Shi."

He tried with all his might to hold back the thunderous laugh behind his lips, it hurt to hold in this much laughter and it was the perfect Con to set up a day drinking trip. Though that last part was true, if this place did not measure up to his inspection he would require them both to leave those uniforms behind and join Sleeping Calamity in Seven, despite if they wished for it not. It was not like either of them had the strength to escape his grip.

After all, since the last time he had seen either of them Knuckles had gained a sizeable difference in muscle mass. He had even been practicing using a two-handed weapon with one hand to increase his strength. His strength was not all gained from armor blessings anymore, though the enchantments did still work.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:48 am

Oooooi, hello, Ittindi-san!” Tōga called out, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm as he spotted his friend approaching from the south. Ittindi, the stalwart butler and occasional companion in Tōga’s Rune Knight ventures, shared a uniquely intertwined path with the dragonslayer. Their careers had dovetailed early on, and their shared adventures had forged a bond that was hard to break. It was particularly convenient that Ittindi already knew Knuckles, the red-haired demon who commanded his service. The trio, now gathered in the open courtyard of the Rune Knight headquarters, seemed to be drawn together by some unseen force of fate, reconnecting once again under the banner of camaraderie and duty.

Sure! We’re always here to help!” Tōga chimed in cheerfully, glancing at Knuckles as the demon outlined the purpose of his visit. It was a duty call, not a leisurely stop. Though Tōga was typically eager to delegate the more mundane tasks to less experienced Knights—seeking to foster their growth—the prospect of embarking on a mission with Knuckles and Ittindi was too enticing to pass up. It was clear Knuckles had come a long way, and Tōga was curious to see how far.

Oh! That’s a good one, Knuckles-san, ahaha!” Tōga burst into laughter, entertained by Knuckles’ suggestion that their mission might just be a ruse for a spirited escape into the town for some revelry. “I’m free this afternoon,” he declared, brushing aside the reality of his packed schedule with a playful disregard. “Maybe we can get as drunk as we did that one time in Stella, Ittindi-san, hahaha,” he added, throwing a knowing look towards the butler. Their last outing during Stella’s Day of the Dead festivities had become the stuff of legend.

The suggestion hung in the air, a tantalizing possibility of reliving old glories or maybe even outdoing them. Whether they would end up chasing down leads on their mission or chasing drinks at the bar remained to be seen, but one thing was certain: with this trio, adventure was always just around the corner. Only a trip to the local tavern would determine if Knuckles could indeed keep pace with their legendary drinking feats or perhaps, even surpass them.

wc: 385 [760]


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:35 am

“Colonel Tōga, Young Guildmaster, getting drunk during the day what an atrocious idea.”

Ittindi would say curtly, but then would continue as he let the silence hang in the air for just a moment. He was glad Lady Lumikki wasn’t here she had a way of reading him, it ruined half the surprise.

”However, under the circumstances that we haven’t celebrated your newest accomplishment in Era my arm could be twisted. Just as long as we don’t get as drunk as we did when Lady Jikan killed me.”

Ittindi would adjust his neck thinking of the time he was slammed into the ground multiple times then hurled at a wall. Well, it was a wall before his body had destroyed it. That had been one of the more painful resurrections, as he could hear Naki laughing. Ittindi and Naki’s relationship had become more symbiotic since his awakenings. It seemed that he was on track to being one of the last avatars of death. If that meant he had to suffer for the rest of humanity, well that wasn’t much different than any other day being in service.

Sacrifice, even of his sterling reputation would be something Ittindi burdened alone. Drinking during the day in Era of all places, he’d have to keep his face stoic. Also did the Young Master mention that he had picked Colonel Tōga as a rival. The looming horizon of having to choose between his office or friend became more apparent every week. He had dueled with both and couldn’t be sure who was stronger. The Young Master had held back in their last fight, but Ittindi would get peaks of his true strength past the veil of his good intentions.

”Yes, I think we could get to Stella levels, though I don’t think we’ll be taking my car in that case. Probably not the airship either unless you have a pilot Young Guildmaster.”

Colonel Tōga may have gone all out, but they had both agreed to no magic, which was a severe handicap on both sides. He had some idea of his potential from their battle of the god, he was curious how thunder versus fire faired. The next time they fought he’d have to go watch, with Sleeping Calamity in Seven he found himself there more, especially after his talk with General Saturn.

He had neglected to mention to both of his friends his most recent change, the need to dye his hair back to it’s original color. His eye surgery that had to be redone close near every month. It wouldn’t do for his appearance to be the deep white he woke up with that morning. Their were some benefits, he was still a human at heart, his other awakening seemed even more powerful. He could now sense everything in his near vicinity and passively even know danger. It would change his up-close gun fighting style to more of a martial style. That and his other surprises, he needed to either train with Lady Lumikki or explain to either of his friends his magic’s change. Another thing that he had been keeping to himself, Ittindi had to be better about secrets or was this a lie?

#7Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:33 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles started to wonder when Ittindi had started calling him Young Guildmaster. It was something so small he just caught it, though then again perhaps it had been the first time this had occurred. Knuckles would have to address it later when he was alone with Ittindi, no matter what the case for it. He had told him already to stop with the master stuff, but he had gotten so used to it.

"Who's going to mind if two of the rising stars take off to broker a peace deal with the Sleeping Calmanity Guild Master? Or would they rather me return the guild to a nationwide threat?"

His face became serious with that question but then quickly changed as if he was joking. He was to an extent, he was here to broker some sort of alliance of the two guilds, but he also knew these two were not the one person he needed to see to make that happen officially. Though what he had said earlier was also true. If this place failed to hold to his standard he was bringing Ittindi back to Sleeping Calamanity with him and he would dare anyone to stop him.

" Of course I do! Who the hell do you think I am, I have my entire faction from my days as a Don on that ship. "

Knuckles looked back at the Airship and smiled. Turning back to his friends Knuckles pointed to the building. "Shall we?" Without waiting for either of the two men to lead the way, Knuckles started walking towards the building.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:37 am

"It's a fantastic idea!" Tōga countered, leaning into the spirit of fun and adventure. It wasn't often visitors graced Era, let alone arrived at their doorstep in such grand fashion. Knuckles had quite literally made an entrance, his massive airship now a prominent feature of the Rune Knight headquarters' courtyard.

"Wait, you died?" the dragon slayer inquired, looking towards the butler with half confused, though equally interested yes.

Tōga was aware of the unique bond between Ittindi and the Sleeping Calamity Guildmaster, though it still puzzled him at times. Their loyalty to one another seemed unwavering, yet they operated within distinct spheres, their personalities a stark contrast. Ittindi, a butler turned high-ranking knight, adhered to formalities, especially around the red-headed demon. Knuckles, on the other hand, exuded a near-reckless confidence, a man aware of his own strength and seemingly perched on a pedestal above the world. Their differences were as fascinating as they were perplexing.

When Knuckles playfully threatened to whisk Ittindi away from the Knights and back to his guild, Tōga merely smiled. "If that's his wish, he's free to go! But if you're planning on causing trouble, we'll be seeing a lot more of each other," he quipped. While his words carried a lighthearted tone, Tōga understood the delicate balance of power within their world. The Sleeping Calamity posed no threat at present, but should Knuckles' jest ever become reality, friendships would have to yield to a greater cause.

For now, however, the future remained unwritten, and drinks awaited. As Knuckles strode towards a nearby building, Tōga followed with a contented sigh. "I hope they have sake!" he mused, a wave of nostalgia washing over him.

The prospect of sharing a drink with Knuckles, a figure both respected and feared some many, intrigued Tōga. It was an opportunity to glimpse beyond the bravado and perhaps gain a deeper understanding of the man behind the legend. As they ventured into the building, Tōga's mind buzzed with anticipation. The day had taken an unexpected turn, but that was often the way of life in Era. Also, the man was never mad to hang out and drink more with his Rune Knight comrade.

wc: 400 [1,160]


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:50 am

”Well broker a peace deal, that sounds like Colonel Tōga’s department. I’ll be there to scribe notes lets go!.”

The idea of Sleeping Calamity being a nationwide threat would hamper his ability to freely visit them while a Rune Knight. He’d hate to have to invest in some kind of disguise to see the Young Master, or even worse him doing something so heinous that he’d have to cut ties.

Cut ties with the Rune Knights or the Young Master?

Ittindi would think the answer in his secret sanctum a place that even Naki couldn’t peer into. As Colonel Tōga had a question about him dying, Ittindi would no doubt have multiple slip ups with a conversation between the Young Master and the Colonel here. He’d just have to explain it any time it came up, odd to have someone be curious.

” Well it’s simple Colonel, the worlds greatest butler’s oath to cleaning is so strong that not even death could stop me from getting those stains out of a restaurants stove. I had the job the next morning. I know what you’re thinking before you ask…it was hydrogen peroxide with baking soda you let the mixed paste solution to sit overnight then you can get it clean out the next morning. Even when cooking with magical meat like this restaurant. I found out that tip in Minstrel.”

Ittindi was satisfied with that stove it had turned out great, the owners more so trying to find a way to make him a permanent employee. That was when his Young Master and Colonel Tōga would have one of their usual spats over Ittindi. It was an odd feeling; he still wasn’t entirely comfortable with their relationship since they almost seemed to be rivals. Luckily he hadn’t heard about any serious fights between the two.

If it did happen Ittindi would prefer not to watch, nothing would be worse than finding out his Young Master was holding back on the Colonel. He hoped they were close to the same league that way when Ittindi topped one he could top the other, even higher sat his teacher. Her bird feather almost seemed to shine in his top hat at his thoughts.

”I’m fine in the Rune Knights though I have yet to find a good second, what about you Colonel?”

Ittindi was curious what kind of place they were going first following behind both Colonel Tōga and the Young Master.

#10Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:56 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles let out a hearty laugh at Ittindi's explanation, finding the butler's dedication both amusing and admirable. "Only you, Ittindi, could cheat death just to clean a stove," he remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. It was moments like these that reminded Knuckles why he valued Ittindi so much—not just for his skills, but for his unwavering loyalty and quirky sense of humor.

Turning his attention to Tōga, Knuckles' expression became more serious, though a glint of mischief remained in his eyes. "You know, Tōga, if I ever did decide to cause some real trouble, you'd be the first to know. But for now, let's just keep things friendly, yeah? Besides, the last thing I want is to make an enemy out of a drinking buddy."

As they walked toward the building, Knuckles couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The tension between the Sleeping Calamity and the Rune Knights was palpable, but here they were, about to share a drink and some stories. It was a small victory in his larger plan to broker peace and strengthen alliances—one that he intended to see through to the end.

Once inside, Knuckles glanced around the room, his eyes scanning for a suitable place to sit. "Ittindi, take notes if you must, but make sure to grab a drink too. We're here to talk, not to hold court. And Tōga, let’s see if they’ve got that sake you’re so nostalgic about. I might even join you for a glass or two."

Knuckles then found a spot and settled in, his mind already working on how to steer the conversation. He knew this was just the beginning. Whether this meeting would end with a stronger alliance or an unspoken understanding between old friends, Knuckles was ready for whatever came next. "Alright, gentlemen, let's see what this place has to offer," he said, signaling for the drinks to be brought over.

The day was still young, and Knuckles had plans—big ones. But for now, it was time to enjoy the moment, build some camaraderie, and lay the groundwork for the future. As the drinks were served, Knuckles raised his glass, looking first at Ittindi, then at Tōga. "To old friends and new alliances," he toasted, the smile on his face as genuine as it was rare.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:32 am

"Well, Ittindi-san," Tōga chuckled, a hint of perplexity in his voice, "you must be truly dedicated to your butler duties!" Ittindi's revelation of his supposed ability to resurrect himself solely for the sake of his job left Tōga both amused and slightly perplexed. "Personally," he mused, "I'd probably use that kind of power to relive an epic battle or explore the world. But to each their own, I guess!" The pink-haired mage's smile was genuine, his words a reflection of his own adventurous spirit.

Turning back to the red-haired demon, Tōga's expression softened. "Yeah, let's not dwell on hypotheticals," he agreed, eager to diffuse any lingering tension. Despite his amicable demeanor, Tōga remained resolute. If Knuckles ever chose a path of conquest, he would find a formidable adversary in the Rune Knights, and in Tōga himself. But for now, there was no need to jeopardize a perfectly good friendship with unnecessary concerns.

As they entered the warmly lit tavern, Tōga's smile broadened as Knuckles and Ittindi claimed a table in the bustling space. "Sake, please!" he called out to the barkeep, taking his seat with a sense of eagerness. The fragrant steam rising from the ochoko filled him with a sense of homecoming. He poured himself a generous serving and filled two others, raising his cup in response to Knuckles' toast.

"To old friends, new alliances, and a lot of drinks to satisfy a good day, but not too much so Ittindi feels incline to clean as opposed to drink, hahaha!” Tōga declared, his voice ringing with sincerity. The clinking of cups echoed through the tavern, a cheerful orchestration that seemed to dispel any lingering shadows of doubt or unease. In that moment, surrounded by good companies and wonderful drinks, Tōga felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. The complexities of their world, the looming threats and uncertain futures, faded into the background. All that mattered was the present, the friendship, and the simple joy of raising a cup with friends, both old and new.

wc: 373 [1,533]


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:50 pm

Of course, the Young Master was more worried about their drinking than any note taking for the evening. What a bore, but Ittindi never had a problem keeping up with the festivities, even if he didn’t seem as jubilant as the others.  Ittindi wasn’t surprised by Colonel Tōga’s answer to what he’d do with his powers. However, there were countless Colonel Tōga’s like figures in Naki’s memory so far in all his exploration there had been none similar to him. He wondered if that meant he was suited, after all the cycle for someone paired with Oni could be decades. Ittindi wouldn’t truly surpass anyone until his time stretched so far the horizon of his origin was longer than any memory of another user.

As they sat down, it wouldn’t be a surprise that drinks were already on their way before the conversation had begun. They would all toast, and Ittindi hoped for the best silencing any thoughts from Naki or his own inner turmoil.

”To old friends and new alliances, and I always want to clean Colonel Tōga. I just know how to control myself. At least until we drink more!”

He’d finish his drink with a gulp after speaking. It was the first of the day, and Ittindi did enjoy the slow creep of the initial buzz, after that the drinking became pedantic for him. As he looked around the bar to take in the crowd, and the ambience, he did indeed hate the atmosphere of a bar. However, it was one of his favorite battlegrounds for the truly passionate. The staff of course, they had to not just fight drunk customers, but also the disgusting child like messes they created spontaneously.

”So last time I was out socially with each of you I asked you both about your romance life, I’ve heard about yours Young Guildmaster. Has yours faired any better Colonel? I’m afraid I haven’t found anyone worthy of my adoration on my front. Not that I was looking to hard to be honest.”

Indeed, he had given it thought the other day at Naki’s request. Going on a date following the pointless social conventions to try and find someone who completed him more than a suit or the warmth of a clean abode.

#13Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:29 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles took a long sip from his cup, feeling the warmth of sake spread while Tōga and Ittindi exchanged words. The tavern was alive, often easy to be swept into, but only if one joined a conversation; his mind, though, was several paces ahead.

He leaned back in his chair with a chuckle. "Ittindi, I must admit that I don't envy your disinterest in romance. Of course, I have my plate full in that regard. Soon I will be setting off for Iceburg to begin the trials I must undertake to wed Lady Lumikki."

His eyes shifted to Tōga as a knowing smile played on his lips. "It's not about strength or power, but about proving your worth in every way. A different type of battle, but one I'm ready to face.".

He raised his cup once more and nodded to Ittindi. "While you clean bars, and Tōga here relives epic battles, I'll be out in the cold fighting for something worth more than any conquest or title.

Knuckles was interested in what Toga's love life was looking like, he had never thought of the man outside any light besides battle. To be fair though, Knux had not thought of love for himself until Ittindi had brought the idea up to him saying how he needed to find a suitable wife to bear an heir to the Shi name and also restart the nobility of the Shi name outside of Fiore.

Knuckles finished whatever remained in his cup and started on the second round. As for Ittindi, Knuckles was unsure if the man could do something like a relationship knowing how dirty it could get.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:25 am

"Love life?" Tōga pondered aloud, the word hanging in the warm evening air between sips of sake. He deftly topped up his small Ochoko, offering to refill those of Ittindi and Knuckles as well, whenever their cups ran dry. The casual atmosphere was punctuated by laughter and the clink of ceramic.

"Yeah, I heard you and Lumi-chan were together! It was a bit of a shock, but she seems happy, and that’s what counts, right?" Tōga’s grin was infectious, mirroring the brightness of the sun that drenched the skies of Era. His enthusiasm for his friends’ happiness was palpable, an echo of his boundless energy. “And yeah, I have a partner, sort of?” His brow furrowed slightly in thought, reflecting the uncertainty of their relationship's definition. “Her name’s Ursula-chan. Met her on a quest. We’ve been spending a lot of time together, and I really like her a lot! She’s a bit rough around the edges—but in the best way,” he added quickly, ensuring his comrades understood that her unorthodox approach to romance was not just adequate but appreciated.

In Tōga’s life, love had always been secondary to his passions for combat and adventure. His heartbeat for the thrill of discovery, the joy of battle. Love, in his experience, was akin to a mythic quest—complex and unpredictable, filled with unexpected twists. Just when you thought you had it figured out, it surprised you, revealing depths and intricacies you never imagined.

Maybe we should all get together for a group date? Double, triple-date, something like that?” he suggested with a laugh. “Well, except for Ittindi-san, but who knows? Maybe you’ll meet someone on one of your epic butler adventures!” His tone was teasing yet warm, filled with genuine hope for his friend. Tōga leaned back, his gaze drifting across the faces of his companions, filled with joy, but yet, somewhat blank, an empty canvas awaiting the colors of the day to paint what was to happen.

wc: 363 [1,896]


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:41 pm

Ittindi was pleased to hear from both of his friends that they found suitable matches. He chuckled for a second, a break in his usual stoic demeanor before taking a swig of his refreshed drink before talking.

”I think the last time I had any interest in a women was when we invaded that guild years ago. I just have a natural affinity towards stronger women I guess. Though I didn’t see her in the guild hall when I went to visit Lady Lumikki and Sir Brone”

Ittindi thinking reflectively on his love life in recent years, there hadn’t even been a stirring in that area in so long. He wondered some days if he was asexual, but then he’d remember certain catalogues he was interested in as a boy. The need for certain maids for certain moods, usually reminded Ittindi that he was just busy not asexual.

”Hm, I’m sure if its meant to be it’ll happen. Though I suppose that’s what people who are lazy say, I imagine I’ll get lonely enough to search again one day. For now the only thing I’m searching for is my next promotion.”

At the mention of group dates, Ittindi suddenly felt much better about his decision to forego romance. He had never been on anything like a group date, and always wondered why people would want to compete as a couple against other friends. Better to have a general group meeting and invite couples and singles, perhaps their dates will be so fun Ittindi will be inspired. The thought almost made him chuckle, before taking another drink. His second cup was almost finished Ittindi would wonder a question he couldn’t speak aloud. Something to ask another day when both were alone, not together.

”More on your level, I do have a new artifact I’m acquiring soon from one of my former employers. Should be quite effective in both of your passions aka my fleeting hobby combat.  I was mainly interested because supposedly it isn’t visible when not deployed as armor, so I’ll be able to exercise my excellent fashion.”

#16Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:46 pm

Knuckles Shi

"Ah, Tōga, ever looking to add some chaos in the cauldron," Knuckles Shi chuckled, raising his cup in friendly toast. "Glad to hear you're finding your rhythm with Ursula-chan. Sounds like she's got a fire in her that matches your own. I can definitely see how she'd be a good fit for you."

Knuckles sipped his drink thoughtfully, letting the warm sake seep through him. "As for Lady Lumikki and me, well. it's been a journey, to say the least. Ups and downs all over, but I wouldn't change that for anything. She changed the way I see things, and if anything is worth more than an arena victory, that is it." He paused looking at Toga in the eyes.

"Though what allures me is why you find that shocking."

He sat back, with a grin turned to Ittindi. "A group date, huh? That could be kind of fun-a way to mix things up. And who knows? Maybe you will get inspiration about your next big adventure. If not, it is a good time with friends. I would not pass on an opportunity to kick back and enjoy some company out of the grind."

Knuckles nodded in appreciation when Ittindi spoke of the artifact. "Sounds interesting. I have always liked how you balance functionality and style. Eager to witness what's next; perhaps it'll give me a run for my money in fashion!" He laughed outright, a real merry sound. "Anyway, here's to us-the victories, the loves, and the adventures to come. Cheers!"

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:10 am

As Tōga fidgeted slightly, his fingers brushing the back of his neck in a display of endearing nervousness, the laughter around the table was warm and hearty. “Yeah, she’s definitely got that fiery side!” he chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and pride as he shared tales of Ursula. “Sometimes, I’m the one getting roasted, and I’m supposed to be the fire dragon slayer here!” His jest drew another round of laughter, the joyous sound mingling with the clinks of filled sake cups.

Knuckles, ever the perceptive demon, nodded along, his own relationship with Lumikki providing a rich backdrop to his understanding. “You two sound perfect for each other,” he commented, topping off Tōga’s cup with a practiced pour. “And speaking of battles, have you ever sparred with her? I’ve had a few rounds with Lumikki, and let me tell you, there’s nothing like a duel to spice things up!” Tōga’s laughter boomed across the small gathering as he recalled his own clash with Lumikki. “Our match in the arena was something else. They say fire beats ice, but that day, I learned that ice can pack a hell of a punch too!” His eyes shone with the vivid memory of the encounter, a fierce battle that had indeed brought them closer, their mutual respect deepened through the shared language of combat.

Attention then shifted to Ittindi, who had been more reserved about his romantic escapades. The butler shared a wry smile as the conversation turned his way, his voice tinged with a hint of nonchalance. Knuckles offered up words that the dragon slayer merely nodded to until the conversation shifted to some new artifact Ittindi would be in possession of soon. This equipment, from the little information shared, was enough to make Tōga sigh in jealously.

Tōga nodded sympathetically, his expression morphing into mock exasperation. “I don’t know how you always prioritize appearance and fashion even in battle. Every time I fight, I eventually have to replace something because I burnt a hole in it or something!” His dramatics brought another burst of laughter from himself as he mused over how many outfits he had to replace after letting a spell or two loose. If he had known the cost, maybe his earlier teachings would have shifted towards a magic less destructive – or probably not.

To victory, to love and to adventure!” he’d join the cheers happily.

So Knuckles-san – what’s it like being a Guild Master?!

wc: 455 [2,341]


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Tue Sep 17, 2024 10:54 pm

He’d listen to the two romantics go on about their love lives and the struggles of relationships. That Ittindi could understand, it was hard enough maintaining his friendships something more advanced did sound taxing. Not to be all negative, Ittindi was aware that the reward was more than worth the struggle, when you found the right person at least.  He’d raise his drink for the cheers.

”To my few friends, and my many clients!”

Ittindi would take a drink while thinking about his sparring, while he hadn’t fought Lady Lumikki as Colonel Tōga and no doubt the Young Master had; Ittindi’s relationship with Lady Lumikki was as a mentor so while he had witnessed her power firsthand it was in a different avenue. It was odd to find that mage closest to his understanding of magic was a demon and his Young Master’s bride to be.  He had seen the colder parts of her personality, but much like Ittindi’s emotions they often stayed beneath the surface. Ittindi would laugh again this time much harder at Colonel Tōga’s implication that Ittindi’s suits weren’t destroyed. Looking over at Colonel Tōga, he’d answer back.

” Well the last Tuxedo I had was enchanted, as for my other suits I usually have 5-7 made at a time. It hasn’t happened as much in the Rune Knights, but back when the Young Master and I were in a guild I could barely go a day without having to buy a new outfit. I remember weeks I’d go work at a soup kitchen to eat the leftovers at the end of the day so I could afford more designer. Now days I don’t have to worry about that with a Major’s paycheck. Though I am thinking about buying property soon to store my growing collection.”

Ittindi was also thinking about eventually opening a school of etiquette. It wouldn’t be anytime soon with his obligations expanding with General Saturn’s new approach to the Rune Knights. A global force for good was the best way Ittindi could find to summarize their new intent. He’d listen to the Young Master’s answer on being a Guild Master. Ittindi was curious, it seemed that sometimes he was prouder than Knuckles on his achievements. He wondered if it that was a relic from his parental abuse, or something else entirely.  

”So, how long will your patience hold before I hear of Sleeping Calamity’s first guild raid? Or do you find yourself amicable with your neighboring guilds this time?”

#19Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:56 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles leaned back in his chair, a grin spreading across his face as he listened to Tōga and Ittindi banter about their romantic lives and sartorial dilemmas. The laughter and camaraderie filled the air, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these.

“Ah, you two sound like you’ve got your hands full! But it’s those fiery battles, whether in the arena or the heart, that make life interesting.” He poured himself another cup, enjoying the warmth spreading through him.

“As for being a Guild Master, it’s a different kind of challenge. It’s not just about leading; it’s about forging bonds and building trust. Each member has their own battles to fight, and I need to ensure I’m strong enough to support them. I can’t wait to show everyone what Sleeping Calamity is made of!”

He raised his cup for another toast. “To victories, love, and the adventures that await us all! And who knows, maybe a raid isn’t too far off. We’ve got plans brewing, and I intend to strengthen our ties with neighboring guilds before we strike. It’s all about finding the right moment.”

Knuckles glanced at Ittindi, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. “And hey, with your flair for fashion, I think you’d make a great addition to our guild's reputation. Imagine the shock on our enemies’ faces when they see you and I roll up looking like we just walked off a runway!”

The lightheartedness of the conversation surrounded them, and Knuckles felt a sense of determination. The future was full of possibilities, and he was ready to face them head-on, with friends by his side.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:54 am

Yeah, it’s definitely been an adventure,” Tōga chuckled, his expression one of genuine contentment. His journey with Ursula was a tale of unexpected compatibility—a delightful symphony of contrasts that somehow harmonized. Like a dollop of honey melting on a scoop of ice cream or a refreshing breeze on a stifling summer day, their differences only enhanced the connection they shared. In his eyes, they weren’t just making it work; they were perfect because this was their moment, their exact right time to thrive together against any odds.

As Knuckles elaborated on his new role as Guild Master, Ittindi couldn't resist chiming in with a lighthearted jab about potential guild raids, sparking a wave of laughter around the table. Knuckles, however, responded with an unexpected poise that piqued Tōga’s interest, revealing a depth to his plans that veered away from outright aggression. “So, are you planning a stealth attack, or will you give them a fair warning before you swoop in?” Tōga quipped, his tone playful yet probing beneath the surface. As a Rune Knight, the fine line between jest and duty was one he navigated daily, and unprovoked assaults were no trivial matter. His question, though light-hearted, sought to gauge the seriousness behind the banter, especially since Ittindi’s involvement could complicate matters given his obligations to the Rune Knights.

I can hardly picture you and Ittindi as a duo of havoc, especially with your impeccable fashion sense,” Tōga continued, laughter tinting his voice as he pictured the unlikely scenario. “Though, I must admit, you both do have a knack for making an impression with your style.” he joked.

wc: 284 [2,625]

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